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Games you are most looking forward to on XBOX ONE X!


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Honestly there's not a great deal. There's a reason I don't yet own an Xbox One... but the 4K playback looks good, and it'd be a reason to pick it up as it can play the 4K Blu Ray films (something the PS4 Pro can't do, which is why I'm not upgrading from the PS4).

Still. There are a few games...

Sunset Overdrive looks fun and has from the start, I like that they've made movement look fun but it's a bit try-hard. Dead Rising 3 looked good, though I wasn't a massive fan of the first so I'm not sure if it'd be a system seller. Quantum Break is a game I'd really like to play at some point, it's probably the game I'm most interested in trying on Xbox, it just looks fun, though I heard it has jarring FMV sequences which sounds weird for a modern game. I do like the Forza series on 360 and I've not got any decent racing games and the moment, so the new Forza 7 would be worth checking out. I'm a sucker for 2D platformers so both Ori and the Blind Forest which I believe is getting a sequel, and Cuphead are games I'm watching. Finally there's ReCore which looks like it'd be a cool open world adventure, but no-one seems to mention it much. Other than that... there's nothing else that I want that I don't already own on PS4. That said, I might be tempted to get future multiplats on Xbox One X if there was a notable difference in performance compared with the based PS4 (which is what I own). All together that's 7 games and I don't buy digital releases so if Cuphead doesn't get a physical release I'll be passing on that.

I have a personal rule that I won't buy a new console unless there's a minimum of 5 retail released games out for it that I want, that I can't play elsewhere already. The Xbox One X only just crosses this line. (and the Nintendo Switch falls pitifully short). It has something to offer at least, but it doesn't feel like enough for me yet.

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49 minutes ago, Bullstomp said:

Are you lost?1f615.png


No, this is posted in the correct section of the site where discussions pertaining to other consoles are supposed to take place. 


I haven't decided if I'm getting an Xbox One X yet but if I do Forza 7 will be the main reason. Cuphead looks absolutely amazing (I hope it eventually comes to PS4) and I'll be getting that on both console and PC, I don't think an Xbone X will really enhance the experience though. 




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well nothing really off the top of my head, however change the name of it is better, I mean xbox one x? that is a dum name, should of be just called xbox 720XL or something like that no xbox one, it is a dum name but yeah that is me, however I hope alan wake 2 is not a xbox only game. and the first one comes to ps4 at least along with condemned 1 

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Scalebound... oh wait.

To be honest the only thing interesting me about it is the backwards compatibility or at least digital copies of old games from the first Xbox and 360 era. Because I never got to play either of those and those were where the interesting variety and exclusives were from, at least from what I've seen.
I only own an Xbox One because a friend bought me it just to simply play Halo with him, but we both agreed I could sell it for a One X if the old games library is expansive enough.

Edited by TheJadedJay
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1 hour ago, KANERKB said:

well nothing really off the top of my head, however change the name of it is better, I mean xbox one x? that is a dum name, should of be just called xbox 720XL or something like that no xbox one, it is a dum name but yeah that is me 

But that acronym! XBox One X


1 hour ago, TheJadedJay said:

To be honest the only thing interesting me about it is the backwards compatibility or at least digital copies of old games from the first Xbox and 360 era.

This is me. I bought my Xbone when the holy trinity happened

I. They threw out the Kinect, dropped the price, and got competitive.

II. Phil Spencer and his sexy buns fixed the company's imagine enough to make me forget E3 2013.

III. Backward god damned compatibility (with a side of Rare Replay and Conker)




As far as games I want on the Xbone X goes? Well, I won't be getting one. I have a PS4 Pro because exclusives and my backlog and it's just a great machine. I have an Xbone because exclusives and backward compatibility, it's great. I have a Switch because it offers something entirely different from the two big boys and it too, is great. Xbox One X is ultimately probably gonna be a sexypants powerful console and all, but most third parties ain't gonna bother to capitalize on it and I'll still end up buying mostly on PS4 and Switch when possible. If Microsoft of 2016/17 was there in 2013, and they brought out backward compatibility from the get go and this fucking beast of a console (even if it was a couple hundred more, bare in mind the Xbone launched for 650 here, and the Xbone X is launching for 650 as well) I'd have probably switched from my beloved PS3.


Anyway, the Xbox One X looks to be a cool console, but ultimately I'm happy with my current get up, which is usually lucky to hit 1080p as it is, and since the Xbox One X has already been caught out not being able to make 4K on even average looking games like Killing Floor 2, well, I'm not sure we'll actually get that much better of a performance. I'mma stick with what I got until either a super price drop, or it proves me wrong and actually drops some amazing looking games.


Bullshit only semi-related rant aside, are there even any lists of announced games that will be better? I know they said Gears and Forza and co at E3 would be bettered and whatnot, but I wouldn't mind a full list. Anyway, it would be a dick move, but they should keep OG Xbox emulation to the Xbone X, I'd buy one in a heartbeat if I could shove in ANY old Xbox disc. Sure I'd end up spending a bunch of money rebuying shit I traded years ago, but Spider-Man 2 and Tony Hawk and Vice City and here's my 650 Microshaft.

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I was a 360 boy last generation and I switched to Playstation for this one.


I was disapointed with Halo 4, after loving the first 3 games and it looks like Halo 5 was even worse (excluding the MP.) Gears of War is really the only game I'd like to play. I'm really not even on the fence at all by this point, one of the reasons I moved to PS4 instead XBOX One was the 360 had hardly any exclusives by the end, except for Halo (Halo 4 was the worst of the series imo) and Forza, which does not really interest me.


Fast forward a 4 years and it's the same situation all over again, Sony just has far too many good games that you can't play on XBOX and list is only growing, and they still have big games and new IP to come in the coming years. 


I like to have the most powerful tech but that's really the only thing the X has going for it, will be great for 3rd party games I'm sure but I already have a PS4Pro and I don't think the difference is going to be huge ... probably slightly more stable framerates and on some games a slightly higher resolution.


Microsoft really needs some new IP that shows what this box can do if it wants to pull people in who are outside thier current user group.


I hope it does well because competition is good, the way MS has handled back compat is excellent and really put the Sony solution to shame, they also seem to be better with customer service. The fact we still can't get refunds at this point is quite frankly ridiculous.

Edited by tpepper1985
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Just Cuphead, really. Was looking forward to Scalebound, but that got cancelled. Xbox has really been lacklustre this generation so far with exclusives. Only thing I like more about the Xbone than the PS4 at this point is its ever growing library of games that are backwards compatible with it. Really wish Sony would do something similar with the PS4.

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