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Nintendo Switch thread for Nintendo Switch players

Oobedoob S Benubi

Questions for Switch gamers (2022)  

214 members have voted

  1. 1. What is your favorite Nintendo exclusive on switch (2022)?

    • Splatoon 2/3
    • Xenoblade Chronicles 1/2/3
    • Mario Odyssey
    • Metroid Dread
    • Fire Emblem 3 Houses
    • Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
    • Animal Crossing: New Horizons
    • Pokemon Legends: Arceus
    • Luigi's Mansion 3
    • Super Smash Bros Ultimate
    • Mario Kart 8: Deluxe
    • Kirby Forgotten Land
    • Other
  2. 2. How many hours do you have in your most played game?

  3. 3. What NSO feature would you like to see the most?

    • Custom Themes/Wallpapers
    • GB/GBA emulator
    • Game Cube emulator
    • Wii/Wii U emulator
    • Extra eShop discounts
    • Monthly free eShop games
    • More N64/SNES/NES/Genesis games

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18 minutes ago, Cubone said:

Well, the new update did something fun, which I can see in my list with Bulb Boy...


There's a new length of play indication, "2 hours or more". Which is great for those small games like Bulb Boy which you can finish in 2-3 hours, so they don't get lumped in with the games you just played for a minute and forgot about afterwards.



Also, my Switch warned me yesterday about an upcoming Halloween sale. I'm curious about which games will go on sale. Surely, there aren't many scary games yet. I can recommend Bulb Boy though. I hope for myself that The Count Lucanor will go on a better sale than it is on now since it's just a very short game and the base price is 50% more expensive on Switch than on Steam.

I saw that. It's cool, but I'm still bummed about my 30 plus hours on NBA Playgrounds, 25 odd on Zelda, and countless 10s like World of Goo and Shovel Knight too much to ever get back into the play log thing any time soon. 


Halloween sale? Cool. I picked up Don't Knock Twice the other day on sale, and Vaccine, which I already bought unfortunately is also on sale now. Maybe that's part of it, given both their settings? Either way, Vaccine is pretty dope if you enjoy the idea of the old style Resident Evil games but on a 30 minute timer. Would recommend for under 10 bucks, wouldn't pay any more though, but for 7 or under I'd grab it again. I don't know how much it's on sale for because for some reason Nintendo only let you see the word "purchased" when you're looking at a game you own.


Also, what the fuck? I thought I was quoting you, then I went up to write something else and saw Cubone, then contemplated not quoting someone I don't know, then saw it was you anyway, what prompted the name change?


Also while I'm here, I finished South Park last night. I think it was a good call quickly burning through Stick of Truth again before hand, whereas had I not bothered, I'd have just played the new one, then Stick of Truth on PS4. Combat system is a bit odd at first, then it seems pretty cool, then by the end I was so sick of fucking encounters I was reloading checkpoints to quit them, that last big fight in particular is like HURRY UP AND DAMN WELL END. Anyway, what did / do you think of the game? Took me about 13 and a half hours to burn through it the first time, it's got a lot of improvements over the first but it's also very much the same, I don't know, I think I prefer the first, but on the whole I think Fractured is definitely as good, if not better, than Stick, even if I do give minor preference to Stick.





It happened.

It finally happened.


The library near me now stocks Nintendo Switch games.


They've only got two, Arms and FIFA 18, and I've already played FIFA 18 on Xbox, and Arms doesn't really grab me at all, but I grabbed them anyway and intend to clock them both in the three weeks I have with them. I was hoping the library would stock Switch games at some point, and I'm so glad they are now. Since FIFA is only a couple weeks old, that should tell you enough about how quickly they update their stack of games, and you should understand my excitement because of that. I hope they pick up a copy of Mario Rabbids soon, because despite all the good reviews, I can't bring myself to throw money on the game, at least not right now. Like, I played Rabbids 2 on DS years back, it was kind of fun, but that's the height of it, everything else I've seen of the series just bums me out more than anything, THIS shit ass spin off is more successful than it's parent franchise, the mighty Rayman? Really? Anyway. This is great news for me and I'm pretty stoked. I only went in there to return a game, not leave with another 3 (I also grabbed the recent Atari compilation on Xbone), damn, library. Now I got these two, Atari, and Hitman to burn through, before I even get to MY backlog. I fucking love the library man, way to embrace the god damn times.

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40 minutes ago, Super-Fly Spider-Guy said:

I saw that. It's cool, but I'm still bummed about my 30 plus hours on NBA Playgrounds, 25 odd on Zelda, and countless 10s like World of Goo and Shovel Knight too much to ever get back into the play log thing any time soon. 


Didn't you do that history deletion yourself though?


I'm bummed that it's only a list of 20 games. Gone are the 65 hours in Zelda...


40 minutes ago, Super-Fly Spider-Guy said:

Halloween sale? Cool. I picked up Don't Knock Twice the other day on sale, and Vaccine, which I already bought unfortunately is also on sale now. Maybe that's part of it, given both their settings? Either way, Vaccine is pretty dope if you enjoy the idea of the old style Resident Evil games but on a 30 minute timer. Would recommend for under 10 bucks, wouldn't pay any more though, but for 7 or under I'd grab it again. I don't know how much it's on sale for because for some reason Nintendo only let you see the word "purchased" when you're looking at a game you own.


