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:silver:Back to the Past

Completed "Back to the Past"

So I barely scraped though this mission with 15% approval rate and -$100,000 in treasury. I thought I left a very strong economy when I completed mission 5 in Cayo de Fortuna (?) with constantly overflowing money. Little did I know, the all-house upgrade from country house to a normal house proved to be fatal for many of the residents as they failed to grow food for themselves, leaving many jobs deserted after several years. (quick building groceries just seemed to decrease the approval rating and still didn't prevent monthly deaths from occurring anyways).

I didn't want to restart the whole campaign after going through 7 missions, I just quick built and upgraded as many observatories as I humanly could, enacted martial law, and saved every half a year in case of failed palace defenses from a military coup until I scraped 100 research points and finally got out of that island.

I'm glad I don't have to come back to this island any more, because if I had to do another mission there, I would undoubtedly have to restart the whole campaign. And of course, I did save at the start of mission 9 so I don't have to go through those 8 missions again.

That mission is my platinum killer.. I raged so hard that I just ended up deleting the game. Congratulations for holding on ;D
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Assassin's Creed Unity




:gold: Curtain Call
Complete Memory Sequence 12.

Well, I didn't experience as many glitches as expected (playing without any patches), the most annoying one I came across was getting stuck walking on some rope or something like that. The story was ok, but not great, didn't really care for the battle system either, what ever happened to the good old "counter with :circle: then kill with :square:" method? :(


Also, the amount of times I tried to do something & seen a message come up along the lines of: you have to be online for this, or you have to play this to do that, was ridiculous. They really tried to shove extra shit down your throat in this one. <_<


Honestly, the day Ubisoft makes an AC game that surpasses II will be the day Square Enix outdoes FFVII, or IX. lol1-onion-head-emoticon.gif?1292862512

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Completed "Hope"


This was pretty intense towards the end. My approval rating was starting to tank (80% to 55% since start of election), my treasury was a goner with $50,000 in debt, and the soviet invaders destroyed three of my four docks, but the military barely fended them off from destroying the last one. I was on somewhere around 18k out of 20k rum exports (one of the conditions to win the mission), but fortunately the dock that didn't get destroyed had just enough rum to ship to get the rum export total to 20004, letting me barely scrape through again for the last time as I breathed a huge sigh of relief.


Even on the easiest difficulty settings (I tried default settings at the beginning, but I got stuck very quickly), this was a very tough game to get used to as a newcomer, even though the game is pretty fun. I feel that 2/10 on the trophy guide is a gross underestimation of the campaign's difficulty.


I'll have fun on sandbox mode without the campaign hanging over my head, finally. I hope rest of the trophy list isn't as difficult.

Edited by jaehyun1009
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