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Will PS4PRO affect PS4NORMAL on future ?


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Hi guys!!
What you think about this ?? With this new version of PS4, in future, will affect games for normal ps4 ?? We got some examples for ps3/ps4, like Shadow of Mordor, Dragon Age Inquisition, and a few more... You think it can happen on near future with this versions of PS ?? Or even launch games...
My personal opinion is, this generation will live long than any other, because they barelly can make games with full potencial of consoles, so, will take years... My afraid is, with Xbox Scorpion, maybe sony will bring faster the PS5, or make another version of ps4 (if this "pro" will be a fail)... Well, i hope every version of PS receive their attention 50/50%.
Tell your opinions :) (and sorry for not very good english)

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I think it won't affect the PS4 of old esp. since the ps4 slim just came out, not to mention it being the fastest sold console... ever.

I do agree with you on the fact that this gen will last longer than any other. MUCH LONGER. The increase in quality of graphics and mechanics are only marginally better instead of the revolutionary jumps we've seen in the past.

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I don't think so, Sony already stated that all upcoming games will run on both machines, though the Pro will have a slight advantage.

i agree with Satoshi-San, when the pro came out I bet some devs will be so lazy to optimize their games on normal ps4 and make them this time to be an upscaled 900p and run at solid 20FPS while the Pro will run at 1080p and 30FPS and then call it a day.

since we already seen some of these devs are getting lazy on their jobs this gen, funny how some of them were blaming the ps3's hardware for been super difficult to master back then and ask for a more friendly PC like environment to develop for, and when they got what they want and even way more friendlier hardware to develop on they chose to make even more broken games, put insult to injury PC ports are even reach a status of been unplayable, let alone the bugs and glitches.

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Japanese games won't give a shit. Almost all of those games still think it's 2013 and make their graphics look the part.


So if you're a JRPGer, I highly doubt you're ever going to see a difference.

Think of it like a PC. Standard PS4 will have the default settings, whereas the Pro will have sliders. Some games even confirmed that you can choose between 4K native and 30 fps, or 1080 and 60 fps.


I think the differences will be somewhat minimal, unless you're a graphic whore and you need to have the best graphics around. But honestly, if you're a console gamer and graphics and frames matter so much to you, I'd say you're on the wrong platform.

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Hi guys!!

What you think about this ?? With this new version of PS4, in future, will affect games for normal ps4 ?? We got some examples for ps3/ps4, like Shadow of Mordor, Dragon Age Inquisition, and a few more... You think it can happen on near future with this versions of PS ?? Or even launch games...

My personal opinion is, this generation will live long than any other, because they barelly can make games with full potencial of consoles, so, will take years... My afraid is, with Xbox Scorpion, maybe sony will bring faster the PS5, or make another version of ps4 (if this "pro" will be a fail)... Well, i hope every version of PS receive their attention 50/50%.

Tell your opinions :) (and sorry for not very good english)


Nope. And PS5 is probably a good 6-8 years off.

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Which is why we love them! :awesome:



Well, technically you can see it in action ones if they become more fluid.


This is true, but in some cases, like, say, Pokemon (and I know it's not Sony related, but still) I wish they'd get on their ass and make a game that looks like you can literally sit there for two minutes and count the pixels on the damn screen.


True, something like Nier Automata is going to look sweet on the PS4 Pro. The extra boost of performance and 60fps will do that game wonders. But a visual novel? LMAO. DAT 4K RESOLUTION WILL MAKE THE TEXT POP OUT OF THE SCREEN AND DANCE ALL OVER YOUR ROOM!

Nope. And PS5 is probably a good 6-8 years off.

Excuse you, good sir. Persona 5 is coming in a few months! Don't play with my feelings like that.


But seriously, yeah, with the Pro coming out, they pushed the PS4 lifespan by another few years. I don't see it coming out until 2020, AT THE VERY EARLIEST, and even that is early. 2022 sounds about right.

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If we take in consideration the bullshit excuse Bungie gave for no crossplay between ps3 and ps4, then yeah. They said the game wouldn't be compatible across generations because they didn't want to give PS4 players an advantage over PS3 players when sniping across the map because of the increased resolution. I can imagine someone on pro having several extra pixels when playing on a 4K tv when a PS4 Amateur player wouldn't have that advantage.


But yeah, that would be if we gave Bungie any sort of credibility for the bullshit they say.

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Nope. And PS5 is probably a good 6-8 years off.


