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The Last of Us, One of the Best game ever made! Share the love, update, Left behind!


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Hi guys, I just wanted to express how I love this game, seriously at first I always thought it would be good, games from naughty dog always surprises. But if each playthough I fall even more in love if this game. Ellie rocks and is the star here IMO, I seriously try to put in words how incredible this games is, but I know it will rise even more

I wanted to share with you guys, since is my first topic, so feel free to share the same love or just like or dislike it



Edited by Mah2c
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its a great game, but the best ever no. theres way too many glitches that they still haven't fixed imo thats keeps it from perfection. when people think a game is the best ever they have to compare it to the likes of other great games in the past and present.

Edited by Goldenman242
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I haven't started playing on Survivor yet, but I've seen people playing it and even that doesn't look that difficult. "All" you gotta do is go through the location couple of times to figure out where the enemies are and find the best way to kill them. Kind of like the old Hitman games.

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I'm probably one of the few people that thinks The last of us is probably one of the most overhyped game ever...


Now bear with me, I'm not saying by any means it’s a bad game, it’s a piece of art, very beautiful, especially visually. But hearing “the best game of this generation” or “the best game EVER made” is very false to me. Let me try and help you to understand where I'm coming from:

Once I have looked past the eye candy, I noticed the gameplay is very shallow and repetitive, the infected lack variety with only 4 types and the humans have a very flawed AI which is very exploitable (also doesn’t help that you keep on killing the same 5 guys cause there aren’t that many enemy skins). The Puzzles, if you could even call them that, are no challenge at all, and only require you to push a ladder from point A to point B or drag a dumpster around for a little while so you can climb on it. The game is far too forgiving, even on the hard setting, keeps on holding your hand, treating you like a little child, generating checkpoints after every minute and even giving you more ammo and med packs out of nowhere when you run out. In short, it offers almost no interesting challenges or compelling gameplay surprises.

Now lets get to the story (which most people claim to be the strongest part of the game), its full of clichés from previous post apocalyptic zombie scenarios, and even at its best moments it never reaches the depth and feel a good movie could provide. It feels more like a budget tv-series with a very limited cast, so I really don’t understand when people claim to have cried while playing it.

That all being said it still was a very enjoyable experience, which I’m glad I had the pleasure to go through. The best part about it truly where the visuals, some of the best I have seen for a console game, and the 2 main characters Ellie and Joel (even a later Villain) where some truly detailed and interesting characters which made out the main charm of the game.

Video games where always about the gameplay to me, and I find The Last of Us has a lot of problems there. I think the whole “Let’s try to be a movie” approach of video games is really getting old.


I still highly recommend it to anybody who likes video games, or art in general.


I didn’t mean to sound too negative about it but if you don't know i'm a very cynical person. I just wanted to express why I think game sites giving it 10 out of 10s is complete shit.

never a more accurate and true statement read



like me though, you will get bashed now for sounding/being negative about the shit

Edited by Widow_Warrior
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I think it's hard to call anything the best ever, but I will go so far as to call it the best game this generation. While the human A.I. was lacking, the infected were brutal. They cut you no slack. I also liked the inventory system and collecting items. It gives you a feel that you are in a world with limited resources. You have to make decisions about what you are going to make. The opening scene really captures the confusion, panic, despair, and saddness of the moment better than any movie could, because I was actually controlling the character. I loved the story. I thought it was one of the best of any game I've ever played. Did it borrow from other sources, yes. However, IMO controlling the characters gave the story an added weight not captured in any of the movie or t.v. show archetypes it borrowed from. I was floored by several of the scenes from the game. This was an amazing game even with the glitches, and this is coming from someone who was robbed of the collection trophies by the glitch.

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 I've played many games, but The Last of Us is truly on a different level that only a few select games are on. The reason for that is the moral ambiguity which permeates throughout the game and its story; there's no black and white and it truly makes you question how you'd react or survive in such a world, particularly in regards to what you'd sacrifice to protect you and yours.  The cinematics, environments and casual conversations had me gripped the entire time, in a way that very few games have. 


 I for one couldn't recommend the game enough, and to whomever dislikes it then fair enough: no one else's opinion will hamper or interfere my enjoyment or admiration for the game, nor should other people's opinions force or pressure you to change your own. But it does appear that I'm with the crowd this time! 

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I agree with what Gambit said as well, although I never actually played this game, and am very much looking forward to doing so at some point. Nahtzee laid it down perfectly with his

video and in years since that video first came out the trend has only continued. I do play these games myself and enjoy them but also get bored of them rather quickly which is why I'll probably never play another Assassin's Creed game. Sooner or later you get over the graphics and the characters and the voice acting and the brilliant intro and the awesome back story and all that other dressing and you just want some decent game play. I could never consider a game to be the greatest game of all time or this gen or anything else if that game doesn't seriously push me, frustrate me, kick my ass and keep me coming back for more.
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Why the Last of Us is tied with Fallout 3 for being the best game ever.



