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Kill Your Completion v3. 0

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2 hours ago, xFalionx said:

Well, I just spent 3 hours writing this shit and it's gone now. I'll be posting a very condensed version of what I had to say some time soon but I'm done with this for now. Now excuse me while I tear down a wall using my head as a wrecking ball. T.T

Ah, another victim. I feel your pain -_-.

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2 hours ago, Jaguargenie said:

Inside - I was so excited for this game. People loved it. It got Game of the Year awards. It was done by the same team that did Limbo (which I adore). Hated it. Never want to touch it again. Read my review if you want an in depth perspective because I don't want to waste my breath for another word on this.

I can't remember but did you finish it?

I liked the end with this "thing"


I completed Walking Dead Season Two today and got thesame ending I got on the 360 on purpose. I didn't want to alter it that much from my initial playthrough for Season 3. Now I want to start season 3 but it's 30€.

After finishing I watched all the possible endings. There are quite the differences and I don't know how the consider this in the first episode of season 3. It should be different depending on the ending you chose.

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On 4/2/2017 at 3:02 PM, MarkusT1992 said:

I can't remember but did you finish it?

I liked the end with this "thing"

Yes. I finished it. And the *redacted* was the worst part. It took *redacted* and ugh! Getting upset just thinking about how terrible that was!

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On 02/04/2017 at 9:02 PM, MarkusT1992 said:

I can't remember but did you finish it?

I liked the end with this "thing"


On 02/04/2017 at 9:27 PM, Jaguargenie said:

Yes. I finished it. And the *redacted* was the worst part. It took *redacted* and ugh! Getting upset just thinking about how terrible that was!




I played through the game a week ago and I loved it, great game.

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2 hours ago, wtru9 said:

Just a boring checklist-like trophy list, where you have to complete x amount of this, and find x amount of that, and where the image is the same boring picture of a trophy for every unique trophy, Just Cause 2's list is really the ultimate in uninspired trophy lists


That can describe a ton of games I've played - Oceanhorn, Digimonstory Cybersleuth, etc. Then again, I think that's a nice thing - the game makers are so focused on the game itself they don't have time to create trophy images for every trophy, which means the game is great.. ;)

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Good stuff everybody. It's awesome to read everybody's summaries and hear about your overall experiences. 


I didn't actually get anymore time to game on the last two days and I never did earn a trophy in Xillia 2, even with another toe hours last night. Considering I got my first trophy in the original game after 15 hours of play I doubt I could've made it happen anyway. 


I meant to post this two days ago and forgot, then I didn't check the forums at all yesterday since either was hanging with there family. My final overview will come in a little while. 

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On 4/3/2017 at 3:31 PM, BillyHorrible said:


Yeah you were still vague enough, @Jaguargenie threw subtlety out of the window though with a pretty specific answer.

Hey. *redacted* still pretty vague... and unless yout played it, the reference shouldn't make any sense at all... :(

My bad if that was a spoiler. Sorry all. 

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19 hours ago, Jaguargenie said:

Hey. "redacted" I'd still pretty vague... and unless yout played it, the reference shouldn't make any sense at all... :(

My bad if that was a spoiler. Sorry all. 



It's quite a big spoiler that you'll be controlling a blob thing, in my eyes (or that you'll be controlling anything other than the boy at all). Part of the charm of the game is that you never know what to expect. Personally, I'd go back and put your last two posts into a spoiler format.


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13 hours ago, BillyHorrible said:


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Part of the charm of the game is that you never know what to expect. Personally, I'd go back and put your last two posts into a spoiler format.

I've gone back and edited the posts. Since you quoted me, they don't proactively change, so I would go and edit them. Once again, sorry to all. 


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23 hours ago, Hemiak said:

Tales of Xillia 2 - 0/49, 0%

I enjoyed the first game and so far this is more of the same. There's a lot more emphasis on doing side quests for cash to pay off your staggering 20 million gald debt. There was a slough of cat related puns last night that had Mim and I shaking our heads, but otherwise the game is pretty good. I've got about 5 hours so far and still no trophies, it could still be a while before they begin popping, but I'll keep updating as I go as this seems to be the one we're playing now. 


The Tales Of games tend to be very stingy with trophy popping. Most of the time, you only get a few of them before the end of your first playthrough and it's then followed by painful hours of fastidious grinding :) 


23 hours ago, Hemiak said:

I just wanted to say a final thank you to everyone who participated or followed along. Also a big congratulations to the ones who followed along and at least started 10 new games. At this point the thing basically runs itself, which is awesome since I always seem to have something come up that takes me away for a few days. I'll get the OP updated with a few closing details at some point. 



Well, thank YOU! 

I'll probably be there for the next KYC in July then as I will probaby be on vacation. I'll try to stock up on games I really want to play this time, instead of choosing games I've been neglecting. 

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Well, at least clean up of Manhunt wasn't nearly as frustrating as beating it. Cheats make it pretty easy. But the game was a tedious chore, and I'm glad to be done with it. I stand by my :bronze: rating. Also, wrapped up Under Night. I only have 5 games I can go back and do anything in; making really good progress. 