I highly doubt that. I'd say 3 years would be a much more reasonable prediction. The PS4 launched in 2013 and the PS4 Pro, a mid-generation console, is launching in 2016. Going off that, it makes far more sense to expect the release of the PS5 around 2019. Besides, we know the Scorpio is going to be much more powerful than the PS4 Pro, and is essentially Microsoft's "next gen" console. Sony need something that's going to compete with that sooner rather than later. It would be suicide not to.

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Do you have factual information to support this, or are you just pulling it out of your arse? :P


I won't be surprised to have a 90% digital generation in a few years, you can check psn blog every Sunday, we have a lot of digital only games in this generation in US. 

My deepest appreciation to European community to continue supporting physical versions, I just imported one game and I will buy another one in a couple of months.


If Sony let us backup games individually I wouldn't have a problem with its digital environment, not being the case, I'm fine with physical versions.


On topic:

I certainly think that in a couple of years we will have graphics difference like Tales of Zestiria has between PS3 and PS4, it won't affect gameplay but it will be noticeable, especially with games that need to load a lot of stuff as Witcher 3.

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I won't be surprised to have a 90% digital generation in a few years, you can check psn blog every Sunday, we have a lot of digital only games in this generation in US. 

My deepest appreciation to European community to continue supporting physical versions, I just imported one game and I will buy another one in a couple of months.


If Sony let us backup games individually I wouldn't have a problem with its digital environment, not being the case, I'm fine with physical versions.


I don't see how what you're saying is related to what I said at all. I wasn't arguing about digital media becoming more popular, and I already know physical media will die out some day. I wasn't talking about that though.

He stated there wouldn't be a PlayStation 5 like it was a fact, and I was questioning where he was getting that from.

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Official stance: No


Reality: Yes, developers will become lazy one way or another. Either screwing up optimization for older model or simply too lazy to use the additional power of Pro.



And btw, it's not PS4 Normal, it's PS4 Amateur :awesome:


Nah, it's PS4 Pleb  xD

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I'd say it depends on how well the PS4 Pro sells. If it bombs (which I doubt) they'll have to push sales somewhat, adding "Pro Exclusive" features and the like sounds like the easiest way. 

I don't think we'll see a lot of difference like in cross-generation games. But I guess we'll have to wait.

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Do you have factual information to support this, or are you just pulling it out of your arse? :P

There will be no need for Sony to make a console when the TV's we buy will be capable of direct streaming.

You sign into a PSN app just like you do with Netflix on your "Smart" TV. coughthewholepointofPSNOWcough

We've had this quote for some time now.


“I said, ‘Well, what does the PlayStation 5 look like?’ And he said, ‘You mean if…’ And I was like, ‘Whoa. Are you willing to say that on stage?’ And he said, ‘Yeah, it’s an if.'”


The "if" implies the infrastructure (ISP's, Network Hardware, TV Manufactures) are ready for it, by the time Sony need's to push a new generation.

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There will be no need for Sony to make a console when the TV's we buy will be capable of direct streaming.

You sign into a PSN app just like you do with Netflix on your "Smart" TV. coughthewholepointofPSNOWcough

We've had this quote for some time now.



The "if" implies the infrastructure (ISP's, Network Hardware, TV Manufactures) are ready for it, by the time Sony need's to push a new generation.


Sure, but that isn't happening anytime soon. Remember OnLive? That is essentially what you're talking about, and look at what happened to it. PS Now isn't doing much better either. I mean does anyone actually care about that thing? :P Good Internet just isn't widespread enough to make such a thing viable, and as I said in an earlier post, I suspect we'll be seeing a PS5 in about 3 years time. Somehow I don't see there being such a radical change by then. A PlayStation 5 is coming. I have no doubt about that. Maybe what you're suggesting will become a thing like 10 years down the line, and maybe it will replace the need for a PlayStation 6, but it's not viable yet.

Edited by Undead Wolf
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I'll say give or take a couple years the PRO will become the norm.

Developers will want to take advantage of the system's graphical capabilities which eventually wouldn't leave much room to own a standard ps4 even if the upgrade may be a minor one. All these "enchanced" games are already becoming a thing from what I've been so it's only a matter of time that the PRO will become the standard system on the market.

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I highly doubt that. I'd say 3 years would be a much more reasonable prediction. The PS4 launched in 2013 and the PS4 Pro, a mid-generation console, is launching in 2016. Going off that, it makes far more sense to expect the release of the PS5 around 2019. Besides, we know the Scorpio is going to be much more powerful than the PS4 Pro, and is essentially Microsoft's "next gen" console. Sony need something that's going to compete with that sooner rather than later. It would be suicide not to.

If PS4Pro delays the release of PS5 as long as daiv says, it will become great in my eyes, even though I will never buy it.

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