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Retiring from trophy hunting


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Once a trophy hunter always a trophy hunter

No but really that is great for you dude, maybe some time in the future i will come to the same realization and stop but for now i enjoy what inam doing all thanks to this site and it's community. I was on the edge of stop playing games all together but then i found this site and got to know a bunch of great people. The leaderboards are a huge factor also, would also like to mention the Seatk rivalry which i find very motivating

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Wow good for you and good luck! I'm pretty sure I'll hit that point one day too. For now, i haven't gone to too many extremes yet for trophies but when I didn't get one this weekend, I kinda felt like the weekend of gaming was a waste. I realized how stupid that was and shook off the thought but yeah, I understand where you're coming from. 

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It makes sense that if you weren't enjoying it you'd want to quit. I get these lapses in trophy hunting aswell, usually when playing a bad game, that really makes me question what it is im trying to accomplish.
At the end of the day, you can take the cat out of the jungle, but you can't take the jungle out of the cat. You'll be back one day, I guarantee it. 

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Sorry to hear that that happened to you when trophy hunting. Hopefully you can still enjoy games, unlike people who have a hard time playing games without trophies and such just because of how addicted they are to only playing games that have trophies. So far, I only trophy hunt for a specific game if I really want a challenge, and I do enjoy challenging myself to see what set of skills I have or may develop. Sometimes I do force myself to play a game I don't enjoy at all, but only if it's short and/or easy, not too difficult or has too boring-less grinding.

Hopefully I won't have the same experience with you. I only play on Playstation consoles, but once awhile I play some childhood games of mine to remind myself why I enjoy gaming, as sometimes I do fear that I may be too addicted to trophy hunting. Anyways, hope you enjoy the results of the wise decision you made.

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Trophies/Achievements have both ruined and improved gaming for me.

It's improved it as now I have more to do in a game. Go out of my way to do certain things that I may of overlooked etc and I love collecting them.


On the flip side though it's as you said, I have gone through some tedious shit to get a digital reward. I also feel like you in the sense of "If it doesn't have trophies.....why would I play it"


Good on you for packing it in though. I personally still have more fun than problems with them, so I wont be going anytime soon.

Edited by Kazeh54
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When you say retiring it does make it seem like a job, I've never went to such extremes to get a trophy, my sleep is more important than a trophy but I did do a lot of grinds so far, some I didn't mind, others were incredibly boring but I still enjoy it and there are still a lot of titles I want to play on the Playstation.

But I understand and respect that decision and hope you find joy in playing video games once again!

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Geez, no offense but sounded like you were really in a mentally unfit state deciding get up so early and to not only replay a game you hated but take that over doing other enjoyable things in your life.

If you ever want to 100% a game make sure it's enjoyable for you and that missing a simple statistic is far from cause for concern compared to other things in life.

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when I play a game I don't enjoy, my aim is just to finish the story then get off it. after a while I was playing so many story games I didn't like that I just ended up coming off trophy hunting for a few months. (by trophy hunting, my collection is no way near as good as a lot of other peoples) after that ive started again but play on less games nowadays whilst putting more time into those specific games. I have 3 main things I do in gaming now. I add to my minecraft ps4 city, which atm is pretty good, maintain my position as leader of the 3rd best alliance in a trophyless free game called battle islands, and play games I enjoy, I even notice that since I've changed my tactic of playing as many stories as possible, my plat and trophy count is going up quicker, and Im having more fun doing it

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Well, it sounded like you had a legitimate addiction there for a little while. Addictions are hard things to manage, let alone break, so kudos to you for being able to identify this as a problem and walk away. Just be sure to set up a support network of people that are going to steer you back to a healthier path if this starts to become an issue again. Quite a few studies on addiction show that people who have social support of some kind have a much easier time staying "clean" as it were. 

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As the thread states, im retiring from trophy hunting. I have collected more than 60 platinum trophies in my life, with really hard ones like street fighter 4, wipeout hd, umvsc3, demons souls, resistance 2, etc. Why am i retiring? Well, i have had 2 episodes in my life that made me question my trophy adiction. The first one occured 3 years ago, while trying to platinum star ocean 4 (never did though). I used all of my sunday fighting the same mook to get some random drops that i needed for a trophy. After 8 hours of grinding my ps3 froze, and i lost those 8 hours of grinding. That was whe i decided enough was enough, and stopped trying to get that platinum trophy, but i was still a hunter...

Flash forward 3 years, last week i was playing need for speed shift 2 (by the way, i hate racing games). Why was i playing it? Well a friend of mine inserted the game once, and i was stuck with the trophy list and was trying to plat it (my plan was to get most of my games to 100% completion, a mamoth task because i have more than 33 incomplete games on my list, preventing me to play games i really wanted because i wanted to have 100% on the other games first). Boring race after boring race playing that shitty game, and it froze...i had played 18 hours offline and was almost done with single player when this happened, and all my progress was erased. I was in shock, but booted the game again and started playing, but that is when it hit me...what the fuck am i doing? I am playing a game i dont like for what? For an electronic trophy that nobody cares about? What is wrong with me?

I have gone to extremes to get some trophies, like waking at 4am on a working day to be on a group of people that where doing a trophy, or renting a second ps3 for 2 weeks and do the resistance 2 10,0000 kills trophy...hours and hours of pointless grinding, all for a 100%. That is not what gaming is about. I wasnt having fun, it felt like a second job.

I even stopped playing games i would love to play (legend of zelda for example, and in reality all games that dont have trophies) because i felt it was pointless, and felt my time was better spend trying to get more of my games to 100%. I was wrong.

Im buying a 3ds next week, and i cant be more happy, i am really excited and not felt this emotion towards gaming in years, i feel like a kid again. Many adventures await me in the gaming world, and ill finally be able to play them without worries of an electronic stamp and a completion percentage.

