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Trophy Hunters League - Season 41 winner: Banana_Sausage47!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks all for the interest! I think a January reboot would be best since the holiday season gets crazy. I'll be reaching out to some of you to help with counts/voting. More details to come on the new format/experience.

On 11/9/2019 at 8:27 PM, GarciaFever said:

Wow i've completely forgotten about this thread that I thought i was discontinued a few years ago.


Seeing as I have seen a lot of Inkmasters (TV show), I was thinking of maybe incorporating a challenge during each round along with the other stuff that is featured in the League. Then, at the end of each period, have outside help on voting which person deserves to win said period.

I am going to reach out to you regarding this. I like this idea, but am no familiar with Inkmasters.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 8/15/2018 at 2:03 PM, Lucas said:


And that concludes the 23rd season of the Trophy Hunters League. Normally I'd thank everyone and end of with something like ''see you next season'' but I won't be doing that today. That's because with this post I want to announce that the Trophy Hunters League will be put to a stop for a long time. Over the last few seasons it's been obvious that the interest in the league has dropped to an all-time low. A lot of people have lost their interest in the league, don't even look at the thread anymore, don't even know that they're in the league anymore or have no idea that it's even going on. The thread has pretty much been completely dead and there have been moments where not more than 2 people even noticed that scores or new fixtures hadn't been posted on time. Of course there have been some people who've been putting up good scores and have been looking forward to the score announcements for the last few seasons as well but that's just a very small amount. There aren't any new people who are interested in participating in such a league at the moment either. I've been trying so hard to get a full league for the last few seasons with no real success, resulting in adding people to the league only for the sake of filling spots. Leagues aren't thriving anymore on PSNP. It's sad, but it is the truth.


That's why I have decided that I won't be running any more seasons for a long period of time. I am not doing this because I want to (because believe me, I don't want to) but because it's just not worth the big effort it takes to keep everything up to date and enjoyable for the handful of people that are actually still interested in this league. Maybe the Trophy Hunters League will make its return in a while but only time will tell. At this moment, there's just not enough interest and activity around this league or any other trophy hunting competitions on PSNP.


I hope everyone understands my decision here. I won't close the thread so feel free to share your thought or share some of the best moments you've had in the league.


Lastly, I want to thank everyone who was involved in the league for all this time. From the admins in this league's earlier seasons, to the people who made this thread reach 16,557 posts, to the participants. Thank you all very much for making the Trophy Hunters League one of the most (if not the most :ninja:) legendary things on PSNP. Thanks (did I say that already?).

I also noticed participation has gone way down.


However, I have had a successful reboot of the SeaTK over the past year, so for 2020, I am going to try and reboot this as well.


THL Rebooted (aka Season 24) will begin sometime in January or February. Based on those who expressed interest, I think the Gold, Platinum, Manganese, Bronze, and Silver Leagues will be momentarily done away with. Instead, the format will be fresh and new, and hopefully we will add leagues as (and if) interest grows.


The head to head will remain. Each week or so, participants will go head to head and whoever has the most points will be the winner. But, I think I am going to switch it up a bit. In an effort to try and curb some of the easier games, the points system will be slightly tweaked. The basic points system will be the same: 1 pt for Bronze trophies, 2 for Silver, 6 for Gold, 12 for Plat. But, in addition to that, every matchup will have a challenge/theme, whether decided by me or by them, to complete in every matchup. For example, the challenge might be "Earn as many trophies as you can from games that feature a female protagonist," or  "Earn only trophies from games in your backlog," or something along those lines. Points for trophies that are acquired for a challenge will be double. There will also be a points multiplier for rarity of trophy. Since trophy rarity is never static, the rarity will be determined at the time of the counting of scores, not necessarily at the time obtained. So if you get a trophy that starts out Ultra Rare, but is Rare by the time the admins count scores, it is counted as a Rare. 


