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On 5/29/2024 at 2:00 AM, slender_adrian said:

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:platinum:  #148

Difficulty: 4/10 

Enjoyment: 9/10

Grind: 5/10

Time: 82 Hours 

100% Completion Difficulty: 6/10

100% Completion Enjoyment: 9/10

100% Completion Total Time: 223 Hours 

Rarity: [Very Rare 6.1% / Rare 20.17%]


"Not exactly a fairy tale beginning huh."


 My trip to Final Fantasy 15 is over!!! This game has become one of my favorite looking FF games, I totally cherish my time spent in this game. I like a lot the mixture of modern times with fantasy, the whole "fantasy based in reality" thing is by far what caught my eye since the beginning. I finished FFXV story in 35 hours and I can say I really enjoyed it. I can't speak for FFXV vanilla since I've only played Royal Edition but I can say that Royal Edition is pretty good, but is nowhere near to other FF games in quality lets be honest. The biggest sin of this game is how the story is told, it's mandatory to watch the movie Kingsglaive and the anime Brotherhood to understand the game, and I did just that, so I could grasp better the story. As for the movie, well you can see it as a lengthy opening movie for FFXV hahaha, but with Jessie Pinkman, Cersei Lannister and Ned Sark on it, you can tell Square really put the money on the movie hahahaha, and I don't understand the bad critics about the movie, honestly the movie is pretty good, I watched 2 times hahaha is that good. So this FF game is a very special one for me, it's a very casual FF experience and despite the development hell it went through, this is still a fun game to play. It has some awesome freaking cool looking moments but it happens near the end of the game, the summons in this game look incredible. As for the OST well I can really say it's not that memorable, it's still amazing don't get me wrong, but being honest I only remember like 4 tracks and one of them is Stand by me, (which btw I really liked the opening for this game, it is so simple but yet I like pushing a car while listening that song).


The main cast is by far the strongest point of this game and it's my favorite thing about it by far. Noctis at first glance may look like the typical emo edge lord but he is nothing like that at all, that tittle is between Cloud and Squall haha. But seriously, the bond between Noctis, Ingnis, Prompto and Gladio has is so damn natural that they truly look like a group of friends going on a journey, I remember one part when someone gets mad at Noctis and you can really tell the tension in the air and go like "yep, that's how it is." This is by far one of the most human main cast in all FF games I played. I also like other elements about it like the car drives, listening to all FF ost while casually waiting for 4 minutes is awesome and you also get this cool moments between the main cast, and the photo mechanic is so damn awesome, getting all moments captured is incredible. As for the combat mechanics well, since FFV13 it always looked like the KH one, which KH has a nice combat mechanic especially KH2 but in FFXV the combat lose a lot of its magic, you see this game is very easy and you can spam potions and items all the way so it kinda loses the whole point, and because of that enemies feel like tanks and you have to spent a lot of time on them, that is until you get to break the combat mechanic with powerful magic or by leveling up, still is fun to play anyway so meh. And it also misses the point in a lot  of other things like side characters, and a lot of good story moments, but I can't really blame them seeing all this game went through. Btw, Gentiana and Lunafreya are the best waifus hahaha.


Final Fantasy 15 had the potential to be one of the greatest FF games since Nomura gave birth to FF Versus 13, but FFXV had everything against it, this game is a victim of fate and it's a miracle this game even exist, and if this game had had the chance to truly chance it would've been one of the best one truly, this games story, lore and the world are incredible. It sucks the story is all chopped into a lot of media forms, which I don't like, but hey like I said it's a miracle this game exists, literally Hajime Tabata saved this game from being nothing to actually making it a reality, huh I guess not all miracles comes from magic. If you are looking for a casual FF experience this is a great game, it has some "unique" things since its an open world and follows the formula but hey it's a pretty good looking world to explore. So far from all Final Fantasy games I played I always leave with some good memories and I remember all fondly and FFXV is no exception. FFXV totally earned a place in my gamer heart!!


