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So do you believe in ghosts?


Do you believe in ghosts?   

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  1. 1. Do you believe in ghosts?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Undecided

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Sorry if this thread has been made before.


Personally I do not. I have never had an experience that I would say is even remotely paranormal. At least not anything I can't explain with more rational reasoning. I have though had some strange experiences that could be contrived as something paranormal but in the end I can easily explain away those with tiredness or alcohol.

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So i dont know if you know of the orb thing? Take a picture in some place haunted and some people have balls of light surrounding them.

We took a picture before going. Then we went to this old tunnel that used to be a train tunnel many moons ago. We went in poked around and left. Upon leaving we took a picture again and there were orbs everywhere. As the night went on we took more pictures. More orbs. Slowly they disappeared from the images. Except for one of my friends. They stayed on her all night. It was weird.

That being said i havent seen much to support it and the supposed ghost hunters cant show much. If I get some sweet proof it might change my views on religion and stuff

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Yes I do. I can actually see them for a few seconds before they disappear. Now you maybe saying: "That's impossible". Well, it's not. Some people have the power to either hear or see the spirits. And we live with them all the time, and they could do us harm, but they don't. Even the psychopaths that died changed they're mind to not harm us.  

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Sorry if this thread has been made before.


Personally I do not. I have never had an experience that I would say is even remotely paranormal. At least not anything I can't explain with more rational reasoning. I have though had some strange experiences that could be contrived as something paranormal but in the end I can easily explain away those with tiredness or alcohol.

Haha, I'm glad someone else made this topic I've been wanting to ask this on here for ages :)

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I think there is a possibility of some type of bodiless entity that someone might refer to as a ghost. I think it is highly improbable, but it is possible. Until there is proof otherwise, I'm going to say no for now. The probability is far too low for me to believe in ghosts.

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I want to, I really want to - I just need to experience something definitive myself. I have done been on a ghost and I think there is something beyond what we understand... but again I just need something definitive to happen to me. Slowly being converted to a yes whend I keep thinking back to the ghost hunt. We got some bloody good results :hmm:

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Haha, I'm glad someone else made this topic I've been wanting to ask this on here for ages :)

Lol. Great minds think alike. :) I was having this discussion with someone earlier and thought why not make it a thread. It could open the flood gates. I will only believe when I see one for myself without there being a reasonable explanation for it. 

Edited by LadyBlack007
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I straight up lived in a haunted room for a few years. It was the coldest room in the house all the time despite being situated so it was facing the sun for most of the day, then to top that off late at night a multi-colored shimmering presence in the rough shape of a circle would appear on the wall above the closet door and stick around for a minute or two before fading out.

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I'll say "Undecided". 

I haven't encountered one before, but I wont deny the possibility. While I occasionally hear voices, experience deja vus and see dreams featuring deseased loved ones, it is most likely just my mind playing tricks on me. To be certain that such things exist, I need the proof.

Long ago, during summer camp (one and only time I went there) my roommates tried a few tricks, like calling for Bloody Mary, or Snow White, but I mostly stayed away from it.The next morning they stuffed a note under my pillow, allegedly written in blood, and claimed that Bloody Mary sent it because I wasn't present at the "ceremony".

They completely failed, because I immidiatelly inspected the "blood" and said to them that if they think that I can't tell the difference between blood and red watercolor paint, then they are idiots. Because the "blood" smelled and tasted nothing like the real thing.  

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Lol. Great minds think alike. :) I was having this discussion with someone earlier and thought why not make it a thread. It could open the flood gates. I will only believe when I see one for myself without there being a reasonable explanation for it. 

I think the same i guess I might make an exception if someone extremely level headed saw something and I knew well enough to know when they were lying.


On the other hand I don't think i'd want to see a ghost and I'd rather live with the curiosity than the fear a ghost might be watching me while I sleep >_>

Edited by Superbuu3
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No. I do tend to have lots of hallucinations and see and hear some creepy shit, but at least I can tell whether they're real or not. I'm not religious either, but that's not why I don't believe in ghosts. And if they do exist... *Shrugs* Meh, I don't see why I should care.
My brother really believes in ghosts, and is scared shitless of them. Recently, he says that when he wakes up, that his butt hurts and that it's all sore. I told him that maybe it's the ghost of the gay neighbor that lived close by here in our neighborhood is the one responsible for making his butt hurt, a ghost who passed away not too long ago. But I told my brother that maybe the gay ghost is having a bit too much fun exploring the body of my brother, aaaaaaaaaand my brother started freaking out, and he actually fucking believed me. :lol: But it's not only my brother that believes in ghosts. Most of my whole family freaking believes in the supernatural. My grandmother once thought that I got possessed by a ghost. Ever since, she's trying to make me read the bible, pray everyday, and go to church with her at 6 A.M.  :facepalm:

Edited by Ethan Ruhkillmeez
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I haven't experienced any personally but my grandmother once talked about how she saw smoke in the hallway even though there wasn't any reason for there being. Then a few years ago my mom told me about how she was laying in her bed watching TV when she saw a smoke figure slowly approach her bed and get up to her face. I haven't heard anyone calling my name out anywhere though, except one time but it might have been because I was really tired.

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No. Logically,  I understand that there aren't ghosts. However, I've been told that the house and property I live in has been host to many deaths... Some natural passings including familily, some suicides, and one lynching. There are things that have happened here that, in the moment, felt supernatural. So while I know there aren't ghosts, I still haven't completely gotten rid of that reflex, so I checked undecided, as that seemed more honest. 

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