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Spring Fling!

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Heya @2G53 can you please add a couple of games to my list, like everyone else I think I'll try to get as many themes done as I can. That said can I add Ether One to Spring Forward since the whole story revolves around going into someones memories I kind of count that as time travel since we are playing a story in the past. And Can you add kingdom hearts as a game for Spring Chicken, Sora is a young kid who definitely fits that theme :D 


Hope everyone is going well with their lists

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14 minutes ago, Dessane said:

Heya @2G53 can you please add a couple of games to my list, like everyone else I think I'll try to get as many themes done as I can. That said can I add Ether One to Spring Forward since the whole story revolves around going into someones memories I kind of count that as time travel since we are playing a story in the past. And Can you add kingdom hearts as a game for Spring Chicken, Sora is a young kid who definitely fits that theme :D 


Hope everyone is going well with their lists


Good luck with Ether One. Just have patience with the puzzles, some take some playing around with to unlock. If it still doesnt delete the updates from the harddrive amd play off the disc without it. I had to do that torwards the end of the game.

Edited by kingofbattle8174
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April 2:

  • LEGO Harry Potter Years 1-4: 38% (13/37)
  • LEGO Harry Potter Years 5-7: 11% (7/49)
  • LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens: 0%
  • LEGO City Undercover: 0%

Sadly, today I didn't have time to game. I had to go do my weekly workout, and then I only got started on LEGO HPY5-7 and got two levels before being whisked away to the dentist's chair for some cavity filling. :( And then the game crashed at the last level of Year 5 but I did get Sirius Family Issues by fighting Bellatrix with Sirius during the story before the game crashed with the fight against He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. For those whining about Secret of Mana crashing on the Vita, the PS4 is not immune to crashing.


Also, during my time away from my PS4 I was busy playing Secret of Mana and got distracted for four hours to get to the final dungeon, so please forgive me. ? But I am going to stop and play more Secret of Mana. I want this game to be my 60th platinum and I only need one more game to get there.


Added to this is that when I get my check tomorrow I'll be using some of it to renew MMO time so I will be on my fave MMO every day when I can so I sacrificed some Playstation time for my MMO since my MMO won't let me skip a day or two, not if I want to get my characters up to the newest content. ?


I will not end my trophy hunting, though. I just need to dedicate my time properly. Will try to get through story mode on LEGO Harry Potter Y5-7 tomorrow.

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I think for my 'non pick', which is the Spring Cleaning category, I'm going to choose The Town of Light. I have been wanting to play it for a while and its been sitting in my backlog for quite a few months now. I do have games to go back to but they all require the hardest difficulty to finish and I don't really have the time to do that with my crazy hours at work. Not to mention I messed up my wrist pretty bad from the repetitive-ness of my job and can't do much.. It sucks. 

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1 hour ago, kingofbattle8174 said:


Good luck with Ether One. Just have patience with the puzzles, some take some playing around with to unlock. If it still doesnt delete the updates from the harddrive amd play off the disc without it. I had to do that torwards the end of the game.


Thanks for the heads up :) I've finished the first core memory last night and will hopefully have some time tonight to get a bit further.


I'm digging Ether One, I love these kind of puzzle games, the problem was last night I was super tense for some reason so I chucked in a game I expected to be chill just to chill out a bit. This turned Ether One into a horror game, was just expecting bad stuff to happen all the time haha

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4 hours ago, Dessane said:

Heya @2G53 can you please add a couple of games to my list, like everyone else I think I'll try to get as many themes done as I can. That said can I add Ether One to Spring Forward since the whole story revolves around going into someones memories I kind of count that as time travel since we are playing a story in the past. And Can you add kingdom hearts as a game for Spring Chicken, Sora is a young kid who definitely fits that theme :D 


Hope everyone is going well with their lists


3 hours ago, CJ_Mystery said:

April 2:

  • LEGO Harry Potter Years 1-4: 38% (13/37)
  • LEGO Harry Potter Years 5-7: 11% (7/49)
  • LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens: 0%
  • LEGO City Undercover: 0%

Sadly, today I didn't have time to game. I had to go do my weekly workout, and then I only got started on LEGO HPY5-7 and got two levels before being whisked away to the dentist's chair for some cavity filling. :( And then the game crashed at the last level of Year 5 but I did get Sirius Family Issues by fighting Bellatrix with Sirius during the story before the game crashed with the fight against He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. For those whining about Secret of Mana crashing on the Vita, the PS4 is not immune to crashing.


Also, during my time away from my PS4 I was busy playing Secret of Mana and got distracted for four hours to get to the final dungeon, so please forgive me. 1f62d.png But I am going to stop and play more Secret of Mana. I want this game to be my 60th platinum and I only need one more game to get there.


Added to this is that when I get my check tomorrow I'll be using some of it to renew MMO time so I will be on my fave MMO every day when I can so I sacrificed some Playstation time for my MMO since my MMO won't let me skip a day or two, not if I want to get my characters up to the newest content. 1f613.png


I will not end my trophy hunting, though. I just need to dedicate my time properly. Will try to get through story mode on LEGO Harry Potter Y5-7 tomorrow.

You sound very busy!

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Just a quick update. I finished two games today - Assassin's Creed Rogue Remastered and Batman: The Enemy Within. Couldn't resist to play Rogue right after its release and only had a couple of trophies left by the time the event started :D .


I do like the idea to do some extra categories and complete as many games as possible though. So I will probably add more games to my list soon. :) 

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9 hours ago, 2G53 said:

You sound very busy!