And another FF platinum goes to the collection!!! I spent 82 hours doing this and oh boy it was pure fun and good moments! Despite this game being rushed and having the story told in a very bad way, that is in multiple media forms like the movie, anime and the dlc, and other stuff I really enjoyed this game. The platinum for this game is really easy since the trophies are very simple, I played the entire game on normal and I've only got a game over once on Cerberus (which is a Royal Edition exclusive I believe) and that was only because I wanted my party to die so I had the chance to use a megaphoenix but I ran out of time hahaha, you can play on easy to speed the plat if you like. One tip I can give is using the car as least as possible and just run hahaha it will save grinding time later for the survival skill, it took me 8 hours to level it up in the endgame, but being honest running around from place to place is no fun and it can make your game experience worse, since going in the car has a lot of good moments and you get to know the main cast better, so if you don't mind throwing some extra hours for grinding afk don't bother running and use the car, other than that the fishing skill can take some time but nothing to hard, leveling the other 2 skills is pretty easy. And the big turtle can be instantly killed with the ring of Lucii so no big deal there either. But I have to say I didn't play with trophies in mind, I took my time to enjoy the game, so that explains the 200+ hours I spent on it hahaha. Totally love this guys!!! They truly are the best!


100% Completion journey:


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This are my thoughts on each DLC, as for trophies added on the Royal Pack or updates, the tricky part is going for 80% of the data log entries related this are basically collectibles some of them are locked to story chapters and are missable, personally I only missed 2 and I didn't used a guide, so if you look around you can get all  that are missable, but if you are not confident use a guide, you can miss a few but I highly recommed getting all the entries that are chapter related since that means less work from you later since you'll have to do the menace dungeons, I was afraid I missed entries that are only obtainable on specific chapters but I'm very proud to say I only missed 2 so I didn't need to use chapter select to get them.



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You see this DLC occurs in a part of the main (very minor spoiler) story were Gladio in the most casual way just leaves the party for a while and that's when the DLC happens. Look the DLC is good since it add more lore to the characters involve but lets be honest, completing this DLC takes less than 2 hours, this could be any level for any other Final Fantasy game were some character goes in its own self discovered journey and then evolves as a character. Look having to pay for this is very lame, I'm not gonna defend it, I know FFXV was very bad when it originally launched and but this DLC's are basically story segments cut out and then pasted behind a pay wall (if you don't have RE).


As for the DLC content well is basically a level with Gladio, were you have to kill some bosses nothing to special, its pretty easy too, the gameplay was cool enough for what it is. The whole vibes this DLC gave me were of Devil May Cry haha but with a lesser combat system. As for the trophies well there is only one trophy that can tricky to get, is for winning a fight with Cor. It's basically a skill related trophy mixed with some rng. It's basically a parry fight all the way, you see Gladiolus is locked to level 24 for the DLC, but Cor is level 52 and he can enter a rage mode where with one hit can kill you. So if you play games like the Souls franchise or DMC it's nothing that bad, it still require learning the move set from Cor and doing perfect parries so you can build you special gauge so you can deal more damage. But what makes this fight tedious is the constant bad rng, if Cor spams rage mode you better run for you life hahaha, and having those bad loading times doesn't help either. The rest of the trophies are very easy.






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This episode happens, just like Episode Gladiolus, in a moment of the main story were Prompto leaves the party. It shows the self journey Prompto had before reuniting with the party again. Like the previous episode, in this DLC we get to learn and understand more about Prompto, which is a very depressing character in my opinion. In comparison with the previous episode Gladiolus, episode Prompto in lengthier and has more content. The main story can takes 3 hours max to finish and less than 2 hours if you play it fast. It has a mini open world and it includes side quests. I still think this DLC could've been a segment in the main game, at least for the story part regarding Prompto. Since Prompto is a range character that uses guns the gameplay here is focused on guns, and as for the difficulty is pretty easy. The episode was good enough I liked it more than Gladiolus. 


Trophies here are way easier than the one of the previous episode, the are miscellaneous trophies that are very simple and easy, there's also one trophy regarding a side quest which is no problem at all, a boss fight like the one from the previous episode which is very doable and the last trophy which is for getting 3 star on 3 races again very easy to get. 






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This episode happens, just like previous episodes, in a moment of the main story were the party leaves Noctis for a brief moment. I have to say that by far this is my favorite Episode from the Brotherhood. It happens on the peak moment of FFXV and honestly Episode Ignis is incredibly good. This episode is centered on Ignis, and his develops further the bond Ignis and Noctis have in a heartwarming way. It adds new gameplay mechanics and adds and extra chapter for the story which is quite the surprise. Ignis is my favorite character from the Brotherhood (excluding Noctis of course) and this episode really shows why Specs is the best.

