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Assassinate General Amsel with a pistol shot. (Solo only)

I'm working my way through grenade-spam hell on Veteran in Call of Duty: World at War. This is the trophy I was looking forward to the least as it relied the most on either good luck or good management. On previous attempts at the Vendetta level, I could never keep track of the General. This time was no different...

After taking out the bodyguards and losing the target...again...Sgt Reznov indicated he had entered a vehicle. I sniped in its general direction and can only assume the driver had been killed as nothing seemed to be happening and I couldn't see any movement. Good management had flown out the window, so I opted for good luck and dumped a magazine of pistol fire randomly into the area. A stray bullet must have ruptured the car's tank, which set off a chain reaction on a nearby truck, blowing up the General and several troops. A few seconds later...ding! :silver:Gunslinger.

Not exactly to plan, but it was a pistol shot that set off the explosion, so I'll take the trophy. Edited by ant1th3s1s
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One Piece Unlimited World Red


Quote Keeper

Complete the full Word Gallery.


I hate "Random" rewards, my luck's rotten...But oh well....My first One Piece Platinum!  <3 

In another report :3


Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F 2nd


Mix-and-Match Master

You earned the title "Mix-and-Match Master"!

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