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How was your gaming year? (2019 edition)


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I set a target for 20 platinums before the end of 2019 and I'm on 19 with 2 trophies to go for Untitled Goose Game which I should get before midnight. I've enjoyed Spider-Man, Fallen Order (more for the story than the fighting mechanics though) and LiS2.



Bronze 986 -> 1282 (+296)

Silver 264 -> 374 (+110)

Gold 62 -> 103* (+41)

Platinum 13 -> 20* (+7)


*Provided I finish UGG tonight.


All in all it's been a good year. My target for next year is to get to 30 platinums and clear some of my backlog games!

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Finished 10 games on my UBISoft backlog. 10 more to go. Otherwise mostly quick fixes.

Only games that interest me and are in my backlog from 2019 is A Plague Tale and Concrete Genie.

Will get to them, but my plan is to first finish the 4 games that are the tip of the iceberg in my PS3 backlog.


Also, My PS3 SuperSlim was dead after spending 6 months in the wardrobe. RIP

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:bronze: Bronze Trophies: from 298 to 988 (+690)
:silver: Silver Trophies: from 72 to 257 (+185)
:gold: Gold Trophies: from 31 to 86 (+55)
:platinum: Platinum Trophies: from 6 to 20 (+14)

PSN Level: from 9 to 14 (+5)


Best Game:

Days Gone and Death Stranding. I wasn't really convinced if I would like either of them, but I ended up loving both.


Worst Game:

Mafia III. It was very repetitive, and boring after a few hours. But the music was pretty good.

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7 hours ago, Serethyn said:


Fatal Twelve, Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly, London Detective Mysteria, and Worldend Syndrome would be my highest recommendations on the list. Looking at your trophy list, I wonder, have you also considered Collar x Malice, The House in Fata Morgana, or Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony?


I do have Danganronpa V3 and Fata Morgana in the backlog, but not Collar x Malice. I remember it came out at about the same time as several other otome games (Bad Apple Wars, 7'scarlet) so I never paid it much attention. I did notice the other day though that it is very highly rated at vndb.


Thanks for the recommendations! Collar x Malice is on sale at the PS Store so I will pick it up immediately and then watch prices on the rest, particularly the ones on the Vita.

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Mixed year, some amazing games but also some disappointments and nasty duds.

:bronze:Bronze: from 590 to 1295

:silver:Silver: from 221 to 475

:gold:Gold: from 93 to 187

:platinum:Platinum:  17 to 40

My most productive year in trophy hunting to date.


Top 5 best games

1. Horizon Zero Dawn

2. Spyro Reignited Trilogy

3. Mount&Blade:Warband

4. Bastion

5. GTA San Andreas


Worst game (by far)



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Well 2019 was the most "Playstation active" year for me. Let's see if I can do the math properly:


:bronze:  BRONZE : 1354 earned

:silver: SILVER     : 501 earned

:gold: GOLD       : 179 earned

:platinum: PLATINUM: 41 earned


As for level...From 16 to 24.


BEST GAME OF 2019 : Devil May Cry 5

It is the exact definition of "Video Game" and contains the exact reason why I am still into this dumb passion, gaming. You have everything there : 3 awesome characters, crazy action, insane graphics, a compelling story, challenges over challenges, everything you could expect from a video game that respects its audience. No hidden tricky politically correct messages, no shady practices, no forcefully inserted crap that plagues most of today's games, just a good ol' videogame but with 2019 quality. It is my 2019 GOTY too. 
This truly has been the "Capcom Year".

Honorable Mention : Witcher 3 Wild Hunt. It's not my best game of 2019 just because it forced me to make a choice that I am against in order to get the final trophy and the platinum(all the other trophies were done in 2018). Biased, I know :dance:


WORST GAME OF 2019 : Bayonetta

Not sure if it was the PS3 graphics, the absolutely stupid story or the nonsensical enemies, Bayonetta is the game where I had very high hopes but ended up absolutely hating it. Both the main character, the fact that I need a pilot training at high centrifugal forces to even whitstand the shaky camera, the most idiotic lines and story I have ever experienced(and yes I have played Assassin's Creed). I pick this one just because it really dissapointed me.

Even as a challenge it varied between absurdly easy (seriously, whoever thought that those infamous Gracious and Glorious enemies are difficult to beat should play more action games xD ) to straight up bullshit (Final Jubileus fight is 50% eye surgery and 50% whoops you died because screw you). Add some random QTE's that are instakill if you miss them into the mix and...yeah. Crap game, not touching the PS4 remaster.

