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Bought an Xbone yesterday, recommendations?

Super-Fly Spider-Guy

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As the title says, I bought an Xbone yesterday, really today, but it will be tomorrow soon and then yesterday and then it will be correct.


Anyways, I'm sure there's a million threads like this already anyways, so I don't feel too bad about making another.


Here's what I've got so far


Black Ops 1 (360)

Dorito's Crash Course (360)

Gears of War (360)



Rare Replay

Rise of the Tomb Raider

The Lego Movie Game


And here's the dealio, I'm still very much into PlayStation first and foremost, so most, if not all, multiplats will be played on there anyways, I'm mostly asking for Xbox exclusives that are worthwhile grabbing. If you care enough and can be bothered to suss out my PSN Profile, base your recommendations on the games over there, but I totally understand if you can't be bothered putting in that much effort for a stranger, yo.


Also yes, I did totally get this just for Conker's Bad Fur Day.

Oh, and since it's not my main machine, and since I've given up trophies anyways, I couldn't give a toss less about easy to 100% games or easy chivos or anything, just want some shit that's worth playing.

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Just of the top of my head. 

  • Sunset Overdrive
  • Titanfall
  • Ori and the Blind Forest
  • Rise of the Tomb Raider
  • Dead Rising 3


Sunset is 19 at a few places and I'm pretty sure I'll end up with it soon tbh. 

Titanfall is like 10 or 12 anywhere, I nearly grabbed today as well, tossing up between grabbing it or waiting for number 2 though, since MP doesn't interest me.

Tomb Raider I got.

Dead Rising I'll probs pick up when it's a bit cheaper but it got pissy reviews from my friends, I thought it looked dope to be honest.


Only one on here I don't know much about is Ori, the others I'll probs get sooner than later, but I'll give Ori a look soon, pretty sure it's digital only isn't it, or did they just give it out as a download voucher in a lot of bundles? Cheers man.

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Seems like the XBONE slowly gets the deserved love ;) Games I would totally love to play on PS4 are: Titanfall, Gears of war Ultimate Edition, Forza 6/ Horizon 2, Rise of the Tombraider, State of decay and Ori and the blind forest. Really awesome games :)

In the future you should check out:

Scalebound, Recore, State of decay 2, Halo Wars 2, etc. Pretty much everything that got announced at E3 :D

Edited by GrandPoseidon
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+1 for Ori and the Blind Forest, especially if you like platformers. Played it on PC and I really enjoyed it. The visuals are beautiful, the music is fantastic (wear headphones when playing!), and the gameplay is precise and can get very challenging. It's definitely one of my favorite games I played last year. Hope you check it out!

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Games I would totally love to play on PS4 are: Titanfall, Gears of war Ultimate Edition, Forza 6/ Horizon 2, Rise of the Tombraider, State of decay and Ori and the blind forest. 

but rise of the tomb raider is already confirmed for a PS4 release this year, it was just an xbox's timed exclusive, but is coming to the PS4 soon, and of course with a PS-exclusive Platinum!

and well at least titanfall 2 is coming to PS4.

Edited by smellslikejavier
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Is there anything other than Sunset Overdrive to be recommended on X1? :S Do you have a PC? I mean, MS made it pretty clear there will be no more exclusives for X1.


You couldn't even wait for X1S?

Edited by MMDE
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Elite: Dangerous, it's PC/Xbox's No Man's Sky. Except David Braben's been making Elite games since 1984, so No Man's Sky is Sony's Elite. Elite leans more to hard science fiction instead of No Man's Sky's science fantasy, and is set in the actual Milky Galaxy. You might want to invest in a HOTAS though, flight simulators are a nightmare to play on a standard controller.

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Ori and the Blind Forest was just released (14th June) on physical disk.