The Halloween sale is stated to begin on the 24th.


40 minutes ago, Super-Fly Spider-Guy said:

Also, what the fuck? I thought I was quoting you, then I went up to write something else and saw Cubone, then contemplated not quoting someone I don't know, then saw it was you anyway, what prompted the name change?




On 19/10/2017 at 4:55 PM, Cubone said:


I think it would be pretty funny if more people would rename themselves to a Pokémon. I saw @Blissey around when they were Chancey but once DamagingRob became @Ditto, I felt like I just had to join in.



I saw Rob join in and decided to pick a Pokémon as well, and most of my favourite mon are gen1. Since then, another person joined in, so we might end up with a full army just yet.



Also while I'm here, I finished South Park last night. I think it was a good call quickly burning through Stick of Truth again before hand, whereas had I not bothered, I'd have just played the new one, then Stick of Truth on PS4. Combat system is a bit odd at first, then it seems pretty cool, then by the end I was so sick of fucking encounters I was reloading checkpoints to quit them, that last big fight in particular is like HURRY UP AND DAMN WELL END. Anyway, what did / do you think of the game? Took me about 13 and a half hours to burn through it the first time, it's got a lot of improvements over the first but it's also very much the same, I don't know, I think I prefer the first, but on the whole I think Fractured is definitely as good, if not better, than Stick, even if I do give minor preference to Stick.


I haven't played much yet, about five hours or so much of which was exploring the town. Loved the first mission of Father Maxi and the one from the police chief. I think the game is much funnier than the first one and I'm glad I watched all seasons again so many references...


Trying to get a lot of hours in today and tomorrow.

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54 minutes ago, Cubone said:


Didn't you do that history deletion yourself though?


I'm bummed that it's only a list of 20 games. Gone are the 65 hours in Zelda...



The Halloween sale is stated to begin on the 24th.






I saw Rob join in and decided to pick a Pokémon as well, and most of my favourite mon are gen1. Since then, another person joined in, so we might end up with a full army just yet.



I haven't played much yet, about five hours or so much of which was exploring the town. Loved the first mission of Father Maxi and the one from the police chief. I think the game is much funnier than the first one and I'm glad I watched all seasons again so many references...


Trying to get a lot of hours in today and tomorrow.

I did, but it was because the thing started not counting hours after I switched back to English from the Japanese eShop version, I'd heard, and hoped, that wiping my list would make it work again, but it just wiped my list. Weirdly Zelda hung onto 15 hours though.


Your 65 Zelda hours are still there, and will pop back whenever you play the game again at the top of the list. Of course, it would be cool if it showed everything, and the amount of times you've played it and everything the 3DS already does, but this is cool still. I'll take it over a trophy system any day.


Oh sweet, so there should be more things then. As far as Halloween themed stuff goes, can't really think of anything I have on Switch, could just be a general sale but at Halloween time? I can't say there's enough games with a Halloween / horror kind of theme to justify a dedicated sale on Switch. I don't know. I'll keep my eyes on it either way. Also, how great is that "Current Offers" tab? Gone are the days of constantly scrolling through every single game to see if there's a sale on.


Ah. That explains why I didn't get it. I've played a bit of Silver years back, and I spent a few hours in Platinum, but beyond that I never got into Pokemon. Carry on!


Oh God, the references are so good. New stuff like Shi Ti Pa Town and Member Berries is great, but seeing

Cousin Kyle again

was great. 

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I am having an absolute blast with FIFA on Switch. I think it's the best version of FIFA I've ever played. I'm not a hardcore fan by any means, or even a half fan, I just like playing them for a bit every now and then and pick up the odd one when they hit under $5, see FIFA 14 on PS4. I've had EA Access on my Xbox though for nearly a year now, and in turn have got the chance to spend a bit of time in FIFA 14 through 18. I played an hour or two of 18 a week or so before release because EA Access is fucking great, and it didn't grab me too much, as the game generally doesn't, and then I moved on. FIFA 18 is one of the two games the library has for Switch and I have been REALLY getting into it. In gameplay, to me as a casual FIFA player, it's identical in feel to the console version. In visuals, it looks fantastic, especially when you're moving the camera around in replay mode. Overall, I genuinely believe this is the best FIFA game I've played, and I look forward to the day it hits a reasonable price so I can throw it in my own stack. 


I do have to ask though, to anyone on here who plays FIFA, when did they take the songs out of the actual game? I figured they were cheaping out and skipping a sound track all together, but then I saw EA Trax on the menu and there's a couple album's worth of shit in there. I think I actually do prefer the game without music blaring during play, but when did they get rid of it, or was it never there and I was imagining it? Either way, why the fuck would you pay for all the rights to all those songs to only play them at random on the menus? Seems incredibly dumb.


Anyway. FIFA 18 for Switch gets the tick from me, and if you're on the fence about the game, as a casual, I think it's about as good of a portable FIFA game as you could get. The last portable entry I played was FIFA 14 on PSP and it was by no means bad, but it was lazy, the 2010 World Cup game was about the last time I felt they put effort into a portable one (again, I've not played the Vita one, so ignoring that one), anyway, I have to go, but it's fucking great.


