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So do you believe in ghosts?


Do you believe in ghosts?   

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  1. 1. Do you believe in ghosts?

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Yes I do. I can actually see them for a few seconds before they disappear. Now you maybe saying: "That's impossible". Well, it's not. Some people have the power to either hear or see the spirits. And we live with them all the time, and they could do us harm, but they don't. Even the psychopaths that died changed they're mind to not harm us.  


You're a medium?

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Could you share with us some of your experiences :)?

Well, the one I can remember right now at the top of my head is, I was hospitalized, and my room was at the end of a corridor. I saw an abnormally tall shadow going into my room, I ran to the room, but there was nothing there. The windows couldn't be open because the people of the hospital took out the only was to open the windows, and I checked everywhere in the room, but I couldn't find the shadowy figure.

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  • 2 months later...

Right now where I live, some strange stuff has been happening. I suppose it could be easily explained, but I don't know.


The other night, I was laying on the couch playing Loadout, when all of a sudden I hear the the door on the oven shut, WHAM! Made me jump up. Like wtf? My wife was in the bedroom, so I know there wasn't anyone in the kitchen. Then the oddest occurrence is my shoes being moved around. When the day is winding down and I'm about to game out, I take my boots off by the couch where I sit to game, and just leave them next to couch. Twice now, I have woken up to find them moved to the kitchen by the front door. I asked my wife again, if she was moved my boots and she says she didn't. Just odd. Do I believe in ghosts? I'm certainly leaning towards yes.

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Right now where I live, some strange stuff has been happening. I suppose it could be easily explained, but I don't know.


The other night, I was laying on the couch playing Loadout, when all of a sudden I hear the the door on the oven shut, WHAM! Made me jump up. Like wtf? My wife was in the bedroom, so I know there wasn't anyone in the kitchen. Then the oddest occurrence is my shoes being moved around. When the day is winding down and I'm about to game out, I take my boots off by the couch where I sit to game, and just leave them next to couch. Twice now, I have woken up to find them moved to the kitchen by the front door. I asked my wife again, if she was moved my boots and she says she didn't. Just odd. Do I believe in ghosts? I'm certainly leaning towards yes.


Do you have any pets that could do that?

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Nope! there's no such of a spirit / souls that wander the place last time it's body died.


it's the " Djinn " is what you're after, because these things do exist among us. though, no mater what, humans can't see them. i heard a lot's of story about people took some picture on the deserts or hunted areas or mountains and they found a Djinn on the pictures they took, these ended up as a hoax! it's a photoshop works.


i read that some creatures can actually seen them, like wolves and dogs which explain why sometime dogs felt of something then get up and look at a direction and bark at the thin air.  

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I don't know, honestly. I try not to think about it because I'm very easily freaked out, especially at night. So I hope that they don't exist, but at the same time I can't deny the possibility either.


Me too xD I can't watch any sort of horror movie at that time, else night terrors are on the way :S




Nah, I believe in demons though.


In fact, I once heard one being exorcised and I thought the ma'am was screaming right into my left ear even if I was like almost a block away from the church.


Freaked me the heck out for a few nights.

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