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Thinking of quitting trophies...

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I think you should have quited right in the moment when you realized, that you didn't played a game, just because it didn't had trophies or they were to difficult to earn, or if it that wasn't an enough big wake up call, I think another great moment to quit, or at least give it a good thought was when you decided to play and plat the likes of Megamind or Hannah Montana, even though I honestly would love to see the face of a grown man playing that piece of garbage just to get trophies. The only person that really cares about your trophies is you, as soon as you realized this you'll probably stop playing games you don't like or doing boring challengues, and realize that you'll be more proud of a collection of trophies made of games that you like, even if that means having 50 Plats instead of 200. Since when you play only the games you like, you don't care about missing trophies or doing multiple playthroughs just because you wanted to play on easy first.

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Since getting my PS4 and finding the Trophy pop quite intoxicating I've found I've lost all interest in any game that doesn't have Trophies. It really should not be this way. I know this but I find the Trophy hunt to be a nice side goal to enjoying games. 

I try not to fall into a chore fest of a grind when going after a Plat but unfortunately I'm guilty of this too. Fortunately I have not let Trophies dictate what games I play or don't play, just as long as there are Trophies in them I don't care if I can or cannot obtain every single one. 


Seems like if you've found a game you enjoy playing then enjoy playing it. The hunt for Trophies can always continue later on. There's a big old gap between my Plats and a hell of alot of unfinished games but I kind of like it. 


Whatever you decide in the end it's all about enjoyment. If your having fun doing it (and the other half is happy too) then it can't be a bad thing.

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Just do what I do. Try and play games you'll only enjoy. On top of that, don't earn every trophy. When you want to play a new game play it. Don't worry about the trophies you missed on the last game, and don't be afraid of a few 0%s.

Also, if you like a game enough to complete them all (I mean like top 20 ps3/vita/ps4 games of all time special) then go for the platinum and have fun. I can't remember the last time I platinum a game I didn't absolutely enjoy!

Of course, do whatever you feel is right.

Edited by Beyondthegrave07
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I wouldn't call myself a 'hardcore trophy hunter' by any means but I get how you feel.

I feel like if a game hasn't got trophies it's not worth playing, that I won't get a lot of enjoyment out of it, which is where Nintendo fails me. PSN has made me feel like if a game doesn't have trophies that I won't or can't play the game to it's fullest potential without them.


But I did take a long break from PSN when Animal Crossing New Leaf came out (I got obsessive and had 2 copies on the go), a break when Fire Emblem released and another long break when Pokemon X&Y released. Although I would like if these games had trophies lol I still enjoyed them, but as someone else said, without trophies it feels like there's not enough to keep you there and I always come back to PSN eventually.

Having someone to actively play Mario Kart with would trump trophies for me though honestly.


Point is, you can always take a break, even if it's for over a year and you can always come back.

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For starters, you have a girlfriend which not only tolerate but play with you, that's great and more important than trophies. Not saying that every person should like to play video games, hmm, but that would be a perfect world hehe.

Yes, that popping sound,  :blush: , but on the ps4 sounds weak :(  Wait wait, back on topic

As many have, the principal here is that you're getting fun. If you're tired take a break of trophy hunting.

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Collecting trophies is a fun hobby. The minute any doubt creeps in, it's time to stop...at least for a short while.

Don't let trophies consume you. In the end..absolutely nobody cares about your trophy list//number of plats//completion percentage BUT YOU! Don't let them ruin your spare time and emotional mindset. It just isn't worth it.

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Women change a lot of things in desperate men. In relationships I tend to take my time when I'm willing to play games, listen to music etc and spend time with her when I'm not. Maybe it's just self control or something. Usually nerds and virgins lack that kind of things. No, really your habits in relationships is individual and you will take it differently after dating the same girl for five years.

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I've been way into trophies for a good 2 years now, I've let them sometimes be the reason I've purchased games, I've let them sometimes be the reason I didn't purchase a game. I love them, and I never thought this day could come, but


I'm thinking of quitting trophies.


I recently got a Wii U/2DS, and I've been getting more and more into my phone and it's emulators. I noticed before that aside from finishing off my Saints Row plat about a week ago, there's been nothing on PlayStation that I've played for more than five minutes in a while, which is unheard of for me.


Meanwhile I've been playing the shit out of Mario Kart 8 with my girlfriend, a bunch of games for 3DS that despite looking like shit compared to Vita I can't pull myself away from, and hours upon hours of emulated Tony Hawk 3 glory.


Has this happened to any of you guys, have you left the trophy chase, or have you fallen back into the loving embrace of that sweet popping sound?