Since you've got backwards compatible games in your list, here are my recommendations:

  • Hexic HD  (Free! And a good puzzle game with great ambient electronic music)
  • Portal: Still Alive  (I see you haven't played Portal 2, so it might not be your thing, but it is an excellent first-person puzzler with an equally-excellent underlying story)
  • Gears of War 2 & 3  (easy ones since you already have the first :)  I played them in reverse order, and haven't finished the first yet :blush: )
If they ever make these games BC, definitely:
  • Crackdown  (You play as a bad-ass crime-fighting agent who single-handedly mops up all the crime syndicates in the city. One of my all-time faves that I still replay for fun.)
  • Prey  (Really good fps with cool weapons, sci-fi and spiritual elements to the story, especially unique for the hero origins and health-regeneration aspects. A really under-rated game.)
It's not a game, but I also recommend the TrueAchievements app.  It's a really good source for games news and has walkthroughs / cheevo guides you can snap beside the game as you're playing.  You do have to create an account with them (it's free), but it's got a lot of good features, has been around for a long time, and has active support.
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Only reason I'm even mildly contemplating getting an X1 is Rare Replay, so you're golden in my book :-)

Anything I'm interested in except Rare Replay can be played on PlayStation. Unless Alan Wake is backwards compatible, then you should get that one too.


Note that Rise Of The Tomb Raider will be on PS4 at the end of the year, with better performance.

Edited by BillyHorrible
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Another +1 for Ori and the Blind Forest :)


Also, there is a game that is currently on Xbox One pre-release program called ARK: Survival Evolved.  It's still pre-alpha and the devs are constantly adding to it, but I love this game and played it constantly for nearly 3 months.  There is a big PVE and PVP online element, but there is also the ability to play offline in single player.   I believe you can get an hour free trial of it, but also check out some videos by a YouTuber called SL1PG8R (although ignore any of the modded content as they are playing on PC and there are some insane mods available)


It's meant to be coming to PS4 at Christmas time :)  The next big update due to come on PC and Xbox though is Primitive + servers, redwood biome (where you can build bases up in the trees) and a titanosaur.  


This is the trailer for the main game



This is the trailer for an update that's coming later in the year, it was announced at E3 and I'm so excited about it as you actually get to play as a dinosaur :o


Edited by Mesopithecus
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Is there anything other than Sunset Overdrive to be recommended on X1? :S Do you have a PC? I mean, MS made it pretty clear there will be no more exclusives for X1.


You couldn't even wait for X1S?

Tbh the price of the Xbone at the moment is crazy low if you shop around for deals with games and gift cards bundled with the console you can be effectively paying $100 for the console where as the Xbox S is $299 just for the console so if you don't mind the bigger console the original Xbox One is way better value.


Also on games - Sunset Overdrive is a must I'd buy, In my books its still my favourite game of the gen on Xbox probably even across all 3 current gen consoles.

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Quantum Break seems interesting, same with D4: Dark Dreams Don't Die. Also the Halo Master Chief Collection looks like a lot of fun.

Target had copies of that Halo set for 15 bones new a couple weeks back but I didn't grab it on account of not having an Xbox, their online store still lists the price though, I might try to price match it somewhere. I've never really played Halo to be honest. I mean, a couple hours in number 1, a tiny bit of number 2, a bit of 3's MP, and like a 5 minute demo of 4 is all I've done. I'm down to get invested at under 4 bucks a game, too bad I couldn't get in on that free copy of Reach or ODST, whatever the one they gave out as DLC was.



Seems like the XBONE slowly gets the deserved love  ;) Games I would totally love to play on PS4 are: Titanfall, Gears of war Ultimate Edition, Forza 6/ Horizon 2, Rise of the Tombraider, State of decay and Ori and the blind forest. Really awesome games  :)

In the future you should check out:

Scalebound, Recore, State of decay 2, Halo Wars 2, etc. Pretty much everything that got announced at E3  :D

In my bundle was a "choose your game" code, I had to toss up between Forza 6, Gears Ultimate, Tomb Raider 2, and Rare Replay. Ended up buying Rare for 24 bucks physically because even though that was the only one I *really* wanted, the others were just better value. Forza I was gonna check out, but I thought I'd just end up wanting to play DriveClub again, apparently Horizon is more fun style gameplay? Tomb Raider I chose in the end, because I figured I was probably gonna give it a go on PS4 when it came there, so why not grab it early for free? Only problem with them E3 games for me is... I mean, I've been out with friends, I've got a baby, I'm on holiday at the moment from TAFE and like, every time I get a chance I've been catching up on E3... but like, only the Sony side of things, so I've pretty well missed out on all of the stuff that isn't coming to PS4. Gotta get in on that.

Quantum Break seems interesting, same with D4: Dark Dreams Don't Die. Also the Halo Master Chief Collection looks like a lot of fun.

