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Trophy Hunting is not fun anymore!


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i only play what i enjoy and for me its much more fun then just playing for trophies in particular there are gamers with 100% psn accounts ore with more platinum trophies just play what you like and have fun that is the important part of gaming having fun with playing games and not for trophies cause with loads of server shutdown games it is just impossible to have a perfect psn account just play and have fun and i have 21 platinum trophies i play most of the time other genre i did games like my name is mayo but that was way to quick to finish that sort of games i never gonna play them and never again i play jrpg action adventure but my most pleasure is jrpg games i enjoy them more then shovelware games i do trophie hunting with games i got from prototype until zombi 

Edited by maxfighter23___
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I consider myself a completionist. And i love having those 100%. There was one time that i was in a sort of friendly competition with a friend, and in that time i bought some crappy games to get ahead because he also did the same and i didn't wanna fall behind. This was like 3/4 years ago (he actually has like more 100 plats than i do now, but 70% shovelware...) And now i regret playing games like My big sister, dissection, Elea and my name is mayo (this was for the meme anyway) for the plats only... I have them stained in my account, they aren't much, but they are still there... I do enjoy some of the games, like habroxia, fullblast and the midnight games are actually quite fun, the plat requires to only do like not even half the game. But i completed them all, if the platinums were to complete and having max ratings they wouldn't be that easy... 


But i digress. I almost immediatly stopped playing games for plat, and play what i enjoy the most. I still go for the 100% on those, but if it gets too hard or i'm not enjoying the game as much, i will still try but if it starts bothering me, then i will quit and move on. I have 151 platinums and in the last 3/4 years i did like 30 plats, and i have my account since 2013... Wich means the plat count is reducing by the year. And i still play very regularly. 


In a sense and to conclude: just play what you like, and that is the pricipal. Just go from there and enjoy the games and then try your best in them.  

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9 hours ago, ThatMuttGuy said:


I am not involved with that site all, but it's still a newer site that's currently building the database. But tbh, the way the points are calculated, you can be super high on the leaderboard if you play harder games that are worth more. So you probably play a lot of tough ones!

So once again you are playing games that you don't necessarily enjoy. Leaderboards in general are the cause of the addiction. And to get this even further, who exactly decides about the difficulty of a trophy? Most of my ultra rare trophies are from sports games or games that required some kind of online grinding. The number of people having the trophy doesn't represent the difficulty, just the will to sit through it.

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4 hours ago, TheDarkKratos said:

Trophy Collector perhaps? The term Hunter sounds more aggressive.

Indeed, also 'hunter' sounds more like trophies are wildlife, we should all stop hunting trophies because trophies are getting scarce, almost extinct (lol, it's actually the opposite, boot up a game & get 5 trophies before even knowing what character u play as)


Back when I started focusing on trophies (must be... 2010, or something, I have no idea) was purely because of the completion of it, it was a nice way to 'experience a game to it fullest... Plus a bit extra here and there' but nowadays it's merely an icon anymore and most of them don't even resemble what trophy hunting was about. People complain(ed) about online trophies, grinding trophies, unobtainable trophies,... I assume most of those are gone now & (even if they were annoying at times) that was actually what the entire 'hunting' was about, and most of them were actually genuinely fun, playing with teammates, having fun without a care in the world because [grind 1000 wins] was so immense you wouldn't actually bother about the trophy until the very end.


Started Control now (2nd time, played it couple of years ago, and yeah I possibly could autopop everything I suppose, but I don't play a game just to get 50 trophies in 5 mins) and after 2 hours of play I've earned 18 trophies or something... What the heck? They're handing them out like it's the weeds in my garden! I would be perfectly ok with games having only 5 trophies, just make them worth something! It's been dumbed down so immensely that it just isn't fun anymore. Last year I've had to play the Fallout 76 DLC, which took up 100 days of daily play to get a single trophy, that right there was a more fun way to earn a trophy (even if it was a repetitive grind, like stated before u rather play the game than gocus on the trophy) than getting 10 trophies in a minute


I might have a 100% completion profile, but that's merely because I'm a perfectionist, I don't trophyhunt to hunt trophies, I merely use trophies as an excuse to lenghten my playtime in a game to maximise it, I also don't really bother with the fact that a game has to be over when having 100% (played Rayman Legends for over 3 years, played World War Z for a while, why? Because I was having fun playing it)


I also don't care whatever people might say/think of my collection, be it something extremely tough, extremely easy, extremely stupid or brilliant, I played a game because I'd love it one way or another, I might consider some of 'boring' right now but at least I've experienced those, and it makes me a bit less likely to buy anything I 'probably might not like'


My question wouldn't even be to 'continue trophy hunting' but more about gaming alltogether, since I don't follow that much franchises I frequently end up without anything I want to play after 100%ing a game like I play Control now (played Alan Wake earlier & noticed I actually forgot alot of the connected stuff between them) & I honestly could get as much fun just watching a tv show for the 13th rerun than playing a game, and then I just do that instead.