Well, I owe Wizard101 a few favors after dropping it for the holidays, they're coming out with new updates that will hopefully make my life a little easier. Also, I have no control over what I have to do during the week and I am recovering in my dental hygiene but the damage is done, I have to accept an upper partial denture and take in some implants for my bottom jaw. :( But usually I am free. Also, Secret of Mana deserves a milestone in my cabinet after the sh** it got from reviewers(all totally true, but I had enjoyed the original game a lot and this was a nice revisit). Already have an idea what #59 will be. :)


EDIT: Probably going to skip this day for the event and not play my listed games. I changed my mind about #59, I will be trying to finish RiME(which I got off of PS Plus last month) for my 59th platinum as I am getting really close to hitting the Secret of Mana plat(says the one who has to grind for four more Glove Orbs because he missed one and failed to do the chest dupe glitch in Gold Tower xD). Since all of my listed games are LEGO titles, I should be able to finish this before the end of this month. Going to the grocery store now and then got my dad to pass me by my favorite game store(even though Youtube hates GameStop and calls them crooks) to trade in my 2DS, Pokemon Moon (goodbye my trainer Grace ?) and Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (goodbye good graces towards my little sister who gave it to me for Xmas) since they are having a deal for 25% more in trade credit in hopes of being able to cut the cost of Ni No Kuni 2(yes, I could buy it online but I am probably saving the coupon for LEGO Marvel Superheroes since their Deluxe Pack is EXPENSIVE.)

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S0f0efa.png   ☑️  Everybody's Gone to the Rapture (PS4) - 100% complete  :platinum:


First game completed. I liked this game more than I thought I would. The game does a good job with character development and unfolding each of their stories. By exploring the small British village you uncover events related to each of the main characters. Every event gives you just a little bit more information and I found myself trying to piece the puzzle together after each new bit of info, sometimes successfully and sometimes not. Either way it was a enjoyable journey through a well crafted and detailed world. It wasn't perfect as moving around was too slow for my liking and I really wish they would have implemented some sort of validation or checklist system for the collectables as there was no way of knowing if you got them all until the trophies pop. 



Pro Tips:


You can "run" by holding down :r2: for 5 seconds or so. Its not much faster but it is a little better. I wish I would have found out about this before my second "cleanup" play through.


Backtracker trophy glitched on me and didn't pop after going through all 5 gates on my first/main playthrough. I managed to get it to pop on my cleanup run by closing and reopening the gates using :cross: and searching for/looking at the Quarantine sign that was now lying on the ground somewhere close to each gate.


Radio Enthusiast, Backtracker and Open Ended can all be done on the same playthrough to save time. Just start a new game after finishing off your first/main play through and you can mop up those trophies in 30 mins.

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Thanks for the fast feedback. I think the bonus game being mixed in was what was making me rethink it. I updated this today, and since there's been a lot of progress, I'll update everyone's percentages tomorrow instead of waiting for the weekend. 

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23 minutes ago, Caju_94 said:

@2G53, is there room for one more in this event?




(And sorry I'm late... 1f602.png Been off the forums last week!)

Yep. There is room. The entry information is in a spoiler tag at the bottom of the first post. Pick games for at least three categories. There are people doing more, but it's totally optional. 

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6 hours ago, Kent10201 said:

@CJ_Mystery Just a heads up but there is no milestone for plat #60 on this site. It goes straight to #75. So if you're looking to having it as a trophy milestone that shows up on your profile you're better off waiting until then or trophy 2500.

For the record, Kent, I know there is no official 60th platinum landmark on the site. I was talking about a personal goal. :D And yes, I am approaching trophy #2500 fast.

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5 minutes ago, CJ_Mystery said:

For the record, Kent, I know there is no official 60th platinum landmark on the site. I was talking about a personal goal. :D And yes, I am approaching trophy #2500 fast.

Ok, then, CJ.

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Day 3 update: Spring Fling challenge completed... with a caveat.

-Spring Chicken: LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4 (PS4) :platinum:

A really fun nostalgic tromp through an old-school LEGO game. Also no glitches happened to me, so huzzah!

-Spring Break: Far Cry 3 :platinum:

While I think that this game doesn't control super well, especially compared to Far Cry 4, it was really fun to go through and complete this. Also, Vaas is amazing.

-Spring Cleaning (Backlog): The Walking Dead :platinum:

Damn... This is a masterpiece. Why did I wait so long to complete this? The characters are so well written, the twists are really good and it forces you to make heart-wrenching decisions.

-Easter Egg: Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception :platinum:

It's been so long since I went back to Uncharted and it didn't age a cent. This is still one of the best action games out there; it makes you feel like it could actually be an amazing movie.


While I technically completed 3 challenges and my bonus game, I started working towards them as soon as the categories were announced back in the Love Boat challenge. So I will not rest on my laurels and I shall aim for a Grand Slam; clearing all proposed challenges. Here my additional game list so far (Haven't figured out a Spring Loaded yet):


-Spring Foward: Life Is Strange (PS4)


As explained by a lot of people: time travel shenanigans.

-Spring Rolls: Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China


A stealth-platformer action game through 1526 Asia.

-Spring Flowers (Nature): Flower (PS3)


Bringing back the beauty of nature to the world.

(Wow, this logo doesn't work at all on white backgrounds).

-Spring Action: Borderlands (PS3)


I still have a couple of DLC to finish off, so this will be a 100% hunt.

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