Despite our usually fine relationship, I won't lie, behind trophy's back, I'd been dreaming of a world without her, a world where I could play games on easy and not worry about missing a trophy, a world where I could be the one who says when I'm done with a game, so 2004 basically.


To me, as weird as it may seem to some of you, trophies were a genuine life goal for a bit, it wasn't like if I didn't get X amount of plats I'd jump off a bridge or anything, but it was more, well, I mean gaming is a huge part of my life and has been ever since I got my PS2 a bit over 10 years ago, trophies were like a virtual checklist of accomplishments, which I guess they're meant to be, but I really felt proud when I popped a hard platinum or completed a game in a series I loved.


And I feel horrible for this, but much like when you try to dump someone and you think back on how much fun you've had together, I don't know what to do or which way to go. If I say with trophy, it could dictate my entire gaming life til death do us part, but if I leave her now, what if I stay away for a while and then a sweet exclusive comes out years later and I get it and I see how great trophies are and I miss it. #Conflicted


tl;dr: I'm insane. Bai.

I quit hunting trophies for about 15 months or so. Then I started again last month. Neither decision was particularly life-altering.

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There is no need to quit, you could just tone your trophy hunting down. Sometimes, after playing games with trophies for a long time, it feels like going onto a trophyless game is a waste of time when it really isn't. If it is a game you enjoy and create memories with, then it is totally worth your time. 


Of course, the choice is yours, you have the power and the right to make your gaming experience the most comfortable for you, so if you feel like you need to quit (even if only for a period of time) then go ahead, just make sure that you enjoy gaming to the fullest xD


I second this. Between mid-2011 and early 2013, I was too into competitive multiplayer games like Call Of Duty to care about trophies at all. Nowadays, I am more of a trophy hunter, but I enjoy both. As long as you are enjoying what you are doing when you are gaming, it really doesn't matter. In my view, trophies should augment your gaming experiences rather than replace them.

Edited by SirDave1988
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I always go back to play any PS1 and PS2 games for mostly and sometime play on 3DS. I love single player games. I play a lot I mean a lot of games before trophy exist. It gave me great gaming experience. When the trophy exist, I noticed some other people are around like 20+ level and some of ‘em think I’m better than you lmao whatever it’s just silly I’ve had many stresses in my college and didn’t have time to play there and plus spent time with my family and friends.


I had hard time with myself when I decided to become trophy hunter, I felt like it forced me just too much to collect trophy which I can’t help myself. It didn’t feel like you have a good gaming experience. I’ve struggled for that a bit. and also, if you platted game, then you’re done with it and never go back to game that you platted it. I mean, isn’t that weird a little bit anyway I enjoy playing with friends and helping for online trophies more than collecting trophy by myself.

anyway, of course I agree with those posts.

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100 plats for the ps3 and ps4

Fair enough, good luck.



Why would you buy a game on the 3ds, if you already own it on the psvita? 

Same reason I bought the dud Amazing Spider-Man on 3DS from that same store, when I have it on PS3 and Vita, because I like the game, I want to play the game more, and each version is different. Rayman though, I'd imagine, was probably more or less the same across them all.



hahahah thnx bud, my name came from Blazblue Continuum's Ragna story. But seriously, I understand your frustation, back on SNES, PS1, PS2 and PSP days, I used to play a same game over and over just for the fun of it. Nowadays, I endure bad games, just for the sake of trophies, and even good games, I never play'em again once I got the plat.

I know right! With the above quoted thing, I didn't really like Spidey 2012, but I fucking love anything Spidey to be honest, after platting the PS3 one, I got the Vita version and at least a bit of the reason was so I could play it again to get trophies, seems like a waste sometimes to play something when I could play something that has trophies.



There is no need to quit, you could just tone your trophy hunting down. Sometimes, after playing games with trophies for a long time, it feels like going onto a trophyless game is a waste of time when it really isn't. If it is a game you enjoy and create memories with, then it is totally worth your time. 


Of course, the choice is yours, you have the power and the right to make your gaming experience the most comfortable for you, so if you feel like you need to quit (even if only for a period of time) then go ahead, just make sure that you enjoy gaming to the fullest xD

I know this and I want to be able to do this, but I do feel a little addicted, genuinely, to trophies. Getting off them can be hard. #WhatIsTheWorldComingToWhenSomeoneFeelsAddictedToASoundMadeByDoingSomethingInAGame #LongHashtags #iDontEvenHaveTwitter



Do whatever makes you happy, good sir. Gaming is meant to be about enjoying yourself and if you aren't having fun by forcing yourself to play for trophies, stop playing for trophies. That doesn't mean you have to quit trophy hunting all together, but you can certainly tone it down and only platinum or 100% games you really enjoy. 