For the trophies this episode is very similar to previous ones, you'll have to do some miscellaneous things as well finding collectibles, and like custom, have a boss fight. What boss fight should be good enough for Ignis? Well non other than prince Noctis itself. But this time you won't get the trophy just by winning you'll need to get A+ on the fight to unlock the trophy. The good thing is that getting A+ is based highly on time, you'll have around 15 minutes to win the fight, and the bad thing is how challenging Noctis actually is, this fight can take easily 10+ minutes. The strat is using fire daggers and constantly getting counterstrikes and good dodging. This fight is all in the practice, it took me more time to beat Cor on Episode Ignis, but you don't want to underestimate Noct, since he goes full arsenal, yes he can use the ring of Lucci to erase you from existence haha, there's nothing friendly about this fight. I'll leave my run in the hidden content because the way I beat Noctis was the most hilarious one possible hahahaha totally recommend checking it out.  







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This episode happens, just like previous episodes... wait a minute, this episode actually happens before the main story? Yup this is by far the most important DLC story wise of the bunch, it tell us the story and background of Ardyn, the main bad guy of the game, Ardyn has a very interesting background and playing this episode the way you see Ardyn will change, he is not one sick maniac like most of us think while playing the game, instead he is a tragic sick maniac hahaha and its story will also change your view on Noctis' ancestors. This episode really delivers and makes Ardyn more interesting of a character. Other than that we see other cool stuff in this episode, like the city of Insomnia, yep we actually get the chance to explore it and all, we also se more stuff related to Ifrit which in my opinion is the most interesting summon in the game other than Bahamut. This is a very cool episode, it reminded me of DMC hahaha and is totally worth it. This 4 Episodes were all fun and cool, some more than others but if you really liked FFXV, this episodes are totally worth it since they expand more the game. I know there were going to be more DLC's for FFXV, but they got cancelled, it would've been nice to see a Lunafreya episode or a Noctis episode, but we never got them. 


As for the trophies this are the easiest of the bunch. Select easy and done you get all of them in a breeze, I recommend doing 2 runs to enjoy the episode but you can get all trophies in 1 playthrough. With this done I completed FFXV trophy list to 89% and it took me 160 hours. The remaining trophies are for the multiplayer stuff which is a hassle to access since I have to downgrade to get the trophies but I'm committed to get 100% . But before that I'm going to keep playing FFXV normally I'm really having fun with this game hahaha so I'll keep grinding it until I'm ready to get more trophies hahaha.


Unfortunately no Ardyn pic, so here's my chocobo called Choco. 





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So multiplayer trophies eh? What a hassle this is going to be but all for that sweat 100% completion. So this is a Multiplayer DLC, that of course, happens in one incredible point of the main story which, in my opinion, was wasted.  Of course this DLC adds more lore to the game, and I kinda like the idea of playing as a Glaive but not like this. Man I want to keep playing more of base game no this hahaha. As for trophies well, the one trophy I was really afraid of was the one for meeting Kenny, this is basically pure rng and I read a lot in the forums people experience with it, but thankfully Bahamut saw my commitment and love for FFXV that he gave me with his good rng blessing hahaha so I got it on my first 6 hours playing casually, a not only that in my total play time of comrades I got 2 Kenny appearances hahaha lucky me!


The way this dlc works is that you get most of your stats level up by leveling the weapons and adding them stat buffs, so that means grinding for items. Playing this dlc really made me wanna go back to base game and grind there instead hahaha. 


Getting all the trophies for Comrades took me 37 hours and most of that was pure old fashioned grind. I can tell this trophies can be done faster if you know what you're doing. This last 3 trophies are quite easy to get, the most "complicated" trophy is the cochobreeder one, is not difficult you only have to select stats to level the chocobo in a way you don't cap the chocobos level until you reach 99, it requires thinking, luck and resetting but is fairly easy just tedious. Thankfully there's a guide in gamefaqs that really helps understanding the whole gimmick about it. Then once the chocobo is level 99 and you have the necessary stats you can get the remaining Royal Sigils, some are locked behind a quest so you are going to have to clear the quest first, and some of this quest may require good gear, level 40 is enough to get this trophies done, but I highly recommend getting first a lot of good gear so you make your life easier. As for the Ifrit fight all you need is a good bow since there's a exploit for this fight that's a life savior. The final trophy is for completing a quest with the Brotherhood, which is very easy to get. I really enjoyed my 223 hours in FFXV, this is one of my favorite platinums and 100% completion journeys in a videogame. Totally worth it! Who knows maybe I do a NG+ hahahahaha.


And with this my 100% journey is over sadly.





*I played on the physical Royal Edition, which brings a code that access all dlc (except for the Ardyn dlc which you'll need to buy separately) content including comrades. This code expires on June 2028, I paid 40 bucks for my sealed copy. But be warned!!!! If you are looking to get the RE for 100% you must buy the physical copy corresponding to your region, if you buy another region's copy the code won't work, to my knowledge.




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Congrats :)

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