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What is the last bone you broke?


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  • 3 months later...

I completely fucked my arm up whenever I was 11-years-old. I shattered my elbow, broke my radius in two places, and had a complete break of my humerus - which pierced through my skin and exposed my bone. So, it was pretty grim. 


The worst aspect of the whole thing was the fact I lived in the west of Ireland, so the nearest hospital was an hour's drive away. My mother picked me up from school and even though she tentatively drove to the hospital, every single tiny bump on the road sent a thunder of pain up my arm, which was only being held up by muscle and skin - a very odd sensation I hope no one here ever has to experience.


Anyway, I got to the hospital and had to wait for five fucking hours before I was seen, by which time I remember blacking out and generally feeling like shit. I had no pain killers the entire time, and after the five hours my mother was told that they couldn't fix the break at that hospital, and that I'd have to be transported to a hospital in Galway - which was a fucking hour-and-a-half away. Cue a crazy ambulance ride with a senile old woman in the other gurney who kept removing her drip, causing blood to spew all over the ambulance. 


However, whenever I got to Galway I was brought straight into surgery and - boom - armed fixed. I ended up getting a bone marrow infection due to my bone being out of my body for so long, and was on antibiotics for four months. Also, I had to attend physiotherapy for over a year in the wake of the break. 


But in the end, I took up drums shortly thereafter and the arm's all good now. 

Edited by Gotakibono
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Never broke a bone but sprained my ankles a total of 9 times.

4x basketball

3x Rock Climbing (last time about 2yrs ago)

1x Football Americano :)

1x Volleyball

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the only time I broke a bone of mine was in 4th grade and it was my arm lol other then that my shoulder seems to get dislocated a number of times in soccer playing as a goalkeeper >.>

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Never had a bone broken but I did get my skin like literally ripped apart as you could have seen the internal veins in my wrist clearly. 


Cause: Was racing with my friend on our bicycle, and my bicycle brakes failed had no choice but to ditch it, as there was a barrier in front.  :unsure:  :unsure:

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Bit of a story to mine so I'll try to keep it short:


When I was 15 me and some friends built a ramp out of bricks and a plank of wood at the bottom of a hill, and we were jumping over wheelie bins (laying them down of course) on our mountain bikes. Come my third jump I attempted to jump over two bins. Well, the ramp collapsed on me as I hit it, causing my front wheel to hit the first bin and launched me over the handlebars. I hit the ground hard and knocked myself out.


Result? Broken collarbone and 3 fractures to my upper left arm. :yay:

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