I've tried that a few times too, tried to platinum one of the harder Spidey games and got annoyed at how hard it was and went and played something else. There's no winning with me! Woe is clearly me.



I recognise the story of the OP a little bit too much. I struggle with the same problems. Besides that I have a major backlog, which is begging to be played. One day I'll quit the Hunt for Platinum. Just not now yet.

I had literally hundreds of games in my backlog a couple months back, burned through a fair few just to the end of the games (not trophies or anything) and just crossed out a good 60% of the games I had sitting around, quite liberating in a messed up way.



Your girlfriend is playing Mario Kart, she's a keeper.


But the for real, she probably destroys you  ;)


In all serious though Parker has said it and Dark has said it. Trophies are trophies in the end we all game for the love of it and really everyone has their different reasons. To fight in the next ultimate arena, to become a racing god, to go on an exciting adventure that will take you to a whole new level of feels or just to chill out and maybe watch a story or two, Xx360 quickscope kids errday 420snoopdogxX there's obviously plenty more.


But in all just have fun, that's what it's all about.

I bought her a 2DS for valentine's day, which I feel the need to say how stupid I think it is but she loves that crap, because it was on sale and when we went to play Mario Kart on that and the Wii U, for the first time I mean, she was like "I can totes do 150cc bro, watch me no scope you 360 Doritos ass kick fedora times" and then I beat her and she got all pissed off. She's gotten pissed before at games but holy shit, I've genuinely never seen someone take Mario Kart so seriously, I'm mega casual when it comes to Nintendo games, I just play them for fun and don't get into them too much and I beat both her and our friend at school today. They both were so into it, I'm just like "Cool, I'm fourth now, I'm okay with that" then casually ended first. I thought there was a lesson here, but I guess not.



Just take a break of trophy hunting. I took a break a 2 years ago. I played many Pc games , mmos ,  3DS  and so on . I had lot of stress in University so i played not so much. Now trophys are back in my life and i have lot of fun with that. 

Sometimes you just need to take a break to get fun back.  If you look at my list you see im not a perfectionist. I dont finish every game , im more a game collector thar a trophy collector , so i dont know how important trophys for you are. 


If you feel bad because of doing something you like, its never good sign. ;)  I hope you understand my broken english ^^ .

The underlined part. I think me and the trophy wife (hehehe) have an abusive relationship sometimes.



Why not just turn the trophy notifications off?  That way, you can still play games on the SONY consoles, and not have to worry about trophies so much.  After all, out of sight (and sound), out of mind.


But other than that, just play what you feel like playing.

The notifications mean nothing to me, I ignore them anyways, but it's rare I'll play a game for a couple hours without checking the trophy list a few times.



Sorry if I didn't reply to your comment in particular, but I just spent a while reading them all. I'm glad I made this topic, even if it's in no way original and has almost definitely been made by many before me, because I got to hear all your stories. Sometimes a little reassurance that there's others out there like you is all you need, I feel a lot less insane for checking my profile a few times a day now. Cheers.


Y'all are bae. Or fab. Whatever the current internet compliment is. Assuming more people reply to this thread, I look forward to your replies.

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Testify brother. Trophies are a double-edged sword. I enjoy the sense of achievement from dinging a Plat, but I sometimes hate what I have to do to earn them.


I too have hundreds of games sitting on my shelf awaiting my loving touch, and I frequently worry about starting new ones for fear of ending up with a partially-complete trophy list. Why am I getting anxious about having fun? Purpose, meet your doom!


I plan on hitting 100 Plats and it's likely to happen by the end of the year. When I hit that milestone, anything else I do feels kind of irrelevant. So I've made a conscious decision this year to sit back, enjoy my gaming and spread my time more evenly between my PlayStations, Xboxes, PC and Nintendo consoles, without the pressure of trophies fucking the whole thing up. 


I'll still collect trophies, but I prefer to do it organically rather than forcing myself down a path I don't really want to take. I don't like guides or walkthroughs when I'm playing a game, nor obscure and/or stupid trophy requirements that are counter to my original purpose of simply relaxing and having fun. If I'm sacrificing a good night's sleep to play a game well past its used-by date for a fucking PNG, do I really have my priorities straight?


My new year's resolution was to get more sleep, to game less and to give exactly two fucks about trophies. I'm on track and I'm feeling better for it.

