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My most recent platinum was in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. This is an excellent game that does have some foibles, those being bugs that were never patched and a slow burn opening. Also, there are lot trophies in the DLC's tied to actions in the main campaign so as much as I hate to say it, following a guide is recommended.


That said I loved my time with KCD. 1403 Bohemia definitely had its challenges but this is one of those games that you just lose yourself in. Think Skyrim minus the fantasy elements and much more realistic combat. I felt like I really was Henry learning to pick locks, swing a sword, and shoot a bow. 


If you're looking for a game to sink hundreds of hours into, step into Henry's shoes and guide him from a blacksmith's son to a knight felling bandits.


PSA: If you have the Royal Edition, do not touch any part of the last DLC, A Woman's Lot, until after beating the main campaign. You've been warned. 

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                                                                                                                                   COD Infinite Warfare!


Underrated game at this point, I was insanely critical of this game being a big multiplayer fan but the zombies are really good and its crazy so many ppl probably never experienced this game due to the overall hate it got. The story isn't great in single player but Zombies are really damn good. I did all DLC. The game took me about 35HRS total for the 100%. The Zombie trophies are insanely challenging. This isn't an easy game by any means. It's my 4th rarest platinum on this site but it's a pretty enjoyable game all these years later. I wouldn't touch the terrible multiplayer though, this coming from someone who gets Nuclears and V2 Rockets on more recent cod games lol.

Edited by Kal-El457
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:platinum: #17 

Completion #21



As a HUGE fan of the Trials series, I cannot objectively say this is a good Trials game, because it isn’t. That doesn’t mean that in parts it’s not fun, some levels are really cool and creatively - the team went wild with this one! I just can’t shake some of the terribly implemented segments with wonky mechanics: Jet-packs, Grapple-hook and the run and gun platforming sections were a total mess, imo. 

I understand this is not meant to be a hardcore Trials game, and as a hardcore Trials fan - the game probably wasn’t aimed at me. There’s enough good for it not to be outright terrible but enough bad for it not to be good. I’m happy to have the series complete for what’s available on PlayStation and move on to the next one! 

Enjoyment rating: 6/10

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:platinum: #104 



Enjoyment 8/10

Difficulty 3/10

Time to plat 35 hours



:platinum: #105



Enjoyment 7/10

Difficulty 2/10

Time to plat 10 hours



:platinum: #106



Enjoyment 8

Difficulty 2/10

Time to plat 35 hours



:platinum: #107



Enjoyment 9/10


With glitch 4/10

Without glitch 9/10

Time to plat 50 hours



:platinum: #108



Enjoyment 10/10

Difficulty 5/10

Time to plat 254 hours


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