I can't wait until the video capture thing on Switch 

1. Supports every game

2. Let's me make little GIFs so I don't have to take a video on my phone and do this ugly shit.


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Bought Fire Emblem Warriors yesterday and played it for a couple of hours last night. It had co-op available very early in the beginning of the game so we got to play together with husbando. It was quite a nice game based on my first impression. Lots of features taken from the Fire Emblem franchise (weapon triangle, skills, support/pair-up system, weapon proficiency and forging, etc.). In the early levels you unlock some characters from Fire Emblem: Awakening and we had fun playing as Lissa and Frederick with his acrobatic horse. Looking forward to the DLC where I can get Olivia and I'm crossing my fingers that Vaike (who never forgets, he just doesn't always remember) is in the game too.


What I didn't like is that there are tons of tutorial pop-ups appearing way too often in the middle of battles so it's very disruptive when you're trying to play. Those can be disabled from settings, but I figured it would be useful to get to know the systems in the beginning. Another thing to watch out for is that the story seems to spoil the story of Fire Emblem: Awakening (maybe Fates too?) so if you haven't played Awakening yet and plan to, Fire Emblem Warriors may take away from the experience.

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On 10/20/2017 at 10:49 PM, MosesRockefeller said:

This reminds me of the morning SteamWorld Dig 2 came out. I couldn't wait to get it downloaded, so due to the WiFi at my work not being compatible with the Switch, I ended up turning on my cell phone hotspot and burning up a few hundred megabytes of my monthly data allowance on downloading the game (thankfully it's a relatively small game). I only have 4GB between 3 s

That's what is great about the Switch. I am looking forward to Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (although I haven't played the previous games) because I can play it portable and then transition to the big screen when I can use the gaming TV at home. I would love to have other JRPGs on Switch too. So while I prefer handheld and Persona to SMT mainline (although to be fair I haven't played any of the mainline games more than a few hours), I support more JRPGs on Switch from any and every series. Bring them on! 


Yeah I love the Xenoblade games and am definitely looking forward to that. For Smt, it started on Nintendo for me and it just feels natural to have another true SMT game on the big N. At this early stage of the switch's life it looks like it has a strong future which is the complete opposite of the Wii U.


I bought a mayflash magic-ns and am now using my Wii U pro controller on the switch.

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P.S. I feel sorry for DOOM but I played it already,if not I would have probably gotten it for the Switch. Snipperclips Plus releases the same day, I'm definitely buying that one, and L.A. Noire a few days later (which I also played already but which I just keep on playing).


I might get Skyrim though. Seems that being portable makes it more likely that I'll finish it for once and not having trophies would make it more appealing to explore wherever I want.

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6 hours ago, Cubone said:

Just a couple of days until Super Mario Odyssey... I still haven't gotten through South Park or Golf Story and there's also Stardew Valley so enough to keep me occupied.


I wonder if Assassin's Creed Origins releases early...

Off topic, but even though I preordered Origins I'm not that excited about it. I got a nice discount or else I'd probably wait for a sale. I'm playing through Syndicate now and I like the London environment. Although I think the pyramids are cool, the idea of exploring them is not as exciting as it should be since the series has done so much scaling of tall buildings and cave exploration. Also, Origins isn't going to have all the fun historical figures to encounter like previous games. I don't know if that all makes sense, but I'm not looking forward to this one as much as previous games in the series. 

Super Mario Odyssey on the other hand, should be a blast. 


6 hours ago, Cubone said:

I might get Skyrim though. Seems that being portable makes it more likely that I'll finish it for once and not having trophies would make it more appealing to explore wherever I want.

I'm on the fence with Skyrim. I think I will wait for some reviews. I've bought the damn game a few times now and I just can't get motivated to start it, let alone finish it. 



On ‎10‎/‎20‎/‎2017 at 8:55 AM, Cubone said:

I'm saying that you'll get better and if you do enough puzzles, you can do them instinctively.

I meant to reply earlier, but thanks for the clarification. It seems like I've been getting a lot of puzzles with 3 as the highest number (like 1 1 2 or 1 3 1), which I find annoying. I like clearing the puzzles fairly quickly, and when it's only low numbers it takes forever for me. So I've been using the assist feature whenever I see that, to speed things up a bit. 


On ‎10‎/‎20‎/‎2017 at 8:53 PM, Super-Fly Spider-Guy said:

I don't have any data on my phone, I can't be bothered paying that much for that little, I mean, it could be different in your country dude, but here data is about the only thing phone companies care about anymore, there's a few deals coming out nowadays that are halfway decent, but I don't want a data only plan, my phone's a phone first and foremost. I pay 30 a year prepaid for 30 bucks at 12 cents a minute for calls and 12 cents per text, it never lasts a year, but it usually should buy me a good few months at least. I am not paying around 100 a month to get a bunch of calls and texts I won't use, just to get some data on my phone. Anyway, I'm lucky because I managed to FINALLY hook my Switch up to my TAFE's WiFi a couple months back and I can have a squizz at the store and play online and whatnot there, which is a nice way to kill an hour's lunch.


