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Remember Me - Your 'Thoughts'


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I very much enjoyed this game. I played through the game 5 times, and didn't mind the fact that you can't skip cut scenes. With the plot in my opinion being very exciting and the game play being fun as well. With a new ability obtained almost every chapter, the game doesn't feel dull very often! I wouldn't mind a second one about restoring the city. The game could consist of taking down big companies that are still power hungry. 

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Just platted this game over the last couple of days, two full playthroughs. My god, it's gone into my top ten games of all time. It's amazing. I will say though, you MUST play this with the original French audio. The story is very well done, and subverts many action movie tropes and deals with more subtle themes of loss, regret, and idealism gone awry rather than cartoon one-note evil villains as in most other games. The English dub is atrocious, and also doesn't fit with the Parisian vibe overall. If you haven't played this yet, or are planning a replay, then go for full immersion and choose the original voices.

The ending has such emotional punch, I was genuinely close to tears both playthroughs. Maybe it's because I'm older, and I've experienced the sort of losses in life that sculpted the storyline in the game, but I fully got what they were going for and it resonated deeply with me. There's stuff going on in this story that is informed by European storytelling sensibilities rather than the more clichéd Hollywood imitations that most videogame writing aspires to. Beauty, conventional and unconventional is etched into the bones of this game.

I will defend this game to my dying breath. It's a goddamn masterpiece. I'm so happy this came to PS+ as I almost missed out on one of the best gaming experiences of my life.

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  • 3 weeks later...

got past chapter 3 until i gave up.. this games gameplay in my opinion is very boring.. repetitive. The game's "world" did not suit my taste. got it through ps plus though so luckily didnt pay for it. i rarely give up on game's single player but this one happened to be for me one of the worst games in ps3

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 8 months later...

Really fun game with a lot of details & beautiful sights! The fighting controls are a bit complicated at first but you get the hang of them as you play along! The combos are a hassle to do sometimes when there is a lot of enemies around you & you have to dodge forcing you to sometimes forget the last combo button you hit! The difficulties aren't that much of a challenge & the trophies are some what a grind but you will knock most out while your playing! All around the game is fantastic & I would recommend playing it!

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Just platted this game over the last couple of days, two full playthroughs. My god, it's gone into my top ten games of all time. It's amazing. I will say though, you MUST play this with the original French audio. The story is very well done, and subverts many action movie tropes and deals with more subtle themes of loss, regret, and idealism gone awry rather than cartoon one-note evil villains as in most other games. The English dub is atrocious, and also doesn't fit with the Parisian vibe overall. If you haven't played this yet, or are planning a replay, then go for full immersion and choose the original voices.

The ending has such emotional punch, I was genuinely close to tears both playthroughs. Maybe it's because I'm older, and I've experienced the sort of losses in life that sculpted the storyline in the game, but I fully got what they were going for and it resonated deeply with me. There's stuff going on in this story that is informed by European storytelling sensibilities rather than the more clichéd Hollywood imitations that most videogame writing aspires to. Beauty, conventional and unconventional is etched into the bones of this game.

I will defend this game to my dying breath. It's a goddamn masterpiece. I'm so happy this came to PS+ as I almost missed out on one of the best gaming experiences of my life.

If you like emotion in games, then you should really try brothers a tale of two sons. That game made me cry and I never cry... That story is sooooo good and is the best game I've ever played.

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  • 7 months later...
  • 8 months later...

I know this is an old post but I'm posting for the people who want to know now. It's really slow in the beginning, but Man it picks up quiet nicely. My only gripe with it is the wonky camera, and the unskippable cutscenes but that's just nitpicking. As a fan of Mirror's Edge and possibly being my favourite game, I would say that they aren't really comparable. The only thing that they share is the clean, colourful , and futuristic theme along with the badass electronic ambient soundtrack. It's more of an uncharted platformer with a unique combat system that has some depth into it.

i never even bothered to look at critics' reviews. I just watched gameplay and I've played the game myself. Here's my overall score IMO

Graphics 9.5/10 definitely amazing sceneries and colorful design along with high textured environmentsz great lighting, fog and shadows

Story 8/10 don't want to spoil anything but I liked it.

Soundtrack 9/10. Has the Mirror's Edge vibe to it.

Gameplay 8.5/10 great combat system that IMO rivals the Arkham games but doesn't fully beat it yet. Still better than assassins Creed IMO. Platforming isnt as great as other games pull it off but the game isn't a 100% platformer. Camera could be better. It's too linear of course but then again, all uncharted games, and TLOU were too so no issue here.