Because there will be a lot of counting and a lot of points involved, and because at the start, this reboot will likely be small in participation, I am proposing 5 day matchups, with 2 day breaks in between each matchup. This gives ample time for admins to count scores, as well as giving participants a few days to coordinate theme with their opponents.


So ideally, I see the flow as being such:


Day 1 - 5 A v B, C v D, etc

Day 6 - 7 Break for counting and to discuss challenges/themes

Day 8 - 12 A v C, B v D, etc


To allow the discussion with opponents for themes, the schedule for each matchup will be revealed on the final day of the previous matchup (so Day 5), so that each participant has the full 2 days to coordinate a challenge. If a challenge is not coordinated in that 2 day timeframe, I will assign one. One or both participants must agree in the thread to the challenge, and inform me so it can be posted, no later than the end of the 2 day break.


Every other THL rule, and requirements for joining, remain the same.


What are your thoughts on the proposed reboot? Too complicated? Just right? is there more we could be doing for a better overall experience? Let me know. I am thinking of starting this the end of January, so please let me know if you'd be in for a reboot, and whether we want to keep this thread open or start another.


I can definitely streamline some of this so the seasons happen quicker, and more formal rules will come out within the week. I just don't want to create a reboot if there is not going to be enough interest. So let me know if you'd be in, and what tweaks/changes if any, to this proposed reboot you'd make. I want this to be something we all can enjoy, so I value everyone's input.

Edited by ShogunCroCop
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9 hours ago, HcG Clawz said:

Im down for this again, but maybe try to keep things simple in the beginning instead of adding themes and challenges. Just like how it was originally


7 hours ago, hibpshman said:

I am interested, and prefer a simple format.  


6 hours ago, AffectatiousDonk said:

I would like to join thanks. I think a significant rarity bonus is a good idea.

So maybe for the initial reboot, we keep it simple and just do the rarity bonuses. Maybe we add the challenges in if this picks up steam. I’ll get official rules/procedures written up in the next few days, as well as an official sign up.

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7 hours ago, Omar said:

Busy adult life means my trophy hunting speed has definitely dwindled, but I wouldn't mind participating as well, it was never about winning for me anyway, this is fun :lol:



Same goes man, barely managed to get anything done this year. I actually only got 3 plats lol

Edited by HcG Clawz
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@ShogunCroCop Good luck trying to 'reboot' this. If you want to keep using this thread and need the OP updated, just let me know. Messaging me on PSN might be easier than on here, though :P. I won't take part in this but if I can make a suggestion,


On 30-12-2019 at 6:16 PM, ShogunCroCop said:

But, in addition to that, every matchup will have a challenge/theme, whether decided by me or by them, to complete in every matchup. For example, the challenge might be "Earn as many trophies as you can from games that feature a female protagonist," or  "Earn only trophies from games in your backlog," or something along those lines. Points for trophies that are acquired for a challenge will be double. There will also be a points multiplier for rarity of trophy. Since trophy rarity is never static, the rarity will be determined at the time of the counting of scores, not necessarily at the time obtained. So if you get a trophy that starts out Ultra Rare, but is Rare by the time the admins count scores, it is counted as a Rare. 


I strongly dislike this idea. I think it takes away what THL used to be about and makes it way too similar to other competitions, such as SeaTK. 


All up to you though. Like I said, let me know when/if the OP needs updating.

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On 1/1/2020 at 9:45 AM, Lucas said:

@ShogunCroCop Good luck trying to 'reboot' this. If you want to keep using this thread and need the OP updated, just let me know. Messaging me on PSN might be easier than on here, though :P. I won't take part in this but if I can make a suggestion,



I strongly dislike this idea. I think it takes away what THL used to be about and makes it way too similar to other competitions, such as SeaTK. 


All up to you though. Like I said, let me know when/if the OP needs updating.

I appreciate the input. I did away with the challenges/themes idea, as mentioned before.


I’d love to have access to the OP. I’ll hit you up on PSN.


To all the rest, signups officially begin tomorrow. For those who have already said they’ll do it, I’ll add you as soon as I get access to the OP.

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