Edited by ant1th3s1s
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Also, I wrote this before but it didn't send, luckily I caught it at the time and copied it, so here's part 1.5, as it was somewhere in the middle of the post I'd just made



I decided to take a little break from hunting this year, but i bought a 360 as a distraction and now i'm almost getting into cheevo hunting too. I think i'm just destined to play games.

I was on holiday a few years back...I sound way fancier than I am, I was just going to see a some friends in a different state for a couple weeks, and I ended up picking up a preowned 360 for I think 150 to amuse myself when I was bored. I played that right until I got into trophy hunting, so I played that for most of 2012, in addition to the PS3. I ended up 100%ing 2 games that were decently hard without trying, just because I enjoyed them and the achievements came naturally. I would end up trading in my Xbox in 2013 toward the PS4 I love and cherish today. I had only around 500 odd chievies on the thing, but I still regret not earning them on the trophy machine sometimes.



I love getting trophies but it's not the be all and end all. You say trophies have been the reason you bought and not bought games. There's your problem right there. Trophies are a secondary goal to the main game, and they were only ever intended as so. I despair when I see people with Aab's Animals in their list or whatever it's called. Or all their games are 100%. Did you enjoy getting 100% in all of those games? Because I know for a fact plenty of games are just a slog to 100%. Only a small percentage are worth getting platinum on, even the ones that you really love playing. Sometimes for me it's a collection of games played, not just the trophies. I have nearly 300 games in my list now since April 2010, and I have only about 30% completion rate, but I don't care. There's plenty of games I need to go back to - I've never had so many games since I've gone almost all-digital, especially since PS Plus - but I'll chase the ones that are fun to do, and in my own time. If you can't do that, like others have said, maybe you need to turn trophy notifications off. Don't miss out on all the great games on Sony consoles for the sake of trophies. The Wii U and 3DS are great, but there's not enough on them for them to be your primary consoles IMO.

In defense of me using Aab's Animals, it was on sale for one dollar at the time, it was for some charity, there was nothing else I could get with my $1.09 PSN change, I bought it and felt good about myself. I actually let it sit in my download list for ages until I saw the trophy list online and was like "I should go do that shit"



Trophies is not the problem, gaming is.. hopefully one day I will quit gaming for good

Gaming isn't a problem, gaming is love, gaming is life. I'd never quit this shit. Sure we all get a little into it sometimes, but that's just passion. If you're passionate about something, it means a lot to you. That makes it more than just a hobby, it's something you love. Never give up on what you love, unless what you love is an asshole, in which case, go for it.



I think you should have quited right in the moment when you realized, that you didn't played a game, just because it didn't had trophies or they were to difficult to earn, or if it that wasn't an enough big wake up call, I think another great moment to quit, or at least give it a good thought was when you decided to play and plat the likes of Megamind or Hannah Montana, even though I honestly would love to see the face of a grown man playing that piece of garbage just to get trophies. The only person that really cares about your trophies is you, as soon as you realized this you'll probably stop playing games you don't like or doing boring challengues, and realize that you'll be more proud of a collection of trophies made of games that you like, even if that means having 50 Plats instead of 200. Since when you play only the games you like, you don't care about missing trophies or doing multiple playthroughs just because you wanted to play on easy first.

Megamind, honestly, I liked. I won't lie about saying I got it for trophies, but for what it is, a kid friendly fun happy movie tie in game, it's actually pretty solid. I paid five bucks for it back in the days of when I'd buy anything that was 5 or less without even looking at the cover. Hannah on the other hand, I borrowed of my girlfriend, and if you were on my profile you'd notice how long it took me to do it, I tried on two separate times to finish that pile of shit and could never do it. I ended up doing it with a friend who was staying over one time as a laugh and it took us like 7 hours of suicidal thoughts but god damn if we didn't get through it. I'd like to say at least two thirds of my plats come from games I loved playing, I've learned from the mistake of getting shitty games for trophies and moved on from there, but to be honest, a lot of people have been in that spot too, I don't feel bad for it, just like I don't feel bad for having a haircut on last year's school photo ID thing, I just look back, laugh, and move on.



Since getting my PS4 and finding the Trophy pop quite intoxicating I've found I've lost all interest in any game that doesn't have Trophies. It really should not be this way. I know this but I find the Trophy hunt to be a nice side goal to enjoying games. 

I try not to fall into a chore fest of a grind when going after a Plat but unfortunately I'm guilty of this too. Fortunately I have not let Trophies dictate what games I play or don't play, just as long as there are Trophies in them I don't care if I can or cannot obtain every single one. 


Seems like if you've found a game you enjoy playing then enjoy playing it. The hunt for Trophies can always continue later on. There's a big old gap between my Plats and a hell of alot of unfinished games but I kind of like it. 