That was my opinion and of course mine my differ than yours. I may have overlooked some flaws but IMO the pros outweighs the cons

Edited by poopooblast
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Just platted this game over the last couple of days, two full playthroughs. My god, it's gone into my top ten games of all time. It's amazing. I will say though, you MUST play this with the original French audio. The story is very well done, and subverts many action movie tropes and deals with more subtle themes of loss, regret, and idealism gone awry rather than cartoon one-note evil villains as in most other games. The English dub is atrocious, and also doesn't fit with the Parisian vibe overall. If you haven't played this yet, or are planning a replay, then go for full immersion and choose the original voices.

The ending has such emotional punch, I was genuinely close to tears both playthroughs. Maybe it's because I'm older, and I've experienced the sort of losses in life that sculpted the storyline in the game, but I fully got what they were going for and it resonated deeply with me. There's stuff going on in this story that is informed by European storytelling sensibilities rather than the more clichéd Hollywood imitations that most videogame writing aspires to. Beauty, conventional and unconventional is etched into the bones of this game.

I will defend this game to my dying breath. It's a goddamn masterpiece. I'm so happy this came to PS+ as I almost missed out on one of the best gaming experiences of my life.

Hey I know this is an old post but since you mentioned how Europeans have a different way of presenting things, I totally remember( pun unintended) that about the game. I got some Mirror's Edge vibe to the game because of the atmosphere/ isolation/ unique colourful aesthetics/ soundtrack and Mirror's Edge was made by a swedish company DICE. Now I know why I kind of find them slightly similar.
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  • 9 months later...

I disliked this game severely. I actually got so bored of it i've quit playing it twice and now it's  back to sitting on my ps3 harddrive and probably will end up deleted in a few weeks or so once I get back into hunting on my ps3. (trying to lower some of my PS4 backlog first now..) 

Thankfully I got the game for free from PS+ awhile back so didn't spend a penny on it lol

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...
  • 2 years later...
  • 1 month later...

I just got the platinum for this game and my thoughts are...



Very nice looking game

Interesting setting of neo Paris

Decent combat system where you have to think tactically rather than button mash





The game itself is incredibly boring. There's not actually much here in the way of actual gameplay.

It's a very linear and on rails experience with dull climbing broken up by occasional combat and half-hearted filler "puzzles" like "shoot this switch to open the door" or "walk past these drones without entering their field of vision".

Unskippable cut-scenes with some of the most cringey dialogue and characters I've ever heard in a game. I had to mute my TV. It was unbearable.

The story was completely uninteresting to me and I stopped paying attention very quickly.



All in all, a pretty below average game, and certainly not an underrated classic in my opinion.
Not really worth playing, but at least the platinum is fairly easy.


Edited by Incognito_D
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  • 7 months later...

i enjoyed my time with the game when i played it 6 years ago, but I was a little worried because I left it to the last moment when there were 5 days left for ps plus to expire lol.

I remember that I really liked the final boss and how things unfolded.

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  • 4 months later...

I've recently got my old PS3 back up and running and am looking to play this game soon, noticed on the first proper in game cut-scenes one of the 'doctors' talking to me but his mouth was not moving at all...is that a bug on the PS3 version or does it happen randomly and often?

I've had a look on a few videos on YouTube both playing on PS3, one has the same problem and the other appears to work fine.


Not Moving - https://youtu.be/rEjeMh8fgII?t=260


Mouth Moving - https://youtu.be/6IbjPEU9lOg?t=196


EDIT: I'm playing the digital version if that makes a difference.

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2 hours ago, Aluminium_Sirius said:

Never happened to me. Looks odd. I can record a video if you need one.

I have the disc.


Just a confirmation if you have had the same issue or not would be appreciated, wouldn't complain at a video but don't go putting yourself through any extra work.

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I got the platinum a few years ago and I don’t remember problems with the lips, I played the psnplus version. Also I don’t have the memory of the game being that bad, I recall having a normal-good time with it (not the game of my life, but not a bad one). Maybe I have played worse games after that one and they took its place in the garbage podium, I don’t know ?

Edited by Kefka1986
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12 hours ago, Aluminium_Sirius said:

Well, the lips moves in a proper manner :)


11 hours ago, Kefka1986 said:

I got the platinum a few years ago and I don’t remember problems with the lips, I played the psnplus version. Also I don’t have the memory of the game being that bad, I recall having a normal-good time with it (not the game of my life, but not a bad one). Maybe I have played worse games after that one and they took ita place in the garbage podium, I don’t know 1f602.png

Cheers guys, seems very odd that I noticed the problem straight away so wondering if it might be HDD related.

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