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are bethesda games really as good as they're praised?


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such as skyrim and the fallout series? i feel like i haven't given these types of games enough of a chance, like an hour here and there, but i get overwhelmed looking at the trophy lists and think i just get annoyed and burnt to quick. nowadays i mostly play anime styled games and there's some of them i've felt had intimidating trophy lists, but when i actually start playing it goes more smoothly. well lately i've been feeling a bit burnt out from anime games and feel maybe i need to play some other kinds of games. i've been playing primarily anime games this year and think maybe i need a change of pace. like i'm mainly playing tales of xillia 2 right now but i'm not really enjoying it as much as i think i should be. i loved the first one a few months ago, but feel like i cant get into the 2nd one much, but maybe cause i've played and platinum'd to many anime games since that were nearing the 100 hour mark or more.


well as far as PS3 games go i'm trying through some games and there's a number of games people claim to get addicted too and i haven't felt myself getting attached to in the past. but i think i'd get into skyrim since i loved dragon's dogma. same thing can be said for kingdoms of amalur. i thought maybe i'd like fallout new vegas cause i liked borderlands. but recently i've been thinking of picking up fallout 3 GOTY edition, but not sure if i found new vegas difficult to get into due to trophy requirements like explained in the above paragraph. thank you.

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The games are a time sink for the platinum.  You'll either have to play the game/s multiple times or make strategic saves throughout.  I think they are amazing games with a bunch of glitches and slowdown.  I've got the platinum in Fallout 3, New Vegas, 4, and Skyrim PS3.  I'm currently working on Skyrim Remasted.  However, maybe try playing a few smaller/quicker games first.  I don't know if it's the anime style of games you are getting burned on or if it's the length of time required to finish the trophy list.  Like I said, these games are a big time sink as I have over 100 hours in each one not counting DLC.  You can get the Game of the Year editions of Fallout 3 and New Vegas for cheap so I would start there and see what you think.  There is no real story continuity so play whichever one you want first but I would suggest Fallout 3 first and then New Vegas. 

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They are really good, the games may need more than an hour to get into though as it can be hard or confusing to start off if you aren't used to the kind of style that the games are, a lot of hours are required in them but the time flies by (mostly anyways when you aren't stuck or hindered by those damn bugs and glitches xD) I really recommend playing them. Difficulty doesn't matter, besides the Hardcore trophy in Vegas but that isn't necessarily a difficulty it's still particularly easy! Regardless I think you should try them as they are worth the play, just be cautious of the bugs and glitches, especially in the Fallouts ;)

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Their games are pretty good if you ask me, but i would never recommend playing Fallout 3 and New Vegas on PS3.

The more time i spent playing 'em the more glitches and crashes i encountered. A bunch of the DLC's were almost unplayable because the framerate was incredibly bad.

Edited by hpknight
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17 minutes ago, angelgrievous said:

The games are a time sink for the platinum.  You'll either have to play the game/s multiple times or make strategic saves throughout.  I think they are amazing games with a bunch of glitches and slowdown.  I've got the platinum in Fallout 3, New Vegas, 4, and Skyrim PS3.  I'm currently working on Skyrim Remasted.  However, maybe try playing a few smaller/quicker games first.  I don't know if it's the anime style of games you are getting burned on or if it's the length of time required to finish the trophy list.  Like I said, these games are a big time sink as I have over 100 hours in each one not counting DLC.  You can get the Game of the Year editions of Fallout 3 and New Vegas for cheap so I would start there and see what you think.  There is no real story continuity so play whichever one you want first but I would suggest Fallout 3 first and then New Vegas. 


thank you everyone foremost. xD but yeah i love grinding but i feel burn out i guess from anime style games due to the repetitive nature. perform and repeat x amount of times. especially after doing so many similar ones that perhaps i need a change of pace for a bit before returning. i do love these kinds of games but might need to play some regular games for a bit. thing is i feel like i get more invested in longer games than i do for most shorter games. like i could pull out a sly or ratchet game but i'd feel absolutely miserable, it seems like games that make you addicted for countless hours are the real pull for me. loot, RPG elements, that sort of thing. as much as i was hoping that tales of xillia 2 would draw me in, its not. but i might just be burnt on them sort of games after so many or just plain depression atm not sure. lol.


i just know i was happy yesterday playing some of the borderlands 2 DLC compared to the time i was spending with ToX2, so maybe i need something similar which makes me think of fallout.