I've had no trouble with my PS4 or PS4 Pro through WiFi when they want to work, other times they wanna take half an hour to download 100mb, it's fucked, same deal with Vita. Mind you I usually just pause and resume and the downloads speed up, at least for a while. I've downloaded 20 odd gig in under an hour numerous times on PS4 though, which is pretty fucking great, at least in Australia anyways. The only console that has consistently never let me down though, is my Xbox. That thing is fucking lightning fast man, we got a slim the other week and I've not plugged it in yet, I hope to all the gods that the WiFi chip in there is the same because I don't wanna lose this sexy speed. Example time, I was downloading Stick of Truth a couple weeks back, or a week or so back, whatever, and that's a 360 game that pulls in just under 5gb if I recall correctly. That took me around 20 minutes to download, so that's basically a gig every four minutes, so 250mb every minute. So a bit over 4mb a second. I'm pretty happy with that, considering I'm only on cable as well.

Here in the USA, everyone has data on their phones. I don't even think phone companies will let you use a smartphone without a data plan. There are prepaid services but they seem to be in the minority (I don't know anyone that uses them for example). People here have gotten used to being able to browse the internet and use social media apps on their commutes, during lunch breaks, etc. And free public WiFi is the exception here, not the norm, sadly. Supposedly Comcast (one of our internet/TV providers) has a system where its subscribers can connect to "member only" WiFi hotspots that apparently use subscribers' modems to broadcast? I don't understand it,  but other than that there isn't much. A few cities have public WiFi but it's mostly down to Starbucks and other stores having them, and giving you the password to use. I've never had much luck with that crap. Anyway, yes, data plans are a racket but everyone here seems to have fallen for it. Hell, pretty much everyone also pays for unlimited voice and text, and I just got that recently. My friend who works for a phone company was shocked when I told him I hit my 4GB data cap, because "everyone has unlimited data now". It's all stupid if you ask me, but I keep paying for it... at least I'm not paying $200 a month for TV service just to watch sports (which I don't watch) and have 150 channels when I watch about 3. 


I have also heard that the X1 has better WiFi than the PS4, but again I don't care since I have both on Ethernet. It's stupid that all the consoles don't have rock solid WiFi chips and rock-solid networks (personally I've never had much trouble with PSN but people love to complain about it). 

Edited by MosesRockefeller
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1 hour ago, MosesRockefeller said:

Off topic, but even though I preordered Origins I'm not that excited about it. I got a nice discount or else I'd probably wait for a sale. I'm playing through Syndicate now and I like the London environment. Although I think the pyramids are cool, the idea of exploring them is not as exciting as it should be since the series has done so much scaling of tall buildings and cave exploration. Also, Origins isn't going to have all the fun historical figures to encounter like previous games. I don't know if that all makes sense, but I'm not looking forward to this one as much as previous games in the series. 


Say waaaaaaa...


You're kidding, right? I'm the complete opposite, it's the first AC since Black Flag that I'm actively looking forward to. I think going more recent was a mistake as the whole "ancient civilisation built on top of an even older civilisation" aspect was lost.


Egypt has such rich lore, can't wait to see what they do with the setting.


Origins won't have historical side figures? Come on! Origins is set in the Ptolemaic era of Egypt, which ended with Cleopatra - not only an interesting subject and confirmed to be in Origins, but already outed in an older AC game as a Templar collaborator who was assassinated. As Gaius Julius Caesar's inclusion in the game has already been confirmed, I'd say Assassin's Creed Origins has the best set of historical figures since Assassin's Creed II. (P.S. I could name more historical figures but if you thought Origins wouldn't feature any, odds are you're going to be drawing blanks beyond Cleopatra and Caesar)


Not to mention that games like Unity and ESPECIALLY Syndicate had more of a "hey, here's another famous person for a few side missions" vibe, while the Ezio and Edward encounters were much more fleshed out.



Super Mario Odyssey on the other hand, should be a blast. 


Agreed :)




I'm on the fence with Skyrim. I think I will wait for some reviews. I've bought the damn game a few times now and I just can't get motivated to start it, let alone finish it. 


I bought it on X360, never got through it because I got sidetracked. Some time later the collector's edition with Alduin was on sale and I got it again, got farther this time but still did not manage to complete it.


I finished Witcher III earlier this year so here's hoping.




I meant to reply earlier, but thanks for the clarification. It seems like I've been getting a lot of puzzles with 3 as the highest number (like 1 1 2 or 1 3 1), which I find annoying. I like clearing the puzzles fairly quickly, and when it's only low numbers it takes forever for me. So I've been using the assist feature whenever I see that, to speed things up a bit. 


You're going to love a few of the later ones then...


... And I don't meen the 15x15 ones with numbers like 15 twice and a 14 under, I mean the big ones with barely anything in them. Those even cost me and the missus some effort.


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1 hour ago, Cubone said:

Say waaaaaaa...


You're kidding, right? I'm the complete opposite, it's the first AC since Black Flag that I'm actively looking forward to. I think going more recent was a mistake as the whole "ancient civilisation built on top of an even older civilisation" aspect was lost.


Egypt has such rich lore, can't wait to see what they do with the setting.


