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Thinking of quitting trophies...

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I had thought about it before cause sometimes you can just keep playing games as some sort of religion or commitment. Everytime You got a plat you tend to get satisfied to get more. One day I would retire from gaming for trophies but its not at this time as of yet since I still have a goal to finish

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Well everything changes with a girlfriend and if she play games with it's a bonus so :P I support your decision ;)

I got her to jump on the PSN about a year ago now, we've co-op'd a fair bit, got the Resogun plat twice together and whatnot. Some girls would say I'm a bit too into the game when I (literally) threw my PS3 remote into the wall at 3 in the morning because Sonic was being an asshole, and then there's the kind who go and sync up your other remote for you because Sonic can go suck a dick. (This was one rare thing, I have no idea why I did it, but it makes for a good story)



Once a trophy stack, you'll never go back.

...Aaaand pasted into my Facebook's favorite quotations, you're now a quarter of my favorite quotes. Also, is your name relating to Catherine? If so, sweet game. If not, sweet name anyways.



There is no reason why you can't hunt trophies, and play games without trophies at the same time. Just play whatever you feel like playing. 

See, I feel like that sometimes too right, but I was in a game shop earlier today, and I saw Rayman Origins on 3DS for 6 bucks and I was gonna get it, but then I remembered I had yet to platinum it on PSVita, so I put it back. At least for multiplats, I would always get the PS versions, which would then usually lead me into getting the plat for said games.



I had thought about it before cause sometimes you can just keep playing games as some sort of religion or commitment. Everytime You got a plat you tend to get satisfied to get more. One day I would retire from gaming for trophies but its not at this time as of yet since I still have a goal to finish

And what goal would that be, friend.

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See, I feel like that sometimes too right, but I was in a game shop earlier today, and I saw Rayman Origins on 3DS for 6 bucks and I was gonna get it, but then I remembered I had yet to platinum it on PSVita, so I put it back. At least for multiplats, I would always get the PS versions, which would then usually lead me into getting the plat for said games.


Why would you buy a game on the 3ds, if you already own it on the psvita? 

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...Aaaand pasted into my Facebook's favorite quotations, you're now a quarter of my favorite quotes. Also, is your name relating to Catherine? If so, sweet game. If not, sweet name anyways.


hahahah thnx bud, my name came from Blazblue Continuum's Ragna story. But seriously, I understand your frustation, back on SNES, PS1, PS2 and PSP days, I used to play a same game over and over just for the fun of it. Nowadays, I endure bad games, just for the sake of trophies, and even good games, I never play'em again once I got the plat.

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Trophies aren't a big deal dude. Play on other consoles and embrace their games. If you ever feel like going for a platinum, do so. If you don't want to go for a platinum and just want to play the main game then do so as well. No need to make a "definitive" choice on something like videogames.

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Do whatever makes you happy, good sir. Gaming is meant to be about enjoying yourself and if you aren't having fun by forcing yourself to play for trophies, stop playing for trophies. That doesn't mean you have to quit trophy hunting all together, but you can certainly tone it down and only platinum or 100% games you really enjoy. 




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People nowadays make it seem like trophies are pointing a gun at you. The moment you are feeling unhappy about something then you know what to do. We all love games here and we have our reasons why we continue to game on, trophies should never that obstacle getting in your way.

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Your girlfriend is playing Mario Kart, she's a keeper.


But the for real, she probably destroys you  ;)


In all serious though Parker has said it and Dark has said it. Trophies are trophies in the end we all game for the love of it and really everyone has their different reasons. To fight in the next ultimate arena, to become a racing god, to go on an exciting adventure that will take you to a whole new level of feels or just to chill out and maybe watch a story or two, Xx360 quickscope kids errday 420snoopdogxX there's obviously plenty more.


But in all just have fun, that's what it's all about.

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Just take a break of trophy hunting. I took a break a 2 years ago. I played many Pc games , mmos ,  3DS  and so on . I had lot of stress in University so i played not so much. Now trophys are back in my life and i have lot of fun with that. 

Sometimes you just need to take a break to get fun back.  If you look at my list you see im not a perfectionist. I dont finish every game , im more a game collector thar a trophy collector , so i dont know how important trophys for you are. 


If you feel bad because of doing something you like, its never good sign. ;)  I hope you understand my broken english ^^ .

Edited by Xionx
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People nowadays make it seem like trophies are pointing a gun at you. The moment you are feeling unhappy about something then you know what to do. We all love games here and we have our reasons why we continue to game on, trophies should never that obstacle getting in your way.


I agree but if trophies had an optional button, it wouldn't be such a pain. 

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Why not just turn the trophy notifications off?  That way, you can still play games on the SONY consoles, and not have to worry about trophies so much.  After all, out of sight (and sound), out of mind.


But other than that, just play what you feel like playing.

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I agree with many posts above, you can stillget trophies but still play games without. You'll be able to play a great game like Mario Kart 8 and when a good game u like comes along that you really enjoy for PlayStation you can do your thing :) I myself a couple years ago took nearly a 2 year break earning 0 trophies to play classic NES, SNES, and PS1 RPG. I don't mean you need to take such a break but that's just what I decided to do

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I love getting trophies but it's not the be all and end all. You say trophies have been the reason you bought and not bought games. There's your problem right there. Trophies are a secondary goal to the main game, and they were only ever intended as so. I despair when I see people with Aab's Animals in their list or whatever it's called. Or all their games are 100%. Did you enjoy getting 100% in all of those games? Because I know for a fact plenty of games are just a slog to 100%. Only a small percentage are worth getting platinum on, even the ones that you really love playing. Sometimes for me it's a collection of games played, not just the trophies. I have nearly 300 games in my list now since April 2010, and I have only about 30% completion rate, but I don't care. There's plenty of games I need to go back to - I've never had so many games since I've gone almost all-digital, especially since PS Plus - but I'll chase the ones that are fun to do, and in my own time. If you can't do that, like others have said, maybe you need to turn trophy notifications off. Don't miss out on all the great games on Sony consoles for the sake of trophies. The Wii U and 3DS are great, but there's not enough on them for them to be your primary consoles IMO.

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Well you don't have to quit just play games for the fun of it. I was really into trophies last year but then I got Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate. The game was so fun my entire summer was spent playing that lol ps3 didn't turn on that whole summer. Don't get me wrong I still go back and try to get some platinums but I'm more about just completing my backlog and watching anime now the trophies come last. 

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