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Trophy Hunting is not fun anymore!


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On 11/25/2023 at 5:40 PM, TheMentor27 said:

I am playing the games that i like. I just have the bad habit of wanting to place them in milestone positions.

You don't have to rush towards a milestone though. I started to care more about mine after I had a Horizon trophy take up a slot like 4 years ago (a game I just thought was pretty mid overall, not one I am happy to have in a milestone spot) so now I just wait until I am 1 trophy away from a plat and then shelve the game until I am nearing a milestone. Takes a long time sure, but, I don't see that as a big deal. You'll reach it eventually.


If anything I'd argue waiting just makes it more satisfying when the time does come.

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I'm not a competitive guy, and even if I WANTED to get platinums in every game of mine, there's some road blocks, like the fact that Media Molecule...or Sony, IDK who's in charge...shut down the online servers for the PS3 LittleBigPlanet games, therefore preventing me from getting the online-based trophies in 1 and 2.

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On 11/25/2023 at 3:19 PM, TheMentor27 said:

I've been tempering with these thoughts for a year and a half now. It doesn't feel right anymore. Let me explain.


I really enjoy getting the platinum trophy of a good, favorite or just fun game. It adds value, makes the game bigger and adds more challenge. To be honest the challenge is not there anymore due to accessibility options that lets you get the platinum quick and easy. Yes i'm the kind of person that will play on easy, if the trophy list doesn't have any difficulty trophies. 


Back in 2014 i started caring about the leaderboard, here on PSNP, when i created the account. I was already on a good country position (22th) and i tried to earn more and more trophies to climb. Back then the easiest trophies where from Telltale's Games and most of the time you would get mocked if you played them. This is so funny for me now, because these games are actually very good. Then, i remember, around 2017 it was the begging of some short, easy but still fun platinums, which gave you a boost. Until then, everything was okay.


Then, in 2018, started the cross region thing, or at least, i found out about it. I still remember trying to get all the Vita stacks in one session so it would synchronize correctly. Even then, when the games where pretty much garbage, i can see now that they had some value. At least they had some kind of gameplay and you actually had to pay attention. It was then, that i managed to climb 7th in my country and around 1000th in the world. It felt good, because, even if it was most from easy platinums, the stress of getting banned, due to the tedious Vita stacking trick, was there. I remember when they stopped producing Vita stacks i was relived. I didn't know what waited in the corner.


And this brings us to 2020, when i realized that the ratio between gold, silver and bronze trophies mattered. I remember posting my 500th platinum in Valhalla and getting roasted because i had more gold than silver. I honestly didn't really care about the opinion of others, but i cared about my trophy count. I hadn't realized that i had destroy my trophy list. The next year i tried reversing these numbers, i stopped playing games with only gold trophies and i searched for games with many silver, like Lego games for example. It was at this time period that one button games started to appear. I didn't care much then, as i though that there would be few of them. As i managed to reverse my gold and silver numbers i was very careful to play the right games at the right time so i could get good games for milestones, while retaining a good ration. And this is the point where this became very bad.


I would just pay lots of money (for me anyway), that i could spend on other good games or collectibles, to get many easy one button games, so i can reach the milestone fast and put the good game, that i played on that period, in that milestone position. For a time i was okay with it, but when i updated my gaming setup with a PS5 and an OLED tv, i really started questioning my day to day gaming experience. I was literarily stopping playing a game i really enjoyed to spend 2 to 3 days playing garbage so i could put it on a milestone position. I really felt that with The Last of Us PART I Remake, which i wanted to make my 1000th platinum trophy. Then i said that i would stop the hardcore trophy hunting and that i would just enjoy the games i like. After obtaining my 1000th platinum i stopped for about half a year and OMG it was heaven! 


Months had past and i decided to give it a go once again, due to some ps store sales. Then i truly understood the condition of the trophy hunting community. There where so many one button turds with so many stacks that i couldn't even comprehend the money that was needed to keep been "competitive" and i'm using this word laughing. Then i noticed that in the leaderboard i had lost 5 positions to some 2 or 3 year old accounts, even a 8month old one. So i decided that it doesn't matter anymore. Something that was a feeling of accomplishment, feels like a chore now that just asks for more and more money. And some people doesn't even hesitate.


And with that story comes my point. The creation of needs. Trophy hunting begun as a way of enjoy the games at their fullest. Then came the need of more platinums, so some developers created easier trophy lists to make them more friendly. Then the ratio kicked in and everyone wanted to have good silver and gold ratios, thus developers created one button games with only silver, bronze etc. It's all about created needs that don't matter. I refuse to maintain the need of being in the top 10 of my country when i have to play junk just to be there, i refuse to keep playing junk and then calculate how much money i have to spend to fix my ratio. I decided, once again to stop, after i maximize the official trophy level at 999. I don't know if i will maintain this stance, but, for now, i need to focus on just enjoying my gaming sessions and not caring about being top at a leaderboard full of people that are willing to spend lots of money just to on the top. Maybe now and then, when there is a sale, i don't know. 


