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#45 - Far Cry 3

One of my first games I played and finally got around to finishing it, now for the other Far Crys...

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:platinum: #59- MotoGP 14




MotoGP™14 Champion! 
Unlock all trophies


I crashed. A lot. Not much more to say. Sony puts another on sale for <$5, though, I''ll probably get it. Don't think it's the type of racer I would want to play on a console, though.. Did one race in Gran Turismo 5, for instance, and never went back. :/ Shout out to TeamGreen615, for helping with the online trophies.  :highfive:


#60 probably won't be as much of a Sony highlight reel, as most of my other milestones thus far. Not sure which exclusive I'd want to go for, and I've already started Lego Batman 3 on the Vita/ was going to start the single player mode of Pacific Carriers, after getting all the online trophies out of the way, on my PS3. So it'll probably be one of them. 

Edited by DamagingRob
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Platinum #188: RATCHET & CLANK 3: UP YOUR ARSENAL (vita)

My favourite of the three available on the vita - im really amazed that i never had a sense of how good these games were back when they were originally released - but on the plus side i now have a whole bunch of games to check out!

Immediately went online and bought 3 of the PS3 games to keep my newfound love of R&C going.

This one is tons of fun - none of the questionable driving and sliding on a rail sequences, and instead a solid focus on the excellent combat - which is what these games do best!

8/10 (would probably be a 9/10 on ps3, but vita has some framerate issues, and the strafe button being on the touchpad basically means you never strafe!)

So after playing Jak II and Sly 2, you still gave the Ratchet & Clank sequels a go? :awesome: Grats on the plat.

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So after playing Jak II and Sly 2, you still gave the Ratchet & Clank sequels a go? :awesome: Grats on the plat.

Haha, yes, it was a tough call - but i could tell right from the start of R&C 1 that those games were of a higher quality than those other two mascot trilogies.

I did actually end up liking Sly 3 a lot more than Sly 2, but Jak II? Man. That was one of the worst ive ever played. If it wasnt for HtoLniq: The Firefly Diaries it would be my worst gaming experience of all time!

40-platinum.png#29 - Wolfenstein: The Old Blood




The Old Blood master Collect all trophies


26th May 2015[/size]7:12:53 PM




I really loved The New Order so I had high expectations for this one and I wasn't disappointed. This dlc was pretty much as fun as original game, but of course this was lot shorter. On my first playthrough on Über I finished the game around 7 hours. On my second playthrough I just blasted through everything and collect every collectable I missed and played the nightmare levels. Those levels were pretty boring though and I really don't want them in next game. Challenge maps on the other hand was pretty nice add to the game. Some of those challenges were actually pretty challenging. I had to look up some tips because I couldn't get enough points on my first tries.


Total playtime to platinum I had just over 10 hours. I guess that's okay because this game was pretty cheap. But now I want a real sequel real bad. And I don't even like FPS-games. Machine Games has done something right because I'm lovin' this series.


Enjoyment: 9

Difficulty: 4




Oh boy, next plat is going to be number 30!

If you are not an FPS fan but liked Wolfenstein TNO, i highly reccomend trying Syndicate on PS3 - an criminally underappreciated game with the same kind of awesome snappy shooting and combination of optional stealth and smart gameplay.

(I believe some of the same guys worked on Wolfenstein TNO)

Edited by DrBloodmoney
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