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PSN x Discord Features Rolling Out

Aranea Highwind

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It’s great to get an update on this as I was quite literally just discussing it with someone last night and we were both wondering what ever happened to this project. However, it seems a bit lame that after all this time they’re revealing that we can now simply share what we are playing.. is that really all this is?


I was expecting something more along the lines of full voice integration and hopefully some kind of groups/communities feature on PlayStation to replace the PS4 Communities that Sony removed, and make it easier to organize groups and link up with likeminded people. Are there more features along these lines planned in the future?

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16 minutes ago, sepheroithisgod said:

Wait a minute, is this all the Discord x Playstation is? I want to actually use Discord on my PlayStation while playing games instead of having to do it on my laptop or phone. That way I can hear the game and still talk to friends.

It sounds like there might be more, but time will tell, I guess. 

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2 hours ago, kindajustin said:

Fully agree. If Discord conversation is at any point ever going to be moderated the way Sony currently moderates and reviews reports on PSN, I can guarantee I'll never be linking the two services.


This, all of this, you get it.
Now, if it'll allow just normal Discord integration, just showing what I'm playing, then I might be more interested. If I'm forced to link up everything, fuck that all the way.

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I may be oblivious to the problem. Was there some sort of controversy with way Sony moderates their messaging service?


What are you guys sending and saying that you don't want Sony to see that much? ? Discord already has access to your messages, what is the difference? For me just having it all into a single app is much more convenient, I wouldn't have to check my ps app and discord separately, it would all be in just one place. (Speaking on full integration of psn into discord). 


Not saying you are wrong, just that harsh reaction is really surprising to me. "Not for me, I won't be using that" vs "fuck that, not giving them access to my messages". Genuine question, not trying to start an argument here, just asking out of curiosity?

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19 minutes ago, kindajustin said:

To give you context, I've never been reported once. Or if I was, I was never given a warning by Sony for it.

I'm not sending anything I'm afraid of Sony seeing. I'm a 27 year old and occasionally I like to have adult conversations. If you so much as simply use a swear word and get reported on PSN 3 times, that's a permanent ban. Sometimes in conversation I say things like "wow that's pretty fucked up" or "sorry to hear you're going through shit." These types of messages can absolutely get you permanently banned even if they are supportive in context. I've seen it happen to people. Your friends won't report you, but what happens if someone stops being your friend? The messages have no time limit on them.

So to answer your question, my harsh reaction is from knowing full well that I have to act like a child on PSN. I don't want that becoming any part of my discord experiences. I have so many people counting on me to help them out of hard situations. I can't have adult conversations on PSN or any platform that Sony moderates. I hope this provides context and clarity, I actually think you're an excellent artist and have no intention of fighting with you.

Thanks for clarifying! By any means I don't want to argue with anyone, I just wanted to hear other peoples opinion. For example I didn't know about 3 reports= ban thing ? that's why I aknowledged I might be oblivious to the problem. Yeah, as an adult woman I also have adult conversations, hell I even sent work-in-progress nsfw art for a commission client I was drawing for through psn?‍♀️ well I see now why some people might have some concerns. On the other hand it seems it's heavily user-report based on what you say, and isn't that the case on every platform technically? 


Honestly I would doubt they would totally merge discord and psn, I think they would just be connected, and I really doubt sony would have that much say in it, probably the discord mods would be the first to act on any reports? Eh, I don't know, speculating here from my laymen perspective. Still gonna use it if it ever gets implemented, makes my life easier, and if I get reported once I would then start worrying I guess ?‍♀️


[Edit]and thank you for compliment! I really appreciate it :)


Edited by ArtMontef
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I've just had the on Discord notification to ask if I wish to connect my accounts. Pleasantly surprised at how quick I got that in EU considering they said it would be rolling out in other regions "soon".

I'm not too concerned about PlayStation moderating my Discord messages. Though I do agree their reporting system is bullshit. Think I got one strike on my account for using a tame swear word to someone who swore at me accusing me of cheating back when I played Fortnite.

I didn't expect much more functionality than what Xbox has at launch. Though it would be nice if they added some sort of VC functionality so when cross-playing you can use it to talk to people on other platforms, but I'm not gonna hold my breath on that one.

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Yeah, I think I'll keep the two accounts separate. I don't want to risk getting my PSN account banned for using a few gamer words on Discord. Besides, the added functionality of displaying what PlayStation games you're playing on Discord and whatever else they intend on doing with it aren't of much use to me.

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