I respect everybody that geniunly enjoys getting trophies, but if it feels more like a job, and it forces you to do things you dont want to, then something is wrong. Gaming is to have fun, my place to escape from reality and submerge myself in wonderful worlds and amazing stories, not pointless grinding and doing things that dont enrich my experience and my life.

I am free.

I recently retired too it's pointless. 

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I feel exactly the same way you do. I've recently stopped trophy hunting as well and started playing games that i really enjoy like Mario Kart 8 or any Nintendo game. From the beginning i never was a trophy hunter and i don't know what motivated me to get these "Virtual Rewards". I feel that the reason games exist is to give us an excuse to escape from reality and enjoy it. Trophy Hunting was NEVER fun for me and as i said, i don't know why i even started in the first place. Maybe it was to show off? To feel good about myself? Other than that, whatever path you choose to walk in the world of gaming, walk the one that interests you the most. 


Good luck!

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I don't like how some people treat trophy hunting as an addiction that everyone has. Sure, some people like OP go to extremes, but a vast majority have found a balance in between gaming and trophies. Simply never letting trophies dictate what you play is the single rule when it comes to trophy hunting harmony. I enjoy gaming, and I don't think I have a crazy addiction that's taking over my life.

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I feel exactly the same way you do. I've recently stopped trophy hunting as well and started playing games that i really enjoy like Mario Kart 8 or any Nintendo game. From the beginning i never was a trophy hunter and i don't know what motivated me to get these "Virtual Rewards". I feel that the reason games exist is to give us an excuse to escape from reality and enjoy it. Trophy Hunting was NEVER fun for me and as i said, i don't know why i even started in the first place. Maybe it was to show off? To feel good about myself? Other than that, whatever path you choose to walk in the world of gaming, walk the one that interests you the most. 


Good luck!

You should update your profile then it says your goal is 80 plats :P

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As the thread states, im retiring from trophy hunting. I have collected more than 60 platinum trophies in my life, with really hard ones like street fighter 4, wipeout hd, umvsc3, demons souls, resistance 2, etc. Why am i retiring? Well, i have had 2 episodes in my life that made me question my trophy adiction. The first one occured 3 years ago, while trying to platinum star ocean 4 (never did though). I used all of my sunday fighting the same mook to get some random drops that i needed for a trophy. After 8 hours of grinding my ps3 froze, and i lost those 8 hours of grinding. That was whe i decided enough was enough, and stopped trying to get that platinum trophy, but i was still a hunter...

Flash forward 3 years, last week i was playing need for speed shift 2 (by the way, i hate racing games). Why was i playing it? Well a friend of mine inserted the game once, and i was stuck with the trophy list and was trying to plat it (my plan was to get most of my games to 100% completion, a mamoth task because i have more than 33 incomplete games on my list, preventing me to play games i really wanted because i wanted to have 100% on the other games first). Boring race after boring race playing that shitty game, and it froze...i had played 18 hours offline and was almost done with single player when this happened, and all my progress was erased. I was in shock, but booted the game again and started playing, but that is when it hit me...what the fuck am i doing? I am playing a game i dont like for what? For an electronic trophy that nobody cares about? What is wrong with me?

I have gone to extremes to get some trophies, like waking at 4am on a working day to be on a group of people that where doing a trophy, or renting a second ps3 for 2 weeks and do the resistance 2 10,0000 kills trophy...hours and hours of pointless grinding, all for a 100%. That is not what gaming is about. I wasnt having fun, it felt like a second job.

I even stopped playing games i would love to play (legend of zelda for example, and in reality all games that dont have trophies) because i felt it was pointless, and felt my time was better spend trying to get more of my games to 100%. I was wrong.

Im buying a 3ds next week, and i cant be more happy, i am really excited and not felt this emotion towards gaming in years, i feel like a kid again. Many adventures await me in the gaming world, and ill finally be able to play them without worries of an electronic stamp and a completion percentage.

I respect everybody that geniunly enjoys getting trophies, but if it feels more like a job, and it forces you to do things you dont want to, then something is wrong. Gaming is to have fun, my place to escape from reality and submerge myself in wonderful worlds and amazing stories, not pointless grinding and doing things that dont enrich my experience and my life.

I am free.


Well I think that everybody at some point of their lives including myself has reached at a certain point that they felt exactly like you feel right now... "what´s the point off this???"

The most part of this people reached that conclusion after similar episodes that you mention that are really frustrating, while others are just tired of playing they can´t find anymore kind of hapiness in games !!!

Imo I´ve felt those feelings towards games but when I´m playing games those feelings kind of disapaer and the sensation of joy that you feel in that moment it´s the only thing that matters because deep inside you know that playing a certain game that has some kind of meaning to you (your very first game of PS1,your favoutite game as a child or the game that you have always played with your friends 10 years ago) is one of the things that I love about gaming !!!


I´ve never reached the extremes that you mention but like you said if you are doing something that was suppose to being fun and in the end it turns out into a 2 job, so there must to be something wrong !


If you really are that disapointment how the gaming has turn out so bad making you do things that are not enjoyable for you, I totally respect your decision and I think you should do things that make you happy right now and if that´s to play games in a 3DS nintendo so be it :)




I think that one day that feeling of joy you felt when you receive your very first trophy or played your very first game will return at some point of your life, until then don´t let games force you to do things that you din´t do otherwise and just play whathever makes you happy  :D

Edited by alex_scp_7
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Good luck in your way.


I like to enjoy the games first and then try the trophies in legit way. If the online games are dead I don't mind in boost.


Also I like the trophies because are challenges, ones harder than others, but I will never buy 2 or 3 PS3/PS4/PSVITA only to get a trophy by myself killing myself  :lol:
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