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Why play a game that you don't enjoy?


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I'm one of those people who want to achieve a perfect 100% on my profile one day and came pretty close a while ago but life got in the way. After starting achievement hunting on the 360 years after I got it, my profile was pretty much ruined with lots of unobtainables. The PS3 was kind of a fresh start.

While I also do have a 2nd profile to play some games on, it's mostly for free PS+ games where I'm not sure if I'll enjoy it for more than 5 minutes (like Hoard or Velocity 2X) or to help friends boost some game that I have zero interest in. You could call it my demo account for games that don't have demos.
Difficult games or long grinds don't bother me too much. If I like the game I'll put it on my profile and try to complete it one day, even if I have to spend countless hours doing tasks I don't enjoy at all. It's very satisfactory to me to see 100% completion and means that I can sell the disc and/or clear harddrive space.


It's definitley an OCD thing, and sometimes I wish I only had a Wii U, but as long as I'm on PlayStation I'll always chase the trophies. :)

On the flipside, I have met quite a few very good people through boosting sessions and am still friends with them, chatting and playing games together, years after we finished whatever game we met on.


Edit: Another way to look at it (for me) is that I've always collected something, ever since I can remember: Stamps, stickers, comics, dvds, books, cards, etc

With trophies is pretty much the same if you assume that every game is an album you can (HAVE TO) fill up. With the huge advantage that it doesn't take up physical space.

In that sense Nintendo once had a trophy system. :D




Edited by soniq
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For some people getting trophies is more fun than playing the actual game. Also i'm sure people who truly want to maintain a 100% account will do some research about the games they're playing on their profile. So they never truly play a shitty game. 


Personally i don't care about my completion ratio, and i'll just play a game untill it bores me. 

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I will not waste significant time on a game that I don't enjoy. Case in point was Watch_Dogs. I did not enjoy this game at all. I finished the main story, but mostly because I was sat there saying to myself: "is this it?". I wanted to see if there was anything to it other than hype, and get my money's worth at least.


After finishing the story, I was going to have a run at the platinum. But I spent about another 4 hours with its tedious side quests before I realised how bored I actually was. I put it down immediately and picked up something else. I have no problem with a challenging platinum requiring high difficulty, as long as I'm enjoying the road along the way.


So yeah - I do like trophies, but I won't tolerate games that I don't enjoy to get them.


And yeah, I do have games like Megamind on my profile. (That game was fun just for the joy of unlocking a plat in 2 hours and 20 mins!) I am not above playing crap games just for the easy plat, but I won't do it if they aren't at least partly enjoyable.

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I wouldn't go out of my way to play crappy games for the easy platinums or make a new account for games that I probably won't complete. But if I bought the game I will also try to get the most out of it by not only completing the story but also getting all the trophies. 


Not having a "100%" profile doesn't bother me at all, I just hide the games that will be on a permanent 0% since they usually happen because my boyfriend inserts his games while the PS3 is still on my account and I have no intention of completing them.

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The answer is pretty simple. Everyone is different, and people enjoy different things. 


For some people, playing a game isn't necessarily the fun part, getting the trophies is the fun part. So, they may play a "bad" game in order to get trophies, but they still find the overall experience enjoyable when they get the plat, and are able to look at their 100% profile.

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Broy you are an old git.


I game for fun, to unwind, to chat to my brother in games - like we did on the sofa when were were 2 play co-oping as kids. Only now there are many miles between us.


I do not have time for games that I dont enjoy, and I dont feel the need to replay a game that I finished just for one elusive trophy (KZ3 & NFS:S2 springs to mind here) for a Platinum.

I work 40 hours a week, then get home and run a home while my wife is working as second job - getting a small business we have started off the ground. Then we do any admin for our wee enterprise and after that its "me time". 


On an average night I have about an hour to invest in myself, before bed.  And I regularly spend that time gaming.  If I find a game repetitively boring (warhammer 40,000 Space Marines), tedious (Dirt3 Gymkana stuff) or simply a huge grind (GT5 and lots of others) then I am not going to waste time that I should be enjoying carrying out some mindless task over and over just to level up a character or earn cash to "earn" a trophy.


I dont mind spending a little time in a game I enjoy hunting trophies but once I loose interest, its over. 

This happens me most of all on Vita games.  Its not that the games are poor, its that I play the Vita when I am travelling.  And sometimes its a football game I want to play, sometimes a shooter, and thanks to the awesomeness that is PSPlus if a game isnt floating my boat there are dozens of others that I can spend a while with.

Much like your bad lay Broy, if I dont like it I never have to call on it again and it doesnt cost me a thought.


So, I suppose I havent answered your question this far.


I have played various LBP - not a fan of platformers as a rule - and Terminator Salvation - clumsy game - but they have been as co-ops with my daughter.  I love spending time gaming with her, and it happens so rarely now that I will happily sit down to play a game that I normally wouldnt entertain, and even games I simply don't like just for those moments of sharing a sofa and laugh with someone I love. 


I dont have a problem with completionists or Plat hunters, but for me more games on a profile especially on a lower completion percentage shows a rounded personality that games for fun.

Well unless they are a grumpy old fart from Michigan. :yay:

Edited by Nasty_Rory
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I enjoy most of the games I play, but even for those I dont, I won't let that game beat me. I enjoyed AC Brotherhood, but I didn't enjoy the multiplayer. When I was doing the lv50 grind it's because I was already so close to beating it. I wasn't going to let the game beat me, I wanted to Dominate it. Take its trophies. For those I do enjoy, I want to do and see everything the game has to offer. That, combined with my perfection OCD means I must get all the trophies. And I've gone to pretty drastic lengths. The massively boring single player boosting on Warhawk, buying a Move and Vita just for LBP2 trophies, buying an EyeToy to get the Burnout Paradise plat... Even borrowing all my friends controllers so I could get the 4 player local trophy on Rio. Nothing will stop me.

