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This game SUCKS!


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I think this thread has run its course, it's mostly folks just attacking the guy for an opinion.

Yes I know that's a little bit rich since I was one of the first to rebuke the post but I was only being sarcastic

Edited by MeteorHawk
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2 minutes ago, Starlove- said:

Stuff like this always makes me cringe so hard. Not everyone who doesn't enjoy a game has difficulty as a reason. I thought the Monster Hunter World combat was way too boring, slow and just not complex enough. Then you had people flocking in telling me to 'git gud' and to stop disliking their precious game. Also Souls games are probably the most overrated games when it comes to difficulty.

When I started playing GoW the combat felt really slow and not intuitive. But as he wrote he had like 15h into the game, he should be at 50-60% through the game at least. After unlocking most abilities you never feel like you're underleveled like in RPG or something similar. Don't get me wrong, I didn't like MHW's combat system as well, but I know, that it's my "fault" to not invest enough time in the combat system to get it done so fluid like some guys on youtube who fly over the map and slash through everything.

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14 minutes ago, MeteorHawk said:

I think this thread has run its course, it's mostly folks just attacking the guy for an opinion.

Yes I know that's a little bit rich since I was one of the first to rebuke the post but I was only being sarcastic


Lol, I find it precious how much you care about me and how you passive aggressively try end the thread for the second time now. Do you seriously think I wouldn't know what the general reception would be? There are still plenty of people who are agreeing with me and that's fine. So why should I waste my time on couple of offended people, like yourself, who call me a troll because I wrote something negative about their favourite "11/10 masterpiece game, amIrite?".  I've been playing this game more and I've noticed more things that are absolutely lackluster and boring. So speak for yourself.


The boss variety is actually very terrible compared to most other GoW games. There are about 4 "unique" fights, 2 of them involve fighting the same guy. 1 of them is okay. Another one where you fight the pair (not going to name them) reuses the basic shield enemy and Traveler guy moveset with some additions. This is pathetic. In fact the game reuses a lot. I stopped counting how many of those giants with poles I have been fighting. You backtrack about 3 or 4 times the same area even though you could teleport and spare 15 minutes running around. What kind of horribible game design is that? It's like the game tries to stretch itself making everything cumbersome when there is no need to.



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2 hours ago, rolltideroll157 said:

We have seen more than enough to make a judgement on what spider man will play like. And it will be no less than an 8/10 for me. Also insomniacs track record is exceptional when it comes to making great games. I don't know what games you buy in to hype wise that has disappointed to make you this cautious but that's a you problem because I only buy into the hype when it's a guarantee that it will be a damn good game.


Sure but don't you have some standards you always want to have or see in a game? Just as an example, I am a huge fan of Fallout 3 and Ni No Kuni. Objectively, Fallout 4 and Ni No Kuni II are good games (Fallout 4 being the most successful game by Bethesda) and I was excited like a little kid to play them on day 1. Unfortunately they didn't even come close to what I wanted in another successor. And if we look at some hyped up games in the past it becomes clear that many of them were just overhyped. Especially in the beginning of the PS4 era. While I am not saying that you shouldn't be hyped, the whole market needs it. DLCs, preorder bonuses and stuff are all a result many players dislike but are also responsible for. 


I don't expect RDR2 and Spiderman to be bad but already hyping them as the next new thing? No way. They have to convince me of being good and not trust on me to spread the message nonetheless. ;) 

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On 12/05/2018 at 11:30 PM, DonGurke93 said:



It's all about to have your own opinion. I can see your points and I even agree with most of them but I still like the game. On the other hand I couldn't get into GoW 3... Camera and controls were like wtf for me so I immediately dropped. Ye I could have invested more time into this game and it would have probably got better over time but for some reason I just didn't want to... Of course that doesn't mean that I think that the game is bad, complete opposite!
There are more games like nioh, bloodborne etc. which I don't like (that try hard to get past something and you just keep dying...).


Well... What I'm trying to say is that everyone should have their own opinion and we should respect it.

Edited by Orgez_CZ
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I don't think this game sucks, but I think it's extremely boring. Definitely not 10/10 for me, but I have only played 5 hours or something like that. Maybe it gets better later but I doubt it. I am not huge fan of the original trilogy, but I kinda prefer those games over this. Strange, because this actually looked more of my style of game. But I can't even be dissapointed because I didn't really have high expectations.

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3 hours ago, TJ_Solo said:

People take ZP reviews seriously? 



I like Zero Punctuation because it's funny. Sometimes I actually agree with the points being made, sometimes I don't, but I always like the jokes. Occasionally I've even bought a game that was slammed into the ground in Zero Punctuation because I figured that if those were the biggest flaws he could cpme up with, the game was probably worth it for me.


Long story short, yeah I take the opinions in Zero Punctuation seriously, even if they are brought in an exaggerated manner and even if I don't agree with them. Only video reviewer I actually like, really.


3 hours ago, Elvick_ said:

People tend to take seriously what validates their own opinions. 


Oh, the irony... I guess when I take something seriously it can only be because it validates my opinion, but when you ridicule something it's not because it invalidates yours? Where were these comments when all those other reviewers gave your precious little game 10/10s?


Thanks for reminding me again that people on this site aren't allowed to have different views from the masses without being mocked.

