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10$ PSN Card Giveaway! (Version. 1.01) **Giveaway Has Ended**


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Video Game shopping experience is like an ingame bad shopping experience right?


Trying to buy all the stuff in the japanese Project Diva F was probably the worst. I had no clue what anything said and had to guess which ones were required for the trophies. I think the language barrier made it the worst shopping experience I'd ever had.

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Mine was buying once from a webpage named Mariio128.


They used to have one of the worst warranties for your games. Also, they took more than 6 months when in fact they should have taken just 1 week according to the description. Then I read that sometimes your games would never arrive and you would only end up wasting your money.


Thankfully, it did and in perfect conditions. But man, 6 months? Not again.

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Never had a really bad shopping experience.. except if its on the internet.

One time I tried to get Disgaea 4 LE for the vita. I had enough money for the game but one tiny bit problem.. TAXES. >=( because of this I miss getting the LE version and just bought a regular copy only. The shit I hate. Next time when order something online, check the exact total inculding tax before adding money on your card.

Edited by Ichiban-Hybrid
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Buying Mass Effect 2 on PS3.  Best Buy had a great sale ($5), but of course were sold out within an hour (it didn't help that they let people buy as many as they wanted, so most stores sold their entire stock to 1 person who resold them on ebay).  Anyway, after driving to 5 Best Buys within 30 miles of where I live and not finding one, I resorted to other means.  I first called all my friends who lived farther away and a couple of them were nice enough to check their Best Buys... but unfortunately they were sold out as well.  So I resorted to doing the last thing I wanted to, I called my parents who live in butt-fuck nowhere mid-west <- Yep that's a town name :P  Anyway, after attempting to explain the situation to my mom 3 times and her not understanding what shopping, video games, shopping for video games, or Best Buy was, I finally got on BBs website and guided her to the nearest Best Buy to her house.  Strangely enough there were 3 within close proximity.  Stores 1 and 2 were sold out, but Store 3 had a copy, 1... single... copy... yey!  So I guided my mom there and she went up to the nearest sales rep and told them 'my son wants a game'.  After the worst rendition of 20 questions you've ever heard, I eventually had her put me on the phone with the dude.  After 13 seconds, he grabbed her their last copy of the game, and the journey was over... mostly.  My mom decided to wait a month and ship it to me with my birthday present that year.  That was fine, though we did have another conversation about how to wrap it for shipping so it didn't get damaged.  I won't go into detail, but I ended up talking to the USPS person on the phone as well.  In the end I got the game (and platinumed it) and can thank my mom for coming through.  Thank god my parents live nowhere near civilization, I guess.  Oh!  I almost forgot the best part of all this, I called each Best Buy store I drove to and I had my friends/mom drive to in advance and they all promised me they had a copy!  Lol!  I frickin hate Best Buy... this is by far the worst experience, but many times I've bought stuff online and had it ready for store pick-up just to find they pulled the wrong copy from the shelf (360 instead of PS3 or vice versa) and had sold out of the one I wanted.  The good news there is they usually refunded me and gave me a free used game.  I'm sure no one was surprised when they began closing stores and almost completely went out of business.


Anyway, there's my story.

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Yay, another giveaway! :yay:

Hmm... My worst shopping experience?

This happened a while back (in the PS2 days): I went to my newly opened GameStop to get a Collectors Edition of Ar Tonelice II for PS2, but when I got home, the bloody thing didn't have a case or manual in the Collector box (only the game, art book, & soundtrack)!

So I went back to GS the next day to see if I could get my missing pieces, not even thinking to bring my receipt or game with me (I know, that was a bit of stupidity on my part :facepalm:). So as you can guess, I had to go back home -again- to grab my stuff...

Eventually I did get the missing case for my game, even though they said they didn't have an extra case (maybe that first person who "forgot" to put it in stole it & got fired, because I never seen her again).