At every turn, “The Last of Us” strives to deliver a level of realism rarely seen in games. Ammunition and supplies are limited (don’t expect to come across many machine guns), sneaking around is often more successful than combating enemies, and the game does a great job of not elbowing in an encounter with monsters at every turn. The battles players will face in “The Last of Us” are much more organic to the plot than your average game; for instance, there’s no villain dogging you from beginning to end.

The action and set pieces are generally less high-octane than Naughty Dog’s Uncharted series and the pacing is much slower. Stages are sometimes quiet and eventless, but always beautiful. After an eerie calm, the tension slowly but effectively builds up, leading to encounters with the game’s monsters, those infected inhabitants of the country who are part fungus, part human.Enemies are hard to take down and even harder to evade. Once they’ve locked onto you, they will find you, wherever you are hiding, giving you very little time to heal, collect ammo or get a sense of your surroundings. This means you are going to die, and often, but the experience is never frustrating as long as it is heart-pounding.

The animation and voice direction are astounding in “The Last of Us,” delivering character drama more real than most games of this generation. The game has a simple but emotionally charged storyline, edited tightly and filled with nuance. Some characters truly despise the people they interact with,  others are quirky and lighten the mood. The mix of personalities keeps dialogue exchanges realistic, and the time Naughty Dog spent perfecting design and script really shines.

If you want to experience a game that features story-telling on par with a season of HBO or AMC quality television, “The Last of Us” will satisfy. The game breaks conventions, features unpredictable character choices and will surprise you with its many human moments, making for an extremely compelling experience.  From the little jokes and conversations that you engage with Ellie, to the random noises she makes, she is easily the best character ever made, and the prologue, the best intro to anything, ever.


I usually don't fall into the hype, but when a game deserves it, I'm on board, this is the foundation, the building block of what games should strive to be.



Edited by drummerklg
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I'm probably one of the few people that thinks The last of us is probably one of the most overhyped game ever...


Now bear with me, I'm not saying by any means it’s a bad game, it’s a piece of art, very beautiful, especially visually. But hearing “the best game of this generation” or “the best game EVER made” is very false to me. Let me try and help you to understand where I'm coming from:

Once I have looked past the eye candy, I noticed the gameplay is very shallow and repetitive, the infected lack variety with only 4 types and the humans have a very flawed AI which is very exploitable (also doesn’t help that you keep on killing the same 5 guys cause there aren’t that many enemy skins). The Puzzles, if you could even call them that, are no challenge at all, and only require you to push a ladder from point A to point B or drag a dumpster around for a little while so you can climb on it. The game is far too forgiving, even on the hard setting, keeps on holding your hand, treating you like a little child, generating checkpoints after every minute and even giving you more ammo and med packs out of nowhere when you run out. In short, it offers almost no interesting challenges or compelling gameplay surprises.

Now lets get to the story (which most people claim to be the strongest part of the game), its full of clichés from previous post apocalyptic zombie scenarios, and even at its best moments it never reaches the depth and feel a good movie could provide. It feels more like a budget tv-series with a very limited cast, so I really don’t understand when people claim to have cried while playing it.

That all being said it still was a very enjoyable experience, which I’m glad I had the pleasure to go through. The best part about it truly where the visuals, some of the best I have seen for a console game, and the 2 main characters Ellie and Joel (even a later Villain) where some truly detailed and interesting characters which made out the main charm of the game.

Video games where always about the gameplay to me, and I find The Last of Us has a lot of problems there. I think the whole “Let’s try to be a movie” approach of video games is really getting old.


I still highly recommend it to anybody who likes video games, or art in general.


I didn’t mean to sound too negative about it but if you don't know i'm a very cynical person. I just wanted to express why I think game sites giving it 10 out of 10s is complete shit.




All jokes asides I really want to play this game.

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Best game Ever?? Not really, Do i love the game, yes. Do i enjoy the MP aspect? yes. Visually? Yes. Gameplay? Yes. Story? Yes. I love this game overall, but when you compare it to other amazing games that from the past that we still talk about to this day, only time...a really long time will tell if this game passes off to be one of the best, It is one of the best exclusives on the PS3, PS3 sales are actually selling because of this game. 3 xbox fan boys i know couldn't take it anymore and caved and love the game! HAHA 

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This game is really overrated. It's not the best game but it's good. I played it at a friends but I had no desire to buy this game at launch. Beyond two souls on the otherhand is more interesting and it will be a first day release buy. I'll buy this game sometime in the future and I have brothers that want to play this but I'll hold out I'd give this a 8/10 and this game should deserve 8/10-9/10.

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I enjoy this game immensely. It captures me emotionally (which is rather hard) but as for Best Game Ever, I'm have to slightly side with Gambit as the glitches are a problem and the lack of more skins for enemies is rather startling. Aside from a couple things (that bother me), Naughty Dog has made a very good M-rated game. It could've used a bit more time but I'm still enjoying the final product nonetheless.


Last Of Us is truly a wonderful experience.

Edited by BSAA_Operative
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So i don't want to search on this incase of spoilers and this seems like pretty good laidback thread to hijack for a small of topic question. 

Iam at the college during the Big horns chapter. I have just encounterd the spores while jumping down into the basement i think im about 12 hours of gameplay into the game. 

