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How Come Awesome Games Like This Fall Under The Radar?


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2 hours ago, MrTacoNinja said:

But I don't get it though, why no buzz


RTS kinda blew its load in the 90s. Not saying there isn't a niche market for strategy games, but we haven't really seen anything revolutionary in that department in decades.

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I had my eyes on this game since it was first released on steam... But it was never a "must have now" thing for me, and it was literally never on sale so far. And judging from past experiences, i just know if i buy it at full price it will be included in the next sale, so i will just wait a bit longer..

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On 3/1/2022 at 0:38 AM, gernboes said:

I had my eyes on this game since it was first released on steam... But it was never a "must have now" thing for me, and it was literally never on sale so far. And judging from past experiences, i just know if i buy it at full price it will be included in the next sale, so i will just wait a bit longer..


I get the feeling that this game will never be on sale. It was released like 2 years ago, I believe. Sony's too busy putting the same tired ass shit on sale over and over and over again.

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On 01/03/2022 at 3:12 AM, MrTacoNinja said:

While I currently don't actually own the game I've read enough about it, looked at guides and watched enough YouTube gameplay videos to know that this game is a gem and a game I definitely will play and platinum eventually. I've had my eye on this game for a couple years now. I've been hoping for a discount in the PSN sales (god forbid they ever put anything NEW on sale for once) but I'm no longer hopeful that it'll happen so eventually I'll have to pay the twenty-dollar asking price. But I don't get it though, why no buzz - nothing at all - on here or anywhere else? It just seems like cool games like this always get swept under the rug and I don't get it. 

if you believe in a game and got the cash just buy it, eek out a small discount by getting a prepaid at discount through cdkeys.com. 


whether or not a game goes on sale is ultimately down to developer choice and greenlit by sony.. but since they received so much backlash they put anything on sale, so i imagine in this case it's down to the devs. 

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5 hours ago, MatThaRiPP3R84 said:

if you believe in a game and got the cash just buy it, eek out a small discount by getting a prepaid at discount through cdkeys.com. 


whether or not a game goes on sale is ultimately down to developer choice and greenlit by sony.. but since they received so much backlash they put anything on sale, so i imagine in this case it's down to the devs. 


Yes sir, that's correct, it's up to the developers and Sony says yea or nay on the matter. This I was aware of. What I wasn't aware of was the backlash. Sony got shit behind greenlighting game discounts or did you mean the developers did? But either way: ouch! 


I wish the sales were like the good ol' PS3 days, back when we got decent variety, decent sale prices and that awesome Flash Sale every so often. I used to look forward to the newest sales. Nowdays? Maaaan... dude, I'm to the point where I'm going to stop bothering to look at the sales altogether. I've been watching for YEARS now as they put the same goddamn crap on sale over and over again on a continuously looping cycle with next to nothing new ever added... and usually when there is the "discount" is a joke and not even worth it. 


As for buying Wartile at full price, I'm going to have to eventually if I want to play it because this game clearly isn't getting discounted. It's been on the PSN store since March, 2020. If they were going to discount it I'm pretty sure they would have by now (but here's hoping I'm wrong). As for believing in a game and shelling out the cash, I fully understand your point. The problem is, though, I depend on sales for a couple of different reasons but the biggest and most important reason comes down to the fact that financially I'm not too well off so I like to try to get the biggest "bang for my buck", as the saying goes. 



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On 2022-02-28 at 8:12 PM, MrTacoNinja said:

While I currently don't actually own the game I've read enough about it, looked at guides and watched enough YouTube gameplay videos to know that this game is a gem and a game I definitely will play and platinum eventually. I've had my eye on this game for a couple years now. I've been hoping for a discount in the PSN sales (god forbid they ever put anything NEW on sale for once) but I'm no longer hopeful that it'll happen so eventually I'll have to pay the twenty-dollar asking price. But I don't get it though, why no buzz - nothing at all - on here or anywhere else? It just seems like cool games like this always get swept under the rug and I don't get it. 

It sounds like you summed it up pretty well. You're confident enough to call the game a gem, however, still haven't bought it for 2 years now and were waiting until it was reduced in price. Even if somebody did learn about the game, who's to say they love it enough to call it a gem but not enough to purchase it?