Origins won't have historical side figures? Come on! Origins is set in the Ptolemaic era of Egypt, which ended with Cleopatra - not only an interesting subject and confirmed to be in Origins, but already outed in an older AC game as a Templar collaborator who was assassinated. As Gaius Julius Caesar's inclusion in the game has already been confirmed, I'd say Assassin's Creed Origins has the best set of historical figures since Assassin's Creed II. (P.S. I could name more historical figures but if you thought Origins wouldn't feature any, odds are you're going to be drawing blanks beyond Cleopatra and Caesar)


Not to mention that games like Unity and ESPECIALLY Syndicate had more of a "hey, here's another famous person for a few side missions" vibe, while the Ezio and Edward encounters were much more fleshed out.

No, I'm not kidding. I am looking forward to the return of ship combat but other than that, not much. I'd rather ride trains than camels. 


And yeah, insert joke about the failure of the United States education system here. Other than Cleopatra and Julius Caesar, chances are that yes, I would be drawing blanks. I do think those two are interesting people, but I can't think of any others. To draw a comparison to AC2, for historical figures I only remember the Borgias, who I don't really know all that much about. And before I forget, although I haven't been paying much attention to the game pre-release, I did assume Cleopatra and Julius Caesar would be in Origins. I should have mentioned them in my original comment. 


And you're right, sometimes the AC games have historical figures just to be there. I'm only halfway through the Syndicate story, so I can't really comment on that one. I have seen Florence Nightingale, Alexander Graham Bell, Charles Darwin, Arthur Conan Doyle, and Charles Dickens. Most of them are part of the storyline but a few may be side characters. Napoleon was fairly important in Unity (especially in the DLC story expansion), but I think you're right that there were others that just popped up just to add yet another famous person. 


I guess I should clarify my earlier comment. How is this?

"Origins isn't going to have all the fun historical figures (ones that I recognize, that is*) to encounter like previous games."

* Keeping in mind that I'm a stupid American who is not a history buff, and who only vaguely remembers historical figures from my school days 20+ years ago, or that I happened to see more recently in movies or TV shows. 

Better? :P


Anyway, if it helps understand where I'm coming from as an AC fan, I am in the minority for preferring the post-Ezio games. I played them all in order (I'm halfway through Syndicate now, although I haven't played Chronicles or the PSP and DS games), and although I liked the premise and story in AC1, I thought it was too tedious and unpolished. I remember being blown away at how vastly improved AC2 was, although I never latched on to Ezio as "my" assassin. Most fans seem to hold him up as the best thing about the series, while I prefer the player characters that followed later. Part of that is probably because the Ezio era was where franchise fatigue first set in for me; I remember playing Brotherhood shortly after AC2, and I actually held off on Revelations because I was getting tired of having Ezio's story stretched out without enough gameplay changes to keep things interesting. I was really excited for AC3, especially since the colonial USA setting was intriguing for me. I did wait until it got patched up, which no doubt increased my enjoyment, but I really liked the game. I recognized some faults but I definitely had more fun with it than the Ezio games. I felt like the ship combat, moving through forests, and hunting were cool ideas and the franchise was finally trying new things. I haven't played any of the games right at release (starting with Revelations), and I think spacing them out (either by Ubisoft taking breaks or by me not playing at release) is a good thing. But I have found all of them starting with AC3 have kept things fresh enough with new player characters for me to enjoy them. 

I probably will like Origins, but I am just not all that excited about what I've heard. I don't really care about playing the first Assassin; honestly I stopped caring about the mythology a while ago. Maybe the game will avoid this, but ancient Egypt brings to mind the relatively empty environments of AC1, and I would rather move through a busy city. I don't know how the combat "reinvention" will turn out, it could be better or worse. I remember Unity was supposed to change the combat a lot but it wasn't a night and day difference. Anyway, I think I just prefer more modern cities to play in, rather than ancient timeframes. I do think there's a point at which that backfires though. I would be skeptical of a game set after the early 20th century, as having cars driving around would make free-running too anachronistic. 


It sounds like at the end of the day I'm a more casual fan of AC where the history and mythology is concerned. From that aspect, I don't see Origins as very exciting. Hopefully I'll be proved wrong. 



Sorry for such a long reply... back to the Switch! This weekend I finished World of Goo, which was great. I cleared one level in "OCD" status by accident, but I am not motivated to go back and get better scores on the levels. I don't think I'll play with the playground map either, even though I have 300+ balls to build a tower. I think it's time I moved on to another game.


I'm still playing Mario+Rabbids, where I just started area 4 of World 2 (escorting Toad as he carries Rabbid Mario). Currently I'm using Mario, Luigi, and Rabbid Peach. I also have Rabbid Luigi on my team who I liked, but I swapped him out for "real" Luigi. Luigi has lower health but I love his sniper abilities. I also bought secondary weapons for Mario and Luigi and find them very useful. I don't have Rabbid Peach's secondary weapon but I think it's the same as Luigi's. I am enjoying the upgrade loop from collecting coins and solving puzzles, and new weapons unlocking as the game goes on. So far I haven't managed to solve the handful of challenges I've tried, but I'll come back to them. I love the humor in this game. Even without voices, I loved the comedy of Rabbid Peach poking the tower Rabbid Donkey Kong is on (the World 1 boss) as Mario pleaded with her to stop. 


I'm still chipping away at Picross a few puzzles a day. That's all I'm actively playing for now. 

