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The Last Movie You Saw?


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So I watched this on Screambox the other day. I'm a fan of horror movies and actually really enjoy "found footage" films, even though they seem to be unpopular with most people. There are right and wrong ways to make a found footage film. An example of a found footage film done right is "As Above, So Below", "The Houses October Built" and the "V/H/S" series. Examples of this kind of film done wrong are aplenty. Such as "Spirit In The Woods", a god awful anti-climatic piece of garbage.  Or how about "The Frankenstein Theory"? BLEH. 


Unfortunately, "Evil Things" ranks in the found footage films done wrong list. But not all of it was done wrong. It did a great job building suspense, but there is never any pay-off, it just fizzles out when it should explode. The peak of the creepiness happens when a video tape is left on the porch and is actually a recording of everything the group of college kids had been doing inside the house. And it just goes flat from there.


This group of idiots spend the whole time arguing and getting lost and crying for the first 50 minutes of the movie, which actually began to get really annoying. "Evil BORING Things" would have been a more proper title for this movie. Nothing gets answered, the movie leaves you with a buttload of questions, and you never see the killer(s) or any of the college kids die. This movie was the ultimate tease-it had everything it would take to make a great horror film, but ultimately just sticks a middle finger in your face when the credits roll. 

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Did a Warcraft and TMNT: Out of the Shadows double feature yesterday.

TMNT was fun. Pretty similar to the last TMNT, 'cept with Bebop, Rocksteady, Baxter, Krang, and Casey.

Warcraft was...well, I'd say it was fairly faithful to the lore or at least the plot of the first war/game, with a few tweaks and a movie-spin plus a little fan-service. Visuals were great. Acting was varied; some strong, some weird (at least on the human side). The movie could've been stronger; didn't blow me away, but I wasn't necessarily disappointed. I do hope they continue to adapt further though, into Tides of Darkness and beyond.

Warcraft spoilers

There were a couple of weird moments of sexual tension between Anduin and Garona, especially after his son died, and on top of that, the scene just ends when you think something is going to happen.

One moment where the acting took a noticable dip was the scene where Moroes helps Medivh into the fog and the Fel starts to spread. The expressions were...eh

I know why the movie ended the way it did, but it was pretty anticlimactic; the conclusion didn't seem to be final enough (for the average movie-goer at least, imo), and also the fight against Black Hand was over way too fast. I liked the set up for the Second War, but not exactly great if you want to treat it as a standalone movie.




Edited by TriggerTortoise
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Completely forgot about this one. How was it?

In response to Cooties. great fun it was, I had tons of laughs watching it from beginning to end but the ending is very open to a sequel, I'd like to see it, but I doubt its gonna happen.

Edited by Shaowsintzu
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