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Should I wait on PS4?


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I've been wanting one for a while, and I'm going to have the opportunity to get one soon, but should I wait for the 1TB model to come out? I heard it's coming out sometime by the end of this year, but I don't want to wait that long >_<

What do you guys think?

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My advice - with Arkham Knight on the way and Witcher 3 & Last of us remastered already here imo are reason alone to get a PS4. No need to wait for E3.


All E3 will do is whet your appetite for games we already know are coming - Fallout 3, Uncharted remastered, Uncharted 4, Ratchet & Clank, Hellblade. Plus a few more titles we probably don't even know about.


If you have the money to spare, there is no need for caution. The caution people are mentioning was relevant back when the console was released, now it is just procrastination :)


The only reason to wait would be for a price drop.


Waiting for hard drive size increases is absolutely not a valid reason - you can upgrade your PS4 hard-drive now if you want. There is even an official Sony guide on how to do it.

Edited by Crispy_Oglop
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Why wait? Just get it now, you won't regret it.


I have a PS3 and PS4, bought the PS4 at launch. My PS3 easily takes up +90% of my time. I think it's all subjective.


If you have something you absolutely need to play now and cost isn;t an issue pull the trigger. If you have a healthy backlog, as was mentioned earlier, you would be better off waiting to see what happens. Remember, price reductions usually happen at E3.

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Wait for E3 to finish then decide, it's too late to give you an honest answer. I know people who went from PS4 gamers to PC/mobile gamers because of E3. I went for X1 first due to nothing of the PS side interesting me, also the software is miles ahead compared to it's competitors. Waiting would be the best solution for now.

Edited by ZeroXOF
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Wait. Absolutely wait. I would suggest until the end of year. Price drops and memory increases are imminent.


This is why I'm waiting. That and the fact we could see a "slim" model or something of the like. I've got other games to play while I wait. It's not like the exclusives that interest me are piling up or anything. But this all depends on your situation. If you really want one, go ahead and buy it. You're the one who decides what the console is worth to you at this point in time.

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