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:platinum:# 90



Earned by 1,272 of 3,649 game owners

This was a trophy whore rental from GameFly. I honestly thought this would have been a much better game. I've played my fair share of PG games, based on animated films, and they are usually pretty fun. This one however, was terrible in my opinion. The trophy requirements were terrible grinds and the game itself was comprised of several modes that might seem to be different... nope... all the same with a slight twist :(

I would not recommend this game unless you want a very easy platinum that has almost no fun factor whatsoever.

Platinum Difficulty: 2/10 - lots of grinding and repetition.

Game Enjoyment: 2/10

:platinum:# 91


Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward

Earned by 742 of 1,445 game owners

This was not really a "game" so much as an interactive visual novel. It reminded me of these books I read as a child where you read a couple pages and found yourself having to make a decision. Based on your decision, you then jumped to a page further into the book.

The story was very confusing right from the start. It honestly didn't get much less confusing... maybe more confusing, haha. There were a ton of of different options/decisions O.o

Most trophies were story related so that was nice. The rest of the trophies were related to solving puzzles and finding secrets. Most of the puzzles weren't too difficult but, a few blew my mind, lol. There was so much information in the dialogue that my mind was overloaded the majority of the time I was going through it. The characters in the game were seriously brilliant. They all seemed to follow everything just fine.

Platinum Difficulty: 2/10 if you resort to a guide

Game Enjoyment: 6/10

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Disney Universe

After over a year I finally got a 4th controller and was able to platinum this game haha


I always wished the characters were actual little versions of Disney characters instead of strange little people in costume.

Anyways, quite a cute, fun game, if not for being a little repetitive

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Gah! I'm out of likes ATM... this will have to suffice for now... Like incoming!

Nicely done! How long do you think it took, overall, for the :platinum:?

Thanks. This is my first Metal Gear game and my first proper Stealth game too, so I wasn't that fast. For my first playthrough I just played the game, not too bothered about trophies apart from a few miscellaneous bronzes. It took me 21 hours and some minutes to finish. I watched all the cutscenes getting most of the flashbacks, just learning where they are, which total 8 hours so you'll want to get the trophy 'flashback mania' out of the way in either your first or second playthrough. (I've written a lengthy tip on that trophy if you want the details on it.)

I struggled with this game at first as I was playing it like an Uncharted game, as if you do that, you're going to get yourself killed, you're not a one man army, you're like a ninja, a spy, so avoid all out battle and you'll do fine.

The game takes 8 playthroughs as you need to collect all the ipod tracks, one of the tracks is unlocked after obtaining all 40 emblems, but 8 of those emblems have completion requirements like, achieve over 250 kills, but under 75 alerts, but you need to die at least 25 times. Then there will be another emblem that requires a similar number of kills and alerts, but less deaths, or a similar number of alerts and deaths, but less kills. So you'll have to play the game through 8 times. Oh and emblems are only rewarded at the end of a playthrough.

They can all be completed on the easiest difficulty, apart from one, as to earn the Big Boss emblem you'll need to play on the hardest difficulty, no kills, no alerts, no continues (when you die you can either select 'continue' or 'exit', pick exit and load your most recent save), no recovery items used, no special items used and it all has to be completed in under 5 hours, hence the photo of my TV screen :D

One of the emblems, the chicken emblem, requires a playthrough time of 35 hours, which you'll probably get by leaving your PS3 on overnight, but you can get a good number of miscellaneous trophies and emblems out of the way in this playthrough, so most of that will be active and not idle.

It really depends on how focused you are. You'll more or less want to have done everything in the first two playthroughs, leaving only the completion emblems left, including Big Boss. If you stay focused on only what you need to do for the specific emblem you're going for on that playthrough, you can complete those 5 playthroughs in 4 hours each, so that's 20 hours, leaving the Big Boss playthrough to last. You don't have to leave it to last, it's just how I did it.

You'll will be reloading a lot on your Big Boss run, how many hours it takes depends on how much a perfectionist you are. One particular boss took me 5 hours to beat, I could've beat her within half an hour easy, but I wanted the fastest possible time, so I kept reloading until I got the fast, clean run I wanted.

This post is a mess, but hopefully it helps you. And congrats on the Warhammer platinum, I've seen you plugging away at that for a while now ^_^

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Rainbow Moon

Earned by 626 of 6,050 game owners

22nd Jan 2013 at 5:43:04 PM



This game was certainly a big time commitment. I got all other trophies at 97hrs so I just had to continue playing for another 3 hours to get the Platinum. I really enjoyed the game. I may continue, because there's still quite a bit to do, but for now, I'll focus on finishing other games.

I DID say I'd definitely plat this. Right when I first started playing... I said:

One thing is for certain, when I get Platinum (yes, WHEN. There is no 'IF' about it), it'll be a Platinum to be proud of. Levelling a character to Lv500 is gonna take a LOOOOOOONG time.

Although, reaching Lv500 didn't take quite as long as I thought when I typed that. Luckily, the amount of xp you earn post game increases significantly.

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