Edit: I'm assuming you spent at least $12.00  on Scratty's Nutty Adventure (going off PlatPrices deepest listed discount) but won't cough up $8 more for a game you seem to really love?

Edited by OmegaRejectz
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On 3/3/2022 at 9:59 PM, OmegaRejectz said:

You're confident enough to call the game a gem, however, still haven't bought it for 2 years now and were waiting until it was reduced in price. 


That's right, I'm waiting for it to go on sale and have been waiting for a long time now. Every single game I've ever purchased was purchased at a discount; that's just how I am when it comes to buying games (for a variety of different reasons). As for me calling the game a gem, listen, with the amount of reviews I've watched and read, gameplay footage I've watched and the fact that strategy games are one of my favorite genres, I can say without a doubt that this game IS a gem to me. With the amount of research I've dumped into this game, trust me, I don't need to play it to know that this game is going to be awesome. So, yes, confident indeed. 


Because I say a game looks awesome and call it a gem that means I HAVE to run right out and drop $20/$40/$60, etc., on it? Did you not read what I said to Mat about my financial situation? Money my way is tighter than a drum, dude. I have to really make what I have stretch each month and get the best bang for my buck (as I previously stated in my post to Mat). I'm living on a strict budget, my man, so forgive me if I don't have it like that to throw a lot of money around on a single game.



On 3/3/2022 at 9:59 PM, OmegaRejectz said:

 Even if somebody did learn about the game, who's to say they love it enough to call it a gem but not enough to purchase it?


Um, I wasn't speaking for anybody else when I called it a gem. I have no idea how you misinterpreted that? Sorry for the confusion, I guess? My gem statement wasn't me speaking for anybody other than myself. The whole point of my original post was just to ask why there hasn't ever been any buzz surrounding this game. Besides, I think it's pretty obvious that not too many shits have been given about this game. It's been out 2 years now and the forum has been a complete ghost town with not one single thread/post prior to this thread I created just the other day. 



On 3/3/2022 at 9:59 PM, OmegaRejectz said:

I'm assuming you spent at least $12.00  on Scratty's Nutty Adventure (going off PlatPrices deepest listed discount) but won't cough up $8 more for a game you seem to really love?


The deepest sale PlatPrices has the digital copy listed for is $12 dollars so that means that's where I bought it from? Sorry but you assumed completely wrong because my copy is a used physical copy that I got cheap as hell ($5.40 after tax) from a local pawn shop around my way during a Black Friday sale they had going on. A game I seem to really love? Wait... what? Me calling a game an awesome gem doesn't mean I love it. But okay. 


I'll be honest with you dude, your entire post irritated me and it felt like you posted just to try and instigate me. My apologies to you if that wasn't your intention but it sure as shit came across that way to me because nothing you came at me with was even relevant or helpful to this thread I created. It seemed like all you tried to do was poke holes in my post. Or maybe I'm just too damn defensive for my own good nowadays and completely read into everything you said the wrong way. Consider the holes filled though if that was what you were trying to do. 



*A small edit to say that I love how several people gave him rep points for spewing utter nonsense at me. He comes at me like a total... well, I won't say it because it'll just get my account banned again. But it amazes me that members give other members rep points for basically attacking and instigating other people. The dude threw ignorant assumptions at me and put words in my mouth but yeah, sure, by all means give him rep points for it. Makes sense. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

Ha! This game tested me, and i passed! Due to this thread i again thought about finally buying it, and just two days ago i almost did it. But i stayed strong, and lo and behold, it is finally on sale! 

For the first time ever, and for 70% off too! ?

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On 2/28/2022 at 10:12 PM, MrTacoNinja said:

While I currently don't actually own the game I've read enough about it, looked at guides and watched enough YouTube gameplay videos to know that this game is a gem and a game I definitely will play and platinum eventually. I've had my eye on this game for a couple years now. I've been hoping for a discount in the PSN sales (god forbid they ever put anything NEW on sale for once) but I'm no longer hopeful that it'll happen so eventually I'll have to pay the twenty-dollar asking price. But I don't get it though, why no buzz - nothing at all - on here or anywhere else? It just seems like cool games like this always get swept under the rug and I don't get it. 


