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So do you believe in ghosts?


Do you believe in ghosts?   

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  1. 1. Do you believe in ghosts?

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    • No
    • Undecided

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When I was young, like 2 or 3 years old. I wouldn't go upstairs on my own because there was, as I put it, 'A man in a chair with wheels' that I was afraid of. Well turns out that before we moved into our house, There was a man and woman that lived there and the man had died a few years earlier. I didn't know him and never met him but he was in a wheelchair. I know this because my mum knew and talked to the woman that used to live in the house.


I've always believed in Ghosts. People can believe what they like and make all the excuses for it and stupid little insults towards those who do but there's no doubt to me that they exist. I'm happy that I don't need science to tell me what to believe and what not to believe. Considering they change their minds on things every week.

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  • 1 month later...

I am unsure about so many things, yet sure about so many things, too. All for the absolute right reasons.

Ghosts, I am 100% sure I believe in. Living in the same house for 14 years, and being the type to stay awake until the very early AM's alone, you do see or hear things you would otherwise not take notice to. Those things sometimes being the unexplainable, or just simple, paranormal.

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  • 6 years later...

Due to some of the things I've experienced personally and heard from those close to me, yes, at least to an extent anyways.

I'm admittedly pretty superstitious with certain things in general (i.e I refuse to mess with Ouija boards and magic 8 balls 'cause I think they're evil and/or invite it lmao).


Still like to be at least a tad skeptical about stuff too, even if only to keep an open mind.

Edited by Zephrese
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There is an abandoned house in my town, family moved out after their daughter hang herself here, shortly after WW2. (supposedly, it's haunted by her itself) 
About 10 years ago, me and my friends went it just to check out.
And besides unstable floor, dead crows and rats, old furniture, we haven't found nothing at all.
No ghosts. I guess they were out on a vacation.

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  • 1 year later...

No. I supposedly lived in a haunted house for 5 years and never had a single ghostly thing happen in all that time. Didn't find out it was haunted until after I moved out. 


When I was young and just got my license, me and my friends would travel to haunted places in my state. Been to all of the Weird NJ places multiple times, supposedly the most haunted places in the state, never once had an encounter with a ghost or something that could even be perceived as one. Some crazy homeless people squatting in these abandoned places, sure, but never anything supernatural. 


My theory is that ghosts are a total fabrication of the mind because humans are so petrified of the thought of death so we manufactured the idea of ghosts and that there's an afterlife to ease the burden that we're going to die someday and we have no idea what happens when we do. I also believe if you truly believe in ghosts and an afterlife and that kind of thing, you will probably 'see' ghosts throughout your life. Doesn't mean they actually exist though, it's just your mind playing tricks on you and materializing your subconscious thoughts usually in times of stress or an elevated emotional state. Like a dream except you're awake. A lucid hallucination. 

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I've had problems with ghosts for as long as I can remember. I've learned to ignore it. I don't blame anyone for not believing in ghosts but I can say that if you ever happen to see one, you'll know exactly what you're looking at the moment you see it.

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I was convinced I saw one when I was working overnight at a hospital and had to do rounds at a very old building. Could never go back there after that experience, even during the day…I heard over my tenure there many stories about ghosts. Two painters who worked there overnight had different accounts of supernatural and were very serious when it was brought up…like very serious. They expected me to believe them and I didn’t fully until I had my own experience. Just too many stories to count.

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Nope. Its just another one of those cases where humans refuse to accept reality, or fantasize about the impossibilities too much. 


It's not just gobshite crazies that do it though. It goes into things like religion with Gods or prophets doing things not physically possible, or even to science where it pipe dreams of faster than light travel, instant travel or time travel. The religion thing seems to be more afraid of physical limitations, where as the science bullshit tends to come from fear of losing time. Basically creative minds had an idea then it spread out of control to the point its now distorted the truth and possibility for some people. 


Even the likes of aliens from other planets visiting us. Now granted it mostly seems to be the Americans who are into this, but if you look at when it happens its very odd. It tends to happen every time a government or major leadership has collapsed, as well as the people no longer having time for religions. But deep down they want to feel like there has to be something better than our species to lead us, basically people that are lost and need guidance eventually reach breaking point and so they look up and hope something better will show them the way. 


For as awesome as evolution is, mental stability is completely unstable. 

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Undecided, but kinda no. What I know for a fact is that everything that moves or that can be "turned on", needs some form of energy to do so, be it electric energy (for objects), or bio-organic energy (for us). So, I simply can't see how a ghost could "burn energy" to move around, since, according to people, they are like invisible, or semi-invisible beings, without organs and everything else. If there's a soul, I believe that it's transported to wherever they go by some other force, but I don't think they can move themselves on their own.


Then again, a long time ago, I was watching TV and there was this commercial about a show that was going to be broadcast later on about a haunted building where a lot of people had died in a fire. I remember having scoffed at the "haunted" part, and then I fell asleep almost immediately, and dreamt that the ghosts were angry with me for having scoffed at them. So...

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I'd been undecided on ghosts for awhile. I've started to gradually doubt more and more over time, and now am leaning strongly towards a No.


If something that has stayed in place for days has moved a bit or fallen, I'm sure it is physics to blame, not paranormal activity. A change in air pressure or temperature, maybe? Unnoticeable small movements over time adding up? Imagine a stack of quarters on your desk that has stayed put on your desk for a week or more, only to topple suddenly. If a towel falls off a rack, it probably wasn't hung evenly on the bar.


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