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Kill Your Completion V

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19 hours ago, Kevvik said:


One reason for the weak little ones giving you so much xp is because they are resistant to your mechs attacks. If you are spamming spells on them, they go down fast but your mechs will only do like 0-2 damage on them. Sort of like metal slimes in Dragon Quest. Find the right attack and they drop fast for ++xp, wrong attack and you can beat on them forever until they flee, leaving you high and dry.


I didn't get as far as you when I played earlier this month but so far I would definitely say blue tower would be the best grinding location.


That explains so many things! 

As long as the girls can defeat all the enemies in one turn, I leave them on the front but battles in the last dungeon are really something else and I definitely have to use the Guardians now (x3 attack + x6 crit is devastating!). 

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6 hours ago, MarkusT1992 said:

Apparently I had the DD in our playthrough althought the DPS of the others primary weapons were higher than mine.


I thought the tank was the damage dealer and the saboteur was supposed to be the sneak... Then again you never did use your invisibility upgrade xD

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12 hours ago, Cubone said:


I thought the tank was the damage dealer and the saboteur was supposed to be the sneak... Then again you never did use your invisibility upgrade xD

Normaly the tank is supposed to tank damage so the others don't die, which you did pretty good according to the damage taken statistic after each mission :lol: I guess you had much more health than we had.

Later in the game I actually used my invisibility but only to escape a group of enemies who would have killed me otherwise. Plus my airstrike did a massive amount of damage.

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