If you 'get bored' by hunting for trophies, I suggest to just do something else instead, the moment something starts to feel like a chore/job, hit the power button & stop, nobody is going to berate you for quitting, not even you, you just keep your ocd in check by continuing and making it feel more valuable, it's a vicious cycle, the moment you stop you're really freeing yourself up


I'll start: I don't care about your trophies or completion, nobody else cares about it, not even your family, friends or loved ones, they might think it's a cool gimmick but not more than that, to some it might even come over like you're more a loser than it is an accomplishment, so stop doing what you hate & start doing what you love (I'm not focusing on you, merely on your ocd that tries to hold you in it's grab)

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10 hours ago, mega-tallica said:

The root of your problem is 90% of the games you play is shovelware.


Of course it's not going to be fun then. Play games you want to play, don't worry about the pointless leaderboards. 


Plenty of new game trophy lists still require skill to get, you're just choosing not to play them and the few you do play are the easier ones. Again, probably because you're prioritizing leaderboard rank over enjoyment so you don't want to put in any time or effort to get a platinum that actually does require effort and skill because that means you'd fall too far on the leaderboards. Seems extremely contradictory to say games require no skill anymore when you only play the easy ones and are actively avoiding the more difficult ones because of some superficial leaderboard rank.


This whole post epitomizes the toxicity of trophy hunting when you take the addiction too far. All the money you wasted playing shit games for pointless trophies you could've spent on good games you actually liked and then you wouldn't be burnt out right now. You brought this all on yourself. 

I get what you are saying and i agree. But, isn't it equally bad playing games that you don't find enjoyable just to prove something? I'm referring to the lack of need of skill due to my experience with sony games. A while ago they had difficulty trophies. I really enjoyed playing Uncharted and The last of us on Brutal. If i really like a game i'm willing to go trough the challenge. Witcher 3 on death march, gow 3 on hard etc, even when they add some difficulty trophies i aim to get them. I could sit and platinum all souls games, just to prove a point, but i just don't like them. They are not even that hard in my opinion. 

6 hours ago, melodicmizery said:

time to delete your name and join a country that cant afford consoles then youll be number one easily. just kidding. if a game is to easy people complain and if its to hard people complain. heavy rain right now is pissing the hell out of me, but i just did 3 shovelware games this morning and yesterday and had alot more fun playing minesweep and cuties then i am doing all these tedious tasks on this broke ass heavy rain game where the inputs arent working and trophies are glitching that arent marked as glitched. 

i think there are different types of gamers. there isnt one type. and if you play long enough youll have to play differently or create different goals to keep it interesting. you said you wanted 999 and thats a new goal so thats good. when i first had ps3 and trophies came out i only played battlefield bad company. i put 1400 hours or more into it i forget i played it about 2 yrs straight i loved the game so much. but we would massacre players so we had to find ways to keep the game interesting. knife fights, filming videos in the helicopters and making mini movies, shooting tracers to make designs etc. you eventually just have to find new ways to make it fun

i avoided shovelware for a pretty long time and also didnt care about completion percentage. then i got sick of paying $60 for games and started buying flash sales and dove into the shovelware and i actually like  half of the games. at some point i cared about completion percentage and so i started digging out my ps3 discs and playing those and redownloading old ps plus games. and then i started going for dlc i missed. i stopped doing boost sessions and multiplayer games which usually have more rare trophies and more respect because i simply hate discord and i hate trying to communicate with others and sit still during boost sessions. 

i heard krayzie bone say there isnt one type of rap, that now a days there is all kind of rappers. just like how rock music has their different catergories of industrial and heavy metal and alternative, so does rap and so does gaming.

honestly none of what i said is important and i dont know why i wrote any of it. if you have alot of money and dont care about completion percentage then buy and play as many games as possible. if its something you just dont care about anymore then quit. 

also another thing to think about is none of this is really that important. people who dont like shovelware and want to play bigger harder games all they(and i) are doing is following someone elses guide for the most part or reading guides on how to get things done so i dont see why those games are so much more respectable lol. big whoop someone followed a step by step guide to get a 7% plat instead of a90% plat.

the current times are shovelware, your failing to adapt to them. not the other way around. you want to change the whole ranking system because of something you dont like without considering there is people who do like it. even if you get rid of shovelware the person with the most money will get the most trophies without even completing games. theres some people high on the boards who are at like 30% completion with over 1000 games and alot not being shovelware they just play alot. and really what makes other games so special when you have to follow someone elses step by step directions to get the plat. because it took longer?

