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Censorship in gaming


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(OK, clearly something changed ever since the site revamp because I put in a lot of images but now it all seems like a giant wall of text. I'll try to see what's wrong later.)


EDIT: Found out the problem, images inserted.

Edited by jrdemr
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Let me sum censorhip in current games for you:
One of the biggest reasons (aside from culture, religion etc.) of censorship is LOWERING PEGI RATING in order to (supesedely) legally sell games to a wider (younger) audience.
As for why Censorship is completely unnecesary - Modern consoles have sonething called "Parental controls" which could handle the censorship for anyone under the required PEGI and give uncensored content to any adult.
As an adult I REALLY hate getting censored or ripped content. I paid for 100% of the game, not 70% of it.

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Censorship is sometimes necessary to localize a game, microbikinis on a 13 year old in xenoblade, or the shower massage minigame on "loli" characters in mugen souls is a good example of why they censor titles


also vagina bones? It was the pelvis


to add to that, the censorship is mainly for the parents that buy games for kids, they rarely censor mature rated games unless they violence is too high to even attain an M rating. Not only that, but they could risk government intervention if they feel they're overstepping their bounds(like they did in the 90s which eventually caused the formation of the ESRB)

Edited by SnowxSakura
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i live for about 3 years in a european country were you have a lot of censorship. for ex gta san andreas don t have blood, metal gear solid 5 has normal and censured version. also sleeping dogs and dead nation cannot be bought were.

i m totaly agaist it because we leave in a free country, at least is what they say. our id card should be enough to buy this sexual or violent games.


p.s. playing this type of games dont make you a mass murderer or sexual predator

Edited by Facas
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I'm against censorship in any form of art. The only kind of work that I would disagree with releasing to the public is work that actually harms people, and so far I haven't seen a game that has had that impact on people, so I'm basically completely against censorship. Also something that's related to censorship are rating systems. I honestly think that if a kid is playing something that they shouldn't be then the blame should be completely on the parent. I think that rating systems are a lazy way to monitor what people of different age groups can experience and take belief out of the idea of the individual. With that said, I think the perception of young children being largely affected by what they experience in art is completely overblown. Personally my reaction to the gore and sex in God of War was a shrug when I was ten years old and that hasn't changed one bit to now. So even if I was told I had to create some type of rating system even if I don't believe in it, I would create one rating for people below twelve years-old and one for people above the age of twelve.


There's my piece of mind on censorship

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To be clear your examples are not censorship. Censorship is the suppression of speech or communication by another group (media outlets, the government, etc.). Forcing South Park the Stick of Truth to remove scenes to be legally sold in Australia is true censorship. Changing the content of your product to suit a different market or to prevent backlash is a decision made by the developer or publisher. It would still be legal in most cases to sell the above games but there may (or may not) be negative press around the content. Preemptively avoiding negative press is not the same as being censored. Remember people die in China and North Korea and elsewhere for the things they say, so be happy that the worse you see is the loss of "vagina bones." That said, I do get the frustration over the changes but just remember, given the current political landscape in many countries, drawing the ire of those in charge is not worth it when it could be avoided by a handful of small changes. 

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I only get mad when they cut stuff out like dialogue that had no meaning to be censored or if it's stuff crucial to the story. When small things get changed and it really doesn't affect my game, that's fine.


Also holding games back due to SJW crap or anything along those lines is borderline stupid. What happened to voting with your cash? Sure you can import but goddam, I would love to just pay for a game I really love in my country and play it. Not having to care what some snowflakes said about it and keep the game from ever coming west.


28 minutes ago, Satoshi Ookami said:

Censorship is, together with English dub, the worst thing west brought to gaming industry.


I liked the english dub in Persona 5, I don't mind it in games but I can see why some people don't.

Edited by Cielle
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Censorship never makes sense, and still finds ways of becoming more ridiculous. A great example...




I find it very difficult to believe that any sane person could look at the image on the right and deem it "inappropriate" and then look at the image on the left and think that it's "suitable". Yet this is the type of behavior that we continue to see. Why is this accepted as necessary? Why do this at all? No one ever has a logical answer.

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I'm a big proponent of free speech, especially in art. 

I hate to bring up the confederate monuments as an example because I think there were some extremely racist people involved. 

But on the other hand, I have no doubt others weren't and wanted them there so we don't forget what happened. 


Whether it be historical(good and bad), or video games, or movies, or books, I don't believe in censorship. Not like this. 