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On 4/3/2017 at 6:18 PM, Myu said:

I Need My Completion Rate Back - Update 1


And Fairy Fencer f is a good start. I'm about 22 hours into the game, probably in the second part and I encountered a big difficulty spike. Some enemies that were defeated with only one character now need the three of them and sometimes in more than one turn. Characters also tend to miss a lot of their attacks when they are underleveled so I've spent some time level grinding 

Since the end of the event, I've added 6 more trophies and earned the wonderful D rank : 



Don't know if anyone mentioned this, or you've already read/done it, but you should definitely download the dungeon DLC. I can't remember which one, but it has enemies where you can level up pretty quickly and/or amass the 100 million. Although, it all depends if you want to plat the game. 

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12 hours ago, Edunstar84 said:

Don't know if anyone mentioned this, or you've already read/done it, but you should definitely download the dungeon DLC. I can't remember which one, but it has enemies where you can level up pretty quickly and/or amass the 100 million. Although, it all depends if you want to plat the game. 


I plan on downloading it when all the other trophies are done :)  The 100 million seems to be the grindiest trophy by far (some people even say 20 hours without DLC 0_0).

After my first playthrough I was ony at 100.000, this might prove even more tiring than lilly ranks :P  


I Need My Completion Rate Back - Update 2




Got a nice A Rank now with 5 more trophies. 

I've finished three endings and I've started the second playthrough in speedrun mode. I reaaaaally have to be careful with the 16 missable quests or I'm good for a third playthrough. 

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Made some progress with Babel Rising yesterday afternoon. 4 more levels done and it's definitely getting a bit more hectic. Still haven't failed a level but the pace is much more frantic and I find myself purposefullyettung some individual workers through do I can take out the big groups more efficiently. 


There are now cursed jar bearers that let out a cackle when they spawn. They run up the ramp carrying a jar that glows purple, and eventually set it down and just dissappear. The jar hand out for another ten seconds or so. If you kill the bearer or hot the jar it locks you out of whichever ability you just used for 30 seconds, which isn't good at all.


There is also a kind of turret section where reinforcement boats are. Arriving. You have infinite fireballs and a top down view. You need to destroy as many ships as you can because foe each that lands the enemies become slightly more numerous. In my next level I'll have to face Siege towers, so we'll see what that's all about. 


It's a good thing I played yesterday as I had basketball last night and was gone for two hours. I also took a massive head butt to the chin (accidentally), so spent the rest of the night lying down to reduce the bleeding. Needless to say I didn't play anything last night. 

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I caught up with some real-life work, so I'm gonna be writing my missing reviews pretty soon. I've decided that those games deserve some actual reviews instead of some half-assed stuff that I whip together in frustration after losing my earlier work, so I'm probably just gonna post one review per day until I'm caught up. I might still miss a day or two though, since there's some other stuff going on right now, so there'll be a few days where I won't be in the mood to write basically anything at all for that day.


Anyways, I'm pretty sure there's gonna be a From Dust review tomorrow, especially since a lot has already been said about that game which I agree with, so it won't be that large.


On 4/1/2017 at 0:57 PM, zettlock said:

Oh man, you're so generous, thank you! Seriously :). That's a hell of a compliment for me, I bow before thee! On a side note - I work as an editor, own a small publishing house and just became an author (kids' books, but nonetheless!). So your comment was spot on :).


About Warband - I bought it for 120 zlotys, it's around 30$. It's a game that is underrated AND underpriced. Trust me, it's worth every penny, when your role model is this guy:


Seems like I'm not as bad at guessing people than I always end up telling people. ^_^ 


Yeah, I won't be able to play it anyways as I've noticed that it's only on PS4. It's pretty weird though since I'm pretty sure I've seen that game on PC ages ago, so I thought there'd be a PS3 version. I guess I'll have more to look forward to whenever I actually get a PS4 myself. :) 


On 3/31/2017 at 8:00 AM, BillyHorrible said:

If you thought Batman Begins was pretty great, wait until you see The Dark Knight. That movie is the reason that the Academy Awards have increased the number of Best Film nominations, people were so pissed that that movie got snubbed just because it's based on a comic book superhero... Stellar Joker performance by Heath Ledger, by the way.


Now that you've been introduced to the Batman universe, it would be a shame if nobody would point you to the two Tim Burton movies: Batman (1989) and Batman Returns. Both are a bit more cheesy than the Christopher Nolan movies but they're pretty awesome.


The LEGO Batman Movie that came out recently is actually super cool as well, but I advise you to wait with watching it until you've seen a bit more of Batman. At least watch the 1989 Batman and The Dark Knight - thanks to those two films and the Arkham series, you'll have a pretty good feel about the Batman-Joker dynamic which is an important one for the LEGO movie.


Also, if you're not done with Batman after all that and you really want to get funky...

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Thanks for the suggestions, I probably would have forgotten about the LEGO Batman movie if you didn't mention that. I'll be sticking to the Nolan movies for now though, since I don't watch that many movies anyways.

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This thread was a fun read, thanks to all participants. It was fun to read impressions about a variety of different games and particularly interesting to see the opinions of games I was already familiar with. I may be interested in participating in the July event but between an original PS3 with a small hard drive and an 8Gb flash card in my Vita I don't know if I will be able to start 10 games without juggling resources and deleting games I haven't completed only to have to redownload them at a later date. Perhaps if there were a lite level of participation, say 5 games with 6 days each, that may better suit my capacity. Well if I focus on completing currently installed games I may be in a better position to allow for full participation. We will see.

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