Dishonorable mention : DMC2 on PS3 . That one is my worst game of 2018 but it was on PS4. At a second playthrough I breezed through the game so still not as bad as miss Bayonetta.


Welp...2019 was a good year. However 2020 is the year where I should pick up the pace with slightly more difficult challenges ( even though the stats will be even crappier, screw them).

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I didn't do much trophy hunting in 2019 (compared to the previous years), but it was a fantastic year for me, the one when I finally got out of my comfort zone and tried new stuff like visual novels, JRPGs and fighting games.


:bronze: 3,716 -> 4,987 (+1,271)

:silver: 1,480 -> 1,961 (+481)

:gold: 627 -> 813 (+186)

:platinum: 143 -> 183 (+40)


My 2019 highlights were (Tales of Berseria won't be included simply because I have yet to finish it) :


Castlevania Symphony of the Night : I've always been a sucker for metroidvania Castlevania games, and this game was no exception. It may be an old PS1 title, it still aged like a fine wine and I found myself loving it more than I thought I would.


Zero Escape : Amazing mystery thriller visual novel series with a creepy ambiance and engaging characters. I highly recommend it, even to the non-lovers of the genre.


Kingdom Hearts III : Like all my fellow fans of the franchise, I was looking forward to playing this game. The day it was delivered to me, I was literally jumping out of excitement. After I screamed for 5 minutes, I took the game out of the cardboard, put the disc in my PS4, turned off my phone, plugged in my earphones and immediately plunged into it. The main menu showed, with a new arrangement of Dearly Beloved. I put my controller away, and simply listened. I was still dumbfounded by the fact that the new KH was inside my console. It took my a good 10 minutes before I picked up my controller again and finally started a new game. And man, what a game it was. While I do agree with most of the complaints the fans had regarding it, I was still able to enjoy it through and through and cry like a baby when the ending cutscene played. Definitely one of my favorite experiences of all time.


Hollow Knight : I don't think I need to tell you what was so unique about this game, do I. For the love of God or whatever it is that you believe in, play it.


Danganronpa : Here we go. I finally got around to playing this series and... yeah, it's as good as people make it out to be. Go for it, in case you still have doubts. Oh, and don't get attached to any character. You've been warned.


Nier Automata : I don't plan on beating around the bush : this game is a masterpiece, a heavy I-don't-know-how-to-pull-my-punches story backed by an 11/10 musical score and a simple yet great fighting system. It's one of those games that you still remember long after beating them.


Sekiro : Shadows Die Twice : I'm not gonna lie, I walked in expecting yet another Souls-like, and it turned out to be the most fun game I'd played in a while. It's the sword fights, man. Every encounter felt like a dance where you had to block and retaliate at the right time. Every encounter was infinitely fun and satisfying.

Sekiro is my personal GOTY.


Persona 4 Golden : Honestly, I don't know where to start. There isn't a single thing I dislike about this game. Oh yeah, the fact that it freaking ends. Simply put, this is my favorite game of all time, second only to Okami. Persona 4 is a long journey that immerses your all, soul and body. Knowing that, you don't walk away from it unscathed. You will fall in love with the characters, and you will cry when the time to say goodbye to them comes. I guarantee it.


Yakuza 0 : Why was this game so good ? The drama, the humor, the combat, everything worked so well. And the boss fights... I still remember that last boss fight : the cutscene where they exchange a few words, then take off their shirts (in a totally non-sexual fashion) with the music slowly building up in the background, and then they run towards each other and clash as the music drops. The fight in itself is a brutal fest where you can actually feel every hit. It's feral, it's ruthless, and you enjoy every second of it.


Fighting games : As it was stated above, I got into fighting games in 2019. The reason was that fighting games allowed you to do one thing that no other game could : to have fun while looking cool. Okay maybe some beat'em ups like DMC or Bayonetta could do that for you, but you get my point. My first step into online was with Blazblue Cross Tag Battle. As you'd expect, I got destroyed. Every match felt like a one-sided beatdown and I was at the receiving end. I got frustrated. I started thinking I was horrible at video games. I even thought of giving up several times. That's not what I did, though. I toughed it out and played, watched high-level matches, practiced, played some more and after a while, I got decent. That was when I started having fun with the game, and that was when I realized fighting games could be absurdly fun if you put in the effort into learning them. Obviously, I started playing more of them afterwards. The best ones that I've played this year were Blazblue Cross Tag Battle, Blazblue Central Fiction, Guilty Gear Xrd Rev 2, Under Night In-Birth, Skullgirls 2nd Encore and Tekken 7.


