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DrBloodmoney last won the day on May 10

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About DrBloodmoney

  • Birthday December 9

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    Bad at Videogames
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Community Answers

  1. Quite right. I mean, after all... who could not be intrigued by a game with screenshots like these! 😂
  2. Hey, we don’t need to agree on a definition for me to say Tunic is awesome, and you definitely should! 👍 Heck of a game!
  3. To be honest, I suspect it’s an unresolvable debate, because fundamentally it hinges on defining exactly what “soulslike” is, and tbh, the exact combination of thing required to be “soulslike” isn’t set in stone. I generally try not to consider something “soulslike” just because it has difficult or unforgiving combat and bosses - that IS something souls games have, of course, but it’s not exclusive to them, nor was it started by them… …but I suspect in this case, that IS the part that folks are meaning when they compare it to soulslike games
  4. Asking why people play bad games for trophies isn’t elitist behaviour- it’s a perfectly legitimate question. The answers might sometimes be elitist, but there’s nothing elitist in the question itself.
  5. Your sig says “every trophy counts”, y’know…
  6. Some play silly non-games for higher total plat count, others play crappy real games because they have high rarity values due to most people not bothering to finish them, and they have a better shot of remaining rare than good games that might find popularity down the line. Depends on their individual goal, I suppose.
  7. I actually reviewed that one in my checklist HERE, if you fancy hearing one chump's opinion.
  8. Literally never heard of this game, so I'm gonna say no?....
  9. It's odd how much one's "luck" improves with practice though. Weird that.
  10. Man, it must be awesome for those folks - I wish I could go through life with that kind of confidence 😂 I have a version of that quote, but it’s slightly different: ”everyone better than me is a gamer, and everyone worse than me is a paperclip”
  11. Funny you should say so, I actually have a rare medical condition that means my ass is constantly overflowing with factual statements. One time I took a shit and it won a local pub quiz.
  12. Both official and unofficial PS3 controllers are hilarious to go back to after the PS4 and PS5 controllers - feels like trying to control a game with Judy Jetson's Hairclip 😂 There are a few games that still require a PS3 controller for occasional inputs because they weren't updated of were incompatible with the later controllers, (as I recall, R&C Nexus was one where the L2 and R2 numbers didn't work on the bigger controllers) but for the most part, you can use the later ones just fine.
  13. I didn’t “dodge” anything genius- I was one of the first people to give you a perfectly legitimate answer. It’s like 6 posts in on the first page. That answer still stands BTW: It’s not “agonising” for most people, because it’s a very good game, a fun challenge, and the game has lots of QOL additions to help people tackle that challenge, such as instant battle restarts, Assess Materia, chapter select at any time etc. Also... From the OP: I appreciate that you found the game difficult, and don't get me wrong, it certainly tickles me to imagine that - in between complaining endlessly about the game on this forum, and implying other people who didn't struggle with it are all cheaters - you managed to find 194 hours to put into a game you hate so much you consider it "agony" - that is definitely amusing.... ... but the fact remains, while you can be proud of how you soldiered on and struggled through a game you don't like, not everyone felt the same way.
  14. Even though the Fallout series is absolutely dreadful as a show

    …I must admit, it does kinda make me want to play the game again 🤔

    I guess that’s what was always bound to happen, given that it is pretty much just a procession of never-ending “look, it’s that thing from that thing you played!” moments, with no actual emotion, characterisation or engaging narrative binding them together 😂

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kittens Are Awesome

      Kittens Are Awesome

      Nah, a bunch of genx and older millennials can't stand it. Usually people who were disappointed with 4 and 76 seem to not like the show. They just aren't making a fuss about stuff they don't like. Probably a lesson Zoomers could learn. 

    3. Gommes_


      Dude! That show was awesome imo.

    4. DrBloodmoney


      @Gommes_ I like that you liked it 👍

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