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Having a child named after a videogame character


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Richard (After Richard James Croft)

Alister (After Alister Fetcher



Lara (After Lara Croft)

Amanda (After Amanda Everett)


This is if I named a child after a video game character, but really, I doubt I would. It's like saying "Oh, Lara Croft is better than you, daughter, so I'll name you after her in hopes you'll grow up to be on her level". It just strikes me as silly.

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This is if I named a child after a video game character, but really, I doubt I would. It's like saying "Oh, Lara Croft is better than you, daughter, so I'll name you after her in hopes you'll grow up to be on her level". It just strikes me as silly.


I can see why people would think that but I take it as fun trivia for when they're older.

''Hey mum, how did you pick my name?''

''I liked <character> from <game> and I thought the name was nice.''


Might be interesting for them to play that particular game and thus lead to further conversations and bonding time/whatever.


I was named after my dad's ex-girlfriend and my mum's name was pulled from a hat..

I don't see how this is any worse lol

(Please don't take this offensively, it's not intended to sound harsh).

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I feel that naming your child after pop cultural things or games or movies is dumb. If its that important to you do something sure but why name your child something silly that they have to live with and deal with. Names are big deal but now they just get abused.

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I should point out that Zelda was a fairly common name for girls early in the 20th Century, like Zelda Fitzgerald, who was F. Scott Fitzgerald's wife.


That's true, but in Robin's case he really named his daughter after the Princess, and both of them where proud of it and would often correct people when they asked them if she was named after Zelda Fitzgerald.


About the topic, me and my girl already decided that if we have a girl we'll name her Lara, and yes, THAT Lara.

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I'm actually named after Robin Williams. I was proud of that before, but more so now!


I'd be more willing to name my kids after favorite people from history. Anastasia is my number one name for a girl, because of the Disney movie, the real story, and the fact I find it a beautiful name.

If I were to take inspiration from a game, it would be for Emile from the DS game, Theresia. Maylee is also a pretty name from the same game.

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Just responding to the people that fall under "Naming your kid after a video game character is just dumb" - Majority of people in this world have freedom, and they can do whatever they like. Sure, calling your son sackboy is way too extreme and I'll say that is too far. Back to my point, most video game characters have names which aren't abnormal, and there's nothing wrong with naming them after that. People may look up to certain characters in gaming, the same way someone might look up to someone in real life - so there should be no reason why someone can't name there kid after someone inspiring just because they are not real. In a modernizing world people should get use to it. 

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In Skyrim there's a female character in the.. brotherhood? is that the werewolf place again, it's been so long haha anyway her name was Ayala, i think that's such a beautiful name for a girl, though i'd probably write it like 'Ayla' i think. If i ever had a daughter, that's definitely a name i love

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My brother named his son "Lincoln" mainly because he liked the name but Zelda is his favorite series and he usually calls him Link.


As for myself, I like the names:














Evelynn, Ev for short

Lyndis, Lyn for short

Edited by OdysseyPS
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I see nothing wrong with naming your child after a videogame that has had a pretty significant impact on your life. While I think something like Dante or Kratos is silly, I can definitely see something like Tidus, Joel, Nathan, Ellie, Elena or something like that. 


As most of you know, Led Zeppelin (and blues, blues rock in general) had a very significant impact on my life. I wanted to name my son James Patrick (for both Jimmy Page and my brother, both have been huge influences) or Robert Anthony (after Robert Plant and my father) but the wifey wasn't having it. Since I'm from an Irish background I threw Rory out there (Rory Gallagher) and the wife loved it. I wanted it to be Rory Kelly (Kelly is my father and brother's middle name) but the wifey wanted Parker... hey, at least I got to pick his first name.


Anyway, the point is I think it is okay to name your child after something important in your life, whether that is a family member, musician or videogame character.




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The name Raiden sounds awesome to me. It would be based off of Raiden from metal gear solid so a video game character. I wish my name was Raiden to be honest :D I'm hoping for a son down the road with my fiancé someday, but I don't know if I would really call him Raiden or not. Hell, I might even forget by the time that happens lol

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