Iknow that it's supposed to take around 14-16 hours to finish, but how far into the game am I? 

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I'm probably one of the few people that thinks The last of us is probably one of the most overhyped game ever...


Now bear with me, I'm not saying by any means it’s a bad game, it’s a piece of art, very beautiful, especially visually. But hearing “the best game of this generation” or “the best game EVER made” is very false to me. Let me try and help you to understand where I'm coming from:

Once I have looked past the eye candy, I noticed the gameplay is very shallow and repetitive, the infected lack variety with only 4 types and the humans have a very flawed AI which is very exploitable (also doesn’t help that you keep on killing the same 5 guys cause there aren’t that many enemy skins). The Puzzles, if you could even call them that, are no challenge at all, and only require you to push a ladder from point A to point B or drag a dumpster around for a little while so you can climb on it. The game is far too forgiving, even on the hard setting, keeps on holding your hand, treating you like a little child, generating checkpoints after every minute and even giving you more ammo and med packs out of nowhere when you run out. In short, it offers almost no interesting challenges or compelling gameplay surprises.

Now lets get to the story (which most people claim to be the strongest part of the game), its full of clichés from previous post apocalyptic zombie scenarios, and even at its best moments it never reaches the depth and feel a good movie could provide. It feels more like a budget tv-series with a very limited cast, so I really don’t understand when people claim to have cried while playing it.

That all being said it still was a very enjoyable experience, which I’m glad I had the pleasure to go through. The best part about it truly where the visuals, some of the best I have seen for a console game, and the 2 main characters Ellie and Joel (even a later Villain) where some truly detailed and interesting characters which made out the main charm of the game.

Video games where always about the gameplay to me, and I find The Last of Us has a lot of problems there. I think the whole “Let’s try to be a movie” approach of video games is really getting old.


I still highly recommend it to anybody who likes video games, or art in general.


I didn’t mean to sound too negative about it but if you don't know i'm a very cynical person. I just wanted to express why I think game sites giving it 10 out of 10s is complete shit.


Actually the later the reviews coming out, the more they talk negatively towards this game yet still give it a 10 after spending the last 3-5 minutes talking crap and showing off the games many problems! Everyone knows sites like IGN and Gamespot are paid for, for the most part and even still Gamespot gave it a 8/10 and got bashed for it.

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I'm probably one of the few people that thinks The last of us is probably one of the most overhyped game ever...


Now bear with me, I'm not saying by any means it’s a bad game, it’s a piece of art, very beautiful, especially visually. But hearing “the best game of this generation” or “the best game EVER made” is very false to me. Let me try and help you to understand where I'm coming from:

Once I have looked past the eye candy, I noticed the gameplay is very shallow and repetitive, the infected lack variety with only 4 types and the humans have a very flawed AI which is very exploitable (also doesn’t help that you keep on killing the same 5 guys cause there aren’t that many enemy skins). The Puzzles, if you could even call them that, are no challenge at all, and only require you to push a ladder from point A to point B or drag a dumpster around for a little while so you can climb on it. The game is far too forgiving, even on the hard setting, keeps on holding your hand, treating you like a little child, generating checkpoints after every minute and even giving you more ammo and med packs out of nowhere when you run out. In short, it offers almost no interesting challenges or compelling gameplay surprises.

Now lets get to the story (which most people claim to be the strongest part of the game), its full of clichés from previous post apocalyptic zombie scenarios, and even at its best moments it never reaches the depth and feel a good movie could provide. It feels more like a budget tv-series with a very limited cast, so I really don’t understand when people claim to have cried while playing it.

That all being said it still was a very enjoyable experience, which I’m glad I had the pleasure to go through. The best part about it truly where the visuals, some of the best I have seen for a console game, and the 2 main characters Ellie and Joel (even a later Villain) where some truly detailed and interesting characters which made out the main charm of the game.

Video games where always about the gameplay to me, and I find The Last of Us has a lot of problems there. I think the whole “Let’s try to be a movie” approach of video games is really getting old.


I still highly recommend it to anybody who likes video games, or art in general.


I didn’t mean to sound too negative about it but if you don't know i'm a very cynical person. I just wanted to express why I think game sites giving it 10 out of 10s is complete shit.

I said the same thing on .com and they wanted to murder me. I think TLoU is a solid 7/10 and everyone is just getting caught up in the hype. If you go in with a clear mind, you find good character development, a predictable story, bland gameplay, and not a lot of fun. If this is the greatest game of all time or the greatest game of the generation, then what does that say about gaming? Do we really think that The Last of Us, the game devoid of fun, is the greatest game ever made just because of the good atmosphere and characters? That's fucking ridiculous, what happened to video games being fun?

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i bought LoU and Bioshock within a week of each other, beat LoU then bought and beat Infinite....LoU i couldnt get attached to the characters and the story ended up cliche as hell...good MP and gameplay though, enjoyed that shit a lot. Bioshock did copy Inception but with a hell of a twist..or even multiple, im still not sure. The gameplay is still the same, the characters are intriguing to me...in the end, im still playing bioshock, LoU is sitting in the case

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