I'm not really used to talking to people in person, so that was very stressful for me. :P

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It was during this years gamestop black Friday. My friend has just moved back to Chicago and he bought himself a PS3. So to help him build his new PS3 gaming library, I took the black friday deal Gamestop was doing, I bought him The Infamous trilogy, Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory and for myself The Order 1886. When I went to the register, the gamestop employee told me "I highly recommend you get something else other than The Order 1886" This has never happened to me before, no gamestop employee has tried to prevent me from buying a game. I told him, "I am just buying it for the platinum trophy" and the employee says "Well we have other games that have easier platinum trophies and they have a longer and better gameplay, it is a shitty game." I told him "yea but in the beginning I thought Hyperdimension Neptunia was shitty and it turned out great, I believe in giving games a chance." The gamestop employee says "Well I can't stop you from buying it, so if you want to buy it go for it."

So I get it and send the Infamous trilogy, Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory and my own copies of God of War 1 and 2 to my friend. I play The Order 1886 and oh my god I should have listened to the guy, the game is so boring, the gameplay is stale, they sometimes force you to walk. These guys cared more about the graphics than the gameplay. I returned it in three days and told them "Is alright if I get money back for this game" they said sure but I would have to return the other two games that I sent to my friend in Chicago, so instead I told them could I exchange it for Infamous Second Son. They were alright with that but apparently the computer didn't want to do it, so it took the manager 10 minutes in getting it to do it. Now I have Infamous Second Son and it is awesome.

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I tried buying something on a Korean site once. I got a virus. ._.

The saddest part is that it was actually a legit site. Some asshole must've hacked it at the time because besides that, I also visited the site beforehand to window shop with no problem and I know someone who just bought three games from there with no problem for considerably cheaper than I got them on eBay.

I believe I have won the thread. :P

Granted, the antivirus on my computer caught it, but it was a shitty experience nonetheless.

Edited by Wdog-999
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I think it was last year I decided to buy Arkham Origins again for PS3 (already had it on Xbox but wanted to get the trophies :)). I ordered it online, about 2 weeks later it finally came in the mail only to have one of those stupid annoying security lock thingy on it. I tried opening it without breaking the cover but it didn't work, so I decided to ring up and complain.

Whilst I'm complaining I'm still trying to get the damn thing open, all of a sudden *CRRRAaaaccccckkkkk* the whole cover broke open and the disc flung out. I was still on the phone at the time, obviously I didn't tell them what had just happened, they asked me if they wanted to send another one out, I replied "Cheers, that'd be great"

I didn't want to have to wait another two weeks so I just used the disc from the cover that had been smashed, about 1 day before the game arrived my save data corrupted and the new one they sent out sits on my shelf sealed ever since ...

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Try buying a M rated game without an ID at GameStop. It's a fucking nightmare. Like seriously I even showed them my college ID and they didn't take it cause my Birth date is not on it. Some GameStop are cool and don't even ask cause they know I'm old enough, while others are like the FBI trying interrogate for a crime.

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Cool another give away, thx man!!!

I really haven't had any bad experiences buyin video games or honestly anything really. Only time really was when I was trying to buy my ps4 and no one had any. It took me about 4 days to finally catch one comin in on the truck for Walmart 45 mins away. I got it tho so no worries, can't be bad if u get what u want in the end.

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so i bought Supremacy MMA on ebay, after seeing some gameplay videos of it and thinking it looks super cool, so after having it for like a month, i decide to try it out on my USA account, before i play it on my main account,  so go and play one match and then i'm like yeah this sux and immediately traded it in to the local game store. Thankfully i got it for cheap.


another great (tragic) shopping experience for me was, i go to the local game store spend like 10mins looking through the whole section where the PS3 games are, i eventually fond my bargain, Anarchy Reigns Limited edition for $10, i'm so excited and happy and cannot wait to play it when i get home, so i go to the counter to pay, the lady behind the counter starts looking and looking and looking, she says she can't find it so get's someone else to look for it, he also looks behind the counter and finds nothing, so he goes into the back of the shop and looks, a couple mins later he comes and back and says "Sorry it appears the Disc ain't here" at that moment i just walk out the store utterly gutted, twas truly a awful day.