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They're not nearly as good as they're praised to be but they're still decent games. They get pretty buggy on consoles though so you might want to consider playing them on pc if that's an option for you and you don't mind missing out on the trophies. Not only will you be able to get them cheaper, but you'll get a more steady, less crashy experience.

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I wouldn't say they are as good as the hype makes them out to be but they can be a lot of fun. I think the biggest issue is all the glitches and things that remain in their games even after all the patches they do. As far as getting the Platinum for them, it varies. Fallout 3's Platinum can be done easily if you keep backup saves handy, same with New Vegas but it does have some really grindy trophies. Skyrim is also pretty grindy and the way the level up system works in that is different from the other games.


But yeah, go for the Fallout 3 GOTY edition, and New Vegas GOTY if you liked Fallout 3, since I personally liked New Vegas more than FO3. Like I said though, there's likely still some glitches and other bugs still in the game. I only played one DLC for FO3 but I hear the rest of the DLC have some pretty bad crashing issues so you better save often if you want to at least lower the frustration somewhat.

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15 minutes ago, RJP_X said:


thank you everyone foremost. xD but yeah i love grinding but i feel burn out i guess from anime style games due to the repetitive nature. perform and repeat x amount of times. especially after doing so many similar ones that perhaps i need a change of pace for a bit before returning. i do love these kinds of games but might need to play some regular games for a bit. thing is i feel like i get more invested in longer games than i do for most shorter games. like i could pull out a sly or ratchet game but i'd feel absolutely miserable, it seems like games that make you addicted for countless hours are the real pull for me. loot, RPG elements, that sort of thing. as much as i was hoping that tales of xillia 2 would draw me in, its not. but i might just be burnt on them sort of games after so many or just plain depression atm not sure. lol.


i just know i was happy yesterday playing some of the borderlands 2 DLC compared to the time i was spending with ToX2, so maybe i need something similar which makes me think of fallout.

I too love to get lost in games.  If you look at the games I have completed to platinum or 100% they are mostly invested games.  Fallout series, Skyrim, MGS V, etc.  To the point of others, yeah, there are problems with the games but it was never to the point to where I thought I had to stop playing.  Give one a shot OP.    

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Play one yourself and see. If you're very hyped up then I advise you taper your expectations a little- be realistic about what you think a game, particularly on last gen, can really accomplish. Some people will buy too much into the hype time and again and be disappointed having expected far too much of the thing and think it isn't that great- usually seen populating the forums and Facebook with throwaway remarks like "hurr durr this game sux lol". Some won't have bought into the hype but still not been too pushed about them anyway. I personally love every Bethesda game I've ever played. Skyrim was my life until I learned that there were some potentially game-breaking bugs so I stopped playing for a few months and waited for them to be patched- a blessing in disguise as I was able to get my life back on track! But that just goes to show how lost you could get in them.

Edited by MeteorHawk
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also i must apologize if i came off strange with my posts. i do have aspergers, so as far as being hooked on anime games go, i do get fixated on a particular interest of mine till unfortunately i hit a cross road where i think i've indulged a little far to much into said interest. then i try out something else and if i like it enough do the same thing to it till it becomes tiring. i was just thinking that maybe i need to divert from my main interest a bit because a friend on my friends list on PSN i knew back in school has aspergers. hes far from a trophy hunter, but he primarily plays anime games but of all games, if anything hes played most of, it would be skyrim. so i'm just thinking i should step out of my usual from time to time lol. :c

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24 minutes ago, angelgrievous said:

I too love to get lost in games.  If you look at the games I have completed to platinum or 100% they are mostly invested games.  Fallout series, Skyrim, MGS V, etc.  To the point of others, yeah, there are problems with the games but it was never to the point to where I thought I had to stop playing.  Give one a shot OP.    


yeah i can see that. xD i could honestly say if you ever get the chance, to give dragons dogma another going. i'm weird with games, at first for quite many i'm meh with, but if i chance them again sometimes they end up being a wonderful time. dragons dogma was like that, i played for a little then set it aside. then a month later or so i picked it back up and was hooked for a week practically nonstop. which is what i'm waiting for to come with skyrim and kingdoms of amalur since they're talked of in the same vein. i think in my experience it depends on the time and mindset for certain games. i probably like most games out there if i play the right ones that depend on the mood lol.

