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Kill Your Completion v3. 0

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22 hours ago, Crimson Idol said:

Sorry to say that but I will drop out of the event due to some personal reasons. Honestly I don't know if I will have the engagement to participate in any events  on this site any longer caused by some recent happenings. On top of that I lack the motivation to start any of the remaining games, even those that I could use as a replacement. Good luck and much fun to everyone else!

Sorry to hear that. Hopefully you'll come back soon as you've been a pretty relaxing person to talk with and your posts were a nice, varied read. It sure won't be the same without you here. Wishing you the best and see ya soon.

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I'm back!! :dance:


My business trip actually was all about business so I was struggling to keep up with the KYC reviews, much less actually find the time to write one. But I will crank out Hitman Go and Nightmares From the Deep reviews this weekend, and try to find time to play Anna: Extended, and then I will be all caught up. Thank God for the weekend!


Sad to see KYC vets Ladynadiad and Crimson Idol have to drop out.  They both provided some fantastic reviews and were just plain good folks that got along with everyone.  Please don't be strangers for long!


And I can't decide which video clip was funnier - Billy's "Kung Fury" one or the "History of Japan" posted by Dmland.  I loved them both! :yay:

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3 hours ago, Myu said:

(don't know why Nepgear when all the other CPU Candidates are cosy at home)

One thing to keep in mind is, the first Re;Birth was a complete remake. 2 is more of a copy and paste of Mk2, with a bit of added stuff. The rest of the little sisters were originally introduced in this installment. And I think weren't ready for combat, when this was going down. 


3 hours ago, Myu said:

(probably because of all the lolis in revealing swimsuits)

There are likely those that play them for that reason. They're not for everyone. But I play them, 'cause I think they're fun, and the characters tend to make me laugh. I really enjoyed the story of this particular installment, and ended up caring more about the little sisters than I did the main cast. 

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2 hours ago, Crimson Idol said:

Nah, don't think so. I still promised a follow-up for the Vita-event. ;) It's just that I will reduce my activity in the next few weeks. 


Phew, that's good to know. I'm glad you're still around. I hope whatever is bringing you down gets resolved quickly. If you need to cut down on your event participation, I understand. I'm trying to avoid being in too many events myself.

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2 hours ago, wtru9 said:



Game #6 - Just Cause 2

Day 3 - Final Thoughts

Playtime: 8 + 3/4 hours


You know how in my previous post on this game I said all the characters spoke in foreign accents? Well, I've found an American and OH BOY is that an over the top patriotic American accent/ character if I've ever heard one. I think this guy may be more American than Uncle Sam himself in the way he curses the Swede and the way he says "foreign" with an underlying tone of disgust all whilst preaching American self-righteousness. Having progressed a bit further in the story I can firmly say that it certainly isn't to be taken seriously. But you know what, it's nice to come across an action adventure game that doesn't take itself at all seriously every once in a while (although in saying that, humor has been a major element of 4/6 of my games so far). Minor spoilers ahead as I delve into a few of my experiences with some of the game's zanier moments. (Not story related per-say, but can ruin an unexpected moment for sure)

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-One particular mission has you invade a military base to blow up some stuff, you know, the usual Just Cause thing. You make your way to the final objective when all of a sudden the guy over the intercom says "You have intruded far enough. Now prepare to meet your demise at the hands of... (dramatic pause as the camera pans around to show what's behind you) ... my NINJA!". I dunno why I found this particular moment so funny, it just caught me a bit of guard I suppose :giggle:

- Another mission has you fighting 100 year old Japanese soldiers who still think WW2 is ongoing, on an island where you solve a mystery reminiscent of the Bermuda Triangle.


There are a few gripes I have had with the game so far. First of all ammo is really limited for the kind of destruction based game that it is. I'd almost expect every gun to have unlimited ammo, or at the very least a bullet capacity of a several hundred bullets, not just under 200 :S. There isn't even a nice, cheap and easy way to refill your depleted ammo other than picking it up off of dead guys, or hoping to come across the correct weapon cache for the particular gun in question. Perhaps this is something that gets resolved later in this game (but I haven't seen an upgrade system yet for ammunition), or I'm being incredibly stupid and I've missed something obvious, but nothing kills a spree of mayhem and destruction like having to be mindful of conserving your bullets if you don't want to run out of them in less than two minutes. Part of the reason I've tried to use the helicopter as much as I could is simply because they've got unlimited ammo, whilst your normal guns don't.


But overall I've enjoyed the game so far, the island setting is relaxing and varied enough such that it isn't as "same-y" as you might expect with a map this size, even if it feels like it's a bit unnecessarily large (Also according to the wikipedia page it's partly inspired by New Zealand, so that gives it a big tick in my books ;)). There's been plenty to do and collect (and I mean PLENTY to collect; you thought those AC2 feathers were bad, try collecting all the 3000 collectables in this game!), and the story is, well, something else. The grappling hook has quickly become one of my favourite ways to deal with rooftop snipers in video games, and is just an all around fun game mechanic to abus- I mean use. Mowing down enemies with dual wield rapid fire SMGs is as satisfying as it always is. Just Cause 2 has earned a :gold: from me :) (That's 3 golds in a row now!)


Next Up: Tropico 5 (From blowing stuff up, to building stuff up)


If Just Cause 2 earns a :gold: then I'd really advise Just Cause 3, it's even better (a lot better, actually).


P.S. that island you talk about in your spoiler?


It's based on the island from Lost.


Also Tropico 5 is cool, a damn shame that I have not gone back to it yet after KYC1.

Edited by BillyHorrible
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17 minutes ago, DamagingRob said:

One thing to keep in mind is, the first Re;Birth was a complete remake. 2 is more of a copy and paste of Mk2, with a bit of added stuff. The rest of the little sisters were originally introduced in this installment. And I think weren't ready for combat, when this was going down. 


There are likely those that play them for that reason. They're not for everyone. But I play them, 'cause I think they're fun, and the characters tend to make me laugh. I really enjoyed the story of this particular installment, and ended up caring more about the little sisters than I did the main cast. 


Yeah, it really feels like they were aiming at die-hard fans of the series. Lots of extra contents, lots of characters that are probably from other titles... A bit like in The Awakened Fate Ultimatum. In that game, you unlock several post-game events that are a bit out-of-place. For example, there's an event in which Shana from Shakugan no Shana (an anime I watched several years ago) randomly appears and gives you a weapon. 

When I played Rebirth 1, I was very confused about the CPU Candidates and several other characters that you can unlock by using Plans towards the end of the game. (Again, that feeling of being totally lost, you know, who are those people??). When I started Rebirth 2 and Nepgear is trying to find the other candidates without knowing who they are, I was, again, confused. Maybe I shouldn't have played PP and Action U before the Rebirth games.  

The characters are funny from time to time but once you get used to it, it gets old pretty quick (like Compa's way of talking, or even Red in Rebirth 2.)

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