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When I bought Corpse Party Everafter edition from Amazon, the game box was crushed, so I asked for a replacement. A week later, I get another package and guess what? the new one is also crushed. Gave up and just kept the first copy since it was in better shape so I could finally start playing.


It's not as bad as other people's story here though.


Btw, thanks for doing something like this!

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Nice of you to do a giveaway, unfortunately I don't have any bad shopping experiences. About the worst it gets for me is believing sellers on Amazon selling games as 'like new' only to find that the case looks like shit. I have bad OCD when it comes to game cases so this really makes me angry.

Any way good luck guys and have a great new year.

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My fiance bought me the special edition Darth Vader PS4 for me birthday, and the days later it became apparent that it had a major defect - it would turn off in rest mode and refuse to turn in again. I tried troubleshooting it with Sony but their suggestions only made it worse, so I sent it back for repairs.

A week later I get a package in the mail - they had just replaced the PS4 rather than repair it. I had to de-register all my PlayStation devices to remove the old PS4 so I could set up the new one as primary. A few hours later I checked on it, and this time it had the blinking orange light won't come out of rest mode issue...

I let my fiance troubleshoot that one... It seems to be working now, but it will take a while before the PS4 gains my trust. I waited to get one hoping the original bugs would have been worked out, and I got bitten by two of them in the first month (and I only had a PS4 in my possession for about a week of that month).

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Nice of you to do a giveaway! :)


Purchasing my Vita was probably my worst experience. Since Vita is expensive as fuck here in India, I decided to order it on Toys'R'Us (Since amazon wasn't shipping it internationally back then). I had thought their international shipping would be good but I was so wrong. They shipped through i-parcel IIRC. They took like two weeks to ship my Vita, by the time it reached here in India, they failed to clear the customs for it. It got stuck in customs for another two weeks. Once it cleared the customs, it turns out their local courier partner had shut down 2 years ago (They had no idea about this :facepalm: ). It took them another week to get another courier company to get my parcel to me. When I got the courier, the outer box was completely ripped apart, there was no bubble wrapping or anything to protect the Vita. Luckily, the Vita's box wasn't damaged. Scared the shit out of me, not gonna make any more purchases through their online service.

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Not had many at all but I attempted to buy God of war 3 when a while back and didn't have my driving licence with me as I.D. Tried to pull a fast one by talking about how I had just voted in the election whilst I was in the queue and was going to a club that night (and other stuff you needed to be 18 for) safe to say it didn't work and I later had to return to said shop with my mother in toe to collect the game with an 'adult' there with me. Did wonders for my street cred xD

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I love Physical Vita games. Those small, little, blue cases that have "PSVITA" inscribed upon them. I can install them with the ease of pushing them into my Vita, have them not take so much damn space on my memory card and add the box to my evergrowing collection of 38+ Vita game cases.

But one company hates physical Vita games as much as I love them. It's not an indie developer, because it makes sense for them to go the digital route, nor is it Koei Tecmo who at the very least is consistent with physical Vita releases (and by that I mean not releasing them at all).

The culprit in question is Bandai Namco games. Not the entirety of Bamco either just Bamco of America. So they were fairly new to the Vita come around January 2014 with DBZ: Battle of Z. It was the first game they released for the Vita since freaking launch day so it didn't frustrate me that much when I learned that the Vita version was digital only nor did it frustrate me with the likes of SAO Hollow Fragment.

What did make me happy though was the release of One Piece Unlimited World Red and Tales of Hearts R in the states. I didn't have that much interest in One Piece but I was jumping for joy for Hearts R's localization. Even more so when I learned that both One Piece and Hearts R were getting physical releases. They were GameStop exclusive, but the fact that physical release existed for them made the Vita fanboy inside me all giddy with excitement.