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Honestly, no, bethesda games are pretty awful. The writing is atrocious, characters are terrible if not forgettable, the games themselves are pretty ugly (both on console and pc) gameplay is usually ok but these days theyre mostly quests upon quests where you just have to kill a bunch of people at the end despite the whole roleplaying aspect. Their maps have also kind of degraded overtime, theyre very big but they dont actually fill up that big world with anything fun or interesting meaning you're really just spending an hour going through this huge map to do something a regular game could have you do in like 15 minutes.


The games are also a buggy mess, as you probably expect from bethesda, and while some people think thats part of the charm I can't stand it. Imagine if ubisoft defended some of the really bad assassins creed bugs by saying that it was part of the charm, people would tear them apart. On top of that bethesda fans tend to blame console players for playing bethesda games on console in the first place, even though bethesda are the ones charging you $80 for a sub par product. The only reason I bother getting the plats for bethesda games is so when people ask me why i hate them so much I can point to my play time as defense because I did it ALL and had fun approximately never. 

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YMMV. Fallout 3 is definitely one of my favorite games of all time, if not my absolute favorite. Conversely, Oblivion is one of the most boring games I've ever played. Other people feel the opposite. I do like Skyrim a lot, though!

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I really enjoy Bethesda games for the most part, though they always tend to be irritating technical-wise, I've had every single Elder Scrolls and Fallout game glitch out on me and freeze a minimum of twice throughout all my playthroughs. Fallout 4 was pretty disappointing for me, and I ended up dropping it after about 30 hours in.


If you're looking to get the platinums on Bethesda games, expect to drain about 100 or so hours into them, especially if you're getting the DLC trophies as well. They're long games with a lot of content, and unfortunately, their technical performances on the PS3 WILL slow you down, which is why I've personally always gotten most Bethesda games on the Xbox systems, with the exception of Skyrim initially, but I did get it for the Xbox 360 later on.


Obviously Bethesda games won't be for everyone, regardless if it's just a case of them being too much of a time drainer, or if the games itself just aren't particularly fun. I'd suggest investing at least 10 hours into any Beth game before deciding if it's your thing or not, because the first couple of hours always tend to be the most boring. If you still don't enjoy it much after that amount of time, you probably won't enjoy the rest of it either.

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Bethesda = Glitchy (it's ok though it's Bethesda)


Skyrim = Repetitive, everything scales to your level (nothing changes), big bland boring world, atrocious combat, levelling feels as pointless as a gate without a fence........but.......you can climb up a vertical cliff on a horse.

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Fallout 3's pretty solid. Got to the very end but never completed it so hey ho but I enjoyed my time with it. Skyrim is honestly awful and Fallout 4 is decent fun. They're not bad [other than Skyrim which I still maintain is awful] but they're not all they're cracked up to be either. In terms of platinum, they're not difficult but much like most RPG games they're a time sink.

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I'm a fan :) Fallout is my favourite franchise of all time and Fallout 3 is my favourite game of all time. I love the Elder Scrolls series, but for me it's all about the Fallout franchise. I think out of all the games i've played across formats, i've put the most time into the Fallout & Elder Scrolls games.

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That is subjective. I've always trusted my own experience over someone else whether I'll like something or not. As should everyone as we are, of course, all different. I know Skyrim can be found pretty cheap, so not liking it wouldn't be a big blow. It's always good to have a variety of different games to choose from to keep things feeling fresh.


As for me, I enjoy it. Exploring the countryside is kind of relaxing. Until you're dive bombed by a dragon or jumped by a bear.

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Id say so - they tend to concentrate on different things than other devs. Less focus on graphics and challenge, more on world building, writing and sheer quantity and beeadth of exploration.


i wouldsay that if you play one and dislike it, you are unlikely to like any of them, as they are certainly all of a type.


(referring to Fallout/Elder Scrolls specifically, ie. Bethesda developed games. Bethesda published games are different obviously, and fit different moulds of the specific developers. They have a good track record though)

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