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What Do You Fear Most


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This one is incredibly tricky. The funny thing is I have had this strong fear for tsunamis and anything associated with immense bodies of water with (dangerous and vicious) animals in them for many years (over 5 years). I would have these water related dreams for years.. consecutive years (still do btw) and 10 or more each year, including some of the same dreams more than a few times and new ones very similar to past ones.. but just a few days ago (ironically) I vaguely discovered I have a strong fear for any living creature being inside my body, including maggots (the ones who don't actually harm you but help you instead). I don't like the sound (nor would I like the feeling and constant worrying/stress) of a creature eating m insides, whether it be tissue, organs, whatever. What ultimately makes me scare of this at maximum level is a creature being able to actually live inside of me and grow to an extent where I can not only feel it as though, for example, it was a woman caring a baby (making a 'feel' assumption here) but also enough to possible break out of me or something. Just.. I can't, a creature pooping, laying eggs, etc... FUCK MAN, it's too much!


Tricky because im also incredibly scared of tsunamis. Seeing shit like 2012 and Take Shelter.. while they are fantastic movies, IRL I'd be so scared I may die from actual fright/fear itself.

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I have a fear of my teeth falling out, tooth pain, dentists, anything tooth realted. I sometimes have a nightmare where inside the dream, I get up from my bed and there are these horrific wrought iron bars coming out of my mouth where my teeth should be.

Ugh, hate even thinking about it.

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Spiders - I hate them, I hate them so much. Although I like Spider-Man, He's cool.


Not a very common fear, but... dogs.


I know I'm going to piss off a lot of people by saying this, but... I hate dogs. They're dumb, noisy, clingy, dirty and annoying. I had to develop master self-control to deal with a society that deemed such an animal to be "man's best friend". It still baffles me to this day how so many people like them.


That's your opinion so fair enough but I really have to disagree. The 3 Dogs that I've had so far have been very intelligent and kind. Anytime I've ever been down and feel like crap, They sense that and have always been there to provide me with some company when I'm alone also.

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This is kind of hard for me to answer. I've only had one nightmare in my life, I was 6, and it has nothing to do with anything. And I can search every corner of my brain...I've never run (away) or screamed in any situation I've ever been in. (but obviously I'm not without fears. Just ones that don't cause anything like that.) I suppose there are a few reasons I can guess at as to why I am that way but none worth sharing. 


Growing up I feared medium to big sized dogs like no other. (I don't remember it but apparently as a child I was almost killed by one) I once jumped on someone's kitchen table when their big ass german shepherd waltzed into my view. (I might have been 4 or 5) I was visiting a friend who broke her leg in a few places and injured her back in a jet ski accident and I didn't know she had a pit bull...and it ran towards me jumped on her couch and stared at me, I almost had a heart attack at 17 lol. One day I saw a doberman jump a fence and the owner panicked because this dog was not meant to be outside...I got into the habit of carrying a blade after that. (most people assume it's for defense against other people but it's not lmfao.) I still carry a blade but in all honesty...I don't have the same fear. It's still there just in a minor form.

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cockroach I HATE those thing I got one bad memories about that. I hope people wouldnt laught about that situation, here we go, when I was an Kid on my first year living on the Island my parents own the Snack Bar I was on the bathroom taking my business when sudly one of THOSE thing fellout on the wall right on the leg of mine I scare and I run out but I forgot to pull my pants on... yeah you get the picture, I HATE THOSE THING is way worse that rat

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Probably my biggest fear would be disappointing people or being known as a waste of time. Not failure, but having people see me as a failure. Also spiders, snails, slugs and creepy crawlies in general. I'm actually okay with death. It's more the actual 'dying' part that unsettles me. There's something about the reversion to animal instinct and the desperation to survive despite it not being possible - like clawing your nails out after being buried alive or struggling for air while being weighed down under water - that just freaks me the hell out.

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