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Rockstar has "tremendous success" with PS2 titles on PS4


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Not surprised, they're the only ones that have put up the "stand out" titles from the PS2. Yes, there are other popular games, but GTA was was a standout franchise on the platform, Manhunt obviously got loads of press, at least in the UK. Bully was pretty well received too.

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The question you have to ask yourself is why haven't they put up 'The Warriors' that game was absolutely amazing.

everyone has different tastes, personally i'm more interested to see if they can bring both GTA Stories since i never played them, but hopefully they will bring all of their PS2 titles so everyone will be pleased. 

and isn't that warriors games based on the movie? if so maybe it has something to do with the rights of the license, like they have to make a deal or pay again in order to re-releases the game one more time.


Nice but this is useless considering they ain't sharing sales data. It's obvious that people want to play old PS2 or Xbox games. The question is, how much are they willing to pay?

well not so useless, if they say they are being successful, which probably means it achieved or surpassed their expectations, then that can translate into them wanting to bring more of their ps2 titles to ps4.

Edited by smellslikejavier
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I hope this means we will get more games as well as more GTA games, would love to see the Stories come to PS4. Yet I'd rather see a tee other gems release. Read Dead Revolver, Smugglers Run, Tge Warriors and the older Midnight Clubs would be great as well. Yet with the release of Manhunt and Max Payne on PS4, I feel like they will release the sequels to them sooner than others.

If they do I will but then all, already got GTA trilogy and Bully.

Edited by AncLEoniX
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As with a lot of people, I've bought the GTA Trilogy and Canis Canem Edit. These games are just too good to not get on PS4!


I'd love to see more games though... it seems as though the PS2 to PS4 hype has died down a lot and I think other developers need to take a leaf out of Rockstar's book and get in on the nostalgia that everybody is craving in this day and age.

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Nice but this is useless considering they ain't sharing sales data. It's obvious that people want to play old PS2 or Xbox games. The question is, how much are they willing to pay?


I think they have hit the sweet point price wise at $10-15. I would pay that for PS2 games with trophy support, if it was a title I wanted.


Smugglers Run


I loved that game, so +100 from me! I'd also be up for the sequels - and I totally forgot that they were actually RockStar games to boot, so the odds might be good :)


Personally I'd like to see Black, so it would be great to see EA get in on these titles (if they're making money, it's only a matter of time....)

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I think they have hit the sweet point price wise at $10-15. I would pay that for PS2 games with trophy support, if it was a title I wanted.

I loved that game, so +100 from me! I'd also be up for the sequels - and I totally forgot that they were actually RockStar games to boot, so the odds might be good :)

Personally I'd like to see Black, so it would be great to see EA get in on these titles (if they're making money, it's only a matter of time....)

I'd love to see Black, such a great game the good old True Crimes wouldn't be bad either. Idk what studio made them tho. And while we're on EA we need the good Need For Speeds(carbon, Underground 1+2, Most Wanted).

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I have all four, the GTA games play absolutely fine. I find that bully runs like crap on my ps4, particularly when you're outdoors.

since this is an emulation there are high chances that that's exactly how it run on the original ps2 version, at least i remember the framedrops on the carnival being also on the original ps2 version.

although i played it some months ago on ps4 and i don't remember it running totally bad outdoors, it was pretty playable, the only noticeable and annoying part were the fps drops on the carnival like i mentioned, but everything else run normal to me.

Edited by smellslikejavier
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since this is an emulation there are high chances that that's exactly how it run on the original ps2 version, at least i remember the framedrops on the carnival being also on the original ps2 version.

although i played it some months ago on ps4 and i don't remember it running totally bad outdoors, it was pretty playable, the only noticeable and annoying part were the fps drops on the carnival like i mentioned, but everything else run normal to me.


The outdoors are really fuzzy with a very tiny draw distance, I played bully on Ps2, Wii and the 360. If it was a common problem on the ps4 than more people would have said something by now. It's the only ps2 title on ps4 that runs like this for me.

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