Edited by Cthulhu
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People call games hack and slash when they can't get the controls down.  complex more so then hitting R2 to shoot and L2 to aim.  O should always be crouch.  X should always jump.  If it doesn't fit this pattern they can't play it and the game sucks.  Pressing L1 and R2 at the same time is too much for some people so they chalk it up to hack and slash when in reality it is much better than that and requires a bit more skill and coordination.  Just saying.  Hack and slash doesn't cut it in the end of the game against the final boss so if you haven't learned the controls by then you will by the time you beat her.

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On 2018-05-12 at 3:30 PM, DonGurke93 said:

Never felt more disappointed in spending my money on something. The initial presentation and artistic design in this game is top notch and probably one of the best I've seen so far. Kratos is more likeable as a character and the dialogues/interactions he has with his son and the world are very interesting but once it comes to gameplay the game start to suck so much.


It's again one of those games where the devs felt the need to make another open world game and done it badly. It's like an epidemy where every game has to be open world nowadays when there is no need to. Remember those action packed fights with some puzzles and climbing sequences in between in other GoW games? Well sucks to be you if you enjoyed them because now you can ride boats from one end of the map to another. I swear to god from playing this game for about 15 hours, 10 of those were either walking a path or riding the boat. The fights are scarce and far inbetween and the enemy variety is just shite. Draugers and the damn White Walkers from Games of Thrones is what you get. Maybe 1 or 2 Trolls somewhere along the line. The pacing is just so freaking slow and horrible that I forgot what the game was even about.


Oh right, I was suppose to scatter the ashes of a dead wife, remember? Well I did remember once the boy reminded me again after shoving me down the throat that GoW is an open world game for the sixth time and as in every open world game I'm suppose to explore. So I tried to explore but apparently the game doesn't want me to so even though it told me right there to do it. Once you start any side quest you get a slap on your hands. The crappy drauger you fought after the tutorial is now level 6 and one shots you. "Wanna free that dragon? Sorry brah, you have to come back later once you level up a bit more, I don't care you killed Zeus because that Drauger is level 6 now. What? There is a rift on the path of the MAIN QUEST you opened, here, fight those 3 level 7 witches. Why would you even open that rift with the light arrows you just acquired, idiot." Whoever designed this IS an idiot. You want me to explore side quests after I completed the game then let them unlock once I'm done with it. But nope you get bombared with side quests from every angle and the boy just doesn't shut up how much he loves exploring. It's like playing a shitty RPG where everything is 50 levels above you but the main quest/path where you obliterate everything.


The boss variety is actually very terrible compared to most other GoW games. There are about 4 "unique" fights, 2 of them involve fighting the same enemy. 1 of them is okay. Another one where you fight the pair (not going to name them) reuses the basic shield enemy and Traveler guy moveset with some additions. This is pathetic. In fact the game reuses a lot. I stopped counting how many of those giants with poles I have been fighting. There is a point in the game where it builds up because you're going to a new realm retrieving an item to help out your son so you think there is going to be an epic fight... and then you are greeted with the same giant with a pole. You backtrack about 2 or 3 times the same area even though you could teleport and spare 15 minutes running around. What kind of horribible game design is that? It's like the game tries to stretch itself making everything cumbersome when there is no need to.


The camera sucks ass too. It just couldn't be a bit farther away from Kratos or the FOV bigger so I can see what the heck is going on on the other 75% of the battlefield. Why would it?


All in all I just get incredibly annoyed the more I play the game. Going to give my best to plat it and forget that it even existed cause I can't return it.

Lmao this baffles me; why “waste” your time platting a “garbage” game, when you CAN return it, not for full price, plus why do you have the game so much? This game has beautiful graphics, tons to do, a great story, memorable characters, and also you have played shitty open world Ubisoft games like Far Cry 4,5, Ghost Recon Wildlands, and HZD, yet I bet you get erect every time one of those shitty copy paste enemies that have the worst AI in gaming and is a boring ass FPS/3rd person shooter. Not only did this game have a fantastic combat system, granted a pretty boring diversity of enemies, but it’s better than most games where it’s, a shitty dude who just started his first day on the job, the exact same dude with the same shitty AI yet he has 10x more health. This game is fantastic, obviously with flaws but really? This game is full of content, with some pretty unique characters, locations especially the two realms you get after getting the language cyphers.


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9 minutes ago, BlindMango said:

Any post that involves petty name calling in this thread will be deleted, thanks!


Good point. Unfortunately posted right under a petty and very undeleted post saying to the OP "I bet you get erect every time" just because OP didn't like the game while having other games on his card.

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This thread sucks (dramatic pause) the life out of every conversation that could be had. It's just raw negativity at this point. Maybe we should collectively move on. I mean, yeah I'm sure we won't since this... is the internet, but has anyone actually anything left to say? Other than insults?



Edited by Stardew Shelly
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On 5/14/2018 at 9:26 PM, Cthulhu said:



What I'm trying to say is, while I thought the game was definitely mediocre (7/10 in my opinion, in the end) with pretty much the same gripes that you have (I can think of a couple more actually, like the whole story feeling like a setup for a trilogy - this whole story should've been just the prologue and chapter one of the game) - point being, it's not nearly the most disappointed I've ever been with spending money. That statement isn't even true for me if I only count game purchases.


But yeah, in my opinion the game doesn't deserve all the 10/10s either. It looks good and has a decent (intro to a) story, it's what reviewers gobble up these days. Cheers to those who honestly love the game, I thought it was too slow and just the first third of a full story.


Just curious, do you even like any of PS exclusives? I've never seen you praise any at all.  And sorry, BotW is not perfect and doesn't deserve all the 10/10s either.

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