Edited by MosesRockefeller
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I'm on part 4 of Thimbleweed Park and loving every second of it. I'm ashamed to say I have dialed 4468 (the in game helpline) far too many times for my liking. ? I'm a little apprehensive though because @Cubone said the game's ending wasn't that great. Nevertheless, I am hoping to solve the mystery of Thimbleweed Park before Friday. Wish me luck!

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23 minutes ago, Gengar said:

I'm on part 4 of Thimbleweed Park and loving every second of it. I'm ashamed to say I have dialed 4468 (the in game helpline) far too many times for my liking. 1f602.png I'm a little apprehensive though because @Cubone said the game's ending wasn't that great. Nevertheless, I am hoping to solve the mystery of Thimbleweed Park before Friday. Wish me luck!


WHAAAAAAA! Look at you, sneakily joining the Pokégroup! Nice way of letting me know :)


You still have a long way to go in the game. It's not that the ending isn't great, it's just not climactic, like it was in Fate Of Atlantis. Overall, it's a cool game, but having different characters makes it a bit chaotic at times.


@MosesRockefeller I don't have time for a big reply (making dinner at the moment and going to play Picross (and possibly Putty) with the missus afterwards. I'm not a history buff though but I do know more than Average Joe. Let's just say that I was confused by a news site proclaiming "Mathematician, astronomer, and poet, Ptolemy, can also be seen in the trailer" while he doesn't actually seem to be in there... Though who CAN be seen is what seems to be Ptolemy IV, Pharaoh of Egypt and younger brother of Cleopatra.


Now, if a news site can mess up like that (though truth be told, there are quite a few Ptolemy figures in history and poet Ptolemy did mostly live in Egypt), I can't hold anything against you.


The Borgia family was only a fraction of the people in AC2. And yeah, most people prefer the Ezio games.

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New SMT5 video is up about 12 hours ago and its shows absolutely nothing. Ok I'll finally admit I'm quite jaded here as nothing has matched Nocturnes story and game play since it's release though with that said we've only had SMT4. I have to make sure I don't get my hopes up too much at this stage, it's nowhere near as close to a release as I initially thought.



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I'm really loving Stardew Valley so far. It's so relaxing...


... This morning I did days 21 and 22 of Spring. Harvested and planted a little, then went to the mine both times (after giving a present to Emily and getting some food) to mine copper ore, first so I could make a smelting oven and then so I could make copper bars. Got enough to make the silo now, which I wanted to do before getting any animals.


Hope I don't forget next Spring to set some money apart for strawberry seeds at the egg festival thing.

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What's the over/under on Super Mario Odyssey being a must-have Mario title?  After being generally underwhelmed by my last few pre-orders (on any platform), I'm thinking I might slam the brakes on Odyssey... but I could go for "the next Super Mario 64" right now, and another reason to turn the Switch on. xD



EDIT: Understanding the game isn't out yet and we don't really know if it's any good.  Just curious on the opinions of those following the game to this point.

Edited by Dreakon13
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1 hour ago, Dreakon13 said:

What's the over/under on Super Mario Odyssey being a must-have Mario title?  After being generally underwhelmed by my last few pre-orders (on any platform), I'm thinking I might slam the brakes on Odyssey... but I could go for "the next Super Mario 64" right now, and another reason to turn the Switch on. xD



EDIT: Understanding the game isn't out yet and we don't really know if it's any good.  Just curious on the opinions of those following the game to this point.

I don't think any flagship Mario games have really disappointed. I know @Cubone feels that the New Mario Bros series was iterative and not worth much, but I still enjoyed them. However, even if you only enjoy Mario games that evolve the series, Odyssey appears to be doing that. If you have a Switch and enjoy Mario games, it seems like a must-buy.


Others here may have followed the game more closely, for me it was "new flagship Mario game on Switch = buy". I would have grabbed it if it were sidescrolling or fully 3D like it is. I know a lot of people watching a true 3D Mario game are excited about it, and the bits and pieces I've read about the game sound like it's going to have lots of cool touches for Nintendo fans.



There is some speculation going around online about Smash or Gamecube VC coming in the near future, since the Switch version 4.0 firmware silently added support for the Wii U Gamecube controller adapter. Apparently it treats Gamecube and Wavebird controllers as Switch Pro controllers (even though they lack gryoscopes, L2, and pushable sticks). I'm a bit more skeptical about what this means, but it's still neat that the system supports Gamecube controllers now. At the very least I now have 2 extra controllers for multiplayer games where those extra features aren't needed. I have two Wavebird controllers but one of them has a pretty loose left analog stick. I'm not a huge fan of the Gamecube controller but more options is a good thing.


Also, speaking of older systems and games, I've been playing more Wonderful 101 (for Wii U) lately and it's a great game once you get into it. I've said it before but I'd love a Switch port. The system needs more button mashing action games and Platinum Games makes some of the best.