Every you said is important and i really appreciate you for sharing. This is what i asked initially. Yeah i agree it's all so relative that it's frustrating. I could sit and platinum many hard games and still i would get "but you play shovelware". Rarity is stupid in my opinion. Even "hard" games doesn't have ultra rare trophies. It's always some tedious task or a game thtat no one actually cared to paltinum.

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On 11/26/2023 at 1:38 AM, BlindMango said:

The leaderboards were originally built during a time when shovelware didn't exist, and when it required effort to get a platinum trophy. People's profiles at the top were impressive to look at and it was really fascinating to see what they were playing. Now everyone at the top plays garbage, and there's definitely no fun in sifting through trash every day, nor is it fun to look at any of their profiles because they just play trash. It makes the main leaderboard rank not even really matter anymore, and it's a pointless statistic now. The leaderboards were originally built for a different time and have failed to adapt.


That's why it would be nice to see a rarity leaderboard just be made the main leaderboard, or a leaderboard that excluded all shovelware towards your rank. The current leaderboard could still be viewable, but really shouldn't be the main one in my opinion


Anyway, as already said the reason you should take time out of your day to sit down to play video games is to have fun, otherwise you are just wasting valuable time in your life you could have spent doing something better. In the words of a great man: "If it's not fun, why bother?"


My problem with rarity is that it doesn't resemblance the actually difficulty in most of the cases, just the number of people that actually cared about the game. The only games i can think that actually have very difficult platinums are devil may cry 5 and wolfenstine 2, but i'm sure there are a lot more. Most of my ultra rare trophies are from sports games or games that had grindy multiplayers. Every game that i preorder tends to have 2 or 3 out of 10 difficulty. I don't exactly doing it on purpose. 

On 11/26/2023 at 5:15 AM, KenjiCBZ said:

At least he only has one single Jumping Shit on his profile, and most games he played are Ratalaika, not actual shovelware. 😅

and to think that we reached a point that we call ratalaika game NOT shovelware 🤣

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Ratalaika games are not shovelware to me: while short and easy, they are actual games at least, with actual gameplay and Trophy requirements, rather than just spamming the X button.


I have played 36 Fragments of Midnight and I liked it, I also made my little sister play it, and in the future I intent to play the other two games of the Midnight series.


And then we have Mayo, of course. 😛

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11 hours ago, ThatMuttGuy said:

OP played a bunch of shitty games for the sole purpose of getting a plat and then wonders why they hate trophy hunting. 


I made this mistake too, but I changed my ways and now I love it again. It's not hard to just do what you enjoy and avoid burnout.

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1 hour ago, TheMentor27 said:

I think choosing a leaderboard that suits you isn't the solution. Until Sony decides to create an official leaderboard nothing really matters and even then it shouldn't matter. I could be in 100 leaderboards with different needs. The only solution i see is Sony actually giving points for every trophy. That way they will drastically reduce the easy trophies, because they don't want to give away money and everything will return to the good old days. 

Sony will never create an actual leaderboard, which is why the community around it does. It's just like how Nintendo (or any other gaming company) doesn't create a speedrunner leaderboard full of different categories for Super Mario 64. And this is a good thing.


By making sure that the rules are maintained by a passionate community, you are going to get a better result. Let's be honest here, you see it all the time on this site, blatantly cheated trophies, Sony doesn't even ban these accounts. Do you really think they are going to start inspecting them if they make their own leaderboard?


Generally speaking, every competition has an arbitrary set of rules that the player has to follow.


For instance, think of the 100-meter dash in the Olympics. Why is it 100 meters? There's no real reason, it was chosen arbitrarily because everyone needs to compete over an equal length. Why did they decide you can't use performance enhancers like steroids?  Because it goes against the nature of the sport.


Why is there a separate league for men and women, because it isn't a fair competition.


The same logic can be applied in trophy hunting, or any other hobby where users can compete or compare with one another. The comparisons are pointless if there are not some ground rules to make sure it stays competitive and in line with the values of the sport or organization behind it.


Obviously, the leaderboard itself can influence someone to play a certain way, which you know firsthand with your shovelware addiction. Having more options, so you could choose where to compete, or in what manner to do so is a solution, but in your case, it just sounds like you have an addictive personality, or are a highly competitive person.