Honorable mentions : Shantae Half-Genie Hero, Devil May Cry 4, Shadow Tactics, Ni no Kuni II, Muramasa Rebirth, Steins;Gate, River City Girls, Indivisible, The Messenger, Mega Man 11.


Well, that was that. I spent the last hour putting into words the feelings of a guy who takes his passion way too seriously. Hopefully, some of you will discover their new favorite game thanks to this post.

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2019 marked my fourth year as a 'trophy hunter', but I did very little hunting after my son was born in August.  As such, it was my least productive year since I started hunting.  I should get back on the horse in 2020.  I'm bookmarking my year from my 2018 post to the time of this post on 12/31/2019.


:bronze: Bronze Trophies: from 4823 to 5547 (+724)
:silver: Silver Trophies: from 2491 to 2874 (+383)
:gold: Gold Trophies: from 1393 to 1908 (+515)
:platinum: Platinum Trophies: from 212 to 275 (+63)

PSN Level: from 44 to 52 (+8)


As with the previous three years, I will use the trophy system to name my top four in each category from fourth (bronze) to first (platinum).


Best games I played:

:bronze: Bronze: MLB The Show 18.
:silver: Silver: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.
:gold: Gold: Resident Evil 2
:platinum: Platinum: The Last of Us Remastered.

Honorable Mentions: Onimusha Warlords, Injustice 2, Far Cry New Dawn, Celeste, Call of Duty: Black Ops III.


Worst games I played:

:bronze: Bronze: Drowning.
:silver: Silver: Color Slayer.
:gold: Gold: Planet RIX-13.
:platinum: Platinum: Kaiji VR: The Nightmare Bridge.

Dishonorable Mentions: Tower of Dragonasia, Briks, Iron Snout, Gem Smashers, A Winter's Daydream.

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I had a very productive year in terms of trophies.


:bronze: Bronze Trophies: from 7,382 to 9,197 (+1,815)
:silver: Silver Trophies: from 2,837 to 3,515 (+678)
:gold: Gold Trophies: from 992 to 1,243 (+251)
:platinum: Platinum Trophies: from 233 to 299 (+66)

PSN Level: from 45 to 54 (+9)


Best game I played

Death Stranding. I'm not one to really "get hyped" about video games, even more so when it came to Death Stranding since I understood so little about what the game actually was before release, but I put my doubts aside and jumped into the game at launch because I was curious about it and I've greatly enjoyed many of Kojima's previous games. What I found was a game truly unlinke anything I've ever played before. The visuals, story, characters, music, and even gameplay are all top notch as far as I'm concerned. Some really great moments, both scripted and non-scripted. I loved every minute I spent with the game.


My close second is Resident Evil 2 (2019). One of the finest survival horror games I've ever played and I very much look forward to RE3's release this year.


Worst game I played

Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom. This was a huge disappointment for me because I loved the first game. I think I put in roughly 30 hours before I had to call it quits which is something I very rarely do (I pretty much always get 100% completion). There were just so many annoyances I had with the game and they wore me down over time. The combat system was decent enough, but it was impossible for me to enjoy when my party was so underlevelled. It didn't matter what difficulty I played on. Of course I expect some grind in a JRPG, but the EXP gain was so abysmal that it felt like such a waste of time. The kingdom building stuff felt like it was ripped right from a mobile game. You're forced to wait in real time for buildings and projects to complete, making it such a chore. There was also the skirmish minigame which I absolutely hated. Awful game.


If we're talking about games that released in 2019, though, the worst one has to be Code Vein. "Anime Dark Souls" sounds great on paper, but the execution was terrible. Like there are parts about the game I liked, and it could have been great, but the whole experience is brought down by some of the worst level design I've ever seen in a game. A lot of these levels are built like labyrinths, with winding paths, dead ends, etc. Most of the time the minimap is of no help because they put the paths on top of each other. The Anor Londo rip-off is the most clear example of this. The challenge isn't from the enemies like it should be in a game like this, but it comes from trying to navigate this hell hole. Everything looks the same, the correct pathways are often very obscure, and you're expected to find keys/levers throughout to open up other parts of the level. Not only that, but this level is huge as well. Took me hours to make it to the end on my first playthrough and it was a miserable experience. The only thing that saves this game for me is the co-op, because at least I can share the pain with someone else. :P

