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Whatt would you do?


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I find it funny how it appears people think you can either play games, or have a life.  I am sure there are lots of people here who do both.  I am not ashamed to admit that video games are a big part of my life, they are a great source of entertainment and provide me stress relief.  That being said, it is like any other hobby, if I could not play games for whatever reason, I would find something else to do.  I really enjoy playing beach volleyball, and I would probably consider taking up rowing again.

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I wouldn't be too affected. Gaming is pretty sweet, but I have so many other hobbies. I love to swim, run, and I'm at the gym everyday. I would spend my time surfing, modding my car, hanging with friends, skiing (if it's that time of year), working. I could go on and on too... My life would go on as it is now, but with out gaming haha. 

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I'd spend more time fixing up my house. For fun, I'd probably dust off the old keyboard and spend more time painting and other vaguely artistic, quasi-creative, bullshit hobbies you'd find a poorly written character from a 90's romantic movie doing in place of actual personality. I'd probably obsess over politics, though without tv or internet, I'd have to find things out via newspaper, meaning what I know would always be a week or more behind. Really, I'd miss the internet more than the gaming, since gaming is just recreation, while the internet offers me both recreation and information. Also, porn. I don't think I'd miss television, as aside from Netflix, I don't watch it at all...

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Watch anime, read manga, read books... so meh... nothing much will change... still going to be an introvert... 

Yes, this. Besides, if games hadn't ever existed you would not be aware of their existence either, thus it probably would not have any effect on the "you" that does not have them.

Now speaking from the perspective of it being, I have them then lose them.... I probably would be incapable of coping, considering gaming is quite possibly the biggest part of my life, and has been since I was a small child. So much passion and fun, and I have met some of the greatest friends in the world through games. And really? They are much of why I am who I am now.

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I would improve my grammar. (lol) 






I would still be that lazy guy but without the games and more on learning how to program. Maybe not.. Maybe I would get more obsessed with anime and still won't learn how to program. 

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