Ya know my friend in Germany, the schools don't teach about the holocaust, and it's deemed inappropriate to talk about. 

They went full censorship. 


In the US, we are taught about wars and skirmishes that show badly on all sorts of countries and ourselves. Including terrorism.

It's so we know and don't make the same mistakes(well it helps...) 

And censorship in video games, is just limiting what we can learn(good and bad).

From half naked men and women, to wars, to homosexuality, to religious overtones that conflict with other religions, to shooting people in an airport(which a lot of people felt emotionally and ethically bad about doing so, which is a good thing). And of course the most popular(and ridiculous censorship for its time) Hot Coffee :facepalm: of which now there's full on sex scenes in games.(actually if you played phantasmagoria back in the early 90s, ya we had sex scenes back then too in video games)


So my views on censorship are pretty strong. (there are a few things like rape videos, child sex videos, etc. That I do believe in censoring though, that's not ok)  



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5 hours ago, SnowxSakura said:

Censorship is sometimes necessary to localize a game, microbikinis on a 13 year old in xenoblade, or the shower massage minigame on "loli" characters in mugen souls is a good example of why they censor titles.


This falls under "different sensibilities" between different regions, but while I'm also a bit squeamish about oversexualized young minors, I also do not believe that kind of content should be censored. Again, real people are different from mere representations. Just because I'm squeamish, doesn't mean should prevail over everyone else's. And if I don't like it, I can just... not buy the game. It's not that hard.



5 hours ago, SnowxSakura said:

also vagina bones? It was the pelvis


Hence why it was inside quotation marks. I know the correct term, but that's the name the controversy was known for.



5 hours ago, SnowxSakura said:

to add to that, the censorship is mainly for the parents that buy games for kids, they rarely censor mature rated games unless they violence is too high to even attain an M rating. Not only that, but they could risk government intervention if they feel they're overstepping their bounds(like they did in the 90s which eventually caused the formation of the ESRB)


If a game is for kids, then it should already have only the content appropriate enough for young audiences. Again, if a game is fundamentally targeted for younger audiences, I have no problem with changing some content if the developers accidentally went a but further than they should have.


And why are the parents a factor in this? This is supposed to be about the players, not their families.


And since the ESRB already exists, the government already did all the intervention it needed to do.



3 hours ago, mako-heart said:

tl;dr and the youtube channel is crap. and ive been subbed before it was relevant to any mother fucker. 


Well, this certainly contributed a lot towards the conversation and wasn't rude at all.



2 hours ago, Senor_T_Dub said:

To be clear your examples are not censorship. Censorship is the suppression of speech or communication by another group (media outlets, the government, etc.). Forcing South Park the Stick of Truth to remove scenes to be legally sold in Australia is true censorship. Changing the content of your product to suit a different market or to prevent backlash is a decision made by the developer or publisher. It would still be legal in most cases to sell the above games but there may (or may not) be negative press around the content. Preemptively avoiding negative press is not the same as being censored. Remember people die in China and North Korea and elsewhere for the things they say, so be happy that the worse you see is the loss of "vagina bones." That said, I do get the frustration over the changes but just remember, given the current political landscape in many countries, drawing the ire of those in charge is not worth it when it could be avoided by a handful of small changes. 


As stated in the original post, I define censorship as " differences in the same game between different regions", though I would even go further to define it as "any change contrary to the product's original vision made under the influence of an external source and not independently by the director or developers".


And regarding the political landscape in other countries... well, I assume most of us live in free, democratic countries. But if by some chance you live in a country whose government isn't the healthiest... well, then I think that country has bigger fish to fry than censorship in gaming.


But regardless, censorship is censorship and shouldn't be tolerated.


2 hours ago, Satoshi Ookami said:

Censorship is, together with English dub, the worst thing west brought to gaming industry.


I do realize some people just prefer dubs, and I don't blame them for it, the problem is when those dubs are just forced upon everyone (which is also a form of censorship).


As long as you have dual-audio, it's fine.


Also, Japan has numerous cases of censorship, even to their own games (with the Western version being the one uncensored). Just check out Censored Gaming's channel and search for "Japan". They even have a series of videos about video game censorship in Japan.



1 hour ago, Cielle said:

I only get mad when they cut stuff out like dialogue that had no meaning to be censored or if it's stuff crucial to the story. When small things get changed and it really doesn't affect my game, that's fine.


I mean, if it's something minor in a region-locked console, it's not going to prevent me from getting the game, but it will surely rustle my jimmies.


