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100% trophies for Disney Speedstorm :) this game is so smooth to play and the best free game you can download right now, I would have gotten all the trophies a while ago but I did it all completely free without spending on microtransactions, it's grindy without doing that but a very fun game (you pretty much need to log in daily though)

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100% Completion Time: 2 months, 3 weeks.

I was absolutely shocked at how simple this was to beat on NG+ on Ultra Hard difficulty.


Being at the maximum level of 60, along with using the Shield Weaver Armour and the DLC weapons, made about 90% of the campaign feel like what I’d imagine is on par with the Normal difficulty (I’d only played on Story difficulty for everything else).


A few really tense and tricky fights near the very end (I seriously hate those birds). I also had an over abundance of crafting materials, but were very nearly depleted once I destroyed the final boss.


Come prepared, come knowing enemy patterns and weaknesses, and come fully levelled up. You’ll triumph fairly easily on NG+ UH if you do. This has quickly become one of my favourite games of all time, and I’m beyond thrilled that I was able to acquire the full completion for it!

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This was quite a disappointment. I mainly got it for the nostalgia because I enjoyed the original Inspector Gadget cartoons when I was a kid. The story is interesting enough. MAD has taken over the city and after a time travel mishap, Inspector Gadget and his ancestors have to set things right. That being said, the gameplay itself is disappointing. It's a mediocre Mario Party clone for the most part. The graphics are outdated, the voice acting is a poor imitation of the voice acting from the cartoon, and the controls are so clunky. Thankfully, you can skip the games after a few failed attempts without messing with your progress, which I was forced to do a few times. Most of the games are easy to win, thankfully. The AI can be quite cheap. Nothing is missable as far as I can tell. You'll end up using the gadgets several times and the rest is just earned by playing the game. About the only real good thing is the remix of the Inspector Gadget theme they play at the title screen and that it's quick. If you want to play this game, get it as a gift like I did, at a VERY heavy discount or see if it goes on Plus. 

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100% Completion Time: 8 months, 3 weeks.


Extremely fun and well put together DLC, I had an absolute blast with this! Thank goodness there were no additional trophies for Mercs though.


I took a long break in between the Platinum and the DLC to avoid burnout, as I detest speedrunning unless I’m watching GDQ. Huge relief that this wasn’t as tricky as the main game.

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After 10 Years and 6 Months I was finally able to complete You Don't Know Jack for the PS3. Unfortunately, I didn't jump on the DLC right away whenever I first started this game. By the time I got around the finishing the platinum the DLC was already pulled from this game, so I considered these trophies all but lost. Luckily, I was able to get the DLCs from another completionist, so it's finally done!💪 

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Difficulty: 1/10

Enjoyment: 3/10

Rarity: 67.05%

Time: 7 hours, 42 minutes, and 16 seconds.


a pretty bare bones game of Sudoku which i would find more enjoyable if i was better at it, it has some major flaws though like the cursor freezing every 10 seconds for a few seconds and infinite hints making this 100% easy as heck.


If you want to play Sudoku, find some online puzzles and don't buy this (unless you are a trophy addict then be my guest)

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Dredge 100% - The Pale Reach DLC

Shoutout to @jsisoo who basically bought this for me, as I won one of his giveaways :)


Had my eye on this for a while. I loved dredge and this is more of the same. If you liked dredge you will enjoy this.


It adds a new ice region, an ice breaker upgrade for your ship, and new ice type fish to catch. It’s a bit short all in all at about 2-3 hours if you use a guide, but when you buy it you get it for both ps4 and ps5 stacks so that’s pretty cool. 

The developer Black Salt games is making more DLC as well which is hopefully releasing some time in the new year, can’t wait to play it.