Whatever you decide in the end it's all about enjoyment. If your having fun doing it (and the other half is happy too) then it can't be a bad thing.

You want a big gap between plats? How's this, it took me a month shy of 3 years to plat GTA IV, and I finally got around to platinuming Star Wars Force Unleashed a month or two back, which I started (my first PS3 game) on the 6th of the 9th (heheh) 2011. Over 3 years between first and last trophy.

Testify brother. Trophies are a double-edged sword. I enjoy the sense of achievement from dinging a Plat, but I sometimes hate what I have to do to earn them.


I have literally hundreds of games sitting on my shelf awaiting my loving touch, and I frequently worry about starting new ones for fear of ending up with a partially-complete trophy list. Why am I getting anxious about having fun? Purpose, meet your doom!


I plan on hitting 100 Plats and it's likely to happen by the end of the year. When I hit that milestone, anything else I do feels kind of irrelevant. So I've made a conscious decision this year to sit back, enjoy my gaming and spread my time more evenly between my PlayStations, Xboxes, PC and Nintendo consoles, without the pressure of trophies fucking the whole thing up. 


I'll still collect trophies, but I prefer to do it organically rather than forcing myself down a path I don't really want to take. I don't like guides or walkthroughs when I'm playing a game, nor obscure and/or stupid trophy requirements that are counter to my original purpose of simply relaxing and having fun. If I'm sacrificing a good night's sleep to play a game well past its used-by date for a fucking PNG, do I really have my priorities straight?


My new year's resolution was to get more sleep, to game less and to give exactly two fucks about trophies. I'm on track and I'm feeling better for it.

Mine was to be the best, like no one ever was. I don't know why that's in my head though as I haven't given a single shit for Pokemon since I was like 4 and watched the cartoon. I personally love the leaderboard aspect of this site, and I remember you from it, you jumped me one day then I jumped you then you jumped me and we piggybacked for a good week there. It was honestly quite amusing.

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Trophies are what you make of it really.

Fiance and I have a little competition going to see who gets to 100% on Skyrim first. He's setting up his "perfect" character (just hit level 220 today, I don't know how he can stand all that grinding, but he likes it...) while I am having fun with the DLC (and really enjoying the Dragonborn one). I still think I will get there first, but there's still a lot of time to put in for both of us.

It's been good for me, really, because even though it's trophy hunting, Skyrim is not a game to play to try and boost your score or earn trophies quickly. In this game, they pretty much encourage you to try out more questlines than I would have done on my own, at least. I bought Oblivion, too. I think I will need a break from Tamriel for a bit after I do everything I can in Skyrim, but I fully intend to play it as well, even though it has no trophies. (Although I admit I would probably play it right after Skyrim if it did).

I will also admit that I played some of the games in my profile (and finished others I wasn't crazy about) for the trophies. Need for Speed: SHIFT was, in a way, a s***w you for an ex-boyfriend (and SHIFT 2 will be as well, when I need some stress relief from the situation he's been stewing on - but I have been too happy for racing games at the moment). Seeing it in my list makes me smile. It's a symbol of overcoming a bad situation by coming out the other side. Doki Doki on the other hand is a reminder of my stubbornness to finish a much-broken game that would have otherwise been easy.

I guess what I am trying to say in a roundabout way is that trophies don't have to be bad - they are the sum of what they mean to YOU. If they are a problem, then yes, step away from them or find another way to make them not a problem. Do what you need to do for YOU. Our opinions don't really matter on this, we're ultimately just biased opinionated Internet strangers.

What do YOU want to do? :)

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im not a hunter... im a gamer but i was finishin around 4 games every month or so but since last year ive not been as enthusiastic... i think im averagin one game per month if that and they arent big name games... they are just stockin fillers as my big name titles are beginin to become a small mountain... gamin is my passion but lately i just really cannot be arsed to do any lol

btw to the guy about his gf predicament... women come and go so enjoy it while u can and dont put her last, put her first cause if u put games first she might end up with another guy... games are games, relationships are important... if u like gamin then try to involve her too or just game when ur free to...

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People nowadays make it seem like trophies are pointing a gun at you. The moment you are feeling unhappy about something then you know what to do. We all love games here and we have our reasons why we continue to game on, trophies should never that obstacle getting in your way.


^This. And the fact I think people feel like their trophy card and others' are their birth certificates. Trophies weren't even such a big deal until profiles became extensively concerned about what they earned or what they didn't earn and feel compelled to compare themselves with other players...even though everyone games under different circumstances.


In short, play what you want...collect when you can...and plat/complete what you like.

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