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Oh! Ohh! Ohh..... MediEvil 3 supposedly leaked on PS4.... Has been confirmed fake now :(


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Edit: ButtF**kinglyunbelievable. IT WAS FAKE!!! Dangit! Ugh! I spent 24 whole hours gushing and praying that it was true. And it wasn't! So. Backstory. A team of four dudes made a mod using Unreal Engine 4. Heres the video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yd80uokktUY God. Now all hope seems lost completely for our poor old Daniel. Tis a very sad day in videogame history indeed.

Edited by shananiganyo
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hope this is true, and if it is then what took them so long? this could have been a ps3 title a long time ago..... i remember both games on the actual ps1, their gameplay look more like legend of zelda oot, the final boss in the first game was so tricky, it was a two part battle the first was based on a strategy battle depending on the souls you collected around the world of the game and if you didn't collect enough then you're screwed. as for the second game i never managed to 100% it, i always get the bad ending which was funny and surprising.


i really wish for a syphon filter remake or a sequel or a reboot or whatever for the ps4, or i hope for Sony to bought back the rights for spyro the dragon off activision who didn't do much or good with it, then let Insomniac games works again on it, or let Sanzaru Games works on it, sure Sanzaru on their side also F%#*+D up sonic boom on the ( 3DS ) but they've did a damn great job with Sony's Sly thieves in time.

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hope this is true, and if it is then what took them so long? this could have been a ps3 title a long time ago..... i remember both games on the actual ps1, their gameplay look more like legend of zelda oot, the final boss in the first game was so tricky, it was a two part battle the first was based on a strategy battle depending on the souls you collected around the world of the game and if you didn't collect enough then you're screwed. as for the second game i never managed to 100% it, i always get the bad ending which was funny and surprising.


i really wish for a syphon filter remake or a sequel or a reboot or whatever for the ps4, or i hope for Sony to bought back the rights for spyro the dragon off activision who didn't do much or good with it, then let Insomniac games works again on it, or let Sanzaru Games works on it, sure Sanzaru on their side also F%#*+D up sonic boom on the ( 3DS ) but they've did a damn great job with Sony's Sly thieves in time.


Activision only published Legend of Spyro. Vivendi developed the games, and they did a good job with them.

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if this is to be true we may be looking at a duke nukem forever thing again took too long to come out or was never going and when it finally did people hated it (but I liked it for it kept what made duke nukem cool) and don't forget the big HL3 if that came out then people may not like it just like duke nukem forever.

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I have Resurrection for PSP and thought it was a pretty cool game. Sony has some DEEP IP to pull from, and to be honest, getting some of it out on the Vita would be more than enough to make both the Vita fans AND the original players happy. This title would be a great one to have been resurrected (pun intended) on the Vita that haters claim is dying. If it comes out on PS4, all the better. Follow that one up with a Vita title. 

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Activision only published Legend of Spyro. Vivendi developed the games, and they did a good job with them.


the legend series was ok-ish, i beat all of them back on the ps2, the second one was the hardest in the legend series.


comparing the legend series to the original ps1 the legend ones is not really that great, i actually liked dawn of the dragon the most in the legend series but the ps1 original was like the Mario 64 of the ps1.

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the legend series was ok-ish, i beat all of them back on the ps2, the second one was the hardest in the legend series.


comparing the legend series to the original ps1 the legend ones is not really that great, i actually liked dawn of the dragon the most in the legend series but the ps1 original was like the Mario 64 of the ps1.

You can't really compare them though, they're completely different. I loved Spyro 1-3, I also loved a Heroes Tail, and the gameplay of Legend of Spyro was enjoyable too and I remember really liking the story, but I'd never try to compare them. In terms of enjoyment I'd probably say 1-3 though.


On topic: I never played MediEvil, but it looks decent - although it certainly doesn't look like it's aged well from what I've seen imo. A current-gen Medievil would be interesting to see.

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I have Resurrection for PSP and thought it was a pretty cool game. Sony has some DEEP IP to pull from, and to be honest, getting some of it out on the Vita would be more than enough to make both the Vita fans AND the original players happy. This title would be a great one to have been resurrected (pun intended) on the Vita that haters claim is dying. If it comes out on PS4, all the better. Follow that one up with a Vita title. 

I always thought they could have gotten more of these games out on Vita.


Loco Roco, Patapon and Parappa the Rappa all seemed like perfect games to utilize the Vita's control scheme. Platformers like Ape Escape and Medievil would also have been good.


Sony needed more games like that and less ports and the Vita could have had some more life. II am not saying those would have propelled the vita to 3ds heights but it would have been its own machine.

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Firstly, just wanna say this: Final Fantasy VII is the equivalent of a dog turd.


Such an unpopular opinion, you must be really interesting person with very interesting interests and not "mainstream" at all.  I'm glad I learned this about you, so I can have more interesting conversations with you in the future about obscure things that are great because only a handful of really awesome and interesting people know they exist.

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Such an unpopular opinion, you must be really interesting person with very interesting interests and not "mainstream" at all.  I'm glad I learned this about you, so I can have more interesting conversations with you in the future about obscure things that are great because only a handful of really awesome and interesting people know they exist.


I can just taste the delicious sarcasm.

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I always thought they could have gotten more of these games out on Vita.


Loco Roco, Patapon and Parappa the Rappa all seemed like perfect games to utilize the Vita's control scheme. Platformers like Ape Escape and Medievil would also have been good.


Sony needed more games like that and less ports and the Vita could have had some more life. II am not saying those would have propelled the vita to 3ds heights but it would have been its own machine.

I think the Vita is its own machine, but that is because of the likes of Aksys, NIS America, Atlus and a few others who still make/localize games for it. Sony had little to do with it.

I thought platformers (such as the ones you listed and Gravity Rush) would've been great to improve the system, but Sony (and a shit ton of other companies) are caught up in the mainstream gamers who only need super fancy graphics to satisfy themselves. I think Sony just doesn't want to take any more risks on a Vita title that might cost them a pretty penny.

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I think the Vita is its own machine, but that is because of the likes of Aksys, NIS America, Atlus and a few others who still make/localize games for it. Sony had little to do with it.

I thought platformers (such as the ones you listed and Gravity Rush) would've been great to improve the system, but Sony (and a shit ton of other companies) are caught up in the mainstream gamers who only need super fancy graphics to satisfy themselves. I think Sony just doesn't want to take any more risks on a Vita title that might cost them a pretty penny.

Well I still wish they would release a Patapon game though :).

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