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Interaction Isn't Explicit。


Interaction Isn't Explicit. - Metacritic


It was a fun experience where you just have a 30-40min gameplay explaining some basic mechanics in games with commentary from the developer about it with examples from other games.


I recommend it if you want a short good time and free trophies.


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100% In Space We Brawl

0.79% - Ultra Rare


Another game full of ridiculously Ultra Rare Trophies, In Space We Brawl is easier done with four controllers, which I have ;) : to be more precise, a Dualsense, a DualShock 4, and two Ps4 Turbo controllers. Thanks to them, I grinded my way to the 100% in roughly 25-30 hours.


The only Trophy that actually requires skill is the one requiring you to complete all the challenges with an S rank: far from being super hard but not easy, as few challenges were tricky and required me several tries.


I am also the only Italian who completed this particular stack (Ps4 EU), which is not bad I guess. ;)

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Days Gone on PS4. 4 years and 8 months later. Obviously I was not playing during that whole time. 😂 It looks like after I got the platinum I did some of the DLC stuff and then I put it on the back burner for 4 years, working on a bunch of other stuff. But now that I am for once sticking to my deal of "Don't start anything new until you're at 98% completion ratio." This bad boy was on the list. Game was very enjoyable but some of the challenges were pretty difficult. Maybe it was because I took a 4 year break and had to relearn the game, but several obscenities were yelled on the path to 100%. 

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Plat #135  -  100% 213

Minecraft: Playstation Vita Edition


Last trophy:


Let it Go!

Walk across the surface of a deep ocean by freezing the water with Frost Walker boots.




Here it is, the very edition of the game I did not expect to 100% at all in the version I least expected to. And yet, here we are.  100% on a Minecraft stack.


This completion is mostly due to a boosting group here on PSNP,  finally netting me the two trophies I needed more than two players for, completing the multiplayer modes  exclusive to the Minecraft Console Editions. From then on, only one trophy was left in my singleplayer world. The one that made me go "Wait, Frozen is that old already?" But there are worse earworms to be had than anything sung by Idina Menzel, so alright.


The issue with this one was that I couldn't for the life of me get the ecnhantment to the point I started to believe maybe it hadn't been implemented on Vita. But that was impossible, was it? Others had the trophy. And so I continued. All in all, I'd been fishing for 7 hours, branching out into other opportunities to get the book every now and then - I cleared a Woodland Mansion, two shipwrecks and the treasure chests they pointed me to (the same one, mind you), I even spontaneously converted a nearby village into a villager breeder to maybe get a  librarian villager that sold the enchantment.



No, really, here it is!


Turns out, I should have just stuck to fishing because after days of putting in some time each evening, it finally happened. The ocean now empty of fish, but also all those rods and bows people seem to be throwing away, a whole library of enchanted books (Bane of Arthropods III holds the record as I fished that one three times), and the Endermen alone know how much other stuff, but suddenly, with a jank on the fishing rod, yet another book flew toward me and there it was, Frost Walker I!


And I knew, Let it go, let it go, can't hold it back anymore. Let it go, let it go, turn away and slam the door. I don't care what they're going to say let the storm rage on the cold never bothered me anyway.



Also: Most unneccessary Totem of Undying ever

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Grand Theft Auto V: Rockstar Editor




I'm not planning to go for 100% in this game yet, as that requires a lot of time and effort, but I wanted to get at least this DLC done before the trophies become possibly unobtainable.

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On 2/12/2024 at 11:00 AM, PHIL_DADDY1 said:

Latest 100% - Hue (Vita) 



I also recently got 100% for Hue. Decent story with fun platforming / puzzle elements. You play as Hue and while progessing to the story you unlock more colors. Selecting a color will make the background of the level that color, making all objects with the same color as the background disappear. This gives interesting puzzles, although most are easy to solve. Hue leaves ps plus extra february 20th.

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2 hours ago, Hugo_11223 said:

I also recently got 100% for Hue. Decent story with fun platforming / puzzle elements. You play as Hue and while progessing to the story you unlock more colors. Selecting a color will make the background of the level that color, making all objects with the same color as the background disappear. This gives interesting puzzles, although most are easy to solve. Hue leaves ps plus extra february 20th.

Get's a bit tricky in some of the latter puzzles, eh?

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That is certainly true.


There was this level where you needed to climb up a ladder to get further into that level. A laser was preventing me from getting up that ladder and it took me a while to figure out how to use the block with the balloons attached to block that laser.


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100% - Fernbus Simulator




About 6 months ago, I set myself the challenge of wanting to be the first person on PSNProfiles to 100% this game, and I did just that. The journey that has led to this has been extraordinary and I could never have done it without the support and encouragement displayed by the community here. It is insane how far this game pushed me to be more determined than ever to complete something, and achieving the 100% for Fernbus Simulator is an achievement I will never forget. Thank you to everyone who put up with my obsessive determination to complete the game, and please remind me to never play the NA version.


Completion time: 600-700 hours

Difficulty: 5/10

Fun factor: 7/10


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Generation Zero

Really fun and In my opinion underrated game.
Initial reviews where quite negative but now game has been totaly overhauled with adding main story and side missions (that where absent during launch ) TONS of locations to explore and 2 new story DLC's.



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💯%ed this bicycle arcade gem, which was free on ps plus in November 2016 but most people didn't care, notice or attempt back then. I opted to play it in short bursts, across one and a half month, and sadly made a two weeks pause that kind of screwed me 😅




It wasn't easy... On the contrary, Pumped BMX+ was quite hard, and time consuming I should say. Maybe I was fooled and came expecting an easy list. Oh, dear me, wasn't it good, though!


This is an upgraded version of the sequel to a mobile game that had its aclaim and for good reason. It is fun, very challenging, charming, has a vibrant soundtrack, and the controls are good for the most part, as here and there it won't register well the maneuvers you are doing with the right analog stick; this can get annoying if the specific combo of tricks required for a challenge can only be done near the end of a hard stage. Pretty much past the tutorial levels you'll be required to have mastered the game's physics, and upon unlocking Boost to gain height and Racer to gain speed you will be required PERFECTION. I had problems with a stage called The Snake, and figured out that Pumped BMX+ is more than anything a ramps game, a well done platformer through and through, good luck! 


The coveted trophy is Cat Fish, awarded by completing all the 500 challenges within the game's five worlds, which takes a lot of practice, a initial steep learning curve — it gets better as you go —, memorization and patience. The final couple stages required me an immeasurable dose of Adele's songs, I was sick but I said let the Skyfall... Totally recommend, stay tall, friends.




Edited by GravityQueeen
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Capcom arcade 2nd stadium

difficulty: 2.5/10 + spending real money in game(s) that let you exploit points

time: over 150 hours



Many people play for the short easy bronze trophies, but very few stay for the grinding th game needs for specific trophies like playing 100 hours and getting capco master rank, which can take even more time if you dont know what you are doing, not a bad game if you like retro stuff and buy the games when they are at sale, but even with that the capco master lvl 20th rank takes a while even with exploits, and the 100 hours of gameplay can be brutal for a game of this kind

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