Target had copies of that Halo set for 15 bones new a couple weeks back but I didn't grab it on account of not having an Xbox, their online store still lists the price though, I might try to price match it somewhere. I've never really played Halo to be honest. I mean, a couple hours in number 1, a tiny bit of number 2, a bit of 3's MP, and like a 5 minute demo of 4 is all I've done. I'm down to get invested at under 4 bucks a game, too bad I couldn't get in on that free copy of Reach or ODST, whatever the one they gave out as DLC was.



Seems like the XBONE slowly gets the deserved love  ;) Games I would totally love to play on PS4 are: Titanfall, Gears of war Ultimate Edition, Forza 6/ Horizon 2, Rise of the Tombraider, State of decay and Ori and the blind forest. Really awesome games  :)

In the future you should check out:

Scalebound, Recore, State of decay 2, Halo Wars 2, etc. Pretty much everything that got announced at E3  :D

In my bundle was a "choose your game" code, I had to toss up between Forza 6, Gears Ultimate, Tomb Raider 2, and Rare Replay. Ended up buying Rare for 24 bucks physically because even though that was the only one I *really* wanted, the others were just better value. Forza I was gonna check out, but I thought I'd just end up wanting to play DriveClub again, apparently Horizon is more fun style gameplay? Tomb Raider I chose in the end, because I figured I was probably gonna give it a go on PS4 when it came there, so why not grab it early for free? Only problem with them E3 games for me is... I mean, I've been out with friends, I've got a baby, I'm on holiday at the moment from TAFE and like, every time I get a chance I've been catching up on E3... but like, only the Sony side of things, so I've pretty well missed out on all of the stuff that isn't coming to PS4. Gotta get in on that.



Is there anything other than Sunset Overdrive to be recommended on X1?  :S Do you have a PC? I mean, MS made it pretty clear there will be no more exclusives for X1.


You couldn't even wait for X1S?

I have a Chromebook man, before that, a MacBook for like 5 years. I don't game on my computer man. I've got like DOSBox on this and that makes me happy. As for the slim, I mean, it's RRP is 550 here, sure it's probably possibly gonna be a bit less when it actually drops, but that's 550 on it's own. I got the old model with 500gb (which will probably be enough for me since it's nowhere near my main console) and 3 games, for $275 new. That's like literally half price, yo, and since I don't care that it looks like a big old VCR, I'm not sold solely on it being smaller. I did show someone it yesterday though and said "I lashed out today and bought a VCR" and they legit thought it was, and questioned my choice. Then I said it was an Xbox, and they actually questioned it more.




Ori and the Blind Forest was just released (14th June) on physical disk.


Since you've got backwards compatible games in your list, here are my recommendations:

  • Hexic HD  (Free! And a good puzzle game with great ambient electronic music)
  • Portal: Still Alive  (I see you haven't played Portal 2, so it might not be your thing, but it is an excellent first-person puzzler with an equally-excellent underlying story)
  • Gears of War 2 & 3  (easy ones since you already have the first  :)  I played them in reverse order, and haven't finished the first yet  :blush: )
If they ever make these games BC, definitely:
  • Crackdown  (You play as a bad-ass crime-fighting agent who single-handedly mops up all the crime syndicates in the city. One of my all-time faves that I still replay for fun.)
  • Prey  (Really good fps with cool weapons, sci-fi and spiritual elements to the story, especially unique for the hero origins and health-regeneration aspects. A really under-rated game.)
It's not a game, but I also recommend the TrueAchievements app.  It's a really good source for games news and has walkthroughs / cheevo guides you can snap beside the game as you're playing.  You do have to create an account with them (it's free), but it's got a lot of good features, has been around for a long time, and has active support.


I fired up Hexic last night actually, for the first time in like 5 years. Back then I had it on like a 360 arcade disc thing, didn't know it went free until last night.

I actually quite enjoyed Portal 1 & 2, but I played them on school computers back in the day, hence the absence from my list.

Gears 2 and 3 I'll pick up if I enjoy number 1. See, I could have got the Ultimate Edition for free, but chose Tomb Raider instead, when I saw a preowned copy of the 360 version selling for 2 bucks in EB. Number 2 was like 6 and even though that's cheap, my backlog is too big to invest in a whole series before I even play the first.

Crackdown looks SOOOOO good. Kind of reminds me a little of inFamous and Prototype, emphasis on little though.

I saw Prey preowned forever ago and never saw it again, I'll probably look into the new reboot/sequel thing.

