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enjoying gaming again


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I'm not put off by games simply because of them being difficult, personally I'd respect a trophy list more for having a hard game incomplete on their list compared to a 100% completion list that only has very easy trophies on it. I wouldn't intentionally start an unobtainable game but any game that is obtainable and I like the look of, I'll start it regardless of difficulty, at the end of the day trophies are only a hobby and won't benefit you in the future, so you might as well enjoy whatever games you want. I'm not really someone that cares what people will think when they look at my trophy list, if they had any criticisms, they sure didn't tell me hahaha. 

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My inspiration to keep getting plats has taken a nosedive since my #100 too. 


I've still enjoyed gaming though. Maybe try to get into something different. I got into Overwatch for a good few months, and it was a lot of fun to team up with my buddies and just enjoy the game. 


I don't really know what to recommend. I just stopped caring about trophies so much and played whatever I felt like. 

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Everyone's been here.


Shit's actually fun again since I stopped caring a good couple years back. I just rebeat a game on Switch as a different character, same levels and all, but I did it because I had fun and wanted to go back, not because of some stupid platinum dragging me back in. The satisfaction came from playing a game I enjoyed, not from a trophy.


And honestly, it's what I imagine a recovering addict feels like when they pass up a hit. Sure, one is more serious and the other is just a digital game token, but the point is the same. You keep seeking your next hit, you don't care where it comes from, you don't care that after a while you're not really having fun anymore, all you want is to keep chasing that (platinum) high. Then eventually, you get over it as you have, and move on with your shit. 


It's a nice feeling, being clean and playing for fun again, as I'm sure you'll soon find out.

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2 hours ago, Super-Fly Spider-Guy said:

Everyone's been here.


Shit's actually fun again since I stopped caring a good couple years back. I just rebeat a game on Switch as a different character, same levels and all, but I did it because I had fun and wanted to go back, not because of some stupid platinum dragging me back in. The satisfaction came from playing a game I enjoyed, not from a trophy.


And honestly, it's what I imagine a recovering addict feels like when they pass up a hit. Sure, one is more serious and the other is just a digital game token, but the point is the same. You keep seeking your next hit, you don't care where it comes from, you don't care that after a while you're not really having fun anymore, all you want is to keep chasing that (platinum) high. Then eventually, you get over it as you have, and move on with your shit. 


It's a nice feeling, being clean and playing for fun again, as I'm sure you'll soon find out.

You realize trophy hunting can be fun for people too?

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4 hours ago, rus678 said:

I recently got to my 100th platinum trophy i enjoyed getting them, but now i want to stop putting off playing games i think would be too hard to plat and just enjoy the content and not stress if i find it too hard to get the platinum.it became a bit of an obsession to get the plat in the game no matter how long it took and end up not enjoying myself but do it anyway,i just wonder if anyone else has had this problem 

Well... yeah, sometimes the trophies are an impediment when looking for some game and think if play or not, I think games are first and trophies are behind, because I dont think people lose the interest for play games, they lose the interest for trophies, because they worry to much for thing like completion or stats. 

Edited by AlchemistWer
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Play games you enjoy playing. I personally find some fun in playing shitty games, so that's on me, but they aren't always easy. :P If you enjoy playing a game, the difficulty or especially length won't really make much of a difference for you I think, at least that's my experience. As long as you're enjoying yourself, I don't think you'll have any problem. :P 

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I almost fell into that trap after I got my first platinum, I started looking around for games that I knew I could platinum but never got as far as buying them. I started thinking about it, and realized I'd be cheating myself out of playing some awesome games if I only bought stuff I could platinum. An example of mine would be say, Metal Gear Rising, there's absolutely no way in hell I was ever going to platinum that game and I knew that when I bought it. The thing is every game I have platinumed, I've genuinely enjoyed so I don't feel like a platinum necessary has to suck the fun out of gaming. Perhaps in the unlikely event I ever reach 100 I'll feel differently :P 

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I think a lot of trophy hunters miss out on the fun in games because they're busy going for the challenge.


Here's a bit of advice. Get a copy of something like Uncharted 2 and play it on the easiest setting. Hell, play Uncharted 4 on the easiest settings if you've got that one, it'd probably work better as it likely has more set-pieces and is probably prettier. Just speed through the game, don't speed-run it, but just run through the game casually. Suddenly the game stops being the challenging jungle combat exploration game, and becomes a cartoon Indiana Jones romp. It's like a completely different game compared to the hard difficulties.

Do this every now and then with a game with a particularly easy, easy mode. You'll be shocked how much you enjoy just being a baddass and running through easy levels almost like a palette cleanser. Might help.

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18 hours ago, madbuk said:

You realize trophy hunting can be fun for people too?

Yeah, and I also realize that's a game in itself and I both understand and respect that. Not knocking on hunting or hunters in general.


But to me it was quite addicting for some time and overall brought down my enjoyment of the medium. I'm aware there's a shitload of people who get enjoyment out of trophies on their own and that's dope.


In direct response to your question though, you realize this is a thread about giving up trophies right?