Edited by Undead Wolf
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Pretty good I would say. From January 1'st through December 31'st I went from:


:bronze: Bronze Trophies - 6,084 -> 7,081 (+997)

:silver: Silver Trophies - 1,749 -> 2,035 (+286)

:gold: Gold Trophies - 542 -> 638 (+96)

:platinum: Platinum Trophies - 141 -> 170 (+29)

PSN Level: 35 -> 38 (+3) Not much of a jump there :P


Best game

I'm going to have to go with Devil May Cry 5 since after waiting for it to come out it was well worth the hype. It was a really nice return for the series and it was nice seeing original Dante again in a new game being his cuh-razy self :P


Second best game will go to Death Stranding since as I mentioned in another thread it surprised me in all the right ways and I'm glad to have played it despite being wary of it at first. It's definitely a game that I wouldn't mind if it had DLC just so I can go back and play it some day. I'm also going to give it a bonus for being the first of it's kind being a "stranding" type game and I would love it if there were more co-op sort of games with that mechanic or to have them expanded on.


Worst game

Hands down goes to Code Vein. It looked promising until you get to the area that's totally not Anor Londo where the game is just a downward spiral of annoying enemies and confusing level design. Of all the games I have had an issue of level design, I really can't think of any more that was more frustrating than Code Vein due to how same-y every area looks and how easy it is to throw yourself in a loop. Where Dark Souls and Bloodborne felt like someone sat down and drew levels that connected together in a coherent way, Code Vein feels like someone drew lines and circles on a piece of paper, and then put another piece of paper on top with more lines and circles then said "Here's our level."

Edited by Redgrave
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One of my worst years since I've started, nonetheless I did manage to finish some games that were on my backlog for about 6 years.

Being unmotivated to play pretty much anything for a good portion of the year didn't help. I also started playing games without keeping trophies in mind, so extra playthroughs

were required. So even though the numbers are kind of low, I'm still happy that I could get some of my older games done. 


:bronze: Bronze Trophies - 6146 -> 6887 (+741)

:silver: Silver Trophies - 2074 -> 2350 (+276)

:gold: Gold Trophies - 834 -> 925 (+96)

:platinum: Platinum Trophies - 161 -> 177 (+16)

PSN Level: 39-> 42(+3) 


Best game
The best game I've played last year was hands down Strange Brigade. 

I've met up with two friends and we decided to go for the platinum together, little did we know that some parts are easier solo instead of with 3 players.

The story was great, I absolutely loved the style, and that narrator seriously has something against cats! I would definitely recommend it to others if they

play it with a friend or two as this will most likely increase the experience.

Honorable mention: Hunting Simulator, Who would've known a hunting game could be so much fun.

Worst Game(s)
There's not much to say about this one. Conan Exiles. I can't remember anything about it other than that it had a cheat menu and it was supposed to be an 

easy plat. Got it over with pretty quick... 
Another disappointing game was Mortal Kombat 11. As far as fighting game platinum goes, this was one of the easiest Mortal Kombat games ever. Mostly a grind

to just get through it. Got the DLC done and deleted it off my system

I'm hoping to make somewhat of a comeback this year. Let me tell you all about it at the start of next year!




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2019 was a really good year for gaming for me i played so many different games across PlayStation 3,4 & Vita i did set a goal of 150 platinums by 31/12/2019 but this i failed by 20 platinum trophies. However i did manage to cut down my backlog of games down by a lot. 


Here are my stats (02/01/2019 to 31/12/2019) 

:bronze: Bronze Trophies: from 4033 to 4903 (+870)
:silver: Silver Trophies: from 1263 to 1493 (+230)
:gold: Gold Trophies: from 566 to 679 (+113)
:platinum: Platinum Trophies: from 102 to 130 (+28)

PSN Level:  From 30 to 33 


My favourite game of 2019 that came out that year i played was Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III


 My least favourite game was Reverie i just did not get on with this game. 

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I'm absolutely amazed at how many games you folks can platinum in one year. I love playing and trophy hunting but it's been a challenge to get some time to play among everything else, work family kids and stuff. Keep up with the great work and happy new year everyone!


On 12/31/2019 at 0:15 PM, TrueMrBubbles said:

I only played 13 games this year but im so happy that i finally played The Last of Us. 


Absolute masterpiece and a good challenge.


Same here, game backlog is huge and I never gave too much priority to The Last of Us until the end of 2019. OMG what a game, I wish I had played it before.

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