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The Backlog Crusade - Dragon's Dogma

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Good luck to anyone who joins this event. Dragon's Dogma is a great game and is very enjoyable game to platinum.


Even though I didn't use them both of Dragon-Archon guides for this game are great.


Note: I can make you a quick and dirty banner if you need one. 



Edited by soultaker655
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I highly suggest that for those with the Dark Arisen version explore Bitterblack Isle. I get the feeling a lot of players who go for platinums will miss out on this area of the game and it's a really cool area to go through espeically if you feel like challenging yourself. :S

Edited by Avatar_Of_Battle
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I have Dragon's Dogma vanilla sitiing on my backlog for almost a year i think . I bought it on a store whe it was on promotion with a bunch of games for 5 euros. I was thiking of starting this Summer or maybe some other JRPG i have sitting on my backlog for my "Summer RPG vacation time" which i started this event 2 years ago where i start and finish at least one RPG  mostly JRPG in Summer's vacations.


I might begin Dragon's Dogma early thanks to this event and share my experiences with the game  :lol:

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Welcome to everyone joining me on the crusade! Both going for the platinum, and providing guidance. I'm currently downloading my copy from the PS+ offering years ago, and Ill start tonight. Posting from my phone so I'll update the OP with some info and reply to peeps after my first session.

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I may drop in on this but I need to check out my resources. I know the PS+ offering I had corrupted so I can't download it but I have a feeling I may have this on physical somewhere in my ridiculous backlog!!

On a side note, Saltyie will you be doing more of these threads as I am always in for a good backlog hunt and they are more fun when there is banter and others doing it as well?

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Played through the campaign twice with two different characters and absolutely loved it.  Probably could have platted it if I paid attention to trophies at the time, but hindsight and all that.  Anyway, I am 9 trophies short of the plat which would require two full playthroughs as I believe I started a mage to play alongside a friend who didn't like the game nearly as much as me.


I'll have to see if I can squeeze this in after I knock a few games off of the "raise your trophy grade" challenge.

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Note: I can make you a quick and dirty banner if you need one. 



Cheers for whipping that up, added! 



On a side note, Saltyie will you be doing more of these threads as I am always in for a good backlog hunt and they are more fun when there is banter and others doing it as well?

Maybe, it depends on this instalments reception. I'm using this as a learning experience to gauge how often games should be changed, among other things :-)



I booted it up this evening and it was clear that I had forgotten 90% of my previous experience. I spent most of my session replaying the tutorial (which should be skippable :/) to re-do my character. Alas, I had forgotten my purpose, to play the damn game! I played a good chunk, and am nearing the end of the first 'act'. I have been following Dragon's Hero guide so I don't miss a side quest, but it's still fun to wander off and get mugged by a bunch of hobgoblins (or to restrain your pawn and boot him off a cliff. :devil: ). My only real complaint thus far is the Pawn dialogue. I already had to turn off the subtitles because they drowned the game in ramblings, but they still blabber on about random shit. I'm looking forward to properly getting back into it.  :)

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I booted it up this evening and it was clear that I had forgotten 90% of my previous experience. I spent most of my session replaying the tutorial (which should be skippable :/) to re-do my character. Alas, I had forgotten my purpose, to play the damn game! I played a good chunk, and am nearing the end of the first 'act'. I have been following Dragon's Hero guide so I don't miss a side quest, but it's still fun to wander off and get mugged by a bunch of hobgoblins (or to restrain your pawn and boot him off a cliff. :devil: ). My only real complaint thus far is the Pawn dialogue. I already had to turn off the subtitles because they drowned the game in ramblings, but they still blabber on about random shit. I'm looking forward to properly getting back into it.  :)

The tutorial is absent from NG+ and onwards.


It never gets old to throw pawns from a cliff :awesome:.

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I'm spending today finishing the first two stage's side and main quests. This is what makes going through the backlog worth it for me. For every handful of grindy, uninteresting or just plain glitchy experiences, there's a gem like Dragon's Dogma. I have caught the fever, and am loving how it distances itself from other RPGs with a few awesome world building features. Having no fast travel is a pain when I had to travel between the main city and the starting town, but normally it makes the game that much more immersive, as night is bloody scary. Whereas in Skyrim I could be off adventuring without returning to a city for in-game months at a time, in Dragon's Dogma it feels like a necessity to book it back to base camp once the sun sets. it doesn't help that my pawn is a midget green-skinned red-afro goblin from the depths of hell. Scary stuff indeed.


I'm currently using the Assassin vocation, while my Pawn is using the Warrior vocation. I've been using some lvl30 pawns from my friend's list, which cheesed the first few hours of the game for me. I've almost caught up to their level though, so the game will be balanced once more. I don't mind that though, the combat is some of the best I've played in an RPG, and I love how your pawns set sweet moves up for you, like getting a boost, or pinning an enemy for you to finish. I only wish my bow did a little more damage though, it feels pretty weak at the moment.

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Having no fast travel is a pain when I had to travel between the main city and the starting town, but normally it makes the game that much more immersive, as night is bloody scary. Whereas in Skyrim I could be off adventuring without returning to a city for in-game months at a time, in Dragon's Dogma it feels like a necessity to book it back to base camp once the sun sets.

You can create your own fast travel with the Portcrystals. There are also fixed ones in Gran Soren and Cassardis, these become active after completing Lure of the Abyss. You can use a Ferrystone from everywhere in the world to transport to a Portcrystal.


Glad to see you're having a lot of fun with the game. If you have the Dark Arisen version, I recommend to try out Bitterblack Isle once you're lvl 80+. It's a combination of Dragon's Dogma and Dark Souls. I spend around 200 hours here :D.

Edited by Dragon-Archon
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You can create your own fast travel with the Portcrystals. There are also fixed ones in Gran Soren and Cassardis, these become active after completing Lure of the Abyss. You can use a Ferrystone from everywhere in the world to transport to a Portcrystal.


Glad to see you're having a lot of fun with the game. If you have the Dark Arisen version, I recommend to try out Bitterblack Isle once you're lvl 80+. It's a combination of Dragon's Dogma and Dark Souls. I spend around 200 hours here :D.

Good to know. From what I remember playing on the 360, it feels like I must have just cut straight through a portion of the main story and missed out on the wealth of side content and mechanics available.  I have the Dark Arisen expansion from the PS+ offering a while back, I've been getting a few notifications about the isle every once and a while too. Dark Souls being one of my favourite games of all time has made trying out the expansion go from maybe to a definite.  :dance:

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Good to know. From what I remember playing on the 360, it feels like I must have just cut straight through a portion of the main story and missed out on the wealth of side content and mechanics available.  I have the Dark Arisen expansion from the PS+ offering a while back, I've been getting a few notifications about the isle every once and a while too. Dark Souls being one of my favourite games of all time has made trying out the expansion go from maybe to a definite.  :dance:

I loved the Dark Arisen content. It has mimics, hidden treasures, and enemies that are attracted to enemy corpses and appear out of nowhere. It gives a feeling of never letting your guard down. Also after beating the final boss on Bitterblack Isle, the real Dark Arisen starts :devil:.

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