Edited by Mr_Fluffy_Pants_
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Phantasy Star Online 2




Difficulty: 3/10
Playtime: 140 hours
Enjoyment: 9/10 (PSO2), 10/10 (NGS)
MMOs aren't exactly my kind of thing, as they pretty much require dedication. Actually, the only MMO that I've played besides the subject of this post is RuneScape which I played in my early teen years. After that, I haven't touched any of them, until earlier this summer when I started this. I was looking for something that would keep me entertained as much as Knockout City did. Then I remembered this game, which I've seen popping up at least once on the PS Store. After some thinking, I decided to give it a try. Did I make the right choice?
Absolutely. At first, I had no idea what to expect. After playing for a while, I started to enjoy it more. To make it even better, it includes two games. The original and New Genesis. The former one has a solid gameplay, and there's nothing too bad about it, except that you can't heal while moving. You can only do so when standing still. That, and how locking into enemies seems to have a mind of its own, as there were several times when it switched to a different target, forcing me to change it.
While the gameplay might've been solid, it makes up with the amazing story. Other than Episodes 4 and 5, which were rather meh, it was really enjoyable and some of the moments caught me off guard which I wasn't expecting. I won't be giving any spoilers, as it's best to see it yourself.
Then there's New Genesis, which is my preferred version. The gameplay in this one is so much better, as you have a huge region to explore with plenty of collectibles to find and challenges to complete that will test your combat and platforming skills. The game also looks spectacular for a PS4 game and runs extremely smoothly which is always a plus.
As for negatives, I really don't have that much negative to say. My only complaint is that whenever you're playing in-game lottery, there's a chance that you'll receive the same customization item, even if you've obtained and used it before. Just a minor nitpick about an otherwise awesome game.
And that's all I have to say about this hidden gem. I may have obtained 100% of trophies, but I'll still keep playing it. After all, I still have a good amount of stuff to do, like hunting collectibles and completing challenges. Not to mention, the update that was released earlier this summer included a new story which I'm currently experiencing. The first part of the story was already tragic and I'm eager to see what direction it'll take.
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DOOM 64 - 15.83%


Time Played - 6 hours (I did a full playthrough first, would be <1 hour without it)


DOOM 64 was originally a Nintendo 64 exclusive, and was ported to modern platforms a few years ago. After the events of the first two games, where Doomguy stops the armies of Hell, a lone Mother Demon survives. She starts resurrecting all the slain demons, and Doomguy has to go kill her.


DOOM 64 is very similar to the games before it. If you like DOOM (1993) or DOOM 2, chances are you'll like this too. There's still no vertical aiming (autoaim takes care of verticality), levels are still complex and usually require many keys and switches to be hit, all the classic weapons and most of the demons are back. What's new is the new levels, improved visuals (including stuff like coloured lighting and fog), new weapon (the Unmaykr) and some new enemy variants. Overall, gameplay's solid, it's more classic DOOM gameplay, which is never a bad thing (unless it's DOOM 2 Master Levels).


The trophy list however is terrible. Firstly, DOOM 64 doesn't have a plat. Secondly, DOOM 64 originally didn't support saves (this port does though), so it has a password system. You can cheese the entire trophy list in like an hour and only ever play a handful of levels. That's just lame, so I did a full playthrough on "I own DOOM!" difficulty (which I think is Medium) before doing anything with passwords. The list consists of killing a few bosses, and some miscellaneous trophies, for a total of 10 trophies.


It's a shame DOOM 64 doesn't have a more fleshed out list like the ports of DOOM (1993) and DOOM 2. The game definitely deserves a better list, including a plat. Oh well, this was still fun to go through.


Next will be DOOM 3, which will not only be my 100th platinum, but is also the last DOOM plat I need. It'll be nice to finish off one of the greatest series in gaming history.

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Enjoyment:   3/10

Difficulty:     6/10


That's the final PS3 game without a platinum completed. Now there are only a few games with a platinum left to have my entire PS3 backlog done (except for a few games with unobtainable trophies 🥲). And what a game to close it out with.


Tokyo Jungle is shit and is one of those games that I regret getting. It's a very basic game which will run out of surprises within the first hour of playing and the trophies can be quite difficult to get. So even after I was long done with the game I still had a long way to go and most of it wasn't easy. In Tokyo Jungle all humans have suddenly disappeared from the world so it has been taken back by nature and animals roam free. There are a number of different animals to unlock but it essentially boils down to playing as a herbivore or a carnivore. You basically have to survive by eating other animals, staying out of the toxic air and mating when your animal starts to get old.


I got the game with a friend since you can play it in co-op. It was fun for a few hours, but again... you can see everything the game has to offer within that time and after that it just becomes a massive grind so we stopped playing. You can earn points to unlock other animals but there really is no point to it as they all play exactly the same, so it's basically a different skin and nothing else :dunno:. I ended up working my way to unlocking the Cheetah since it's the fastest and you have to run away a lot to have any chance of survival.