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This is part of the reason I don't aggressively trophy hunt, and instead really only want to platinum games I really like or games I bought and want to trade/get rid of, and want to plat so that I don't have a reason to want it again later. When I did aggressively hunt trophies and wound up losing tons of them due to having a PS3 fail on me before I could sync to the PSN again (while I lived somewhere with no internet), it made me feel so sad that I lost so much progress. Now, I casually hunt, and even still, I sometimes fall into a rut where I just don't want to play anything. I have so many unopened / digital games I haven't even started yet, my backlog will take me years to complete. I play an average of 8 hrs a week, typically speaking. :( 

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On 2.8.2017 at 1:51 AM, BurnedChipmunk said:

I think a lot of trophy hunters miss out on the fun in games because they're busy going for the challenge.


Here's a bit of advice. Get a copy of something like Uncharted 2 and play it on the easiest setting. Hell, play Uncharted 4 on the easiest settings if you've got that one, it'd probably work better as it likely has more set-pieces and is probably prettier. Just speed through the game, don't speed-run it, but just run through the game casually. Suddenly the game stops being the challenging jungle combat exploration game, and becomes a cartoon Indiana Jones romp. It's like a completely different game compared to the hard difficulties.

Do this every now and then with a game with a particularly easy, easy mode. You'll be shocked how much you enjoy just being a baddass and running through easy levels almost like a palette cleanser. Might help.


Great advice, games are literally the only thing you can put on easy. If life could be set to easy you bet your ass I'd do it. 

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I always play for fun so I have a lot of games added that are a bit above my comfort zone difficulty-wise (I don't think any of them have a platinum oddly enough). I am a completionist so I collect the trophies in most games but I try not to be obsessed about it so if I don't like a game enough or the grind is way too long I don't bother with it even if I loaded it on my profile.

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On 1 August 2017 at 11:51 PM, BurnedChipmunk said:

I think a lot of trophy hunters miss out on the fun in games because they're busy going for the challenge.


Here's a bit of advice. Get a copy of something like Uncharted 2 and play it on the easiest setting. Hell, play Uncharted 4 on the easiest settings if you've got that one, it'd probably work better as it likely has more set-pieces and is probably prettier. Just speed through the game, don't speed-run it, but just run through the game casually. Suddenly the game stops being the challenging jungle combat exploration game, and becomes a cartoon Indiana Jones romp. It's like a completely different game compared to the hard difficulties.

Do this every now and then with a game with a particularly easy, easy mode. You'll be shocked how much you enjoy just being a baddass and running through easy levels almost like a palette cleanser. Might help.

I mean it's not like crushing is that hard anyway. I played Uncharted on easy for the speedrun trophy and I don't see how it was any different to crushing aside from taking less damage.

Brutal on the other hand is noticeably different (and unfair), but you can't play that from the start anyway.

Edited by madbuk
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I really need to force myself to platinum Megadimension Neptunia VII. It has been long overdue but I don't love the series anymore and I don't want to deal with hassle of the new game features in it (they aren't hard but annoying) but I should at least platinum that game before quitting Neptunia for good. I was planning to platinum all of the God of War series but sadly my PS3 fucking died on me and since then I haven't played Console games in awhile. I just mostly play mobile games like Love Live School Idol Festival and Fate Grand Order.

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I reached this stage a long time ago. I got my hardest plats (Mirror's Edge, Bionic Commando, Wheelman and maybe Rage) when I first started out trophy hunting, and from there it's always been game first, trophies second. The most seriously I've approached trophy hunting in years was with the Crash Bandicoot remakes, but that was because I knew 2 out of 3 games inside out, and the challenge of it was genuinely fun. Most games I play blind for the first run, and if I can mop up the remaining trophies without another full playthrough, I'll do it. If not, it gets sold or deleted. Would rather have fond memories of playing a game for the first and last time than horrible memories of playing it over and over for a platinum.

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3 hours ago, madbuk said:

I mean it's not like crushing is that hard anyway. I played Uncharted on easy for the speedrun trophy and I don't see how it was any different to crushing aside from taking less damage.

Brutal on the other hand is noticeably different (and unfair), but you can't play that from the start anyway.

Try it again and play badly. You'll see the difference then. Enemies miss more often, you take less damage when they do hit, enemies die in only a one or two hits, enemies die from centre-mass and limb shots not just headshots, enemies use cover a lot less, crumbling wall pieces etc. break slower... it's basically all easier. But if you're going through it with skill aiming for regular headshots and actually taking effective cover, you probably won't notice the difference.

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Ok lads the majority of us are adults.

So we have life responsibilities! 

The guys with close too 100 platinums or over just listen ok. Don't get my mad k.


I don't understand counting the different regions for platinums, I feel like its a waste of time.

I Understand there's glitch y trophies like infamous etc

Yet how many easy children games have platinum's that have no challenge a all?.I can't really accept those as platinum. Darks Souls totally.


So honesty recount your trophies and think what was the hardest most accomplishment platinum you have ever got.

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In my case I need to be in the mood, I've put off Final Fantasy 12 3 times now to play something else. Far cry 3 which I'll plat, Fallout 3 which I made 2 trophies on in 2010, etc etc. Enjoying the game is number one all of the time. The 7 year gap for fallout 3, I just wasn't in the mood and now I am. The platinum is just if I really like the game or it just happens to pop.

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