Edited by MosesRockefeller
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Halloween sale, according to the Dutch Nintendo Youtube channel: 


Shovel Knight -20% (buy this one people)

Thimbleweed Park -15% (I can recommend this one to point and click fanatics)

Severed -20% 

Bulb Boy -30% (I can recommend this one, but it's weird)

Gonner -15%

Phantom Trigger -50%

"And more" with the following titles and discounts according to Reddit: (includes sales that were already going)

The Count Lucanor -10%

The Bridge -25% 

Axiom Verge -10% (recommended for fans of 2D Metroid gameplay)

Don't Knock Twice -20%

Rudymical -10%

Vaccine -30%

Butcher -20%

Disgaea5 -16%

SnakePass -50% (very unique platformer and very recommended by me)

Lichtspeer -20%

BindingOf Isaac -10%

CaveStory+ -10%

Specter Of Torment -20%

AstroBears Party -20%


Personally, I think I already have most of what I want on the Switch. I'm partially interested in Cave Story + but the price is much too steep for such a short game. I might get Lichtspeer.


1 hour ago, Dreakon13 said:

What's the over/under on Super Mario Odyssey being a must-have Mario title?  After being generally underwhelmed by my last few pre-orders (on any platform), I'm thinking I might slam the brakes on Odyssey... but I could go for "the next Super Mario 64" right now, and another reason to turn the Switch on. xD



EDIT: Understanding the game isn't out yet and we don't really know if it's any good.  Just curious on the opinions of those following the game to this point.


I get the 'feeling anxious with pre-orders' bit but Odyssey is not where you should draw a line now. I trust this game completelyand I think it will be amazing.


There are enough games where I wait for general opinions and gameplay videos, but stuff like Mario and Assassin's Creed are not among those games. I'm going to find out myself, and I'm going to find out on release.


20 minutes ago, MosesRockefeller said:

I don't think any flagship Mario games have really disappointed. I know @Cubone feels that the New Mario Bros series was iterative and not worth much, but I still enjoyed them. However, even if you only enjoy Mario games that evolve the series, Odyssey appears to be doing that. If you have a Switch and enjoy Mario games, it seems like a must-buy.


Others here may have followed the game more closely, for me it was "new flagship Mario game on Switch = buy". I would have grabbed it if it were sidescrolling or fully 3D like it is. I know a lot of people watching a true 3D Mario game are excited about it, and the bits and pieces I've read about the game sound like it's going to have lots of cool touches for Nintendo fans.


Yeah I didn't like stuff like New Bros and Maker and so on, even more so as they kept releasing more versions of New Bros yet I never got my new big Mario game.


Super Mario Odyssey is pretty much the main reason why I pre-ordered the Switch right after the January announcement. The knowledge of a new Zelda was cool and Kart/Party/Smash are expected, but this new step in 3D Mario was what I was missing before.

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Appreciate the insight guys.


I'm very rarely "anxious" when it comes to preordering what I want... but The Evil Within 2 was a horrendous dud and South Park isn't bad but pretty meh.  Meh enough to lose me quickly, set it aside and save it for when I'm more in the mood.  Open "world" RPG-lite's and turn based combat aren't really my bag these days.


Anywho... I'm not particularly interested in the ways Odyssey might "evolve" the Mario formula.  If anything, I'm afraid of that.  No lives, and coins as currency to "buy stuff"... reads to me like it's heading down a dubious path.  I'm not sure what that path is yet, but I'm hesitant to bet on it.


EDIT: Just want a "to the point" 3D Mario game, harking back to the days of Super Mario 64.  Which is why the comparisons between Mario 64 and Odyssey I've read had me pretty excited about it.  But every game nowadays seems to want to add more and more fluff to the point of becoming nauseating.

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43 minutes ago, Dreakon13 said:

Anywho... I'm not particularly interested in the ways Odyssey might "evolve" the Mario formula.  If anything, I'm afraid of that.  No lives, and coins as currency to "buy stuff"... reads to me like it's heading down a dubious path.  I'm not sure what that path is yet, but I'm hesitant to bet on it.


EDIT: Just want a "to the point" 3D Mario game, harking back to the days of Super Mario 64.  Which is why the comparisons between Mario 64 and Odyssey I've read had me pretty excited about it.  But every game nowadays seems to want to add more and more fluff to the point of becoming nauseating.

I understand what you're saying, but I support "no lives" completely. I don't know anything about "coins as currency" so I can't comment on that. 




I think that is a good explanation. As he mentions, limited lives are meaningless to Mario pros (I remember racking up extra lives in Super Mario World and the New Super Mario Bros games, in particular), and they want the game to appeal to new fans who might not have had a Nintendo console before the Switch. I think it's a good trade off, there's still a penalty and depending on how useful the coins are, it could affect the game more than losing lives ever did. 

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30 minutes ago, MosesRockefeller said:

I understand what you're saying, but I support "no lives" completely. I don't know anything about "coins as currency" so I can't comment on that. 




I think that is a good explanation. As he mentions, limited lives are meaningless to Mario pros (I remember racking up extra lives in Super Mario World and the New Super Mario Bros games, in particular), and they want the game to appeal to new fans who might not have had a Nintendo console before the Switch. I think it's a good trade off, there's still a penalty and depending on how useful the coins are, it could affect the game more than losing lives ever did. 


I guess it's on me a little for not digging into it further, but the impression I'm getting looking at it now is that the coins can be used to buy new outfits for Mario.  Which if that's all it is... is pretty insignificant (from the perspective of being a detriment anyways).  As I guess a "non-pro"... I'd rather have the lives since it at least makes the game somewhat of a challenge until you "get it" and start racking up the lives.  But I'm just splitting hairs.  I just hope the game being more chill doesn't lead to it being more of a drag.


