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All Upgrades Glitch


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Still working on 6/7/2020 on the current patch as a digital download.


Pro tip: Watch that video is super slow motion. You need to let the first craft complete on a upgrade you already have before you move onto the first one you want to unlock.

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When I do this it crashes my game on version 1.07 digital version. 

Okay got it to work. I believe you have to first use the glitch to upgrade something you haven't upgraded at all, doesn't matter if you can afford the upgrade or not, and you have to hold the x button while moving around with the d-pad.

Edited by BestUsername----
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Can confirm still working on Digital Version at 6/17/20. For those of you having trouble getting it to work, I found a text guide in the comments of the youtube video.



You have to open Chapter 10 from Chapter Selection, if you don't and just Continue, it skips the cutscene and will NOT work. Begin holding the menu button as soon as the loading screen for the chapter begins and you see the title. To make sure the glitch will work, move the left toggle stick to see if Amicia moves with it (while still holding down the menu button) - if she does not, go to the main menu and try again through the Chapter Selection, but if she is moving, you're doing it right. Before letting go of the toggle stick, make sure you let off on an ingredient you already have (it will be highlighted yellow). Now hold down RB, and you are safe to let go of the menu button. Both crafting menus should be up by now. On the right menu, it will automatically be set onto plain rocks (which obviously, you cannot craft). Without letting go of RB, use the right toggle stick to select a different ammunition type (it needs to be one that is not full as you'll need space to craft). On the left menu, highlight an upgrade you already have (it doesn't matter how many you've unlocked at this point). Now hold RB and A together and *do not let go of either*. Navigate through all the upgrades with the D-pad while continuously holding RB and A.


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Something isn't right. I played through chapter 9 and saved as many materials as I could for the start of chapter 10. When I quit out and selected chapter 10 to try the glitch all the materials I saved up for the chapter was gone. I have very limited materials and the glitch isn't working for me. Any solutions.

Only thing I can craft when trying the glitch is Somnum and luminosa. Don't have enough material for Ignifer.



I have played through the game twice and still didn't manage to get the upgrade trophies.

Edited by snakebit10
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29 minutes ago, snakebit10 said:

Something isn't right. I played through chapter 9 and saved as many materials as I could for the start of chapter 10. When I quit out and selected chapter 10 to try the glitch all the materials I saved up for the chapter was gone. I have very limited materials and the glitch isn't working for me. Any solutions.

Only thing I can craft when trying the glitch is Somnum and luminosa. Don't have enough material for Ignifer.



I have played through the game twice and still didn't manage to get the upgrade trophies.

Wow, sorry to hear that, I got it on my first try with no glitch, I never abused luminosa (that one consumes a lot) or somnum, and after going for collectibles I found more materials that i skipped during my campaign. Maybe you are speedrunning, world is not big, just explore some more.

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2 minutes ago, GoldenShaka said:

Wow, sorry to hear that, I got it on my first try with no glitch, I never abused luminosa (that one consumes a lot) or somnum, and after going for collectibles I found more materials that i skipped during my campaign. Maybe you are speedrunning, world is not big, just explore some more.


I have searched thoroughly. I really think I may used more for ammo than I needed to and cut myself short. I may have to start again. Thankfully the game is short enough. Only 2 trophies I have left.

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  • 3 months later...
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On 2/22/2021 at 1:56 AM, abhishekagarwal1 said:

I tried it again and again but it didn't work for me

What stage of the glitch isn't working?


Select Ch. 10 chapter selection, when chapter title comes up start holding down the touchpad. Once the chapter loads, move the left stick while still holding the touch pad. If the crafting menu is up and the character moves you are still good to move to the next stage.


1.)Hold R1 to bring up the ammo crafting menu. With R1 held, it is now safe to release the touchpad.

2.)Select an ammo that is not full and that you have the materials to craft with the right stick.

3.)Select an upgrade with the left stick that has already been upgraded at least 1 time, but is not to the max of 3.

4.)While still holding R1, hold X to make the first ammo, it will not level up that upgrade.

5.)Continue to hold R1 and X and shift with the left stick to a different upgrade before the 2nd ammo crafting bar finishes. That one will be upgraded.

6.)Now with every completed ammo crafting bar, the upgrade will be leveled up one. As you max out an upgrade, keep shifting up or down with the left stick until everything is maxed.

7.)Once all the upgrades are done, you can finally release R1 and X. If you release the touchpad before pressing R1 or release R1/X at any time, the glitch will fail.


The video posted above on Nov 1st is a good explanation in video form.

Edited by Guardian_owl
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