So, to summarise

Games I don't enjoy (which a few): Dominate it

Games I do enjoy (which are many): Do everything in it

Everyone plays differently, and this is how I play.

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Some of you guys make me feel young.  Although I'm in a similar position where I work 40 hours a week and attend graduate school part time.  Oh yeah, and the wife wants time also. I on the other hand still have that old school feeling of finding and doing everything in a game which tends to coincide with trophies plus they're sort of another part of the game.  I see a lot of people feel they complete the game once they've beat the main storyline, I don't feel I've beat the game until I've done everything in it.  On the other hand, with my limited time I've found I just prefer to avoid games I know I'll dislike and instead play the games I enjoy even if the plat/trophies are out of my reach.  The most recent example being Destiny, I'll probably never get Flawless Raider and therefore the plat.  Do I want it? Yes.  Am I going to worry about it? No.  At the end of the day even if I did earn both Flawless Raider and the plat I'll still remember the hours I spent running around the Cosmodrome with some fellow clan members trying to murder each other with Sparrows (think speedbike from Star Wars).  


That is the crux of the matter, I play games for the time I know I'm going to enjoy spending with friends (even if I never meet them) rather than X completion percentage or have X number of games or X number of trophies.  

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Speak the truth, man.  I can honestly say I have OCD completion but even then it's only with games I love.  And some people say "some people enjoy trophies more than the game, that's just different opinions" well... games weren't invented for trophies nor is that how they should be experienced.


But whatever.  Nobody really gives a shit about anyone else's trophies so to each their own, I guess... :P

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Yeah, I would say it's due to the fact that they care about the trophies more than the game.

I'm pretty young and can be grouped with the "new generation" of gamers, but I still enjoy simple things in games that others seem to not care about, like split-screen co-op! :P

And having tons of unlockables that do nothing to affect gameplay, like simple costumes and such, lol.

Edited by -Dark Jelly-
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now for me while i do enjoy collecting the trophies, you will never see a truly grinding plat on my list, cause i just don't have the patience. i will still purchase and play games where the plat are now unachievable (i.e. mortal kombat vs dc and borderlands) because i find them entertaining. oh sure ill get what trophies i can, but i only have about a 40 percent completion rate and im fine with that. if i can't get into a game it will stay at 0% or whatever indefinately. (like kickass) so i guess it just depends on the person. the personal challenge of it or the bragging rights of saying you have a rare trophy etc. im proud of some of my trophies but most i could care less about. im mostly here for the games but again... trophies are a nice icing on the cake.

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Like broy and rory, I'm an old-timer round these parts, clocking in at 42 years and I've been gaming since the mid-70s. I have a business to run, mortgage to pay and 4 kids to feed, but I still have a few disposable hours at the end of the day to do what I want, which is usually gaming.

It took me the best part of 18 months to show any interest in trophies, let alone achieve my first Plat. Then the fever took hold and I wanted more, moar, M0AR!!!1! So I played a bunch of shitty games for no other reason than to boost my total trophies. I knew they'd eventually fall to the bottom of my profile, so didn't much care at the time. I quickly realised that I wasn't enjoying gaming for trophies, so why play shitty games in the first place? Nor was I enjoying games I thought I would like because I was following a trophy guide instead of immersing myself in the experience. Wasn't I supposed to be having "fun"?

Since that time, I've focused on games that I want to play instead of banging out quick and dirty Plats, and I'm popping more trophies than ever. My completion rate sucks, but I don't have the time or patience to force myself through a game that I don't enjoy. Conversely, I feed no NEED to Platinum a game I have enjoyed, just because a couple of trophy requirements are blocking the full set. I want to remember the good, but some trophies leave a bad taste in the mouth and taint the whole experience.

I like trophies. Not as a badge of honour in some virtual dick-waving contest, but as proof that I can achieve goals and finish what I start (which has always been a problem for me) and the benefits extend beyond gaming. But sometimes, you just gotta let that shit go. There'll be more games to play and at some point in time, the numbers on our profiles become meaningless, even to ourselves.

The way I see it, my completion rate reflects my enjoyment of a game. If I've got an A or S, it was a damn fine game and worthy of my time. If it's sitting at F or E, then the game was either complete crap or I simply couldn't get into it.

Edited by ant1th3s1s
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Games are meant to be enjoyed, not viewed as a chore.


If I don't like it, I won't play it. Simple. 


Regarding perfect profiles, I couldn't care less about it. Achievements are for me to enjoy getting, that's the bottom line. I would never play a game I don't really like just for the trophies.

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I have a feeling you made this after our Dokuro chat. lol



I did!


I just have seen so many threads and status updates lamenting the fact of


a- should I start a new profile

b- this game sucks, I still have X amount of hours to play

c- these trophies suck, MP sucks


Just my little take on why?

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I did!


I just have seen so many threads and status updates lamenting the fact of


a- should I start a new profile

b- this game sucks, I still have X amount of hours to play

c- these trophies suck, MP sucks


Just my little take on why?

Well this is a trophy website, people go out their way to get 6 platinums of the same game or boost so many hours to get that last trophy.It's all about the journey to that platinum that makes it fun not the crappy game. Just know that your seconds away from being done from all the horrible gameplay, glithes, and grinds gives you a certain feeling of proudness. Once you see that platinum or last trophy pop for that 100% you loss it and you want more of that feeling. Thats why we do it, to know that in the end the game didnt win. 

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