It was about skill and will. Now its about money and created needs.


Thanks to anyone that stayed until now, i really appreciate it. I would like to read your opinions and your trophy experience. Take care!


What we have now in this day and age is a bunch of crybabies that I refer to as the Platinum Police, uptight individuals who thumb their noses at certain games and get their jollies off criticizing what others play. I look at it like this, people should just play what they like and ignore those whiny rectal warts. 

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This is why I don't tend to play shovelware or whatever they are called because I just know I wouldn't feel anything for playing them. I play games and trophy hunt for the memories of the experience, not just for a number to increase, even more so now with my limited time to actually game.

I did used to have a problem with trophy/achievement hunting and it made me come to the above solution, and I have felt a lot better for it.

It's great you've now come to a solution though and feel more at peace with trophy hunting, and I hope you start to enjoy a more varied game selection now.

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I get the burn out from trophy hunting in general. I was big into achievements in the Xbox 360 era and then kind of drifted away from gaming last gen. The PS5 got me back into trophy/achievements again. While I'm still very much enjoying it, there are some games where I feel the grind and wonder why the urge to play as many games through for the platinum. I try to be selective even with the easier games that I pretty much play just for the plat.


Shovelware on the other hand I have yet to understand. I'm certainly guilty of playing games that take only a couple of hours for the platinum. But they are still ultimately games that just happen to be very short or with fairly simple trophy lists. The games that are clearly made for the purposes of essentially purchasing platinums to me isn't gaming. I'm not criticizing those that do it, but I just don't get the appeal. It's not gaming at that point. I really hope you get back in touch with what makes gaming and trophy hunting for that matter fun. There's only so much time in the day and prioritizing that time doing things you enjoy is what matters most.

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11 hours ago, MarcancooL said:

In my opinion, the stat revealing the most about a player is its trophy rarity %. I find much more impressive someone with 100 platinum trophies with a 30% average of rarity than someone with 1000 platinum trophies with a 90% average of rarity.


Your example is too extreme.


The trophy rarity stat sucks, because a hard game can have a ton of easy trophies. In fact, it's pretty rare for a game to have ALL rare trophies, but the rarity stat pays no heed to this. 


To give you an example, I played last year a game called "The Caligula Effect". It's a sad, pathetic excuse for a game that most people quit out of early. It's also a very, very easy game (I think I ran a speed run of it in 2 hours, and I am by no means a fast player). A person playing this game can get a ton of trophies in the 9%-30% range with absolutely no effort (other than the effort of sitting through a terrible game for a few hours). 


By comparison, Elden Ring will likely take a player 50-100 hours, but that game has exactly ZERO trophies with rarity below 30%. I'm not saying that Elden Ring is some incredibly impossible game or anything, but it's a HELL of a lot harder than Caligula Effect, and yet, the person who plats that one (twice, in my case) gets far less for the trophy rarity percentage.


I would like to see the trophy rarity stat average the rarest trophy from each game I've played. It still wouldn't cure the issue I mention here, but as it currently stands, you are rewarded for playing lousy games to the finish.

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On 11/25/2023 at 11:40 PM, TheMentor27 said:

I am playing the games that i like. I just have the bad habit of wanting to place them in milestone positions. Sometimes there are so many easy games that you think "why not". I'm talking about hardcore trophy hunting. That means staying high in the leaderboards. When i get 10 platinums a year it's not trophy hunting, it's just completed the games i like.


Buddy, forget about those leaderboards. The top people on the leaderboards are people that play on the same account, game share. I noticed your from Greece I haven’t checked that leaderboard for that specific country (dying to go to Mykonos btw) I live in Northern Ireland, and there are people in my country have a shiton more trophies than I do. @Banana_Sausage47 has more trophies than me 😛 I’m still adamant that I represented NI at one point lol. 

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36 minutes ago, EternalChaos72 said:

Buddy, forget about those leaderboards. The top people on the leaderboards are people that play on the same account, game share. I noticed your from Greece I haven’t checked that leaderboard for that specific country (dying to go to Mykonos btw) I live in Northern Ireland, and there are people in my country have a shiton more trophies than I do. @Banana_Sausage47 has more trophies than me 😛 I’m still adamant that I represented NI at one point lol. 

I was top 50 in the UK at one point then the 1 minute plats epidemic started and that's when I stopped caring about it honestly. I wonder how many people above me now on the leaderboard are from NI?

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2 hours ago, Banana_Sausage47 said:

I was top 50 in the UK at one point then the 1 minute plats epidemic started and that's when I stopped caring about it honestly. I wonder how many people above me now on the leaderboard are from NI?

Would love to see an NI leaderboard, just to see where we stand lol.

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