The story is horrible and the missions take waayy to long. The final mission is especially terrible with a final boss that spawns minions that look exactly like him which makes the entire fight just one unorganised mess. I think there is a 'story' in the game but it's just some text files and really isn't worth reading. Then there is the Survival where you just have to survive as long as possible. Here you have the trophy of getting all of the challenges within one run which was giving me a lot of problems. See, the challenges are random and if you get certain challenges late in the game you can pretty much forget achieving them. So you often have to restart to get the right challenges. And a new set of challenges only starts after a certain year, so when I had already completed the previous challenges I often just had to sit around and wait for the right year to start before I could even make any progress :shakefist:. In the later years everything can easily kill you and they pursue you relentlessly and with a grudge throughout the areas. You can have bad luck and barely get any food in all of the areas around you, or have toxicity everywhere which can just kill your run then and there. The toxicity is a terrible mechanic. You can eat animals to lower it but some animals will inexplicably already be poisoned when you kill them, only causing your toxicity to rise even more ⚰️.


I tried to get all of the challenges a large number of times before finally completing it yesterday. What a relief to never have to play this game again. I'm glad some people can have fun with it, but I hated pretty much everything about it. Oh well, I'm glad it's finally completed so I can move on to better things. And completing my entire PS3 backlog is getting closer and closer - though there are still some very difficult games left to complete.



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God of War: Ragnarok 100% - Valhalla DLC


Not a fan of the Rogue lite genre, but I liked this DLC it acts a bit like the 2018 Niflheim world without the poisonous mist.  You have a gauntlet with some rooms  that have a rift in them, some of these rifts have a gold dust ring around them, these are very special as they give you the most of the currency, Fallen Echoes.  I recommend playing it on "Show me Resolve" as playing on the Easiest difficulty, " Show Me Will " doesn't yield as many Fallen Echoes and you need over 15,000 for one of the trophies and that only popped after I switched difficulty for my last run.   The Maze does have a timer on it, if Kratos takes too long in the gauntlet or fighting the enemies in them, the enemies level up so there is a catch to lingering.  Kratos is here forced to face some of his memories of Greece, and has to battle Tyr although Tyr states at the end of the first fight that Kratos is not ready to face his final memories thus, he is thrown out of the Gauntlet .   Freya and her Valkyries including Sigrun appear and assist Kratos on his journey through the gauntlet and facing his past, the good the bad and the ugly. 

Edited by alexandra-jane09
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My newest 100% - Firewatch


When I bought this game I could have swore I looked up the trophy list and it said it had a platinum, oh well though it was still a good game. 

I recommend it, some good humour, good story and overall chill experience. The character Delilah was funny. Wasn’t a fan of the ending though.

Edited by Mr_Fluffy_Pants_
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First completion of 2024!


Farming Simulator (PS3)


Difficulty: 2.5/10

Fun Factor: 7/10

Completion Time: 80-90 hours


The original Farming Simulator, it certainly sounds rudimentary compared to Farming Simulator 22, but it is interesting to see the differences within a decade of advancements in technology and simulators. Either way, Farming Simulator from 2013 shows how the humble beginnings have evolved into a niche community of simulator enthusiasts, and the games are very enjoyable on top. 

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Extreme Wrestling



You know, we give a lot of shit to these 2 minute Jumping Chicken Nugget games or whatever...but when compared to this game, if there's anything I can actually give them credit for, is being completely functional experiences. Extreme Wrestling makes Magus and Little Adventure on the Prairie look like masterpieces in comparison. Terrible graphics and literally stealing assets from WWE (Undertaker from a past SvR game is right in here) aside. The game is a broken pile of sheer nothingness. Someone literally threw this together as a joke, made a few bucks off of it and called it day knowing full well it'd get approved to be on PlayStation. It's only 2v2 Tag Matches, and all you do is press Triangle over and over until your opponents health is at 0, which then causes an automatic pin to be applied...you win 15 matches and the 100% is yours. But it's surrounded by moves that connect when the two wrestlers are nowhere near each other, and the camera is the jankiest thing I've ever seen in a game. It's not only the worst wrestling game I've ever played...it's easily the worst game on my entire profile. 

Edited by Viper
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