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What do you consider to be a high PSN LVL?


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What PSN level do you consider low, medium, and high? And why?

here's my opinion

0-5 very low

6-8 low

9-11 low-medium

12-15 medium

16-20 medium-high

21-25 high

26+ very high

REASON: I base this off of rarity that I've seen someone on these levels. Not on this website (obviously, this place is filled with trophy hunters) but as PSN as a whole.

Edited by Beyondthegrave07
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I'd probably have to agree with a similar spectrum. Though coming more from having used an Xbox for a majority of time where all ranks are measured by a simple addition of numbers rather than percentage raised by trophy type, I must admit that I do still have a difficult time measuring up the trophy levels.

All-in-all, I can best describe any level under 15 at this current time to be one of three possibilities: new to the console, limited in game variety/funding/etc, or just not interested in trophies/variety. Time allowed also plays a big factor.

But yeah:

15-23: Experienced

24+ Committed.

Best words I can find to describe out of my opinion..

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I usually see levels 13-25.

I play a lot of CoD and most people I see are less than 5 and most of my friends I have are less than 10. I'm not looking at this from a trophy hunter's perspective, but as a casual gamer. That's why my scale isn't very harsh. If I looked at it as a trophy hunter, it'd look like Aexuz's scale, no questions asked.

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I just reached level 11 and I just started video games 8 months ago, so I consider myself slightly experienced, but still rookie. With that said, I will say:

0-6 Beginner

7-12 Amatuer

13-18 Minor Gamer

19-24 Skilled Gamer

25-30 Dedicated Gamer

31-36 Advanced Gamer

37-50 Master Gamer

51+ Legend/Demigod/Hacker

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Honestly, i never cared much for PSN level. Everytime i reach a new level people congratulate me and i respond with "wth? o_O"

I think PSN level 20-30 is above average nowadays. With that said, people with 50 platinums is way too common now.

So i think the hardcore gamers nowadays is PSN level 30+ with150+ platinums.

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I don't put too much stock into PSN level as the only/primary way of validating someone's gamer-ness. For one, there are lots of consoles out there, and maybe someone's personal preferences drive them towards Wii/XBox, PC, or handhelds. And for another, it takes a certain kind of obsession-compulsion to fix on trophies |D I mean, I know people who storyboard and program, and while some of them are scary-completionist, others of them consider trophies etc to be a nice bonus and show their "I r srsgamer" in other fashions. ...All that being said, though, I consider a person with level in the double digits to be "someone who is serious about trophy-ing/ps3-ing/both.

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I play a lot of CoD and most people I see are less than 5 and most of my friends I have are less than 10. I'm not looking at this from a trophy hunter's perspective, but as a casual gamer. That's why my scale isn't very harsh. If I looked at it as a trophy hunter, it'd look like Aexuz's scale, no questions asked.

Oh then not from a trophy hunting perspective... I see levels 1-8.
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Since I'm no trophy hunter, I would say anything ranging from level 16 onward would be above average to high for a casual gamer, especially if they are like me (i'm not calling myself a casual gamer, just thought I'd clarify) and don't really care how many trophies they get. For a trophy hunter though, I would say level 35-39 would be above average, but I would consider level 40 onward high.

Edited by Blanc_WhiteHeart
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There are numerous factors that make pan level irrelevant. Difficulty of the games they play' if they have numerous platinums of the same game, if they have a game platinumed in an extremely short period of time, etc. Most of the crazy high levels play games no one plays or has even heard of. On top of that you'll rarely see a high level with a platinum requiring skill, mostly they platinum ones that require the least amount of time.

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