(I'm still super pissed off about the censorship of swords in Dragon Ball Fusions).


28 minutes ago, Dav9834 said:

I'm a big proponent of free speech, especially in art. 

I hate to bring up the confederate monuments as an example because I think there were some extremely racist people involved. 

But on the other hand, I have no doubt others weren't and wanted them there so we don't forget what happened.


Think about it this way: would Germany think it was in good taste to make a statue of Hitler just to remember the atrocities of the third reich?

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Some video games are art and have a better story than some of the movies Hollywood makes these days, you cannot simple censor them. This is just a phase in the history of gaming, it is being criticised and cencored the way movies were back in their early years. As OP mentioned ''You can always not buy the game'', but I guess some people need to start a witch hunt on video games because they ''cause'' violence and emotional problems.

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Just now, TheGwynbleidd said:

This is just a phase in the history of gaming, it is being criticized and censored the way movies were back in their early years.


Sure hope so, buddy.


Then again, movies are still censored these days, it's just not as frequent or as publicized (or as stupid) as with gaming.

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9 minutes ago, Such-A-Goonie said:

This has nothing to do with censorship. You can import those games as they are released in Japan and nobody will stop you. The whole "censored games" discussion is about people wanting their games to explicitly tell them the lolis are underage, imho.

Pretty much this


It should also be noted that even if the developers decided to not censor any content, the ESRB can reject the game and tell them to censor content anyways to meet ratings requirements. I'd rather be able to play a game somewhat censored, than not at all. 

Edited by SnowxSakura
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19 minutes ago, Such-A-Goonie said:

This has nothing to do with censorship. You can import those games as they are released in Japan and nobody will stop you. The whole "censored games" discussion is about people wanting their games to explicitly tell them the lolis are underage, imho.


11 minutes ago, SnowxSakura said:

Pretty much this


Good luck understanding games imported from Japan, then (I personally can, but that's another thing). Not to mention, games are much more expensive in Japan and we shouldn't have to resort to importing just to be able to enjoy the game in its original form. When coming to the West, games should be translated and little more than that.



14 minutes ago, SnowxSakura said:

It should also be noted that even if the developers decided to not censor any content, the ESRB can reject the game and tell them to censor content anyways to meet ratings requirements. I'd rather be able to play a game somewhat censored, than not at all. 


Of course it's better to play the game somewhat censored than not at all, but that doesn't mean censorship itself should be done or advocated for.


It's also better to lose just one leg instead of both, but losing even one leg is pretty bad, wouldn't you say?



5 minutes ago, DrBloodmoney said:

Its only censorship if it is done by an outside force, i.e. A governing body. If it is done by the creator / publisher it is not censorship, it is just sales, marketing and audience targetting. 


I respectfully disagree, though I have already disclosed what I consider to be censorship twice in this topic.


Also, there is such a thing as self-censorship (as in the case of Tekken 7 and Dead or Alive Extreme 3).

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5 minutes ago, DrBloodmoney said:

Its only censorship if it is done by an outside force, i.e. A governing body. If it is done by the creator / publisher it is not censorship, it is just sales, marketing and audience targetting. 

I have to disagree. If you change something like @GameOverComesAll pointed out to not break an "invisible" rule of social acceptance than it IS censorship. It even bothers me more when this invisible rules are applied by ppl, like critics, or that have a political agenda and are not consumers to this products.

Cultivation Theory have already been debunked in the 90's when critics alleged by constant exposure to violence, gamers would became violent. Nowadays it's the same trend but only with a different parameter the "sexist". This is also another reason that i think it's very important for female consumer gamers like myself say out loud, over and over, that WE ARE NOT offended by those representations. Tbh, girls gamers are the most laid back, open minded women i ever met. ?

i would also like to share a video of a game developer that started a channel in utube to pretty much stand by us gamers and he has great insight in these topics. He is not talking specifically about censorship, but he talks about the cultivation theory that is used to justify censorship. He is Troy Leavitt (u guys probably know him already ^_^ )


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?And why the parents exist in a house? You have the labels, you have a system that indicates what type of content is in a videogame with various warnings. ?Why extreme censorship? European, U.S and Canada political correctness have reached us. Hell no, i won't get traumatized by seeing a pair of natural woman breasts in a videogame (i won't, either on the real life), or watching blood or strong language in a scene won't get me crazy. Of course, i won't play things like Mortal Kombat, Deadpool, Singularity or Bayonetta in front of my 4 year old nephews.

Edited by Vampirehunter145
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