Good news. Your wish came true!



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1 hour ago, gernboes said:

Ha! This game tested me, and i passed! Due to this thread i again thought about finally buying it, and just two days ago i almost did it. But i stayed strong, and lo and behold, it is finally on sale! 

For the first time ever, and for 70% off too! 1f602.png


Hoooo-ly F-ing shit! FINALLY!!!! Dude! DUUUDE! I could kiss you right now, LOL! Had you not quoted me I wouldn't have ever known this game went on sale! I bought the Complete Edition immediately. Thank you so much for quoting me!



5 minutes ago, SegaJAM said:


Your post must have posted the moment I posted mine because I didn't see it prior to quoting Gern.

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4 minutes ago, MrTacoNinja said:


Hoooo-ly F-ing shit! FINALLY!!!! Dude! DUUUDE! I could kiss you right now, LOL! Had you not quoted me I wouldn't have ever known this game went on sale! I bought the Complete Edition immediately. Thank you so much for quoting me!


LOL No problem, glad I was able to help! That sale actually JUST went live. It's part of tomorrow's Mega March sale in the PS Store. platprices.com already picked up all the price adjustments, so you can browse all the rest of the stuff on sale now if you're interested. I may end up picking it up too, as there isn't much else that I don't already have.

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1 minute ago, SegaJAM said:


LOL No problem, glad I was able to help! That sale actually JUST went live. It's part of tomorrow's Mega March sale in the PS Store. platprices.com already picked up all the price adjustments, so you can browse all the rest of the stuff on sale now if you're interested.


The thing is, I'm DONE looking at these sales or looking on Platprices because I'm sick to DEATH with seeing nothing but the same goddamn games go on sale over and over and over and over and over and over... I've just had it with all that bullshit. What's hilarious is the second I've had enough and STOP looking at sales a game I've waited 2 years for FINALLY goes on sale, lol. It's about freaking time, jeez!

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51 minutes ago, MrTacoNinja said:


The thing is, I'm DONE looking at these sales or looking on Platprices because I'm sick to DEATH with seeing nothing but the same goddamn games go on sale over and over and over and over and over and over... I've just had it with all that bullshit. What's hilarious is the second I've had enough and STOP looking at sales a game I've waited 2 years for FINALLY goes on sale, lol. It's about freaking time, jeez!


My man! You and me both my friend. I was thinking it would never be on sale and was ready to buy it after checking for 2 years and finally it happens!

You know what they say: patience is a virtue ;)

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1 hour ago, FrenchDevil54 said:


My man! You and me both my friend. I was thinking it would never be on sale and was ready to buy it after checking for 2 years and finally it happens!

You know what they say: patience is a virtue ;)


Amen to that!

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On 3/4/2022 at 5:23 AM, MrTacoNinja said:


Because I say a game looks awesome and call it a gem that means I HAVE to run right out and drop $20/$40/$60, etc., on it? I'm living on a strict budget, my man, so forgive me if I don't have it like that to throw a lot of money around on a single game. Sorry, but you assumed completely wrong because my copy is a used physical copy that I got cheap as hell ($5.40 after tax) from a local pawn shop.


I'll be honest with you dude, your entire post irritated me and it felt like you posted just to try and instigate me. It seemed like all you tried to do was poke holes in my post. 


I agree with that assessment, Taco. He came at you sideways to tear you down. There was no love in that post.


8 hours ago, SegaJAM said:


That sale actually JUST went live. It's part of tomorrow's Mega March sale in the PS Store. platprices.com already picked up all the price adjustments, so you can browse all the rest of the stuff on sale now if you're interested. I may end up picking it up too, as there isn't much else that I don't already have.


LOL I was going to post something similar. I use psprices.com, a Russian-based site, but it serves the same function. The developers of Wartile, Deck 13, also made The Surge. However, The Surge is more like Dark Souls, and Wartile is RTS. It seems Deck 13 isn't afraid to experiment with new genres. That's cool, and it is rare with most developers.