Then came the localization announcment of J-Stars Victory Vs+; the game nearly everyone had lost hope in was now coming west. "There's no way Bamco won't make physical Vita copies of these," the blind optimistic fanboy inside me said. After all, the fact that One Piece and Hearts R got physical releases must mean they'd do the same for the "greatest anime crossover" ever. The release date kept drawing nearer and nearer and Bamco Europe had already shown these cool artbooks as a pre order bonus with all three cases (PS3/PS4/Vita) sitting next to it in a promotional image. I thought that was cool. I hate pre order bonuses because usually they just offer digital content that's either hardly unique or gamebreakingly OP. This was different though as it was a physical piece of media that you could hold in your hand; a compendium containing art and descriptions of all 56 characters in the game. It made me more excitied about pre ordering it.

The days passed by and I had finally found the gmae up for pre order on Amazon. Much to my surprise I only saw the PS3 and PS4 versions available for pre order. "It must be a mistake," the blind optimistic fanboy said. "I'm sure it'll be up for pre order in the next couple of days." I waited about another week and finally found the news I was looking for only for it to bring the utmost despair onto me. "J-Stars Victory Vs+ is launching on June 30, 2015 for the Americas! Pre-order at GameStop to get a free artbook compendium!" the Bamco America twitter said. I finally had some official confirmation that the artbook was indeed going to be a pre order bonus for America. Yay! They used the same promotional image that Bamco Europe used a month ago with 2 differences. One being the obvious ESRB rating replacing the PEGI one and the second one being the Vita case was missing.

The Vita case... was... missing...

The worst scenario possible had happened. The artbook existed all right, but the physical Vita copy of "Every anime fans dream" did not in my region. This meant the one pre order bonus I was looking forward to was something I could only get if I ditched the game for my preferred system. I was absolutely infuriated and stricken with sadness. Bamco America clearly had little to no faith in my precious Vita to the point where they eliminated the possibility of getting the game for Vita as well as that dank artbook.

I managed to make it work in the end. I pre ordered the PS4 version from GameStop and also ordered the physical Vita version from Amazon UK. I came up with the brilliant strategy to return the PS4 copy without the artbook and keep the Vita copy. It was a strstch but I returned the PS4 version to GameStop without any issues I even got $2 back because the tax rates for my city, where I ordered it online, and the GameStop I returned it to were different and they didn't seem to care. I returned home with the artbook still in hand and a copy to play on my Vita so in the end I managed to make it work, but I would still call it my most frustrating game pruchase of recent memory.

tl;dr - Flare like Vita cartridges. Bamco America no like. Offer pre order bonus Flare like but couldn't get. Make Flare mad.

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Hey, another one, nice =D


Worst shopping experience... well, I guess those would be Limited Editions... =D

I LOVE Limited Editions of my weeb gamezzzz, but obviously, they are Japan only. I wouldn't mind that only since the prices are fantastic and shipping is usually free! (GOD BLESS NIPPON!) But... my stupid country has to have crapload of import charges... we have to pay ~25% of the price + another charge to the company that handles the taxing process... if the order is not labeled as GIFT and costs over 22€. I had no problems with this until I ordered Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei Out of Order LE. The box itself wasn't that big so I thought "Hey, this could pass", but the seller had to put it in HUGE cardboard because I got the poster (my avatar) as a bonus... :/

Obviously, big ass boxes never pass the custom office (I'm pretty sure 100% of US people never heard of it xD) so instead of long expected Onii-sama, I got a freaking envelope saying "Please provide the necessary documentation to describe the content of the box so it can be released", so I had to complete a paperwork AND pay fees so I pretty much paid 125% of the original price...

Guess that's the worst one, I guess.



tl;dr - Flare like Vita cartridges. Bamco America no like. Offer pre order bonus Flare like but couldn't get. Make Flare mad.

Why not Flare EU?
Go EU or import EU? 

EU Bamco good.

EU Bamco Vita like because EU Vita like.

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It was back in like 2004 or so, I wanted to buy Tales of Symphonia as it was my and still is my favourite game of all-time. I went to both EB's, The Rogers, Blockbusters, Jumbo's, and a few local video game stores in my city... EVERY store was sold out, I had to drive to a neighboring city after 1-2 hours of phoning outside game stores to finally find a store with a copy.

Thanks for the thread !!

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