And to be clear, I'm not judging you, it is really important to identify these traits so you can avoid them taking over in a more dangerous setting, like getting into gambling or drugs.


Let me ask you this. If the leaderboard on this site had made shovelware worth zero points years ago when it was obvious they were becoming a problem, would you have actually bought them? 

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It's interesting when trophy hunters open up their heart to talk about the hobby and how they are feeling towards it. Being able to share that too and face criticism is impressive and I like that. 


I have been burned out here and there for multiple reasons, but recently I played Lies of P without looking the trophy list, was already avoiding spoilers from the game, and it was amazing. What about trying that sort of thing? Picking up your most desired game without seeing the trophies.


If, now going extreme, for the reasons you posted you can't stand your account anymore, you could always make a new one. But, here I make the questioning, is it worth it? Wouldn't it be just trying to make yourself comfortable with what the community is currently considering "fine" with trophy hunting? Something that can change. I'm afraid some of us will be forever chasing our tails, myself included, when we do make those restarts maybe not due to other people's opinion, but because we made that opinion our own. Because we created the idea that we can ruin our own account... To begin with we created the idea of "accounts", "oh those kiddos!" a good friend said to me when I made this one 6 tears ago just to be at 100%... Well, I deviate a bit, but I think no one can answer, the answer might be what makes you happy, what makes you want to keep going, and that only you can find out, right? 


For last, I'd like to say that when we put trophies (and trophy hunters) in two opposite sides, quantity X rarity leaderboards, it still may lead to error. There's way more things involved than those two sides and opting for one of those, the trophy hunters I found more interesting nowadays don't engage in threads like this one anynore, I think they are just beyond the discussion or simply exhausted like I'm about to be, because honestly I'm sick of the shovelware hate as I see it extending to good games and good trophy lists, I see it leading to quick conclusions and judgement. For now a rarity leaderboard will do, but in the long run we might see that chasing shovelware X chasing ultra rares is not the answer for happiness within trophy hunting, and I'm starting to think that this will only come when we free ourselves from the "commandments" we intentionally or not have created and adopted, only to put a value on us and, worse, make ourselves objects of contemplention and judgement instead of enjoying videogames.




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Oof, man, that's kind of a sad story, actually. 

I understand the feeling of pressure to stay at or near the top of a hobby, but for me, trophies were only ever a personal goal. 

I don't care who looks at my list and what conclusions they draw. 

I have played some crap games and I've played some amazing games. I've never once skipped a game that I wanted because of the trophy list and I think that's what's most important. 

Playing solely to climb a leaderboard is silly because situations like yours tend to pop up. If your intention is JUST to win the leaderboard race, well, then you're stuck playing the shovelware game. If you're intention is to enjoy yourself and play great games, you already know what to do : )

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After many years of hunting, my opinion is that even if the rarity is not perfect, it’s definitely the best  goal as trophy hunter.

All other metrics are just spoiled now, unfortunately.

Yet, your account average rarity is representative of your trophy hunting quality & challenge.

Sometimes, games have rarity that is not fully related with difficulty or challenge but on average, over hundreds of games, it’s the most reliable data.

Over the last years I’ve put my personal challenge to decrease my overall rarity from nearly 60% to below 50% and I’m very proud of it 🤩


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2 hours ago, Hollow_Heart- said:

Is this a troll post? With 11k trophies and a mere 120ish ultra rare trophies, I don't think you're in any position to complain.. Your list is flooded with autopops and lame-ass 'platinum for $1' games. It's pathetic really 

Honestly, 120 Ultra Rares is not bad at all to me, even if he had reached 11.000 Trophies without playing shovelware/ratalaika. It's still 120 Ultra Rares.

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Like many have mentioned before, if you play nothing but shovelware games then your bound to get burnt out from trophy hunting.


I speak of experience when i got around the platinum 100 mark, all i cared about was the amount of platinums by any means necessary. I pulled myself out of it after +- 80 shovelware games and since then i have left that lifestyle behind and not regretted it since then.


i'm now just platinuming the games i like (easy, hard - all the same, aslong as i'm having fun).

Yes country rank and world rank goes up or down, but who cares for that small bit of serotonin?

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2 hours ago, lucask001 said:

Over the last years I’ve put my personal challenge to decrease my overall rarity from nearly 60% to below 50% and I’m very proud of it 


I tried to search around about this 'overall rarity' but didn't find anything conclusive


It's the stat in your stats that define the rarity/amount of trophies I guess? I'm set at 35.5% but don't even have the slightest idea if that's considered 'crazy good' or 'crazy bad' 🤔

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