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Why do you collect trophies?


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To climb the leaderboard or brag about their PSN level to friends.

Why do people collect trophies in general? Probably because it offers a sense of accomplishment over a game.

I like this answer... and to add to it i would like to say that its always been something fun for me to prove something to myself... its not only for bragging rights but it a challenge that i accept when i love a game... to get 100% on a game usually means that you have done all that you can do in that game... In the past that meant that you just loved the game that much but now the meaning has changed... I for one love the sense of accomplishment when the platinum trophy pops up after a 100+ hour RPG.

admittedly i have some "trophy hunter" platinums but if the games were not fun i wouldn't play them... but there are some games that i am just not willing to play

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To climb the leaderboard or brag about their PSN level to friends.

I don't think it's that black and white to be honest. I've yet to platinum Batman: Arkham Asylum, but I'm not very happy with that game at the moment. The game pissed me off to high hell, and it wasn't a sense of accomplishment once I finally beat it on Hard. I was just so disgusted with the game that I could barely crack a smile as the credits rolled.

Why did I keep playing? Do you think I give a crap-a-roo what people think about my profile? I haven't looked more than a second or two at my spot on the leaderboards. It was because I want to have a full and complete profile. If there's a game on my list, it will bug me if it sits at 1 or 2%, whether it winds up being a game I really liked or not. Once I got over the disgust and rage I felt for this game, the sense of satisfaction came not from getting better and beating the game... but from the fact the longest leg of my journey (the platinum) was done and now I could just play around in Challenge mode, get better and look for those Riddler trophies in the campaign.

The situation of buying a short, poorly-rated game, not expecting to like it, purely for the trophies... while baffling in some ways, I can understand it. There's something very satisfying (to some) about having a game on your list that's fully completed... and if it winds up being any good, then it's win-win... right?

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I have games on my list that will stay at 1%, 2% or even 0%... the reason why i leave those games on there without the platinum is either because i didn't like the game or i just haven't gotten around to finishing it... its about 50/50... there are games that i just won't put myself through the pain of playing it just for the platinum... on the other hand, if i like the game im going to strive for the 100%...

I don't care about having a 2% complete game because i would rather play to have fun and not worry about force feeding myself trophies...

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Just wondering why people would buy really bad games for trophys

Not at full price. But if I happen across a bad/easy-to-platinum game for a few dollars then sure, why not? That's what happened with Megamind for me. I wouldn't have paid $20-30 for it but the $4.98 on clearance from Target was fine.

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I'm an anal retentive perfectionist. I'm also very frugal. Those two have a lot to do with why I have a high trophy percentage and most of my games are at 100%/platinum.

I like knowing that I've wrung virtually every last bit of play out of a title. I like knowing that I didn't totally waste my money on a title (although I have found certain platinum trophies to be more tedious than fun). At times, I like the challenge of doing things I probably wouldn't otherwise do with a particular game. And I really hate seeing small numbers and missed trophies on my list, because they occasionally strike me as a personal failing.

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Why do I collect trophies? Simply because you can't not collect them; they pop up whatever you do. I only go for a Platinum if I really like a game enough to invest the time for multiple play-throughs, as most games demand.

I must say, though, that having recently bought an Xbox, I find the Trophy system more compelling than the Achievement system. I know they're essentially both the same thing, but a complete 'set' of Trophies just seems more worthwhile than adding to an ever-growing score; it just seems more final - as if there is actually a target to aim for.

That said, I'd turn them both off if I could.

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Collecting trophies to me is just a way of going through a game. I play for trophies to experience the game that developers made.

My method of playing games hasn't changed much since trophies, though now I have played alot of games I probably would not have before like most FPS games. Before trophies, I couldn't stand any FPS. Now that I have gone after games with trophies, I find that I do enjoy FPS games.

I am an RPGer at heart though, and I love puzzle games, trivia games, airplane simulators and silly cartoony games that are simple to beat.

These are things I enjoy and trophies give me something to work for in a game. Sure, I could randomly decide to kill everyone with a head shot in most games but it's not likely, so a trophy for headshots gives me that to go for experiencing a different facet of the game I normally wouldn't otherwise.

Collecting though is one thing I enjoy. I would collect all items in a game whether there were trophies or not. that's just how I've always been.

When I played nintendo, I use to record the ending of every game I beat on a video tape so my friends could see the endings because most of them didn't beat alot of the games I beat and I always thought it was neat to see the endings of games like that.

Granted, what I call a good game and what you call a good game will probably differ. But for the most part if I start a game I feel compelled to finish it. If someone suggests a game, I like to try it.

The trophies just give me motivation to play different games, experience different things in games and completely destroy that game by completing everything in it.

that is all.

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Why do I collect trophies? Because they are included in new games, and I enjoy playing games, so I get trophies for playing games I enjoy. I have never, and will never go out of my way for a trophy if I won't have fun in the process. I don't have a high completion rate of games because there are some games I just didn't enjoy (Street Fighter IV) and I won't play them again just to get trophies.


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You really don't know it's a bad game until you play it. As far as the trophy thing - I play video games and trophies appear. It's a pretty good system I think. :)

I think by bad game they mean kiddie game.....Hannah Montana doesn't apeal to too many adult males...or at least the males with normal sexual preferences. ;)
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I think by bad game they mean kiddie game.....Hannah Montana doesn't apeal to too many adult males...or at least the males with normal sexual preferences. ;)

I don't know dood a lot of people enjoy playing kiddie games (Hannah being the exception) and don't consider them bad. I personally can only play them for a short period of time before I want to brake something.

My reasoning for my previous post was for instance 'Terminator'. You read time and time again how people say it's a bad game and only trophy hunters play it. I actually enjoyed playing the game and don't consider it a bad game like most people do. There are many other games out there considered bad that some people enjoy playing. To each there own I guess. :)

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I don't know dood a lot of people enjoy playing kiddie games (Hannah being the exception) and don't consider them bad. I personally can only play them for a short period of time before I want to brake something.

My reasoning for my previous post was for instance 'Terminator'. You read time and time again how people say it's a bad game and only trophy hunters play it. I actually enjoyed playing the game and don't consider it a bad game like most people do. There are many other games out there considered bad that some people enjoy playing. To each there own I guess. :)

Kiddie game is also a matter of opinion, in some cases. A Spongebob game is probably geared to some adults, while a Thomas the Train really would be geared to the younger crowd. Another key is gameplay difficulty or even those games with the EC ratingsymbol_ec.gif rating are probably a dead giveaway. Some might think of Sly or Crash being kiddie, as they are cartoon characters. Good and bad games, on their merit, are also opinionated. What you might consider a bad game, I might love...and visa-versa.

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I must say, though, that having recently bought an Xbox, I find the Trophy system more compelling than the Achievement system. I know they're essentially both the same thing, but a complete 'set' of Trophies just seems more worthwhile than adding to an ever-growing score; it just seems more final - as if there is actually a target to aim for.

Plus, as it's been mentioned in other threads, DLC don't apply to platinum trophies... but the Xbox 360 Achievement system doesn't have any kind of platinum trophy. So you're just stuck with a lowered percent when DLC come out rather than having a nice platinum trophy to show off still. ;)

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