I'll have to mull over the idea of a preorder.  It might be nice to be in on a new Mario title from the ground floor for a change. ;)

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1 hour ago, Dreakon13 said:

Appreciate the insight guys.


I'm very rarely "anxious" when it comes to preordering what I want... but The Evil Within 2 was a horrendous dud and South Park isn't bad but pretty meh.  Meh enough to lose me quickly, set it aside and save it for when I'm more in the mood.  Open "world" RPG-lite's and turn based combat aren't really my bag these days.


Anywho... I'm not particularly interested in the ways Odyssey might "evolve" the Mario formula.  If anything, I'm afraid of that.  No lives, and coins as currency to "buy stuff"... reads to me like it's heading down a dubious path.  I'm not sure what that path is yet, but I'm hesitant to bet on it.


EDIT: Just want a "to the point" 3D Mario game, harking back to the days of Super Mario 64.  Which is why the comparisons between Mario 64 and Odyssey I've read had me pretty excited about it.  But every game nowadays seems to want to add more and more fluff to the point of becoming nauseating.


17 minutes ago, MosesRockefeller said:

I understand what you're saying, but I support "no lives" completely. I don't know anything about "coins as currency" so I can't comment on that. 




I think that is a good explanation. As he mentions, limited lives are meaningless to Mario pros (I remember racking up extra lives in Super Mario World and the New Super Mario Bros games, in particular), and they want the game to appeal to new fans who might not have had a Nintendo console before the Switch. I think it's a good trade off, there's still a penalty and depending on how useful the coins are, it could affect the game more than losing lives ever did. 


In my opinion, "lives" in videogames are a relic from the past when arcade machines were the norm. They are of zero use in home/handheld gaming, game overs are punishment enough, just let us get back to a previous checkpoint until our health runs out completely.


Just going back to Super Mario 64 isn't good enough in my eyes, Super Mario 64 was pretty revolutional so to keep going back to 'the same thing but bigger and better graphics' would be some kind of weird paradox. We'll probably get a VC SM64 version anyway so I don't need to get it again and rebooted. Mario was always good at trying new stuff, let him do that again.


P.S. I thought Fractured But Whole was amazing. It was extremely funny and much more of a 'real' game than the previous entry was.


P.P.S. If you're not into "RPG-lite" then I will now tell you to stay away from Golf Story.

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12 minutes ago, Dreakon13 said:


I guess it's on me a little for not digging into it further, but the impression I'm getting looking at it now is that the coins can be used to buy new outfits for Mario.  Which if that's all it is... is pretty insignificant (from the perspective of being a detriment anyways).  As I guess a "non-pro"... I'd rather have the lives since it at least makes the game somewhat of a challenge until you "get it" and start racking up the lives.  But I'm just splitting hairs.


I'll have to mull over the idea of a preorder.  It might be nice to be in on a new Mario title from the ground floor for a change. ;)

Now that I see your reply and read my post again... it looks like I was claiming to be a Mario pro. I definitely am not, especially in the 3D games. :)


Anyway, I see Mario games as having a different tone from say Rayman or Donkey Kong Country. They were never designed to be punishing; sure there are some challenging parts but they have a different feel. So I don't mind the removal of "lives" at all. 


3 minutes ago, Cubone said:

In my opinion, "lives" in videogames are a relic from the past when arcade machines were the norm. They are of zero use in home/handheld gaming, game overs are punishment enough, just let us get back to a previous checkpoint until our health runs out completely.

Yes, exactly. Going back to the last checkpoint works well. There are ways to do that with or without punishing players, so it's a good flexible system. 

Edited by MosesRockefeller
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9 minutes ago, Dreakon13 said:


I guess it's on me a little for not digging into it further, but the impression I'm getting looking at it now is that the coins can be used to buy new outfits for Mario.  Which if that's all it is... is pretty insignificant (from the perspective of being a detriment anyways).  As I guess a "non-pro"... I'd rather have the lives since it at least makes the game somewhat of a challenge until you "get it" and start racking up the lives.  But I'm just splitting hairs.  I just hope the game being more chill doesn't lead to it being more of a drag.


I'll have to mull over the idea of a preorder.  It might be nice to be in on a new Mario title from the ground floor for a change. ;)


Just now, MosesRockefeller said:

Now that I see your reply and read my post again... it looks like I was claiming to be a Mario pro. I definitely am not, especially in the 3D games. :)


Anyway, I see Mario games as having a different tone from say Rayman or Donkey Kong Country. They were never designed to be punishing; sure there are some challenging parts but they have a different feel. So I don't mind the removal of "lives" at all. 


I'm a Mario 'pro' (as in I've been playing since the first iteration and the only stuff I have not played is on the Wii U) but it's not why I don't like lives. In many games, losing a life is pretty much the same as getting a game over anyway, except you have to start a wee bit farther back.


Regardless of lives, 3D Mario games never were that punishing. The challenge for the 'hardcore' crowd, if we can be named as such, is in getting 100%. Getting to the end in the Galaxy games was easy, but 100% required some effort.


I seem to recall that Odyssey would be a bit more challenging than the previous few games, by the way. I think that will once again mainly mean that there are some difficult-to-get moons, and that getting to the regular end won't be that hard.

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