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4 hours ago, poetic_justice_ said:


I agree with that assessment, Taco. He came at you sideways to tear you down. There was no love in that post.



LOL I was going to post something similar. I use psprices.com, a Russian-based site, but it serves the same function. The developers of Wartile, Deck 13, also made The Surge. However, The Surge is more like Dark Souls, and Wartile is RTS. It seems Deck 13 isn't afraid to experiment with new genres. That's cool, and it is rare with most developers.


psprices is my go-to site for sales but over the past few months, they've been the slowest to update sale prices as they're happening. platprices and psdeals.net tend to be the first to update as changes are being made in the PS Store. I love catching sales as they're being posted, so that's the only reason I'll bother checking sites other than psprices. lol

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First time that this game is on sale until March 31st.

And a juicy 70% discount!

I had this game on my radar for a while and finally the wait is over.

Worth to mention that for a couple quid more you can get the complete edition with all the dlc, including Hel's nightmare.

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On 3/16/2022 at 0:50 PM, IntroPhenom said:

None of those pesky MP trophies with this one, correct? None of the descriptions read that way.


No, thank god. I take it you hate them just as much as I do?




On 3/16/2022 at 0:31 PM, poetic_justice_ said:

I agree with that assessment, Taco. He came at you sideways to tear you down. There was no love in that post.


Riiiight? Dude came at me with assumptions and tried to put holes in my post like I was lying or something with what I said. It's whatever, though. I shut his failed attempt down, lol. Am I just a magnet for people to start shit with or what? 




2 hours ago, VRYKOS said:

First time that this game is on sale until March 31st.

And a juicy 70% discount!

I had this game on my radar for a while and finally the wait is over.

Worth to mention that for a couple quid more you can get the complete edition with all the dlc, including Hel's nightmare.


That's what I did, bought the Complete Edition. I have a game queue of like 20-somethings games and I order/play them by when I bought them. I'm currently playing my stack of Hard West but bumped Wartile straight to spot #2 so I'll be playing it next after I'm done with Hard West.

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4 hours ago, MrTacoNinja said:

No, thank god. I take it you hate them just as much as I do?


Over the past couple of years, I've come to terms with them a bit. My preference is that they remain absent from what is otherwise a single player title, but for games like Fall Guys, etc., which I'm playing and enjoying, MP stuff has broadened my friend's list, elaborated on my approach to gaming, and expanded my library. 

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I see the complete edition is on sale too. Will it help me in any way to get 100%?


- WARTILE Yggdrasil Pack
Battlecard 'Fire Trap'
Battlecard 'Seed of Growth'
World Board theme 'Yggdrasil'

- WARTILE Item Pack
Heirloom Axe
Heirloom Shield

- WARTILE Hel´s Nightmare


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2 hours ago, MMDE said:

I see the complete edition is on sale too. Will it help me in any way to get 100%?


I had the same question. I typically don't go for deluxe, but since that one is never on sale, I might splurge the extra $3...

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15 hours ago, Blackmist_FFXI said:

Most sales appear to be recycled shit


Lol, yup. But more like EVERY sale! ?




16 hours ago, MMDE said:

I see the complete edition is on sale too. Will it help me in any way to get 100%?


The DLC isn't needed but I'm sure the extra weapons and cards will help. For an extra couple bucks, screw it, treat yourself. ?




13 hours ago, visighost said:

I had the same question. I typically don't go for deluxe, but since that one is never on sale, I might splurge the extra $3...


By buying the Complete Edition you basically get the Hel's Nightmare battle board for free. For an extra 3 dollars I say go for it, amigo. Like I said to MMDE: treat yourself. I think we all deserve it after a rough couple of years dealing with this Covid madness.




On 3/17/2022 at 9:08 PM, IntroPhenom said:


Over the past couple of years, I've come to terms with them a bit. My preference is that they remain absent from what is otherwise a single player title, but for games like Fall Guys, etc., which I'm playing and enjoying, MP stuff has broadened my friend's list, elaborated on my approach to gaming, and expanded my library. 


Not me. I've always hated online multiplayer, still do and always will. 

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