Quantum Break seems interesting, same with D4: Dark Dreams Don't Die. Also the Halo Master Chief Collection looks like a lot of fun.

Target had copies of that Halo set for 15 bones new a couple weeks back but I didn't grab it on account of not having an Xbox, their online store still lists the price though, I might try to price match it somewhere. I've never really played Halo to be honest. I mean, a couple hours in number 1, a tiny bit of number 2, a bit of 3's MP, and like a 5 minute demo of 4 is all I've done. I'm down to get invested at under 4 bucks a game, too bad I couldn't get in on that free copy of Reach or ODST, whatever the one they gave out as DLC was.



Seems like the XBONE slowly gets the deserved love  ;) Games I would totally love to play on PS4 are: Titanfall, Gears of war Ultimate Edition, Forza 6/ Horizon 2, Rise of the Tombraider, State of decay and Ori and the blind forest. Really awesome games  :)

In the future you should check out:

Scalebound, Recore, State of decay 2, Halo Wars 2, etc. Pretty much everything that got announced at E3  :D

In my bundle was a "choose your game" code, I had to toss up between Forza 6, Gears Ultimate, Tomb Raider 2, and Rare Replay. Ended up buying Rare for 24 bucks physically because even though that was the only one I *really* wanted, the others were just better value. Forza I was gonna check out, but I thought I'd just end up wanting to play DriveClub again, apparently Horizon is more fun style gameplay? Tomb Raider I chose in the end, because I figured I was probably gonna give it a go on PS4 when it came there, so why not grab it early for free? Only problem with them E3 games for me is... I mean, I've been out with friends, I've got a baby, I'm on holiday at the moment from TAFE and like, every time I get a chance I've been catching up on E3... but like, only the Sony side of things, so I've pretty well missed out on all of the stuff that isn't coming to PS4. Gotta get in on that.



Only reason I'm even mildly contemplating getting an X1 is Rare Replay, so you're golden in my book :-)

Anything I'm interested in except Rare Replay can be played on PlayStation. Unless Alan Wake is backwards compatible, then you should get that one too.


Note that Rise Of The Tomb Raider will be on PS4 at the end of the year, with better performance.

Literally me. I was like "Well, it's Conker, my phone's 64 emulator doesn't really like that game, and there's like Perfect Dark and Banjo and holy hell I'm already at the register", and yeah, I know Tomb Raider's coming over, but I mean, I enjoyed the first, but I got it from PS+, I don't think I'd actually bother buying the new one since I'm not too fussed about it, but for free I'll gladly give it a go.



Another +1 for Ori and the Blind Forest  :)


Also, there is a game that is currently on Xbox One pre-release program called ARK: Survival Evolved.  It's still pre-alpha and the devs are constantly adding to it, but I love this game and played it constantly for nearly 3 months.  There is a big PVE and PVP online element, but there is also the ability to play offline in single player.   I believe you can get an hour free trial of it, but also check out some videos by a YouTuber called SL1PG8R (although ignore any of the modded content as they are playing on PC and there are some insane mods available)


It's meant to be coming to PS4 at Christmas time  :)  The next big update due to come on PC and Xbox though is Primitive + servers, redwood biome (where you can build bases up in the trees) and a titanosaur.  


This is the trailer for the main game


This is the trailer for an update that's coming later in the year, it was announced at E3 and I'm so excited about it as you actually get to play as a dinosaur  :o

I've heard of this one actually, but I recently downgraded my internet allowance because unnecessary spending is unnecessary, so if it's a bigger download, I'd rather just do it on PS4 to be honest, since if I like the game, I'll do it there anyways.


Sorry to all y'all who didn't get a reply, I quoted like 3 times as many as popped up there, but there was too many and I tried to make it in multiple posts but it didn't work propers and I lost like 2 thirds of them all. Fuck.

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I saw Prey preowned forever ago and never saw it again, I'll probably look into the new reboot/sequel thing.



I'd still check out the first Prey, if you get the chance. :) I'm very excited about the 2017 Prey, but according to what Pete Hines said during his E3 interviews, it's only very loosely based on the theme of the original (aliens doing bad things to humans).  Definitely not a sequel at all, which still disappoints me.  The 2006 Prey ended with the suggestion that there would be more to come in the story of Tommy, the protagonist, and his fight to save the world from the aliens that abducted him.

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