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Keep the PS3? Or entirely PS4?


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Kept my Fat Lady as well.

There are a few PS+ games I haven't played yet - and PS3 even get's some good AAA titles, instead of PS4's Indie-Festival.

Also the console has kind of sentimental value - and not much money-value if I chose to sell it.

It was an easy decision for me :)


(Still sad that I sold my PS1 and PS2 for a few bucks, because I hadn't much money at that time, but had to be done)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I still have a PS3 and I always will. Just like how I still have a PS2. I still have games to play on the PS3 so that adds to why I still hold onto mine. I also have a lot of games that I really enjoyed that are on the PS3 only and I still go back to play them (MGS4, Dead Space, Hitman, King of Fighters, Modern Warfare, and Black Ops to name a few). Lastly, when there is a sale on PSN, Sony still has sales on PS3. If there's a good deal on a PS3 exclusive that I haven't played yet that I want to play, I'm probably going to buy it and play it on the PS3. Bottom line, the the $100 or so I would get for my PS3 is not worth all the fun I am going to lose from selling it. Definitely not happening. 

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I have that same problem. I have too many unfinished games on PS3 and a heap that I haven't even started yet! But I'm also keeping it for my PS1 digital games like Crash Bandicoot, Spyro The Dragon etc. Until PS4 allow us to play our PS1 games from the library like PS3, I'll be keeping them both.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I would say keep it. I don't know your financial situation but the fact your asking the question doesn't suggest that the money is a driving factor. For what you will get selling it now its just worth keeping. The games will be worth almost nothing. I was in EB games last week and loads of great games are on sale for $4 preowned now. I would be surprised if you get more than 100 pounds (can't find the pound sign on this convict laptop) for it from somewhere like game/cex. 

I sold mine when I got my PS4 luckily I have another now. 

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keep the ps3, i have both 3 and a 4 and i like the fact i kept the 3. there is still a number of games, whether they are good bad or meh, that i never had time to buy or play back in their more new days, due to being younger etc and money for each game being high. But now i can find those games i never bought for anywhere between 5-20 max, and at least ill know if it was a garbage game, i wont regret spending much on it, nor will i care about what trade in value i would possibly get  back out of it.

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Keep it. I currently have a: Game Cube, an Xbox, a GBA, a 3DS, a PS3, a Wii, i am currently playing games on my GBA and also have plenty of games that i haven't played on my PS3 because i lack time at the moment (work, preparing myself for starting a masters degree, charitable work, etc) and those are not "5 dollars try and toss games" (the 3 Uncharted games, Infamous 1 and 2, the 4 Devil May Cry games, Ninja Gaiden Sigma 1 and 2, Heavenly Sword, Black Ops II, Dishonored, Deadpool, Modern Warfare 3 and World at War, also planning on getting Ninja Gaiden Sigma 3 and Yaiba Ninja Gaiden because i damn love hack and slash games ) and, ?guess what?: I don't have any desire to acquire a PS4 right now because simply getting the platiniums of all the games i have and also the 100% will get me busy by months if not by a complete year even if i dedicate plenty of daily hours to the task.

Edited by Vampirehunter145
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Keep the PS3. There's so many good games to play on it, and the price you could get selling it or trading it in is not worth it in my opinion.

Fiance and I went on a shopping spree yesterday, and got 6 games. Five of them were for the PS3, enough that the cashier stopped to verify we wanted the PS4 version of the sixth rather than the PS3 version.

PS3 still has a lot to offer.

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Honestly, that's a huge dilemma for now. My PS3 is now almost 8 years old so selling it or giving it away won't make any big difference. If I had a kinda new PS3 I'd probably give it or sell it, but considering my PS3s age, I'll probably keep it with the hope that one day it will be a great vintage piece (We still have a good 20 years till this happens though)

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